tv [untitled] August 28, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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>> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco planning commission regular hearing for thursday, august 14, 2014. please be advised that the commission does not permit outbursts of any kind please silence any mobile devices wirdz i'd like to take roll. commissioner president wu. commissioner fong. commissioner antonini. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. we do expect commissioner hillis
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arriving late. commissioners, first on your calendar is items for continuance item one at 320 through 4 hundred paul discretionary use authorization for continuance. item b and c at 660 third discretionary review authorization are proposed for september 11, 2014. item 3. for the next case at 19 through 25 mason street request for compliance and variance are proposed for continuance until september 18th. item 4 at one 10 stewart street
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a negative declaration is proposed for few minutes until september 4th item 5 for the next case at 14 telegraph hill, 20th street discretionary review authorization until october 9, 2014, pr item 6 case the patrick rode and gun club a appraisal of a perimeter negative declarations froept for continuance october 23rdrd. commissioners under our discretionary review calendar items 19 on green street a may or may not discretionary review we've received a requester inform the project sponsor to continue to october 18th and for item next at 1804 request for
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discretionary review we've received a request from the project sponsor with an agreement to continue it not november 6th. we are also in receipt of a request for continuance of item 14 on van ness avenue request for a large project authorization in the supervisors office but i think we might take that up when the item is called >> okay. >> that's all i have and there are no speaker cards. >> any public comment on that item on the items proposed for continuance. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners. >> move to continue items 1 through 6, item 19 and 20.
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>> second. >> on that motion then - and wait. >> i have a comment. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i'm opposed to continuing item 19 and we've received a family emergency request. commissioners a motion and second to continue items 1 through 6 and item 19 to september 19th commissioner antonini. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. no arrest commissioner fong. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 6 to one with commissioner sugaya voting against. and places you under your regular calendar to be routine and may be acted
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upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 7 for case c alters 3463, 6 street request for conditional use authorization, item 8 ab at 5421 geary boulevard request for discretionary review authorization and a request for variances. i do have one speaker card for item 7. to the member of the public wishing to speak to item 7 ma'am, we'll pull that off
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consent if you wish to talk about that >> very good commissioners items 8 ab. >> is there any public comment on items 8 ab seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> move to are approve item 8 a. >> on that motion to approve commissioner antonini. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong. and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero the zoning administrator will say and the closed session to the variance clearance >> very good. >> commissioners, if we may go back to the continuous calendar
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for the request request on mason street. >> thank you to continue the variance on 25 mason street until november 18th and the public hearing remains open. >> commissioners item 9 commissioners questions or comments. >> commissioner moore. i have a genetic question our continuing but i have to have that clarified on november 18th on mason street is a property not identified in the san francisco information map when you put that address in nothing comes up zero, zero zero i having happen to know the building the restaurant is on the corner and have been there for 20 years what comes up and the address to us in today's now continued matter they don't
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match. my question how many units in this building from what the information says when i put the arrow on the building which is in question it comes up as a single-family unit and there's needs to be no secondly, stairs for existing so, however, the case states there will be 18 to 10 to 12 people existing that might create a whole other definition of the roof-deck so i want to ask the zoning administrator to forward information so we can access access the information and why not having the pawar wall and there are a whole bunch of questions an update for november that will be appreciated this is
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very interesting for commissioner president wu the single land and transportation authority has developed is device by which the streets in areas where you have a predominates of older people have put in their cards to switch the lights to a slower cycle so they get a 16 second increase particularly the broadway improvement concerns at the corner of broadway and stockton street. i've brought in an article i'll hand to her it's in german i'll be happy to interpret the english name is green man plus. i think it's a fabulous idea the
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rest of the world is acknowledging this is wonderful it's a little box where your signal pushing button is so i'll pass that on to commissioner president wu with the offer to translate it for her. >> commissioner johnson. >> okay. thank you very much. just a couple you have items i did not think that was going to be public comment but as a general matter the matter on geary boulevard concerned putting in an cabinet next to a commercial facility because the wireless operator never did a test on whether or not the roof on the facility could handle the weight of the facility. i think i spoke to the staff
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member that was an off-site but hopefully, we'll not have to deal with that in the future and in my mind didn't sort of the greater from a planning perspective so it is great to have this not be the case. i know we can do this when when we have our tracking system and the conditioner we have so much gomg good morning with an within a quarter of a mile of projects to be consider i want that added to the staff reports for future large authorizations thank you.
