tv [untitled] September 1, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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or they are toast. okay. we do have a taxi tech and ride share economy forum coming up on wednesday the 23rd. if you can make a minute afterwards, i would love to invite you to be a presenter at that forum. is there someway i can get this on the -- i will give it to whoever it is that comes up here to get it? thank you. and thank you very much for coming. i really appreciate your interest in this. and i know that technology is
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totally changing the world, and impact just expect to go backwards when the wheel has been invented. but we have to make sure that things are equal when they move forward. >> thank you, with that we'll be going into a 10 -minute starting here shortly. please take your seats. thank you. >> all right. next on our agenda we have item no. 7.
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information item. draft building blocks for accessible bicycle facilities. san francisco municipal transportationation, sf mta will present and draft set of guidelines for preserving and improving accessibility in protected bike way projects presentation by annette williams, accessible services manager, sf mta miriam sorelli, transportation planner, sf mta livable streets and sandra padilla. >> thank you for making time on this agenda. my name is sandra padilla. specifically my rule is to ensure that all sustain able street projects coming out of sf mta improve
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for people and seniors with disabilities. today i have an overview for you that will help ensure that any protected bike way are designed for people with disabilities in mind and this is for staff to help them understand how they can incorporate accessible elements into bike way designs. these bike guidelines are with sf mta and public works. first i'm going to back up and introduce you the cone -- concept that protects the bike lean. we have the sf mta bicycle strategy. it
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positions the city of san francisco a bicycle way for all people with disabilities including senior citizens. protected bike ways will be key for the bike way strategy. they yield many benefits to all users including predict ability where various users and modes can be. clarityey and what's expected from users of each mode and what they can expect and also comfort for peak -- people on bicycles. but for designing and protected bicycle lanes and maintaining the high level of accessibility standards presents a design challenge. we have to figure out how to incorporate everything we
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prioritize in our streets. we have from the leaders disability community. let me back up. and came together to identify what are some priority issues and that must be tackled as we figure out how to design protected bike ways. this next slide we have five issues that we identified. so the first is distinction and clarity to separate the spaces between people and bicycles and pedestrian. a second is slower pedestrian crossing and third access to bus stops along bike ways, fourth, para transit drop off on curb and accessible parking on blue zones. after we convened and identified these five sets of
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priorities. we came to the agreement that the best way to do this was to address these issues in one place rather than starting from scratch at the beginning with each project. and to do that we created an inter agency working group with the partner that i mentioned earlier, the mayor's office on disabilities, public works and the planning department to present to you the document today. to your knowledge this is the first in this country. because of this well make the same living document as we learn from implementation, one of the first lessons we learned from the jfk by ways. we learned those lessons and incorporated them in here and as we implement more designs we will work those lessons in here and make it an even
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stronger document. this document also acknowledges the diversity and character of san francisco's neighborhoods and we've left room for context instead of design here. in this slide shows the cover of the document you had. we have available here today at the front. that said, given the flexibility that i mentioned, we did identify a set of five guiding principles that we want to make sure that every bike way design incorporated. the first safety first. pedestrians and bicyclist can share our streets. >> so the first safety first.
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pedestrian and bicyclist can share our streets when markings, designated bike lanes are included in the design. the second. vehicles have a place in the plan too. some people with disabilities will still use private vehicles. para transit vans and taxis to their destinations. the third principal, bike facility should be designed to allow para transit vans and taxis to discharge and pick up passengers with mobility and disability onto the sidewalk. the fourth, when parking inventory changes, blue zones must be added and replaced or removed. in the fifth guiding principal, when a significant number of parking spaces is removed to create a bicycle
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facility, project staff must conduct an analysis of accessible parking to ensure distribution, and saturation of accessible parking according to the draft guided way of guidelines. i'm going to explain this principal. the u.s. board has the bike way ak accessibility guidelines. these guidelines have a ratio of sibl accessible parking and this is taken from pro act and what we will follow. if the parking inventory changes per
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project. we will live -- leave it accountable for all pro act. i will now move on to some conceptual design to illustrate how we plan to accommodate accessibility in protected bike ways. this first slide shows a crosswalk in a green bike way that's at street level next to the sidewalk, and on the other side of the bike way is a raised buffer also at the sidewalk level. the raised buffer has a ramp that leaves to the crosswalk with yellow truncated domes and the other side of the raised buffer is a parking lane. the first parking space in the parking lane is an accessible on street parking space. you will notice the difference in
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buffer width next to the accessible parking space and next to the parking spaces that are non-designated as accessible. this change of width is more to illustrate the different minimum requirements that we have. it does not mean necessarily that the buffers would barry in width like that. the accessible parking space will be parking wide. it can be a minimum of 8 feet wide. places that are not designated as accessible, it can be four 4 feet wide and essentially it's five 5 feet wide. in this next slide, we have a similar set up where we have a
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sidewalk and a green bicycle lane at the street level and on the other side of the bicycle lane, a raised buffer that's at the same level as the sidewalk. with a ramp leading towards the crosswalk at the beginning of the buffer. and on the buffer is a transit stop. so the buffer serves also as a transit island. and we also have a crossing, a pedestrian crossing both at the middle of the block. so at the far end of the transit stop and one at the beginning of the transit stop which is at the crosswalk. so two ways for pedestrians to get from the sidewalk to the transit island. so this conceptual design is meant to illustrate how we envision accommodating stops in accommodating access to these stops for pedestrians on the sidewalk or
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pedestrians that want to get from the stop to the sidewalk. so what we thought was important for providing ample ways to get from the sidewalk to the transit stop knowing that a lot of times people might be trying to catch the bus, etc. these crosswalks already marked with marking similar to continue continental crosswalks and with truncated domes on each side on the raised buffer and sidewalk. the bicycle lane will angle up. they are at the same level of the sidewalk and transit bufrt -- buffer and it will accommodate the level crossing. as you will also note the raised buffer is also wider where the transit stop is located. this transit stop will be a minimum of eight 8 feet wide to accommodate the lift to be deployed from the transit vehicle.
