tv [untitled] August 29, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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the steps to supply the rehabilitation and to rehabilitate the remainder of trucks up to 71 light vehicles not to exceed million dollars and expend the contract no matter than november 18th no member of the public wishes to speak. >> yes. this is a request for a administration of a contract that we're using to rehabilitate our light rail vehicles the original contract was rehabilitating the doorsteps system the vehicles as well as the trucks which the the under carriage the vehicles in short the work on the trucks and other aspects of rehabilitation like wiring has been effective with the doors and steps has been
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less so, so what is amendment allows us to shift the money so we can stop doing the doors work and doing more of the trucks work we have some funding already identified and this contract whether allow 80 us to shift the funding be identified to got or - upgrade. >> is there a motion and second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? the i's have it. >> item 13 discussion for closed session. >> is there a second.
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you. >> the attorneys voted unanimously to settle the case the board talked about the anticipation of the - directors item 15 for the disclosed or not disclosed and discussion and that concludes our business. >> we're adjourned. >> oh, in record time that was a 5 minute master meeting. >> you can check onless next meeting. our next meeting
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>> it is 1:15. this is a regular meeting of august 19, 2014 on the commission on community investment and infrastructure. please call the roll. >> thank you. the first order is business is item number, roll call. commissionerman. >> yes. >> commissioner sink. commissioner rosales. >> yes. >> all commission ers are present. the next regularly scheduled business meeting will be held on september on city hall, 416. announcement of sound producing devices during the meeting. the ringing and use of sound producing devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised the chair may
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order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing of or use of cell phone, pagers or other similar sound producing electronic device. c, announcement of time allotment for public comment. please be advised a member of the public has up to three minutes on each public item unless the commission adopts a shorter period of time on any item. please fill out a speaker card provided by the commission secretary and submit completed card to commission secretary. the next order of business is item 3, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. there are no reportable actions, the next oerd sh of business is item 4, we have no items. item five, consent agenda and regular agenda. first, the consent agenda.
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roads, bay view hunters point redevelopment project area. an item 5d, authorizing a personal services contract with urban analytic a california limited liability corporation in an amount not to exceed 53,000 dlar related to the propose td issuance of tax allocation revenue bond and preparation of tax allocation bond with provisions for extension through december 31, 2015 for additional disclosure and analytical work in an amount not to exceed 12,000 dlar for a total amount not to exceed 65,000 dlar. action number 672014. >> thank you. do we have any speaker cards? >> no speaker cards. >> okay. no speaker cards. anyone in the audience would like to speak on any one of these items that are on consent?
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okay. so i'll close public commented. commissioners, we have three i p tells we can take individually. do i hear any comment or motion on approval of minutes of the regular meeting of july a. >> second. >> moved and seconded. >> please announce your vote. mondejar. >> yes. >> sink. >> yes. >> rosales. >> yes. >> the vote is three is. >> the next item, item 5b,commissioners. >> yeah, i just want to know why do we 1,964,000. why [inaudible]. >> that's item 5c. we're on item 5b, the personnel policy. we haven't -- >> oh, i meant c. >> so 5b is amending personnel policy. >> i have not read that, but we
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just got this thing >> commissioners, there were minor typo corrections. the documents that you received last week attached the amendments, but wu noticed there were minor typos and we have corrected them, there are no substantive changes to the proposed additions that would add policies related to workplace violence and sexual harassment to a person's supervisor or human resources division. >> okay. i move it. >> second. >> it's been moved and seconded. please call the roll. >> commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. >> mondejar. >> yes. >> sink. >> yes. >> rosales. >> yes. >> the vote is three is.
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>> thank you. next item, 5c commissioners. commissioner sink you had a question? >> yes, i had a question about the [inaudible] almost $2 million. >> through that dispersement action you indicated that only a certain amount of funds would be dispersed for certain preconstruction activities. since that time we've reviewed with the developer. in fact, some of the dollars would need to be used for appropriate architecture engineering expenses not to exceeds the total dispersement amount you previously authorized so we're now authorizing preconstruction activities and some construction activities for the
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amount indicated but all within the threshold that you previously approved. and we have housing staff here as well as the developer, mercy, to answer any questions you may have. >> okay. >> any other questions? commissioner mondejar. >> yes. are there any significant changes that we need to -- that you can point out? >> no. there are no significant changes. that's why there was a proposal to include it on consent because it doesn't exceed your maximum dollar am that you aught ruized. authorized. it just allocates the use of those dollars to slightly different buckets. thorized. it just allocates the use of those dollars to slightly different buckets. >> i have no questions. do i hear a motion? >> i.
