tv [untitled] September 1, 2014 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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>> we are going to hold now until we can get this resolved. thank you for your patience. >> >> good afternoon and welcome to the mayor's disability council this friday july 18, 2014, in room 400 of san francisco city hall. city hall is accessible to persons using wheelchair and other persons with mobility devices. access at the polk street/carlton b.
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assistive listening devices are available and our meeting is open captioned and sign language interpreted. our agendas are also available in large print and braille. please ask staff for any extra assistance. to prevent interference and for everyone to focus, please silence all mobile phones. your cooperation is appreciated. we welcome the public's participation during public comment. you may complete a speaker's card in the front of the room or call our bridge line. 415. 554. 9632. where a staff member will handle request to speak at the appropriate time. the mayor's disability council meetings are held on the third friday of the month. our next regular meeting will be september 19,
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2014, from 1:00 p.m.-4 :00 p.m. at san francisco city hall in room 400. there will be no regularly scheduled meeting for the month of august. please call the office of mayor's on disability for information or to request accommodations. 415. 5546789. or t ty 415546799. please speak slowly into our microphone to assist our captioners and interpreters. thank you for joining us. we are going to proceed with roll call. >> thank you. cochair supanich? cochair derek zarda, present. councilmembers
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at that at tatiana cost kostanian, starlyn lara. denise senhaux, roland wong. present: >> thank you. now we'll proceed to action item no. 2. reading and approval of the agenda. city clerk: item no. 1, welcome. introductions and roll call. item no. 2. action item. reading and approval of the agenda. item no. 3: public comment. items not on today's agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. each speaker is limited to 3 minutes.
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item no. 4. information item: report from cochair supanich. item no. 5. information item. report from the director of the mayor's office on disability. >> item no. 6. information item. uber and future efforts to include people with disabilities. uber will share details of their technology and how their services can support customers with disabilities. presentation by caitlin o'neil, public policy associate, uber. pensacola comment is welcome. break. the council will take a 10 -minute break. item no. 7. information item. draft building blocks for accessible bicycle facilities. san francisco municipal transportation agency sf mta
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will present a draft set of guidelines for preserving and improving accessibility in protected bike way projects. presentation by annette wils, accessible services manager, sf mta, miriam sorelli, transportation planner, sf mta livable streets and sandra padilla. transportation planner, sf mta accessible services. public is welcome. item no. 8. information item. a history of the disability rights movement. this is the presentation of a summer internship project researching the history of the disability rights movement from the perspective of a youth with a disability. presentation by anna bernick. youth works intern or mayor's office on disability. item 9. information and
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possible action item. youth commission's priority around disability awareness. presentation of the youth commission's efforts to promote disability awareness curriculum throughout the san francisco unified schooling district. additionally they will engage in a discussion with the council regarding collaborative efforts with other city bodies. presentation by ariel yu. chair of the health education and wellness committee. san francisco youth commission, luisa sicairos. anna bernick and joyce wu. item nor 10. information item. report from the disability disaster preparedness committee. item no. 11. public comment. items not on today's agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the mdc, each speaker is
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limited to 3 minutes. item 12. information item. correspondence. item 13, discussion item. council member comments and announcements. >> item no. 14. adjourn. >> >> >> thank you. we are now moving to item no. 3. public comment. items not on today's agenda but the jurisdiction of the mdc. each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. first i have john alex. pedestrian safety advisory committee. >> thank you. cochair. my name again is john alex. i hold seat no. 4 on the pedestrian safety advisory committee representing the pedestrian and safety needs of people with disabilities and seniors in the city and county of san francisco. i come here on this point and open public comment to announce to you that a
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collaborative group has been created in san francisco to represent the transportation safety needs of seniors and people with disabilities. it's called transit justice. a peer of yours on the commission is a member of it that meets on the second wednesday of each month. in an available office of a disability non-profit in the san francisco city. so, it is addressing general topics of improvement on pedestrian safety and recent interest is also muni free muni passes for seniors and people with disabilities. so additional information can be available for me or from the chair of this group pira of senior
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and disability action. that is my public comment. thank you. >> thank you. next we have howard chad ner. >> good afternoon, everyone. thank you. howard chad ner. i have spoken before many times about how the city's campaign against cars is harming disabled people and seniors among others. i want to make you aware of a new ballot measure for the election. we turned in over 17,000 signatures even though only 900 were required. it's called restored transportation balance. it's a broad based, the supporters are a broad based coalition that includes people from all over san francisco, political spectrum. it would be a declaration of
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policy that would call for among other things freezing parking meter and fine rates for 5 years. having permanent having free passionating e -- parking at meters on sundays and holidays. the mayor is putting a temporary restriction on enforcement on sunday. we think after the election it may go back to the way it was. also the measure would call for a motor ist representative on the mta board since they are not only responsible for the buses and light rail but the design on the streets. it's only fair there should be a motorist representative as there are representative of other modes
