tv [untitled] August 30, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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the land belongs to us, we didn't steal it and treat it as we want it and now we want to do as we please. let's have a hearing on calaveras because i can assure you the way things are going, they are going to come again for another extension. that's my gut feeling and my gut feeling is always a million percent right. >>president vince courtney: thank you, we'll have a discussion on that item. is there anymore public comment on item no. 12 as amended. seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed the highest -- ayes have it. madam clerk, next item.
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item 13: approve an increase in the construction contract cost contingency for contract no. wd-2685, with cal state contractors inc., for reservoir and tanks improvement 20133, in the amount of $682,000; and authorize the general manager to approve future modifications to the contract for a total revised contract amount up to $9,997,900. the requested increase is due to new water conservation work requested for twin peaks reservoir. the work includes preparing and installing new water barriers along all submerged concrete slab joints to inhibit water leakage from the reservoir to its underdrains. there will be no change in contract duration due to this joint sealing work1234 >> thank you, jasmine. commissioners? >> so move. >> second. >> it's been moved and second. is there any public comment on item no. 13. seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the ayes have it. next item 14. city clerk: item 14: 14. approve modification no. 2 to the agreement between the united states forest service and the city and county of san francisco regarding acquisition of 25.2 acres of land at camp mather, tuolumne county; and authorize the general manager to execute an amendment extending the duration of the agreement up to one year, for a total duration of three-years and six months. the time extension reflects the re-evaluation of the original timber appraisal as a result of the rim fire.1 year, for a total
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duration of three-years and six months. the time extension reflects the re-evaluation of the original timber appraisal as a result of the rim fire.1234 >>president vince courtney: 6 months. the time extension reflects the re-evaluation of the original timber appraisal as a result of the rim fire.1234 >>president vince courtney: thank you, jasmine, commissioners. >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment? >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed? the ayes have it. >>commissioner francesca vietor: i have a question on this because i have been tracking this but i did lose the thread a little bit. i want to move the item because i think a land acquisition portion, but i would love briefly for you to talk about what's happening with the timber appraisal. >> it's on the 25 acres we are trying to acquire at camp maetsdz mather. we are doing another praisal because the timber is no longer there which would lower the price, one would think so.
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>> eventually it will come back to you as a property. it's kind af swap, a purchase another swapping with the forest service and will come back for commission action. it is an action that you will have to take in the future. >> the value of the timber part of the sale price will include the chamber? >> right, because the belongs to the u.s. forest service. >> okay, great, thank you. >>president vince courtney: if there is no objection we'll move on to item no. 15. madam secretary. city clerk: item 15: 15. authorize the general manager to increase the wastewater enterprise commercial paper notes program from $300,000,000 to $500,000,000; direct the general manager gmm to request approval from the board of supervisors for such increase and, further, direct the gm to enter into agreements to provide bank credit facilities authorized under 2002 proposition e with barclays bank plc and state street bank and trust company, the lowest cost, responsive and responsible bidders. the agreements provide an additional $200,000,000 in available
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credit with annual costs not-to-exceed $750,000 and for a total contract duration, including possible extensions, not to exceed five years. the gm is further authorized to select the next lowest-cost, responsive and responsible bidder should either of the selected banks be unable to meet city contracting requirements or if negotiations are otherwise 5 years. the gm is further authorized to select the next lowest-cost, responsive and responsible bidder should either of the selected banks be unable to meet city contracting requirements or if negotiations are otherwise not successful.1234 >> thank you, commissioners? >> cfo is here to answer questions. >> thank you we have a few slides to share or i can answer questions. sorry it got to the bank -- back of your package. >>president vince courtney: we can see the slides or i will entertain a motion. >> i will move it. i thought the item was well drafted and put it to savings of that kind of read the instrument. >> i will move it. >> it's been moved and seconded. any further discussion. any public comment on this item? >> yes. thank you yolanda. >> yes, just real quick, this is a bank that is going to make money off the community and they have federal regulations off the investment. this is an opportunity to tie in the investment to this community. when they are making their community investment to their credit they can get money from this up grade to do the financing.
