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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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their customers drive to their business and take up the spaces in the neighborhood. one neighbor has a complaint about parking double parking on her little street light near the cafe and she's come into the cafe a couple of times and was one of them asking her to find of the car and it was not somebody in the cafe. we understand thatics place has parking space problems in the neighborhood we ask you not associate us withics. the first few most we are that open we no longer encourage outside food in the cafe for more than two years.
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regarding the noise concerns our customers are artists and moms and dads and bye alexander beer and wine to our menu we don't want our menu to change our atmosphere we need to sell alcohol is go brought forth. other local businesses sell alcohol as a good source of revenue we're president that additional revenue stream. the same neighbor that asked the question said since we've signed the lease he can't be empathyic to our situation the city planning process we're participating in helps to have
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change we signed the lease to make the change. in closing i want to reiterate lift ev'ry voice and sing by adding beer and wine to our menu it will help us to stay awe float and satisfy our customers. thanks for your consideration and opening up for public comment (calling names) >> good afternoon, commissioners i live on harry low streets off of 16th street. the reason i'd like to brings a comment about the cafe is
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because their customers park in our drivers they also park on harry low street blocking the access in and out and in the yellow zone in front of our building which is used by two of my brothers we moved there in 4968 by resdrement e developments the parking situation i've asked people they come from the cafe senate file if he please remain standing explanation not to park in the yellow zone and they said when we get through with our sandwiches we'll move we're in business at several locations since 1938 so it's a family owned business and it's now in the second-generation so i would appreciate our consideration in denying the access to build a
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full service restaurant they have no parking spaces i admit parking on 16th street is very, very bad but we also have our situation when you live on harlan street we maintain the streets and have no problems this is a situation that is coming up now i'd appreciate our consideration >> thank you. next speaker. i'll call a few more names (calling names)
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skew also i represent a mature adult who is lout to get a glass of wipe i'm a medical student i don't think it's going to become a route i didn't place because they serve beer and wine but it will offer an important service federal or state to the neighborhood. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi commissioners the city planning process is not only good for businesses but for residents and business owners they run a successful cafe i've been living near since 2007. i think that my main concern there are a plethora number of plays that sell beer and wine we
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don't need another business my bedroom window overlooks this business. there are a lot of people that go to cafe senate file if i they're saying it's no longer advertised the main concern is not only parking but nice i've never seen someone get quieter after grinning a glass of beer the restaurant didn't place their notice i don't know if i need a picture of it i have it here instead of posting the picture facing 16th street they posted it on an in ward slant on the door but anyone walking on 16th street wouldn't see it so
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i'd be cancerous if they anyone commented saw the sign that's the ended up of my comments i don't think we need another plays selling beer and align i wine in the castro in a placing place that's zoned for the purchase but their request here is they knew this was a limited restaurant space when they leased it i can't be empathying >> as you've called our name come to the podium (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm josh white i'm here in support of the application i live directly above cafe senate file if he and lived there ever
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since it's opened i found the employees and customers to be exceptionally polite and i've never had concerns about noise or concerns about route i didn't clients i have no reason to building that will change in the responsible owns of cafe senate file if he are granted the application i believe they've been an exceptional care and caution addition to the neighborhood they're the perfect neighborhood cafe and you know, i have a professional job here in san francisco and if i had the slightly concerns that my nilt would be disrupted by them serving wine and beer i'd be opposing the application. just a couple of quick points to
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respond to the speaker before me i think did notice was posted in a way that was clearly visible i walk by the cafe everyday i saw it everyday on on the issue of parking my prospective was created by the ike's customers i share that opinion that most customers tend to walk rather than drive to cafe senate file if he >> thank you. >> hi my name is benny come here to speak in support of cafe
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senate file 70 if he applications i've been attended the cafe for years years and years i used to work there. i am you know, i think that the neighborhood needs a lot more of the establishments that cafe senate fiophi sophie. customers park in my derivative from ike's two and three times a day i'm incentive to this i promise you people don't drive do cafe sophie i walk there
