tv [untitled] September 1, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i'm here to kind of strongly asking you to help us to place my grandson to the school he wants and i can see he might want to skip classes or he might want to quit so i don't know i'm the guardian so i don't know how to do when that happens. >> okay. thank you very >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> hello, i'm a mother of 3 kids ail my 3 kids are going to the 3 schools many in the west and east areas so any date applied for a school 5 minutes from our house; however, assigned to a school like today it tookized two hours. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> well about my family my father passed away and my mom had depression and i'm thinking i can spend little time to send my kids to the school so i can
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have more time to take care of my mother speeding i hope you can check our case and help us out thank you. >> okay public comment is now closed mr. sandyer son will you please meet with the parents that just spoke they're in need of interpreters so, please interpreters would be mind helping mr. sandyer son he is in charge and w will take the information from the parent and speak to the educational placement center thank you very
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much mr. san leandroer son. okay item k advisory committee any committee appointments to be announced by board members seeing none, special order of business may we have a motion and second for the 2014-2015 local control and other plan for the san francisco county of education and the san francisco unified school district who will read the recommendation into the record >> so moved. >> thank you president fewer i'd like to ask superintendent to read it. >> so the requested action is that the board of education approves the other plan or l cap for the san francisco county of education and san francisco unified school district keeping
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fiscal year 2014-2015 through 2016-2017 subject to annual updates. so actually, i think the 2016 yeah, that's correct if i can provide a little bit of information regarding the item before you and this is summarized in the language under background. as the commissioners know you approved the first l cap for the district at our i believe it was the june 24th meeting and that was submitted to the california board of education later that week and over the summer we got feedback as i am guessing many other district and communities got feedback upon their review of the submission and they give us item a few items of feedback
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listed on the bottom of the background language. and they were very minor not problematic in our view it didn't take long to incorporate the feedback but asked the changes to be made i'll ask the board to adapt the changes. just to go through the 4 specific changes they recommended one was that the l cap be separated for the county office of education versus t unified school district so our view covered the county and district responsibility but the
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california board of education asked us to separate the l cap from the district with the county l cap any references to kindergarten be removed and that's okay. number 3 was that in both the county and district l cap they wanted us to include a reference to the take care accrediting as one of the elements the states priorities specified in the regulation and finally for number 4 in the county l cap include the references for the foster youth and for coordinating services for the dispelled youth in the county related to the county office all
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i have those were be incorporated into the revised versions and those versions are not red lined if you want i can point you to the changes they're all very minor. those revisions are on our website in english and spanish. if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them commissioners >> commissioner. >> i don't have issues with the proposed amendment but in the last 3 meetings we've taken up the l cap i've requested our partners be acknowledged as one of the organizations that was very much a part of the community communication i asked they be listed as partners
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involved? process it's important to communicate that we work closely with our labor partners in developing this i ask they be bulleted under the process that we're impounded and we discussed this i'm disappointed it does appear so i'd like to get an amendment to the organizations that they be listed formally as organizations we included in the consultations. >> any other questions or comments. i just have one i wanted to know so we're separating the l cap from the skufd from the county so i wanted to know that during our discussion with parents and groups did we have my
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representatives from our carefully that represents the is the in our county program >> i know the answer is yes but i can't specific which schools and scanning the room to see if ms. williams before that time is here she's probably in a better position to provide the details frankly than i am. >> thank you georgia. >> i don't have exact figures but when he convened with the stakeholders that served the county group they were part of the conversation. >> so we had guardians and
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parents present that's great. i think did we have student voices as part of the program >> that i can't speak. >> i think it would be helpful now we're separating the two and there maybe a different focus over and over something to add so thank you very much. next. commissioner wynns >> thank you. okay. so i that seems like the request from the state we had a separate l cap from the board of education is a bureaucratic mistake i think they don't understand so i'm going i want to study this but i want us to write them a letter and say okay. we did that but our county of succession e education is sgrathsd with our school district this is about spending
