tv [untitled] August 30, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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commentator their nonexistent. >> well, maybe if i in relationship to your question. and this is probably not a popular subject but if the highway patrol doesn't have a speed limit of 55 or 65 miles per hour and didn't enforce the speed limit how many more car crashes would we have if they're not enforcing the stop sign or other traffic laws so what's the net benefit there to the community to the population as a whole? and that's preempt active. the highway patrol is ticketing
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hoping people running stop signs or drunk drivers so if you put it in that kind of sense then the net benefit to the community in the broad sense - >> i think it's more akin to putting a camera at every intersection we have a law and can go and enforce the law we're putting a camera at every intersection and a rad oar dethe course. >> that is only for people that violates the law we don't go around and ticket everybody so the same thing that we put on all the stores including not the ones in violation i think the resources - >> i don't think the highway patrol catches everybody but just the presence has a motorist
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respect the speed limit. >> well. >> i think we agree to disagree it's not the use of resources if we go out and check everybody. >> okay. commissioner. >> i want to go back to the expenditures what you called revenues in my opinion, of course, you're talking on behalf of the small businesses the revenues and expertise so navigate you're spending public money for a 3 hundred and 98 thousand and our business money for the other. i see it as a if you added it comes up to 7 - i mean, i don't want to go to the nitty-gritty of adding up numbers but i want to share my prospective on this revenue issue you have to
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understand that's that an expertise asking all businesses to spend that money so it comes up to a higher amount it's a double negative for me. as to seeing i come back and support any co- commissioners on the issue of the fact there's a state law a law in place the yee question is how are we spending the money to get compliance. so we not instead of imposing fees and double fees educate and punish those who are the hold outs who follow the law or punish everybody and spend thousands of dollars not getting the results that the revenue after that, you related to us
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respectfully submitted is an expertise through public businesses that's quite a bit of public money added on the licenses that are due? city and county but i thank you for your prospective >> commissioner white. >> i've already said my preferences. >> any other commissioner comments. >> let's take public comment any public comment on that item on item 5? seeing none, public comment is closed >> any other commissioner comments. >> commissioner president adams just for the sake of the record for the meeting i would appreciate if we could get a specific definition of the po s and the types of systems you regulate. >> okay. it all falls into the definition
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of the state law and i can read it verbatim from the - the court: well, i guess perhaps more specific to my question not the definition as stated? law but what are the types of systems when i looked at what a po s system is astronomically when a business registration a po s system and you determine it doesn't quality so where's the distinction what's the systems yourself looking at that do qualify and the systems you see that don't qualify. >> it's all the electronically stored information systems that have a server they use a p l or a scanner or the u pc so when we implement the program because of
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resources and the number of persons i have to do this i eliminated bars and restaurants. we don't have enough staff resources to go to every bar and every restaurant. they've got price codes you go to the mid screen in the back and hit the screen and up comes a price but realistically when you go to a bar and sit down and you order your beer you have a beer memo or a drink memo that says $6 on that. the person the bartender delivers to you or the wait our delivers our meal and check you see it up front comeback neighborhood of the year bra you conduct the transaction so, i
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say to the staff this is not going to work with us here because the transaction is not done you have a receipt before you do the transaction because you see what the price is you compare it and write our tip on it you do the credit card so i eliminated those. but the scanners those businesses that have registration where they hit a p l u and they've got an tasered price to lazy lake starbucks to my building in anderson's i didn't think they have qualified i saw they have standardized prices for your orange juices and other things so i took those
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off principally in san francisco its scanners. those businesses where they move merchandise across quickly and you scan you zip our credit card and then you walked out and say oh, great oh, no, i've got to backing go back to customer service those are the businesses we're regulating >> commissioner white. >> this is an interesting conversation it brings the further complications of more than a day flash sales and time of day happy hour vs. regular drinks you've carved out areas that are obviously going to be difficult to enforce. and i think, in fact, you know, because they were easy to segregate it pertains to the overly difficulty of this in
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general. so i just want to be clear i'm trying to make your life easier not complicated i'm not you're going with you your mark farrell reacting to legislation that's been passed and to your point you are charged with diet fully carrying out the laws in the city of san francisco we need to go to the root that's the legislation is wrongheaded not how your executing it you've made steps to simplify this problem so we will deal with how we could move forward with the new business but suffice it to say usual presentation really goes to showing you how difficult this is and how
