tv [untitled] September 2, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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about 63 thousand kids have been apprehend in the first, few months alone and released to a custody to their friends or family in the san francisco bay area. when this occurs the child's status is jaurthd and i think that when the history of the obama administration was written this is one of those saddest moments in the tenure of this president because it is truly a crisis that was created by this market values the idea of competently that he had thousands of those cases without insuring that those kids each one of those cases there are legal representation. during the protective - what is
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now being described as the rocket docket and it was truly one of the most heartbreaking experience the room was filled with children and guardian who were terrified. and we asked the children we asked some of the family members that were there if they tried to get legal representation and one of the individuals was an example simply said they called every single organization on a how often that was given to them but never received a response. and, of course, this is very challenging and even the judge in that case judge chris waldo is doing the best they can when
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we addressed the room the first thing he told the kids and families they needed to get a lawyer and, of course, that's simply one thing they couldn't do. faced with this crisis and a lot of ways those kids should be helped notwithstanding the poor reporting of this issue this is a very complicated matter at hand we want to make sure as we move forward as a city in figuring out how to deal with the crisis we base our proposal on facts. my office working with members of the community ask the budget analysis to see what it would take that every child and individual who is currently
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involved in the rocket docket here in san francisco immigration court that every individual receives full scope legal representation. i want to thank harvey rose and there's a report that they issued today that's been realized my moping hope is each one of you received the report and will take the time to read it but this report finds it really scary. we have lucky in san francisco that we have some of the best nonprofits not only in the area but country yet the magnitude of that crisis is something we as a region and we as a city have not been ready to face. the budget and protective analysis reports projects that
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the caseload in immigration courts in san francisco will increase drastically. there's an exemption on the interviews of the number of attorneys and immigrants they observed the court that they expect that about 2 thousand 5 hundred 33 cases for fiscal year 2013-2014 will be part of the rocket docket. if i subtract 3 hundred cases plus that are in place our talking about 2 thousand one hundred and thirty cases per year i have 2 thousand one hundred and thirty cases talking about children not ref legal representation here in san francisco immigration court.
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this report also estimates that estimates to provide legal representation for this estimated 2 thousand one hundred and thirty children that it will require about 53.2 attorneys based on an average caseload of 40 cases per attorney per year. if you look at the total amount it will take for the region to provide legal representation in all of the 2 thousand plus cases you're talking about $6.2 million. that will be needed so that we insure that every child has the representation and thinking about how to move forward we wanted to have a murder approach that recognized this is not just a san francisco problem but actually a regional problem and in their report the budget
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analysts estimates that 20 percent of the 2 thousand child plus the cases part of rocket docket are children that are residing in san francisco. 20 percent. so based on that estimation we have arriving at the at supplemental request of $1.2 million for each of the next two years 1.2 million repeals represents 20 percent the budget analysts report. we have n about in discussions with the mayor's office specifically with bryan chiu the mayor's office of housing and economic development to provide legal defense to those kids and reappreciate and certainly welcome the consideration that's been given by the mayor's
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office. seeking a supplemental is not an easy thing to do not something do lightly but the realistic we have a series crisis and something should be done. i want to thank my colleagues who are with me co-sponsoring this request supervisor avalos, supervisor yee and supervisor mar we look forward to having a robust discussion thank you budget and finance committee to talk about the right level of investment in those kids. we recognize we in san francisco where are not alone in trying to do something about this issue. we are grateful that there is discussions by state governor jerry brown have appropriated money for the legal services who are part of the rocket docket,
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however, those if i understand will be $3 million statewide and we anticipate only a small fraction will be sent to the san francisco bay area. we acknowledge that attorney general harris has a private foundation asked them to provide legal services we've hoping for something but we've been informed they'll not been able to provide the need resources to address this crisis. we also note that as we at this board and the mayor in san francisco consider this proposal that we are working with a coalition in alameda county we've been asking that government in alamed to step forward with funding so not only san francisco addressing the needs of the kid.