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it's not going to hurt them. they are still getting the money and that is to who? so you can redirect it to the non-profit communities and this is one of the many things that could be put into place. >>president vince courtney: thank you yolanda, the general manager will have on going and those comments are on point. any further public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed? the item carries. next item. item 16: 16. public hearing, discussion, and possible action to adopt excess water use charges and regulations for administering excess use charges and the retail water shortage allocation plan requirements applicable to use of potable water on ornamental landscaping or turf by the approximately 1,600 retail potable water irrigation accounts.1234 >> mr. ritchie. this places irrigation and to done water use charges and implement regulations for the 1600 potable water regulations that we have.
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the excess use charges will be applied to water use over the 10 percent mandatory reduction in use. this is all consistent with and responsive to the regulation adopted by the state water board in july. of the 1600 accounts are municipal accounts largely the parks and recreation department and dpw and parks, mission bay and san francisco state and commercial properties. collectively they use about 3 1/2 percent of the total retail water supply in san francisco. we do have one proposed correction to the resolution as noted on the one page should it in front of you. it's to delete a phrase in that first resovereignty. the -- resolve of that phrase we made accounts in the fiscal year when they exceeded the 90 percent
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reduction. i will be happy to answer any questions on the item. >>president vince courtney: do my colleagues, are you comfortable with the resolution, the amended version? do you have it? then i will go ahead and call -- >> vice-president? >> i would like you to address the section called exceptions. how is that going to work? >> exceptions would have to be approved by application to the water enterprise. we would basically look at the basis for the exception. there are various alternatives, vice bases here that are allowable and we would judge those on a case by case bases. we would go out and see the property in question and recognize that it is or is not compliant with the acception here such as something that is necessary for sanitation or safety alternative
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restrictions that was achieved at the same level of demand reduction some about the property or business and edible plantings that might be there and might be a mixture of things and you have to deal with that fact because it has to do with ornamental issues. frankly i'm pretty confident people will be able to achieve the 10 percent. we've already asked for it voluntarily and this makes it manned datory and backs it up. it's very doable, i believe. >> well, anything involved with the city, i think is doable. when i read through these exceptions, i thought, well, some hour how or other probably most accounts could somehow take one of these
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exception and work with it. maybe >> maybe i'm making too much of it. >> it will be the result of that audit which is another qualification to get the exception. they might get the exception for purposes of achieving the 10 percent. >>president vince courtney: there is reference for item 15 before us, we are actually on item no. 16. if that's not right i will stand corrected. this is conversation item no. 16. any other questions for mr. ritchie? yes, commissioner vietor?
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>>commissioner francesca vietor: will there be more outreach on these, will these users get special mailing? >> yes, they will get special mailing that explains this to them. since these are rates they have to be sent to the board of supervisors for a month. this will go into effect october 1st. we'll be informing everyone, all the account holders with a letter and it will be on their monthly bill as well. >> okay. i was hoping it would be adequate because people with mail these days, so they know this is coming and they don't get hit. i agree, i don't think it's going to be onerous but there might be people who for whatever reason might be tracking and this might motivate them. >> yeah, we will definitely make sure. we've actually corresponded from the group from time to time and these are
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typically not individual homeowners, they are typically managed properties as opposed to another thing in your life to deal with. >> when you think about like park merced, san francisco state, they have multiple accounts. when you talk about 1600 accounts, it's these larger users we are reaching out to, the ; the managers and others it's a way to outreach to them as well. >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioner veet or. any other discussion, on the amendment are we prepared to move it. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's been seconded, is there any public comment on the amendment by itself. yes, yolanda. i have an item for you, do
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you want to speak on the item or the amendment? >> item. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> opposed. the ayes have it. the item as amended so moved. >> second. may i ask one question? >> commissioner vietor? >>commissioner francesca vietor: maybe i missed this. is this going to last forever, this excessive charge issue or is this time bound? >> no. i don't recall there is an expiration in here but we would definitely bring this back for rescindance if there is an end to the drought. >> we have to bring this to the board if there is a mandatory restriction. >> this is in response to them. we have to take an action to
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remove it. >> okay. that's not going to be an issue because there is no reason that they would, if one of these big users expands their property or they get an expanded use permit, what would happen with something like this if they start to use additional water? >> actually what i truly expect to have happen is if as you implement conservation, it generally takes and it takes, unless you are going to the point of distressing plants, if you are making changes to respond to us and practices that respond to pressures of conservation, that's what we've seen historically through the whole area that capital use goes down. >> for practical purposes there wouldn't be a reason to rescind because you would start conserving more ideal lau ly in a perfect world.