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money we spend lots of money out disgust before you get u budget those students are our students i'd like them to be more integrated not separated so i think as a matter of policy we ought to or your opinion okay. we've done this so mr. and mrs. bureaucrat is no the the the reason we did this in the first place >> are you saying i'll write to mr. and mrs. bureaucrat. >> so commissioners, i actually will go to the staff and confer with the county superintendent but actually we'll talk about that and bring that to the policy committee and then we'll
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craft a letter as well. >> great we'd be compliant by passing this that doesn't mean 53 we should follow-up this is i want us to do it the way you want it not put $0.50 in this budget and 20 in the next. >> thank you also deputy superintendent please note the commissioners request to add in our labor partners s c a u and u s f f. >> i don't think that's a problem i want to make sure that commissioner the comments you made that wasn't disregard the
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distinction is there's a specific group of organizations working with the district several of the organizations that are listed that coordinated a specification community process and usa f and the other one participated in some of the activities around community engagement around the l cap but not organized through the district and not originated through that effort so they have a forum and members of the district and commissioners attend that that was a parallel effort for the district connected effort per say it's might be splitting hairs but that's the intention behind the list there's no problem in the
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eyes of the organization i wanted to comment why the list appears as that appears as far. >> thank you superintendant commissioner maufas. >> so in the regards to mr. and mrs. bureaucrat conversation. so i understand the superintendant policy and operations and i'm going to seem but i'm actually asking have we had legal council weighing in on the separation of the the entities and why we've done such is there any opinion? >> there's not. >> okay. continue on to the letter to mr. - and no opinion that's very helpful >> maybe i misconstrued the
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opinion and we didn't ask if you personally - >> (laughter). >> the question is should we look at the question of the legal requirement but i'll look at it. >> good commissioner maufas. any more comments from the board roll call vote >> mrs. jones. commissioner chin oar commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. dr. murase. commissioner norton >> ms. wynns. president fewer. 6 ice >> item m discussion even if education issues no one. consent calendar resolutions we have none together so this is item o we're voting on the consent calendar it's under section f.
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>> ms. jones. >> yes. mr. chin. mr. haney. police vehicles >> yes. except items 8 and 9. >> k and 9. >> correct and 13. >> and 12 and 13. >> okay. dr. murase. ms. norton. ms. wynns. president fewer. thank you. thank you. item t consent calendar resolutions. those are south side of for board discussion i believe we have - >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell i located 7 things. >> these can all be taken together perhaps the gentleman
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can answer this for me. so i pulled those because their retro actually but contract we do year in and out for theist i want to find why >> good evening this is a first for me, i have not had to do this. i know that commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell is very good at findings those things. but i want to apologize this should you have been on the last board meeting of june and it wasn't those restraining order that basically k things done
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every year for auditors and school services is an annual contract and the third one was kevin harper and we use him sporadicly. i was told they basically missed the end and this was submitted a month ago and not on the agenda i i'll it should have been on the june agenda it will never happen again and i guess it stuck out one was a significant amount for $210,000 i want to make sure we especially toe continue on an annual reluctant get in on time thank you >> i'm sure they live in the fire chief. >> but that's our cpas d t d
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and at least the the fee didn't comboip so that's good (laughter). >> it's good news. >> i think we're ready for a vote. >> commissioner wynns. i know that we've been very happy with our auditors because ourist are great can you for the record can you tell us the industry practice for how often we ought to look at changing auditors or reboyd the contract or reevaluating it i have no question with the auditors but should we think this is routine rolled over every year >> we've have a good
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relationship with the auditors and you mentioned and we did go out to bid there are basically if you companies that don't want those bids a lot of cases it becomes very costly event for some. i was surprised but i wasn't with the district very long how few people were interested? assignment. they change partners every 3 years and mr. dan i presume will be up this year at the end of 2014-2015 so they do p do that. they've been very good and understand the district i've been satisfied but we can go out for a bid and see what happens i can't say how helpful they've
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been >> i appreciate that that's the answer we want the same person do it the same year after year so thank you. >> thank you, sir. i think we're ready for a vote >> ms. jones. mr. chin. commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. no. dr. murase. ms. norton. ms. wynns. president fewer. that's 5 i's >> thank you item q the first reading. the nexus resolution arising to student assignments for policy may having i have a motion and second to consider action anothers first reading >> so moved. >> may i have a roll call vote.