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you know, a lot of people have asked why is it this is important? and i just want to note a couple of points one that under international law and under u.s. immigration law many of those kids would actually qualify as refuges and many have cases to be protected that i immigration law in the united states. the problem is those protections could not be afforded unless the person has representation there was a study by the immigration project unrepresented immigrant juveniles were facing deportation 9 out of 10 cases but when the juvenile had legal representation in almost half of
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the cases when there was an attorney present that case was actually successful so having legal representation does matter. i'll end with the final statement that was provided by a research in the area of immigration law professor mr. taylor we must choose carefully how we treat a stranger among us your choice as serious implementation for the strarg and also ourselves how we choose to deal with the crisis has serious implementation for those children and serious implementation for who and what we are as a country. i believe we in san francisco should set the example for insuring that a minimum those
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kids are accorded the legal rights that our constitution and international law provide them the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor campos. >> president chiu. >> thank you colleagues first of all, i have two difficult memoriams here today. first, i move we adjourn this afternoons meeting 34 memory of mary ash son she was a resident in our city in burrow heights and traevenlg she was a victim of a domestic homicide. this year we know there are several deaths being investigated that are likely related to domestic violence and we know that every tragedy is one, too many for our city. mary was well liked in her committee and represented by her committee she was a zoo i
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thought a fan of the giants and 49ers. her friends have told you she was an and we'll happy and wonderful person. she will be missed and was we memorialize mary it's continue to resolve to work on together to even more domestic violence tragedies in our city. today, i also want to recognize the passing of zach watson. zach pass away at san francisco general hospital on august 16th after that being hit in a traffic collision he was 29 years old he was an extraordinary home chief and a beloved son and brother of many. he approached his life with
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curiosity and his mind was an encyclopedia and his friends celebrated his life with a gathering at the exploratorium and his friends set up a donor account with the swing dance association. i said there's a fellowship being named in his honor. one story in the spring of 2012 he donated his skills about traffic collisions to our city. the data he put together gave the san francisco the mta to identify the dangers intersection in our city those
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are instrumental in our safety projects and vision zero. the information zach provided usually took two years sent back to agencies and zach did the work in two hours and never asked for recognize it's a tragedy to lose his life in the result of a traffic collision i want to offer our condolences to his family and his mom is in the room your son will be dealer missed. on a policy matter colleagues in the spring i'm sure you're aware of i asked for regulation of rentals addressing online platforms such as many and my proposal was crafted to deal
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with the policy during our affordability criticizing crisis under our proposal city government will enforce our city laws to insure are landlords use the rentals for bed-and-breakfast will not be allowed to engage in bad activity. on the other hand we've heard from thousands of as follows struggling to make the rent and mortuaries the seniors and working families i workers traveling for their job it will allow any permanent resident to gave me in limit shared actually, if they pay full taxed and abide by the rules we've
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received feedback from literally thousands of san franciscans. i want to take a moment and thank the planning department for they're significant consideration on our legislation as well they're good suggestions. during the protective recess the planning commission heard our measure and supported our proposal with recommended changes i'm introducing the amendments captured by the public feedback in 4 categories first our substitute legislation to provide structures that enforce the investment the two agencies into one agency moving the responsibility to the planning department and increasing the penalties for the violations and requiring the issuance of register numbers for anyone to accompany the
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residents to include the registration numbers, and, secondly, our substitute legislation for the first time will capture the single-family homes it will require those to register with the city. third our substitute legislation includes amendments to reenforce and protect affordable housing with the emptied for participation in this actually particularly will i for below b m r units as well as single occupancy units and we will deny the permission to unit that have outstanding housing or planning code violations including nos of violation and nos to secure to access and deist.