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this next slide illustrates a little bit in more detail the mid-block crossings that we are envisioning from the sidewalk to the raised buffers. one of the things we want to make sure to do whenever there is either a parking along the raised buffer or transit stop on a raised buffer is to make sure that people have clear and designated ways to get from the sidewalk to the buffer and for them to be frequent. so at most people would have to walk 300 feet to get to a crossing from a crosswalk or mid-block crossing. if a block is longer than 600 feet, it will require a mid-block crossing. and this last slide that i will show shows instead of what we've been seeing which
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is a raised buffer, we have a sidewalk and green bicycle lane at the street level and the separation between traffic and the bicycle lane consist of one that has a painted buffer and a parking lane. a parking space and parking lane is an accessible parking space which is also well marked with blue. we are still figuring out how we will mark these spaces and that's an on going conversation. the most important to address of this slide is the width of the buffer. so a minimum buffer with a long and accessible space would be 5 feet wide. the recommended minimum buffer for a parking space that's non-designated as an accessible space would be four 4 feet wide and we have an exception for under various
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strenuous circumstances require approval of services for three 3-foot wide buffer. with that, i will close. thank you. >> first off, thank you so much for coming today and presenting this plan. it's definitely ambitious. i think we have questions from the council myself include. first off, in speaking to the buffer width, i think it was the first diagram you showed the buffer width along blue zone would be five 5 feet minimum for van accessible spaces. in the slide that's shown the crosswalk points for going from the sidewalk islands to the actual crossing with the bikers there, i didn't see
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signage or any notes about signage or, my question is it going to be something where a person with a mobility disability is going to be waiting for bikers to slowdown and always having to be vigilant that no one is going to be barreling down where there is no crossing. could there be a stoplight for them so they can stop and go so they know they have to stop? >> thank you for the question. i'm going to defer to my colleague from livable streets. miriam sorelli. >> it would depend on the example that sandra had an image of. one of the crosswalks at the actual
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intersection and that would be subject to whatever the normal markings are of the stoplight. in terms of the mid-block location. it's a crosswalk that would yield to pedestrian in a crosswalk. would it be added an extra stoplight that would be as the process. >> can i ask a question as a follow up. we've all been down to market street and seen news reports of bicyclist and running and mowing down pedestrians. these things, i'm not making this up. but at the same time, i'm happy that you are here though. we all want to help make it successful. so in speaking to that, the fact that adhering to the current standards for well, they are just going to have to wait or ensure that these bicyclist, the way they are going down,
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it's not like a standard for pedestrian. they are a moving vehicle themselves. so saying that it's okay, we have a current regulation in place, they are just going to that and during multiple mid-point, not just one because these are long stretches here. just leaving it to that, that's being to the point where you are waiting for it to be reactive measures instead of proactive measures. what is in place to be possibly be pro act identify ct -- protective about this problem. that's a problem. >> that's an issue that we are dealing with in the city. it's a lot more broad than what we are looking at in terms of coming up with these design guidelines. it's an issue of enforcement, issue of education. there is lots of things that factor into that. there are many things that
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are going on around enforcement in terms of these designs. what we were looking at is not, this handbook, this set of guidance is about designing the facilities in a way that they provide access to the people who need it and figuring out some of those issues is a little bit of a separate thing. i don't want to discount that as a real issue and we have the raised feet in the crosswalk is something we don't so far have and for instance the new, there is a similar design at church where there is a bicycle track behind the muni stop and that doesn't have the raised crosswalk. when we add something like that in, it's a signal that not just is there a marked crosswalk but you are physically going uphill to enter this pedestrian space and we are hoping that that design will help to address those issues. >> with a yield sign or warning ahead, crossing. i'm sure lots of things will be
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implemented. one more question, going to the accessible painted buffer in the slide and the control room can find that slide because i see we are trying to reference the slide the public may not be able to see. >> i have it up. >> okay shall , thank you very much. control room. this seems to me a little similar going on with the park with the jfk way. there was strong feedback from that because really it's, you know, despite however you paint it, you are still trying to transfer out and there is still bicyclist barreling down. they are not going slow. and so, it really doesn't feel as much of a loading zone. once again, the own us really in my opinion should not be on the person with the immobility to be vigilant. if they have