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expensive it is potentially to really enforce the way you're being directed to enforce it so in that regard it's educational for all of us. i don't median to be inside i find it is a classic case no one gets the in2i7b9d consequences of something to be enforced in the way you'll have to do it to the letter of the legislation thangsz firing time >> it was quite an achievement by bringing that number from a high 2 hundred and 24 thousand businesses down to 2 thousand that's an achievement we thank you for that you've done the work for two staff members. >> it was more than two staff members (laughter)
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it was a lot of staff. >> i agree. >> thank you very much. you're welcome. you're welcome >> i think there's a tip to director 6, 7 and 8 theirs part of number 6. >> thank you. so, yes it is well, it's item 6 but on the agenda it includes 7 and 8. so discussion to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on board of supervisors file planning code amending the alcohol district this is african-american the planning code to amend the third street restrictive use for the beefrn for the small beer licenses and so commissioners we don't have a presentation and the reason we don't have a presentation is actually in
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january you heard a previous amendment and made a previous recommendation you said type 1 but i consider falling within the perimeter to include beer manufacturing so it's an opportunity for the commission just to reaffirm this previous decision >> i have to say that third street corridor is going to be home to creativity breweries 51 do i think it's cool. so in the pretty much a no brainier and san francisco is now starting to get that beer san francisco is r is starting to be the epic center of 52 do >> magnolia is another one and i'm not hearing i've been
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traveling a lot and i've been hearing hearing about this in other cities like back to michigan everyone wants me to bring back a type of beer it's not sold there a lot. >> this is the corridor that is still though increasingly less so affordableable and it's become one of the draws for economic developing have meant in the area this notion that second of the third street from dog patch enjoying down to the bayview is the maker movement that includes hard goods and food products like chocolate and beer and distilled spirit and the brewery on the pier so i think this is completely consistent with the way it is
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grown over and over gastric and it's good for small businesses in san francisco to support this amendment. >> i agree i'm happy to see they've taken our recommendations and i'd like to move that we. >> we have to take public comment first. >> any other commissioner comments on this. on item 6 do we have public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i'd like to. >> i'd like to - commissioner dooley. >> i'd like to recommend to the board of supervisors the third street alcohol district use. >> roll call. >> commissioner president adams. commissioner dooley. commissioner dwight. supervisor dejust arrest
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commissioner ortiz-cartagena. commissioners that vote passes unanimously to recommend to the board of supervisors file 140875 >> thank you. next item please. the director's report due to my vacation left last week, i don't have an extensive report but want to bring to your attention so there's legislation that is moving through right now with supervisor david campos in working with the legislations around a b and b. so the intent of me bringing this up the potential one of the requirements for individuals that want to make theirs place available on air b and b and utilizes their home or apartment to, however, the recollections
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go one of the potential requirements they'll be required to register as a business that means the entities are a small business so one of the recent kfgsdz with supervisor chiu's office if they become a registered business that falls within the - those places could fall under title iii of the federal ada and what are the businesses responsibility if their truly a public accomodation entity. and so supervisor chiu's office is going to look at this we're in the messy mid of having those exciting dynamic businesses being created on and on online
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and those opportunities for growth and development but then we have those regulations that are very much, you know, intended for physical brick and mortar kind of businesses. and so this cross section i think is something for us as a commission to review those things and i would be to review them and take a look at it and think about you know the requirements for a traditional business a what over and over those implementations are as we develop those types of unique businesses that come out of the sharing or the new technology economic. so i just wanted to bring that to your attention and supervisor
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chiu's will look at those and we have look at the implementations and in this case with the prevalence with the disability assess lawsuit i want to be causation about opening up a realm of individuals and entities that may not necessarily especially for homeowners that maybe renting out a room because their kids have gone off to college you know opening up a whole new realm of potential problems for them. because now they'll be deemed businesses. so bringing that to your attention i'll continue to have conversations with supervisor chiu's office but when those protections come about i think it is a roll for the commission and the offices to look at those and the issues and side effects
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thanks or things of that sort of. so this is all that i wanted to pass on in my director's report unless there's questions >> is there a draft. >> yes. i will send that to the draft legislation to you. >> any other questions next item. >> item 10 is the president's report. >> i have nothing to report during the president's report:3034 although i have something to go into under new business. >> a travel log (laughter). >> detroit earnerville. >> next item. >> item 11 is for the vice president report not here item 12 is commissioner reports.