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of transportation. it would also call for equal enforcement of traffic laws against all modes of transportation. so it's called restore balance, restored transportation balance. our website is restore balance 2014 .org. please check it out and look for it on the november election. thank you. >> thank you. next i have evelyn and my apologies for last name. thank you. >> i didn't know these meetings existed and i'm glad. i wish they were more well publicized. but here i am and also the muni routes which
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affect me greatly as far as being cutoff . anyhow. i know uber is being discussed. i'm sorry. i know that uber accessibility is being discussed on the agenda, but kind of related, i think i wanted to make this comment now and i heard mta. i'm thinking of something that severely affects the most vulnerable of the city and counties populations are those with disabilities and seniors and we know. apparently muni has hardly any connection with the para transit services. i would like to see our city and county actually have these over under staffed, three reservationist, three
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dispatchers and they have very difficult conditions and they should be really a part of our city services and certainly part of muni and at some point when the routes are further discussed, i have comments on that. small routes that are being cut, who needs those? well, i would be homebound if we did not. i this -- think that mostly returns. the steps of the vans don't extend lie muni do. that's a violence -- violation of the ada. old seat belts. they don't do over the shoulder. they are old vans. they are getting new ones. they are outsourced. think of it. our whole population with people with disability and
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seniors. so i probably extended out from the meeting too much and the agenda, but thank you very much for being here. i just wish i knew about it monthly meetings earlier. you will be seeing me again. thank you so much for being here and listening to us. >> thank you. moving along we have item no. 4. information item. report from cochair supanich. >> thank you, cochair zarda. i have two reports. the first report for the long-term care meeting for the last 3 months. the lccc guides development of an integrated network of home, community based and institutional services for older adults and adults with
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disabilities. the council makes policy recommendations to the mayor and to the board of supervisors. the lpccc meets on the second thursday every month from 1-3:00 p.m.. to cover time restraints my report will cover on the community. san francisco will become a friendly city. it is a long process that involves assessment and strategic planning and monitoring over a three 3-year period. they intend to have older adults and adults with disabilities involved in every step of the process. areas of assessment and planning will include housing, employment and transportation. hopefully it was expressed that this will also include efforts to enhance the community's willingness to employ the
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disabled who are chronically unemployed. there was no meeting in may. the council met on june 12th. a presentation from the mayor's office on housing community development was about changes of the san francisco housing administration and it's financial health. a fund for maintaining the building was created. services for residents will be included on-site. there was some concern about whether there will be enough for younger people with disabilities and also an update on the living fund. clf, services that help people in the community so they are not institutionalized. it did you tell -- does that at a very low cost. members asked supervisors for additional funds for the cls which were granted in june. finally, the council met on thursday july 10th, members of the kouj -- council and
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agencies have been lobbying for months for services for variety of services and people with disabilities. increased funding and revolving fund for elevator and sro's, protective services, nutrition and meals, food service and delivery, senior centers, housing services and ellis act eviction advocacy. there is a lot of things that are exciting that are happening. input from the community is needed. please come to our meeting. the lccc does not meet in august. the next meeting is on thursday
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september 11, 2014, at the born auditorium in the hsa building at 170 otis street. the second item in my report is to mention that a long time advocate for persons with disabilities and seniors and other groups was lost to us last week. viera passed away last july 9. th. she was an advocate, a historical reservoir. she was politically knowledgeable. she was the networking expert. she was the community representative. she sat on multiple committee's and councils and mentor to many. at the end of the meeting we will adjourn in her honor and observe a moment of silence and i encourage any
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who knew her to stay until the end of the meeting. that concludes my report. >> thank you, cochair. next up we are going to item no. 5. information item. report from the director of the mayor's office on disability. >> thank you. i'm carla johnson the director at the mayor's office on disability. i want to start by wishing everybody happy ada anniversary month. on sat july 26th, we'll be signing the 24th disability act. and there will be a lot more discussion about a history of the disability rights movement. so i will defer any further comments until later. i have five things that i
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would like to share with you today. the first is an introduction to a new staff member. the second will be a quick report about disaster planning. the third, a report back on elevators. the fourth, an update on mod's website project and the last a shout out to independent living resource center san francisco's grand reopening. so first on staff introductions. i'm delighted to be able to introduce tom. he's seated in the back of the room. tom is a senior building inspector coming to us after 15 years at the department of building inspection. some of the projects he's worked on at dbi was to coordinate training for the staff there including training around enforcement of the disability access rights, codes and laws. he's going to be working with jim whippel as an