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>> you mentioned new development, we are programs. so we are hoping the new developments are smarter and put in more water wise type of landscaping and capturing the water that maybe they can reuse. >> thank you. >> any other questions for mr. ritchie. i have a comment card, yolanda louis. no. 16. >> as another opportunity if what we see is writing on the wall, not only for the businesses but eventually if we don't get a grip on the droughts where it's going to hit is the consumers, the homeowners. let's have a reciprocal, let's recharge our water ground water 10 percent, what i see from the federal level they see things but they are not taking the action. they are going to say let's get it from the people and do a rate
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increase. the people will hurt. i'm going to ask for the businesses, let's set some goals that we can do from the other side. conservation, the only way we can get around this, we can't make it rain so that means we have to conserve what we have which means i never hear recycling come up in any conversations whether it's at the city or state level and we need to look at that more seriously the technology i'm speaking of would decentralize like these new developments going up, not use the same drinking water that i use to flush the toilets let's set it up so in these developments like in i ohio if we have contamination, niece individual units are up and running. we build as smarter and don't continue to build the way we did in the past and some of those issues that some of you brought up and i'm glad
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that you are paying to what's happening because we can look at examples such as japan where we see the worst of the worst. they are on an island. they have to look at solutions that work. what i'm seeing is band aids. in california they don't look outside. they go to the big guys who have been doing this for a hundred years and they look at the technology they had a hundred years fwoo, let's look at the places that are desperate and don't have other options. if you look at japan, how were they able to get away with this react or. there are things that they are doing but nobody is paying attention. look at the small guys and i can link you to some of these technologies. look at the examples in the world where they have the worst case scenario, we are not going to be able to make it with 100-year-old technology. if we can look at technology
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to decentralize system, let's put some meat on the other side with those that are making the relations to putting 10 percent back. >>president vince courtney: thank you ms. lewis. any other comments on item 16 as amended, seeing none, i will close public comment. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? the ayes have it. the motion carries. >> jasmine? >> closed session item 19, 20, 21 off calendar, item 22 city and golf course and item 23 is off calendar. >> we'll hear one item in closed session, that's 22? >> correct. >> are there any comments to items discussed in closed session.
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the public comment is closed. it's been moved to assert and second. all in favor say, "aye". eye aye. >> >>president vince courtney: we are back on the error. we disrespect rourd. record. we have no announcements. it's been moved not to disclose information on the closed session. all in favor say, "aye". eye aye. >> the ayes have it. we will not be disclosing. september 9th meeting is canceled. >> any other commission business? this meeting is adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ]. the next one is the 23rd?