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commissioner antonini. >> thank you it's probably my last chance to comment tonight maybe the last event in candle stick park but i'm supportive of the redevelopment plans and largely in support of those getting rid of xhltd is a mistake it will leave us with no facility that can seat large amounts of people outdoors is a disadvantage of events held at candle stick or a future stadium we voted on a new stadium at hunters point that's nodded realized there are many places that have facilities - every
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project is in an area the transit fees there's the melrose and the hill has a lot and almost any of the buildings that are going to be built and all the eastern neighborhoods all those buildings will be subject to a lot more fees which will bring benefits to the city this didn't taking into consideration the property taxed so that point we have to look at the question in regards to today's situation not the situation that existed thirty years ago when the original annual limit was set so hopefully we'll get numbers that are accurate on the extraordinary fees we're interested in following up on this discussion in future hearings. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes. a couple of comments
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first. at the short term hearing i asked for the heat map that was produced by staff at the last minute and hearing that comment that the chronicle sent me an e-mail maybe two days later saying they've done research on the same question and set back me a number of graphics that went beyond the information we had during the hearing to anyone interested go to the chronicle site i don't have the link in my head but if you're interested in the data the chronicle has fairly good handle on what is 0 going on. secondly, in terms of commissioner antonini's comments all the fees have to have a
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nexus study and also, if you look at prop m and go over what happened through the years until today, i think in some ways you can character prop m as a failure one of the reasons prop m was put forgot will it's not only housing but office development and in that regard it was supposed to be as commissioner fong pointed out a 3 legged stool then the fact we're not meeting our housing goals and not meeting our transit demands given prop ms attempt to do that has not worked if anyone is look at prop m it ought not to be from the
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standpoint of upping the square footage but try to figure out what more intensive relationship can be established between the 3 land uses. that's my last comment i think forever >> thank you. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we can move into department matters item 10 commissioners comments. >> i ask you adjourn the meeting even if doug writing who passed away last week he was a member in the 80s of this commission the city architect in the commission an ex officio position person and a deputy of transportation during the earthquake and he earlier voices for removing the highway from
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the waterfront and one of the early architect the thought embarcadero he passed away at 68. i got to know doug a little bit because of emphasis roll in the embarcadero he was a consultant of the transportation in seattle they were looking at removing their infrastructure there >> commissioners item telegraph hill receive of last events at the board of appeals the preservation commission did not meet arrest the board of appeals didn't meet this week but will be back next week and commissioners general public comment needing 15
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at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. let me - >> sue hester i appreciate commissioner johnson about the large project he's is not the only one that is trying to figure out what's happening in the neighborhood i wish the excision to set a hearing in early october for having an active community hamburger for the planning department. i've been requesting staff to do such for the better part of a
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year because the records currently, the records are a farce the real records are the electronic files and the e-mails. and no one it aware of it especially people i tell and a couple of people that did that on their own and the other attorneys. so getting the public record is a large large burden on the public especially, when they're not told their hidden. the mechanics of producing record is totally chaotic. the records themselves i used to get records from the planning department it's on the hearing and you know who the planner is you can ask the planner for the records that worked i have no problem with that but when it
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comes down to the electronics records and the requests i will reviewer refer you to the ethnics commissions plan that come down last week there's enormous need for the public to talk about this not a 5 minute presentation by the planning staff after planning staff talking about how good they are but what's the public awareness of the process you'll find out a lot of the people on this side of the oil have a lot to say you have a hearing on the 25th in october you need a real hearing how to meet our public obligations in general and the records in general. i'm disappointed the ethnic
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commissions is not on the website i suspect it should be i watched the ethnic commission hearing and i said holy hannah this is the serious discussion i've never seen this at the planning commission i think we're owed that >> thank you additional general public comment? >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is bradley i'm an architecture historian i'm here to raise the issue of a real crisis for a particular style that hadn't gotten it's due a crisis in the neighborhood
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where those buildings were built that is the brick felt pa trolley style is being paint over across the city not to educate this about the style a mixture of the mission and that led to the spanish colonel we're seeing the rough text it is your duty breaking and entering brick that inspired the piece in brick making and the whole industry developing it was brought to a fine state in the 19 hundred through 1910 and was really initially in the 1990s by this style is not recognized as the bridge that's not the academic
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putter of recognizing this style we see the brick buildings often it's of an era but being painted on the hillside in the neighborhoods, out in the inner west side those buildings are being damaged because is it's hard to fan gloss that type of brick it's bring out he will and processor prodding bricks that protrude forward on russian hill and hayes valley it's a real problem it doesn't seem to be addressed it all by the planning or commission it's a style that's being recognized before
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the portola style was being named at the time in the journals in san francisco it's not a style for other cities in the east so i urge you to fill the campaign to sdourg the painting. thank you additional general public comment? general public comment is closed. . >> commissioners that places you under our regular calendar for the benefit of the public items 12, 13 abc and d will be called after 2:00 p.m. commissioners an item pulled off of consent item 7 for 34 are 63, 16th street a request for conditional use authorization you'll take up now.
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>> good afternoon commissioner president wu and members of the planning commission that i'm with the plaintiff the item before you is for conditional use authorization on 16th street the proposal of the change in the 8 hundred and a square feet into a restaurant to permit the sale of beer and wine on site. the existing hours of operation from 7 to 7 daily the hours will change to 7:00 a.m. no longer thanl 10 hours. pursuant to the planning code the non conforming limited restaurant can be converted through the discretionary review authorization because it is located in the upper market street as well as other neighborhood transit commercial districts all of which permit
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restaurants. duo to date the planning department has 5 letters of sport and 2 individuals in opposition of the parking. the project is code compliant and for the section no off-street parking is required for the project, however, to serve up a good neighbor the applicant has been invited. the community will be responsible for the matters of the owners and occupants for the parking. in order for the project to precedes the commission must permit the conditional use authorization to convert on existing limited restaurant on 16th street. the department recommends
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approval with conditions and buildings this is desirable for the following reasons it's a smalllogically owned business the coffee shop has been operating in the space since 2011 the project meets all the requirements of planning code and is not formula retail use in the immediate neighborhood that concludes my presentation. and if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> thank you project sponsor. >> hi. there have been as mentioned a couple of neighbors that came down with complaints that's in the file i want to address the
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complaints i'm iris and my husband and i own the cafe and live across the street. i think that's an important point we're permanence that live across the street it's more important to us that the cafe continues to be the welcoming neighborhood cafe we want to make sure why it's clear why we've asked for the conditional use authorization we want to include beer and wine into the menu we want to say keeping the cafe a through the is not easy we're here in an attempt to keep it open. i want to go through a couple comments one is rewarding parking one of our customers
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lives in the neighborhood and the majority of the cafe customers he drive to the cafe and our employees that's false. also with ice cream place a half block away a large portion of their customers drive to their business and take up the spaces in the neighborhood. one neighbor has a complaint about parking double parking on her little street light near the cafe and she's come into the cafe a couple of times and was one of them asking her to find of the car and it was not somebody in the cafe. we understand thatics place has parking space problems in the neighborhood w
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