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>> i i'd like to say. >> commissioner dooley. >> i would like to report a little bit maybe we'll take this up for the san francisco flower market has reached a huge crisis the proposed developer is not willing to negotiate or give information to the tenants of flower market as to their future when we builds the campus on site of a one hundred-year-old flower market that employees at least 75 thousand? bay area that are effected those are all working class jobs this is something that is enormous and needs to be brought to the attention of our commission in order to have our administration look at this situation. >> what do we want them to do. >> well, i was going to bring
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this up under new business. as we look at the design center and how that was going to go in there and displace a lot of the small design businesses it's the same thing at the flower market you're taking away a first of all, you have all the flower shop? bay area that flower mart is a lot of small business >> is this supervisor kim's district. >> yeah. we need to enlist the support of the supervisors. >> i was going to bring feel up those are small businesses being displaced we were going to take this up this is hearsay been there over one hundred years but what is the developer going to
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do those are small business owners who are wholesalers are wish basically going to be put out of business. >> they don't intend to give spaces. >> their though the making any promises. >> why not create a new business item. >> when we get to the new business i'll bring it up. seeing none, public comment is closed next item >> item 13 is general public comment. >> do we have any members of the public who want to make comments on future meetings seeing none, public comment is closed. item 14 new business >> i got some. >> okay. so on the heels of our conversation today i'd like to us to research and perhaps find a supervisor sponsor to repel
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the legislation that requires the registration for the po s licenses and to craft some kind of an enforcement model not a blanket preempt active model that instead provides deterrence to that businesses are encouraged to uphold, you know, to act within the law there is a law there are various enforcement models it's not mandated the way we've implemented it and the way we've implemented it is waiting this gentleman's time money and effort and waiting the resources of the city and county of san francisco and, in fact, accident benefit is minimum compared to the administrative active and financial burden so if we can find, you know, a supervisor to help us this is another clean up the code sort of thing
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>> yeah. i have two of them a cat scanner you have it on you are phone what you have on your phone takes away what those people do. >> and the basis of the scare. >> your admitting you're not paying a license fee. >> he's not charging anyone but the process of square we use it in our retail shop when we got the fairs we create a retailer a look up the square you put you basically have a database and create the items and take our square transaction. in fact, the square has nothing to do with it the fact my phone has a product database it has a de facto point of sale >> or your ipod.
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>> it's slid if i had i can transact that by punching in the credit card number. so this is kind of absorb we should find a way to refine the model to refine the consumer protection we're doing f it in a woo that's not burdening our department of health and weigh and measures >> i support them. >> i do too. >> and also back to our flower mart let's enlist supervisor kim with that because that is putting a lot of people out of business as commissioner said 45 hundred. >> thousand. >> the design center thing perhaps provides some model and
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justification for the flower mart. >> but it's been there hundreds of years. >> can you speak into the microphone and it's been one hundred years and i'll quote it's the without it is the best flower mart in the united states. >> and the largest too. >> without deciding what to do here the task is to photo what are the intentions and what are the alternatives, you know, if the flower mart is to remain or to be moved but what are the possibilities because there's no discussion of that. >> no. >> certainly we. >> it is going to be leveled. >> it's not the sale has not closed we have until september 11th to try to get the
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developers to sit down and talk to the vendors and you know the growers let's remembered that in san mateo the amount of revenue brought ♪ one year by the growers of flowers is $180 million. this flower market is not just what's there right there but the distribution hub going 0 into northern california and petting at that alumni ma >> they're all small businesses and they rely on a business model that requires them to remain in one sight together. >> so the fate of the flower market and looking the point of
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