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arena around the castro i live across the street people walk there it's a neighborhood cafe it's the kind of place we need i mean, i'll just leave it at that >> is there any additional public comment and hello my name is shawn simon i'm an employee with cafe sophie the manager i'd like to say today we've been growing our business over the last 3 years this has been a good edition to our neighborhood. we've made a lot of friends we've made a lot of built a lot of unity there this is about
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growing a neighborhoods character in bringing people together per we serve a respectable client tell r with a diversifies background of prospect we've become known as a sanctuary or low-key environment in the neighborhood most of our customers now we've been granted a bike rack in front of our spot bicycle to our cafe and we're looking to be able be able to extend our business into the are early earning to become an alternative to geological to the upper market businesses as well as the church street businesses but we'll like to be able to tie those two business districts
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together. this is to come to him to a bar to joy one or two glasses of wine or beer in the evening it's important to connect the businesses to church strit streetcar to the castro upper market currently there's not a whole lost businesses connecting between that and that's all thank you >> thank you. is there any additional public comment? >> hello, i'm julie la simon i work at cafe sophie we're establishing a reputation of a low key honest to goodness spot
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to enjoy yourselves a lot of our customers are professionals who just want to unwind and relax we very much offer this environment. yeah. love it >> thank you. is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini. >> thank you. i'm in support of this project for a couple reasons that have not necessarily been brought up first which one is choosing a place particularly for diner and part of the application is to extend their hours from 6 to 10:00 p.m. that includes a lot more people having their final meal of the day and more
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emphasis on this meal when i'm looking around for a place in the early evening hours i like to have a glass of wine or beer and i avoid a place not offering that. it's not a consideration of lunch for me because railway that's included with my lunch so if you have later hours you know you have to be able to offer people that have this as part of their evening meal it makes sense. an additional impact this will have in an neighborhood that has a lot of establishments is negotiable and as far as people coming to this place i think most of the planters will be people who live in the neighborhood or live fairly close and take public
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transportation there. understandably it's an area with little residential parking a lot of people that have cars have to park them on the streets as well as 9 establishments but that's not the fault of that particular establishment so i'll move to approve >> second. >> for the public that we're concerned about the yellow zone can staff tell us who to call whether there's a cars illegally parked in the yellow zone. >> i believe the mta and they have enforcement agencies that regulate those parking inappropriately that's the appropriate person to call there's no parking requirement for this lease. >> so i don't think the parking problem is tied to this project but there's a challenge on the street so that the mta is the
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enforcement agency. >> commissioners a motion and second. commissioner antonini. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. commissioners as mentioned earlier items 12, 13 abc and d will be called out of order therefore that places us on item 14. at 490 south van ness question for a large conditional use authorization we've received a question with to continue this to september 18th >> we'll hear from the supervisors first. >> thank you commissioner president wu i'm from supervisor campos office we first want to
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say that the sponsor has worked with the community and has been willing to reach out there's pockets of the community we want them to context with that's the pta on marshal avenue that's one of the reasons we ask for the continuance one race point i'd like to make the sponsor after speaking with them has accepted to send a continuance and we're still pushing our deal to month so we hope your consideration of that. >> thank you.
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okay. so let's invite of the project sponsor up for speaking of on continuance and then occupy up for public comment >> and right now, we're speaking to the order of the continuance. >> honorable commissioners and director ram. good afternoon. i'm phil lessor speaking on behalf of the van ness team on 16th street we're moving a little bit to the eaton 16th street let me have the overhead on 16 and south van ness you can see from the number on this case this has been in the entitlements pipeline for 4 years i was engaged by the pardons to do extensive community outreach that's what i
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do in the district we've been doing that for four years we've had the necessary meetings for code but also voluntarily meetings and talking to all the groups i appreciate the elective aid when we were asked to speak to others on july 10th we were ready to go we were told to speak to another five or six people we did that now they are told to talk to the pta we're wondering why marshal elementary school is 3 blocks away from the site there's a project as you might know that will be built next to if i approve that on mission it's the same size as
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the building immediately to the west of it the labor temple this will not be casting my shadow on the playground or facilities. the traffic study you have in our packet pages 17 and 18 the traffic route >> sir if we could keep to the matter of continuance. >> thank you, sir. speaking i'm speaking to the pta why we need to continue one more to the pta and seeing the relevance of the outreach i want to point out we'll accept this we don't understand it. we don't see why the pta has a problem with the land use issue we prefer the meeting first in september as opposed to september 18th >> thank you. so opening it up for.