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correct. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >> leaders. >> hi everyone i'm patrick the director of earthquake safety forever for the stoifbl and we have the ryan white fair to teach people about the made sure soft story ordinance and connect them with the services they need you can save thousands of lives and if those buildings are rooiftd people will be allowed to sleep in their own beds while
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the city is recovering. >> we're here at the earthquake ryan white center for people to comply with the ryan white or do a ryan white on their property to connect with the resources they need. i came here wondering what to do as a owner of an apartment building moderate to comply with the must rules that went into effect last year >> we don't want to go to 10 different events people said so we advise people of the event. so we try to be incentive not
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everyone is going to be able to come 0 so this fans the afternoon and the einstein >> i've decided to be here it's amazing to see all those people's here it's critical to be prepared and to recover from disasters as finishing as possible. >> i've been to a lot of shows and this one was a trufk turnout a. >> since the structure the building represents the super structure the lower part of this particle on the buildings on the corner they shack quite a bit. >> so for the floors above as shaking that top floor is fog go-go have no more mass and we
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saw in 1984 more structure destruction where we're ryan white this by adding a steel frame typically you want to brass in both directions and see how strong the building is. >> we've adapted a thirty year implementation program i worry about that was a retrofit requirement this is what we do to mitigate the shom and have's evacuation for the people and our partners. i had questions about what kind of professionals are involved in this i want to start to put together a team of people to help me get through this. i'm a structural engineer and
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i'm thrilled at the quality of the contractors and engineers >> we've taken one civic awesome and put all the vendors in one place. >> you have financing and engineers and contractor and they come here and every we're rebuilding are that the office of the city of administer and the depth thought i environment and other partners. >> all those things one little piece of a resilient piece of - >> and i felt more positive about things i thought about how to pay for this. >> we didn't want to have one financing option it didn't work.
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>> we found information about financing they are different options for different types property owners. >> we've seen them offering financially and a pool of styles for a complicated way of saying they'll be able to pay back their loans over the next two years. >> we have 3 options and secondly, to get a loan for the ryan white and the third becoming in the past program participants in that. it is encouraged along coastal easier where we have set time like sand and a high water table
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to a cause the sand to shake i'm going to get this visitation on the same bridge you'll see the water come to the surface this knocks the foundation over and pushes out the ruptured pipeline >> it is intimidating i'm talking to people as a layman who needs help. >> this is a difficult process for people to navigate we're only focused on outreach so we've got the informational and we've spoken to many different owner groups and community groups all across the city. >> outreach is critical for the
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retrofitting program the city has to get out to the community and help people said what they have to do and do it and raise finances so this program is an advocate and resource for the community. >> so why not skip to the theme. foremost and most to come we've been presenting community meetings and going face to face with community owners and helping people understand what to do >> you may be wanting to know about the sf green but this will allow you to have is a loan for the property so if you have the property the loan will be summoned by the new owner and
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this is pay back for your property taxes and the low rates this is a fantastic option. >> i'm in favor of the program obviously we're going to have a earthquake this is from an investment stewardship. >> after a few minutes with folks even if you don't agree you understand the concept. >> we've talked about being able to do this now we're going to be forced to do this it's a good thing but to pay for it. >> it's not only protecting their property but every dollar is for mitigation it truly is protecting our investment overall the city. >> it's the right thing to do. you can look at the soft story
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building and theirs like the buildings that collapsed in the earthquake and your shufrtdz to see this >> people are getting caught to get this done and if people can find a place in our homes of shelter it will keep people in their homes. >> together we'll work out of getting out of 0 disaster and making the community bringing back to what we love. >> as a level of folks we've talked about we make recommendations to make everyone mitigated their soft story problems no other jurisdiction has tried to tackle this ordinance and we're set to have
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our program complete by 20/20. >> the quality of the people are here because of the leadership. >> it's a great conversation statewide how to do this and i can only stress this enough if we didn't have the community of the san franciscans that are concerned people, you know, talking about our financing is options and our engineering requirement if you altercated all our work it's consensus driven to provide options we don't have one path but one relative for people to get there. >> it's been an excellent consumption of the services i think i'm going to need if i go through this yeah, i'm very
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years. >> i'd like to call this month to month of the san francisco disaster council to order if everyone can find a seat. thank you all for being here and on fairly late notice we gave 72 hours of notice after this week's quake. i'm going to i'm going to turn it over to mayor edwin lee for opening remarks par good afternoon. welcome and again, thank you
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