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>> commissioner mondejar has moved. commissioner singh has seconded it. please call roll. >> commissioner mondejar. >> yes. >> commissioner singh. >> yes. >> chair rosales. >> yes. >> the vote is three is. >> thank you. and the last item 5d on consent, authorizing a personal services contract with urban analytics. >> i move and second. >> i don't have any questions so i will second that. >> it's been moved and seconded. please call roll. >> please announce your vote. commissioner mondejar. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> rosales. >> yes. >> the vote is three is. >> thank you. >> can you call the next item. >> the next order of business is regular agenda, item 5e, consenting to former successor agency work with the golden state lawyers regarding the development of an arena, an event center under the mission
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bay south center [inaudible] redevelopment project area, discussion and action resolution 682014. madam director. >> thank you madam secretary, commissioners and welcome to the members of the publing. thank you so much for joibing us. as you know, your former colleague, commissioner theodore ellington served as one of the founding members of the commission and he served since inception in december of 2012 through july 3, 2014, when he tendered his resignation to the mayor's office. during that time mr. ellington participated in a number of actions that are related to the mission bay south participation agreement implementation actions under that agreement, that is the approval of various for turned mission bay south own r par tisation agreement,
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your purchasing policy, which you have a clean and amended copy now actually on hand, does prohibit any agency employee, including former commissioners from working on matters in which the commissioner or employee had a direct and substantial interest, and in which that former employee or commissioner participated personally and substantially. and as a result of that, mr. ellington, who has now resigned from the commission, he has moved on to work for the golden state warriors as their director of public affairs.
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and it is because that -- there is no direct and substantial interest. we do not see any undue influence, there is no conflict in staff's analysis and view, which is why we do recommend that the commission grant a waiver for mr. ellington's activities and his work with the warriors. that concludes my presentation and you see that mr. ellington is in the audience as well to answer any questions. >> thank you. before we hear from former commissioner ellington, madam secretary, do we have any speaker cards. >> we have no speaker cards. >> mr. ellington, welcome. >> yes, it is different from
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this side of the podium, but thank you guys so much for having me. director bohi, madam chair rosales and commissioners, i'm just excited about this new opportunity that's before me. it's kind of bittersweet because i know a lot of the work we've done formally was very important to san francisco, whether it be affordable housing or improving the quality of life, just important work that i think, you know, i'm kind of sad to not be able to do in the same capacity. however, i am definitely looking to working for the warriors as a director of public affairs and continuing the amazing work in mission bay that we all started so i hope you guys grant me the waiver and can definitely look forward to working with each of you as we move forward.
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. >> thank you. are there any questions for there ellington? >> you know, we had a happy and a sad, you know -- we -- [inaudible] is going to leave us that soon, but i'm very happy for him, you know. so... >> i don't know mr. ellington. [laughter] >> you didn't say good-bye and it's important to maintain relationships with your former commissioners, so -- >> absolutely. no, there was -- in all transparency, there was a quick turn around. i had to hop on an opportunity that presented itself. i didn't want to break any policy that's set forth so i didn't want to go behind closed doors and communicate with commissioners and undue unfluns. didn't want that to come into question so -- >> i do wish, you know, good
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luck with your new job. >> thank you. >> i was just trying to give you a hard time. [laughter] you didn't say good-bye to us. >> yes, and i would add that the commission went on a diet, as you can see because there are no longer five, there's only three of us, and as a result having meetings is difficult at times because we have to coordinate schedules, but i will miss you as a commissioner but i will congratulate you on your work with the warriors. you did a fantastic job. >> thank you. >> we have in front of us, a resolution where we would be consenting to allowing former commission, theodore ellington to work with the golden gate
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warrior regarding an arena and event center, which is in mission bay, a project within our jurisdiction. do i hear a motion? >> i don't know what -- i second that. >> so it's been moved and seconded. >> i do have a comment. i know that our personnel policy that we just approved and acted upon on consent has this two year, what i call revolving door provision that disallows appearance before us by a -- in this case a former commissioner for a period of two years. my understanding is that the city's program -- or the city's policy, similar policy a one year revolving door limitation and i would like us to look into -- we will -- i mean, i support this resolution, but i
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think i'd like to see us line up, you know, our revolving door policy essentially with the city's. i think it's as bit draconian to have a two year prohibition, so that's something we can put on for another meeting, i presume. >> yes, we'd like to do some due diligence under the city's policy and compare the two and it might be that one of those options, if we notice other discrepancies or differences, certainly one of the options for the commission, you could in essence harmonize the policies and adopt the city's policy, but not the administrative procedures because it's governed by a separate commission. i think we can present some options to you. >> great. >> are there -- can i ask? >> absolutely. >> are there situations where former commissioner ellington will be appearing before us?