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if the public could please contain our comments to the matters of continuance
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(calling names) >> sir, i'm sorry this is just public comment on the matter at hand of continuance only. the reason this is germane the reason we're asking for continuance a lot of the people in the neighborhood don't know of this project happening what i want to is there was a public meeting that was referred to in the packet so far as i don't
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know what the notification was but there's is problem when people in the neighborhood don't know this project is happening so i - how the public notification go process should be open more for the people in the neighborhood to know what's going on >> thank you. thank you. >> hi commissioners i'm andy blue i'll request a minimum of the one month continuance on this item primarily because two weeks will not allow us to do the outreach to the elementary school community. i've been working with the parents for the last several months pertaining f to the 1990
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project none of parents are deeply concerned about the impacts this project will have on the neighborhood. i think someone after me can talk about the distance it's not 3 blocks i want to clarify the current site is not 3 blocks but a minimum of a block and a half it's close to marshal elementary and it's a significant project in that community and just speaking for the patterns i've been working with that couldn't be here today they want an opportunity to let the members of the community know about this development so its necessary that we have a minimum of a month so once school is in session we can communicate with the parents
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>> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, i'm tommy with the housing rights committee we're a half block away from the site of this development. we also are asking that you give at least a month's extension continuance on this so the pta and marshal school folks can get involved in the discussion. as andy said i work a half block away on south van ness but this construction where it is going to be i forget the name of thoughts street >> (inaudible) and it's the school the school yard it's not 3 blocks away it will have an impact on the school and children and the parents have reasons to be concerned and should be revolved in the 0 process and don't feel they've
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been involved i'm part of the coalition and we're concerned about this project and have heard effectively from folks in the neighborhood and he parents so i think you know, i think it's reasonable to give a little bit more time so those folks can get involved and have input we're asking for at least a month's extension thank you. >> is there any additional public comment on the continuance. >> thank you. i'm terrance i live on van ness i want to speak in support of the project and in terms of basically finalizing the project to allow the contractors to go forward obviously because of the housing shortage it was exceptionally a bathroom i see people
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defecating. >> sir keep our matter to continuance. >> i'll hold my reasons by the way, basically we've been waiting for a number of years to see it go forward. thank you >> i'm roger the billing manager which is indirectly adjacent to the project. i've been at the building for thirty years i've the building more for over 20 years for one thing this is a horrible time for the process we're a historic building we're only one of two in the city that have history status in 2004 we're in the one hundred anniversary of that building. i've spent 3 months on this
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project in 2011 and as a result i'm in the middle of writing the history we've been mess up trying to do a hundred anniversary has this is being proposed dhs a night mayor i've spent 3 and a half months on this project i've completely torn. and i've put a lot of work this guy has been influenced by the picture that picture is a lie the building is 86 feet the building next to say 45 feet the school is a small block away 4 houses and the school yard it literally 40 feet those guys are not talking to people i didn't hear about the april hearing and your staff never told me i sent in the primary objections they
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never informed me i get a letter a formed letter this is way out thank you. >> hi good afternoon, commissioners sorry i'm morris the project sponsor just to reiterate we've been in connect with the owner of this year i know with there's some disconnect between the owner and tenants and if those guys they can deal with the plan our height is matching with the brick building we're not faking anything regarding what the marshal elementary school we met with the school