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we want to ask the land use committee to hear it on september 15th i hope that i know if you have questions that we'll be able to have the public dialog and look forward to moving this through did process. last item i want to let you know about our new right to civil council program for that immigrants facing deportation. colleagues you may remember in 2012 this board of supervisors passed our right to civil counselinging the individuals having legal support. just as individuals are a have a constitutional right. as we passed our ordinance we have a tenant right to - we
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found that a hundred thousand dollars leveraged pro bono services to provide representation for over a thousand tenants. back in 2012 our coalition said we intended in the second phase for the immigrants during the normal budget process i asked our budget committee to include an ad back to expand our right to council program i want to thank you for national anthem supporting in this this year's budget after a competitive rfp we expect to train up to 4 hundred attorneys to provide pro bono representation for immigrants particularly for unaccompanied children from central america we have had a long track record into legal
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dollars of representation in order we're hopeful that one hundred thousand dollars can stretch for the pro bono services every year. a few thoughts. first, we need to work together to meet the needs of unoccupied children and other immigrants rather than working on competing effort we share the same goal of helping those children and want to figure out how and our st. francis can help. mayor lee's administration has tasked the department to respond to the specific needs of those young people to assist with legal assistance and language services. i want to appreciate their efforts we've worked were our attorney who is stepped up and
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as previously mention this past week at the request of the state leaders our state protective passed sb 1476 that increased the funds to nonprofits to help with the legal needs. with that, i look forward to the conversation we will have to insure that san francisco remains a sanctiony for folks around the world the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor cowen. >> hello folks at home. two perspective matters i'd like to discuss first, i'm introducing to declare september fabricate mortal month in san francisco. every year over 24 you thousand infants die? united states and in san francisco it's nearly 16 hundred the infant mortality
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rate is 17.2 for african-american. in contrast its 4.3 for levitating families and life birth among caucuses it's a huge disparity for the mortality rate. the african-american infants are dying at >> you can ask the folks to limit their codifies. >> yeah. thanks. this means the african-american infants are dying at 3 times the rate of other infants there are an equality in black women's equality the team of experts looking at causes and solutions to those extraordinarily high disparities some of the causes go further than poverty they
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include social economics and stress as well as culture and environmental conditions the first step to bring awareness that's why i'm declaring september the infant mortality month inside of san francisco. the second piece of legislation is an introduction for the resolution to accept a population state grant in the amount of $16,000 to reduce the recidivism in san francisco we look for methods to change i think about violence as a departmental or neighborhood specific issue and we begin to come up with solutions as if we were solving a public health issue then we as a city i largely as a community will be healthier and continue to be the great city that san francisco strives to be.
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to date there's been one hundred and 4 shootings 25 homicides and 20 of those homicides were committed with a gun we can't say we're a successful city until there's zero shootings and homicides we've come a long way since 2007 and 8 when those numbers were more than 3 times larger the homicide rate was larger in 2007 and 8 we can do more to continue to strive to keep our citizens safe. this grant to be given out to the community-based organizations low help us to continue the collaboration to end violence in our city. thank you madam clerk and mr. president, the rest i'll submit >> thank you commissioner rosales. supervisor farrell. thank you supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. >> thank you actually i've
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prepared a memoriam for that mr. zach so i'd like to add my name to the memoriam it occurred on the browned line of 6 and to convey my condolences do the friends and families i know that sunny had invested the hospital several times and knew zach well. many of us saw zach's work in chambers he did the map visible listing the shelter bus program from san francisco to silicon valley its been in chambers and it's critically sadie will not be with us he was gifted and wonderful from the words i've heard from the friends. i also want to submit a memoriam on behalf of another child two years old that was hit-and-run
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on mission street between fourth and fifth near the authority on august 15th. the friday evening after seeing a movie with her family it was an unfortunate hit and run i might have seen the photo showcasing a car. just continue to be committed 0 our work while those two cases are not the usual fatalities we hear about in san francisco it continues to, you know, demonstrate the policy and work we have in place to make sure we are pretending those deaths here in san francisco. the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor mar >> submit. >> thank you supervisor mar.
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mr. president, seeing no other names it concludes general business >> why not go to general public comment. >> to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda item items,. dick our remarks to the board as a whole and speakers using translation assistance if you want a document to be shown on the overhead projector please remove our docket >> thank you first speaker. >> august 31st. i attended two days the "x" to great day today, i meet a thousand boys and girls and also
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coming up on thursday 6:00 p.m. chinatown it an open barbecue we invite the chief of police and this coming saturday and sunday also two day event the chinatown will meet the moon festival so it's to days >> yes. >> honorable president chiu and honorable members of the board of supervisors. my name is rubin i'm a city and county retiree. who was employed and assessors office i'm a mental health consumer that participants in the programs. first off president chiu i'd like to add to our remarks
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earlier and that the deaf dump and blind kids play a man and woman pinball. it's my unfortunate duty to bring to the attendance of this board an incident that occurred to a facility it was a facility where my stepmom lives of $7,000 per month. what had occurred i went to visit my stepmom and who was before my daughters birthday i took a card to her already and the and stamped. upon that entering the facility as i was near the elevators i took out my cell phone and about to begin to make a phone call
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when the employee stopped me. unfortunately for me upon attempting to exit the facility any cell phone went off as i was stepping off the elevator to be continued thank you, very much. >> mr. goodman you have 20 seconds left. >> my cell phone is 4155595796 and tomorrow i will be reporting to the human rights commission. >> good afternoon, supervisors and madam clerk. >> i'm taking this opportunity to present a matter that warrants your attendance is saddens me we hear about reports surrounding the ab dungs deduction of children students obey strgh
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