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architectural officer. he's working on the architectural funded projects. like everybody else in our office he'll have other assignments including disaster planning and disaster response. so i wanted to welcome tom. he's really the last piece in the mod staff puzzle with tom's arrival we are now fully staffed and we are very appreciative of that. so welcome, tom. speaking of disaster planning and response, our office has been a part of two webinars this month. on july 1st, joanna and i gave a presentation on a national webinar that was organized by the pacific ada center. the focus was on including people with disabilities in the community and disaster planning and response. and what we did was we talked about san francisco's efforts
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through the mayor's office on disability and also our very own disability disaster preparedness committee of the mayor's disability council. we profiled how we integrated disabilities expertise into disaster planning and we listed many of the dcp's accomplishment including the evacuation chair project and the ada technical assistance manual for the care and shelter plan. we also talked about our offices role as disability access coordinator at the emergency operation's center. we offer this perspective from a city side, but there were other speakers that included richard zelder from the california office of emergency services who spoke about his work at the state level. we had another speaker who provided a regional response and yet another who came from another smaller city perspective, the city of
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fresno that has a lot less resources than we all do. so richard delveder and california oes asked you to participate in a workgroup webinar that took place yesterday, july 17th. that workgroup is going to be looking at best practices in order to develop a comprehensive evacuation plan for people with disabilities. in looking at evacuate ugsz, what we are really talking about is multiple stages. we are talking about evacuations from buildings and also evacuations from portions of the city or leaving the city entirely. this is a focus really on concerns about multistory buildings and especially high rises. and the discussion was informed by new york's experience following hurricane sandy. and as i think everybody remembers there were thousands of people that were stranded in their
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multistory and high rise homes because of the massive power outages that came with the storm. so this is a good thing for people with disabilities that we have richard delveder back at oes to be focusing on people with disabilities in the emergency plans and our office will be continuing to work on this plan and i will keep you posted. my next topic is a quick update on elevators. last month in my directors report i talked about the on going issue of elevator maintenance andel elevator failures make it difficult. this has been an issue that has been identified by this council as well as advocates especially senior and disability action. under supervisor kim's leadership, the land use and economic
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development committee held a hearing on elevator and disability access in single occupancy hotels, their investigation by the department of building inspection and health department and by me and also the disability action. what came out of this hearing was a commitment to the city's budget propose by supervisor kim and supported by our mayor to set aside $250,000 for revolving loan fund and this fund will be available to sro property owners that can take out a loan, fix their elevator and payoff the loan and tap that fund. this is a very important first step to address the needs on the private side on privately owned buildings and this is
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in conjunction with the mayor's upgrade for the housing properties. i think our policy makers have heard your advocacy and they are taking action. the next update is on the mayor's office of disability website. i wanted to give you a quick report on our project. about 7 or 8 months ago i gave you an introduction to let you know that our office started conversations with our city's web master to do an overhaul of our city's website. many of the city's web site is currently getting reformed. if you go to the mayor's office on disability website today you will see there is a new but ton at the top for accessibility. if you click on that link, it provides many new options including the
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ability to read, selected text out loud and to enlarge text without having any special software on your own computer like jaws or zoom text. the city's new standard format is also easier to read on a smartphone and tablet because it expands the different tabs that are there. along with this new city format, i found the opportunity to make our mod site more friendly and moren intuitive and better links to information and resources. our office started a major overhaul. we decided it wasn't enough to just move information around but an opportunity to update all of our content. of course i had no idea how much work that would be. [ laughter ] but this week is a team effort at mod. we delivered our new
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content to the web master and he's going to be developing a scope of work and once we agree, he'll be freezing the design and once he freezes the design i will have an estimate of what you can expect to see our brand new accessible website. i will keep you posted. my last item really is to give a shout out to the independent living resource center in san francisco about an upcoming event and ilrc sf is celebrating the 24th anniversary by signing the ada at the fully accessible headquarters. the details on saturday july 26, '10 a.m.-3 :00 p.m.. the public is very much invited. the location is
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on the ground floor on howard street between 4th and 5th street in the south market area. there is food, disability quilting, kid friendly events and will have sign language interpretation. i hope to see everybody there. so that concludes my director's report and at this point i would like to turn the microphone over to heather kittel or ada compliance coordinator to hear her reports on complaints and service request for accommodation. thank you. >> good afternoon, councilmembers and cochairs. last month in june our office received 64 in inquiries and we provided information referrals, service request and ada technical assistance. 81 percent of these inquiries from the public and 19 percent
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