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>> thank you, ms. jones. mr. chin. mr. haney. ms. maufas. police vehicles. dr. murase. ms. norton. ms. wynns. and president fewer. 6 i's. may having i have a motion and second >> second and mr. superintendant who will read the resolution into the record. >> i'll ask the superintendant to read the motion into the right and our executive director defense attorney lien. >> good evening the subject is resolution number 148 resolutions to the students policies the requested action
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that the board of education of the sfusd adapt the provisions and the student board policy. as aemthsd here in and the board suspend the board policy requiring the provisions made 3 months before sfusd invents accepting applications so the provisions shall be effective immediately would the commissions like for me to read the background >> commissioners do you - i think just the recommended action thank you. commissioners we have no public speakers commissioners any questions or comments >> yes. commissioner norton. >> so i'm going to support this recommendation i had to get my head around it and the student
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assignment committee whatever that was but i do feel like we need to still keep thinking about how you to attract robust enrollment at willie brown and i definitely hope i'd like to have the board get an update on the problematic work maybe as item m the project manager has reached out to me but this is an important conversation it should come to the board and be on the radio but i'm wondering superintendent if you can tonight shed light to attract a more robust and better enrollment to the willie brown. >> thank you commissioner norton we do have a multi departmental team that meets regularly and working on a
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comprehensive plan at willie brown we can have a date of a vesting but it relates specifically to attracting students to willie brown we're discussing a number of initiatives one of the initiatives we're talking about has a suggestion to the board members can we incentivize students with willie brown with perhaps priority to high schools in the city. so we're exploring that particular idea as well and, of course, we want to make sure when we bring a recommendation to the board we've considered all the legal and procedural issues involved with that. we're also looking at in terms of our outreach having a multi lingual outreach plan that is very far along in its development we're not waiting for parents to come to meetings
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we're going out into the community and i would say going to parents and families where they not only worship but live and they come together. so we're working on that plan and engaging our cb o partners and various organizations in that county to help us with the outreach and we're looking at the problematic aspects of willie brown is second to none in terms of the stem focus that will be there we have a full community approach we'll have wellness clinics and 0 vision and working on dental and social services and partnering with the 71 to flush that out and working on a full music program at willie brown as well there are a number of things when the
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community is able to understand what willie brown middle school will look like it will be hard to say no to attend willie brown that's a thump nail i don't know if the superintendent wants to add anything >> i think your superintendant gave a broad and comprehensive look at the components of the educational program as well as the supports we want to make available to our students and families we want to make sure that this school it gives us an exciting opportunity to model our programming we want to have across our middle school grades. and given this smaller program welcoming the sixth grade placing class and we talk about often the opportunities we want
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to give the students to stack lack language and arts and i'll the option that our families and students find attractive so the good thing we gave ourselves a year to get into the planning and soon will be coming to you with the initial outlines and it's involving sort of across the departmental efforts and with external partnerships to make sure that a lot of those aspects materialize so we look forward to coming up to you with that and artist facts we're excited about to share with the broader community and with our enrollment fair to provide a visual for potential parents about what they can expect at the school site this includes
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not only the physical plant and sort of the rendering of that building as a it continues to take shape out in the bayview but other questions the parents have >> thank you deputy superintendent. i know there is a deadline parents are looking at the enrollment that's a topic the decision quite frankly from memorial day to high school so how hand soon can we report that to our community about the programs. that we're going to be having at the new willie brown middle school. so we've had extensive updates but not updated on the outreach plan and also the program i've been talking to parents when i'm
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in the bayview they've asked me what is it going to be like the wow. about it. i think we have a lot of wow. plan we're anxiously waiting to hear about the wow. plan i want to add into commissioner nortons plan i'm going to support that but i want the superintendant to bring back to the board a proposal on how the district plans to difference and have a responsibility enrollment at willie brown we know we're going to have a fabulous middle school and tell the public if they invest in this school that will be a great experience for the children in the middle school i'm requesting the
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