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as director of public affairs. i assume there would be. >> certainly. there's been a motion and a second. please call roll. >> please announce your vote. commissioner mondejar. >> yes. >> commissioner singh. >> yes. >> madam chairperson rosales. >> yes. >> the vote is three is. >> thank you. . please call the next item. >> 5f, theodore ellington as commissioner of the commission on community investment and infrastructure. discussion and action, resolution number 692014. madam director. >> commissioners, i'm very pleased to bring this proposed resolution before you for your consideration. as you know, mr. ellington, former commissioner ellington was a founding member and along with you and former
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commissioner johnson really jumped into and the details on the policy and helping communities, not only with job opportunities through your policies, but with affordable housing opportunities and continuing to right the wrongs of past actions of the former redevelopment agencies and the like. i too am sorry to see mr. ellington go and glad he's bringing that same lens to his new opportunities. with the commission's permission i'd actually like to read the resolution into the record, if i may. >> yes. absolutely. >> okay, great. be whereas on november 20, 2012, san francisco mayor, ed win m lee appointed mr. ellington as one of the founding members on the commission of community investment and infrastructure.
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he has served as the successor agency to the san francisco redevelopment agency of promoting community, economic and physical development in blighted neighborhoods and whereas during his tenure, mr. ellington has supported and the commission has approved numerous actions to implement ocii's enforceable obligations which will result in the improvement of the economic vitality, urban landscape, affordable housing opportunities and quality of life in san francisco. with his oversight and approval, ocii has taken actions related to the active development in the hunters point shipyard and candle stick point, mission bay and project areas, along with assets in the yurba bu and whereas the commissioner of the commission that was created following the dissolution of
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the san francisco redevelopment agency, mr. ellington approved the numerous actions ocii undertook related to the disillusion of the former agency, including the approval of multiple amendments to enforceable obligations that created benefits for the taxing entities for the city of san francisco, of two due diligence reviews for both housing and non housing assets which allowed ocii to review a finding of completion, the long rang property management plan, the confirmation of housing assets transferred to the city and three, recognized obligation payment schedules. and whereas he has worked to
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ensure that ocii contracting, hiring and affording housing opportunities are successfully marketed to all disadvantaged persons, businesses, contractors and the diverse communities of san francisco. in particular, mr. ellington has been a strong supporter of ocii's efforts to provide affordable housing opportunities to members of low income house holds who were
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displaced and were eligible to revooef housing preferences through ocii's certificate preference program. on behalf of our executive director and employees, and by this resolution, expresses to mr. ellington its appreciation of work well done, its thanks for dedicated public service and its sincere wish for his success in all his future endeavors. >> very nice. thank you. madam secretary, do we have any speaker cards? >> we have one, antonio elmo mimms. >> speaking on the
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infrastructure what's going on in district 12, which is my district. i want to make sure we remember all the populations, like, if you're alive i feel like you have the right to hear about and know exactly what's going on, in which -- how it effects not only -- not only how it effects you, but how it's contributed towards the demise, because we are still poverty stricken in the bay view hunters point. no more smoke screens as far as commercial development and as far as so called low income development. we still have a population that's beneath low income that no one pays attention to because maybe they don't vote, maybe they have a criminal record. so we're kind of standing on their backs with everything we're doing.
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not me, but you're standing on their backs with what you're doing if they can't hear what you're doing because a lot of the ideas and the creativity stems from their struggle not their vocalized struggle because they can't hear what's going on. they don't know what's happening to them and i feel like as a body or community leaders you need to be responsible to hold the entities who are contributing to this impoverished state that we live. we can pretend like there's no development or we can go out identify and interrupt business as usual. we can -- you know what i'm
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saying -- intercept contracts. we can do a lot . i can and you can. i'm doing as much as i can with my time and my hands and my time and availability and my life and my struggles, so let's angle our struggles towards those who truly, truly need them. san francisco as a credible city don't need anymore pumping up. we need to start from beneath the bottom to rise upward. and i just hope everyone in the room hears me. not just this body, but also the black, brown, yellow, white, red , everyone. i need the sky to hear me. it's a lot going on under the sun. my mama gone, but there's a lot of new things going on under the sun that we need to educate
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people on. >> thank you. >> no other speaker cards. >> no other speaker cards? okay. we will close public comment unless anyone else would like to provide comments on our commendation of former commissioner ellington. do i have any questions by commissioners? >> i move. >> moved by commissioner ink. >> i second, i think. [laughter] >> moved d and seconded. >> commissioner mondejar. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> rosales. >> yes. >> the vote is three is. >> thank you. thank you.
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