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a disability, low vision, they can still be independent. this set up still, it seems to me they have to be very vigilant and almost dependent to have a person by their side so they can cross and that impedes them from being able to go out independent ly in the community. is this something we are going to have in place now and later on we'll find new ideas? >> the work we did on jfk did factor in a lot to what we've advised here. when we are designing bicycle facilities impact always afford to put in an actual raised buffer in the case of the golden gate, the park wasn't interested in that. so the design in the case of the painted buffer is similar recommended to the raised buffer and that's five
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5 feet and that's something through the process of the jfk design, we worked to widen those buffers and we wrent able to in all locates. our guidance for the future is that are recommended with the five 5 feet and minimum is 4 feet. there are some other things that we learned through jfk that we recommend for the future which is jfk has an additional issue of the parking lane itself being very narrow. you know, jfk was the first of it's kind in san francisco. we have a lot of guidance from other cities, here is the recommended buffer and the recommended vehicle lane because of the concern of jfk and we put minimums next to minimums and it's a little tight. the parking in jfk people park into the buffer, but in the width of that parking lane combined with the travel lane next to it. it's something we are always going to be struggling
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with and to ensure cars are parking outside the buffer as they should be adds a whole lot of width. >> this you for answering that. one more just to really address this. if it comes to the attention and this is jfk, this is going to be going on more downtown. if it turns out that this is not a good idea that the accessibility and harm is great, would it still be left in place or be taken out. that's with image nothing. we are working on a new plan. do you feel like it might be hazardous to leave this in if it presents challenges. is it better to have nothing so it doesn't get pushed along by accident? >> we are definitely on top
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of looking at collision data and complaints or praise that we receive especially a painted feature. that's something, if we had seen it as being problematic in terms of increasing collisions, that would be something we would look at. so far for jfk we haven't seen anything in collisions compared to what we've seen before. >> okay. councilmembers, thank you for being patient with me. we have mr. supanich? >> my question is for both of you. i went to drive through jfk boulevard or parkway and when the pilot program began and it was clearly evident that people did not know what to do. you go down and these
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green lanes are already on market street and i have on several occasions seen cars in those lanes. so i am concerned that we will revamp a radical new system of transportation in this city without adequate signage and without adequate community education before hand. can you give me assurances that there will be an adequate budget to educate the public. it's really messy when a car gets in a bike lane and of course tempers flare and there is already enough an animosity between drivers and bicycles. is there going to be a system and how will that work? >> that is a much more broad
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issue than specifically related to the guidelines and that is something we are cognizant of and working on and partnering enforcement and education and working with non-profit partners. we do have some coming up, i think outreach and around education around those things, but it's not actually, i'm not familiar with the details of that but i know that education is something we want to do, having it be green as opposed to jfk we weren't able to do the green treatment. we are figuring out each thing to do to make it clear. our goal is to make it clear as possible for people for what they should be doing. when people understand where they should be, that will be more smoothly. >> i would like to encourage you to work with the mayor's office on disability on these matters and also council. >> to the chair, quickly. i
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think those are really very good suggestions and some of the conversations we had out of jfk were looking at things like pavement markings and signage to really communicate to people where is the parking zone, where is the buffer zone and bike lane zone. i think that's constructive feedback for this document. thank you. >> councilmember wong? >> hi, there. i saw you yesterday at the committee. today i have the second round at hearing the presentation and finally it's sun ken in. i was looking at the bike lane that should be 8 feet minimum. page nine. i like the idea of the improvement of the double crosswalk. currently most of these islands, we could not
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get to the intersection because of the crowds. like market street. when we board on the island or get off the island and there are crowds in front of the intersection, we just wait patiently but having this improvement will be great and better factor market street to have double crosswalks. and this observation, i noticed that most of these don't have guard rails. you know, parentally market street had guard rails to guide them and once they get off the bus, they don't know where to go and they have an aid as a guard rail that will be helpful and also for
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safety. people tend to want to jaywalk anyway. so anyway, i just kind of throw that in for the time being. i'm sure we'll have further discussion about it. thank you. >> councilmember kostanian? >> hi. one of the things when i do go out. i don't go out very often, but when i do go out and have a chance to go to some of the neighborhoods and/or to the park, i still see bikes and skateboarders going at a reckless speed and have no concern about people or anybody. except on one thing, to have access and speed. when you are talking about education, i think these are the people that you really have to sit down and say, this is
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