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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT

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>> september 2nd , 2014. board of directors municipal transportation agency meeting. >> director, brinkman, director borden, is here, director lee, ramos. director rubke. we should have a quorum. announcement of prohibition of devices, pager, cell phones are prohibited at the meeting. anyone responsible for one going off maybe asked to leave the room. please be adviced cell phones
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on vibrate may cause interference. prove of minutes of august 19, 2014. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed.? the minutes are received. >> item five. scheduled for your consideration today has previous ly been ledge lated. >> item six. introduction of new or unfinished business. >> i have been so pleased to not only look at but riding the buses on gary around -- and market street.
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i have been a little per you per turbid to look at the citations on market street. can we get an update subject to levity -- level of enforcement. we have had transit lanes for a long time but haven't enforced them as well and this red paint is passive enforcement. i would like to know what else we are doing besides passive enforcement. >> we can that to be looked at. >> any more? >> item 7, directors report. >> we have someone who we
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would like to recognize. i would like sue to come forward. >> good afternoon, chairman nolan, directors of the board, my colleagues and the plead guilty. thank you for the opportunity to address you today on behalf of paul rose. paul serves as sf mta media relations manager and we are honoring him for the work with the subsequent union contract negotiations. as an agency spokesperson paul was representing the agency from the moment that rumors began to circulate about the sick out and worked to get as much accurate information about the situation as much as possible and shared with reporter's literally hundred ies of them from across the country who called to request
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more information. as you recall the cycle continued for weeks and paul continued to respond along with his team through the final negotiations of the labor contract. he helped inform reporter's with what was happening with the process and regularly updates through social media with related to information about the delays and how to management their transportation experience. paul's handling of the situation helped ensure the public was as informed as possible during this very difficult time for the agency. maybe paul would like to come up here with me. we don't often acknowledge our managers. but i truly think that paul deserves recognition for his work. there is no road map for what he does and he makes what is an in incredibly
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demanding job look very easy. he's one of the hardest working colleagues at the agency and has one of the most difficult roles. paul prides himself with being responsive and always striving to make sure people get the information quickly and has his own standards for turn around time and most importantly hen insures the information coming out is clear and most importantly correct. in the era of a 24 -hour news cycle, paul regularly goes beyond the call of duty and we may not know what he's doing all the time but oftentimes the calls start at 4 :00 a.m. and don't end in the the end of the evening. hopefully i won't encourage the media to do a lot more of that but we know paul is responsive if they do. he's also a member who is respected by his teammates, many of them
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are here today if they want to stand and wave in support of paul. pause and i would like to say paul is truly a gem and sf mta is lucky to have him part of the media group. it's my pleasure today to acknowledge paul with this special recognition award. congratulations. >> thank you. >> mr. rose on batch of the board of directors thank you for a great job for doing this job with lots of pressure. i can't imagine anybody doing this job any better than you do. i'm so happy to have you a part of our agency. [ applause ]
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[ applause ] >> thank you. it's an extreme honor to be recognized. i think this is one of the best jobs i could ever have. i get up everyday knowing my day is not going to be boring and at a time i know i'm working with a lot of great people who have great passion, great intelligence to improve transportation for san francisco. i'm just glad to be a part of that team. i also wanted to say hello to my family who are watching online apparently, in los angeles, sacramento and here in the bay area. haddel -- hello, family. thank you. this means a lot to me. thanks to my communication team and thanks to you and ed for the great support you provide in answering questions and being available. this is getting through the day is a team effort and i'm glad i'm on this
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team, so thank you. [ applause ] . >> director reiskin >> i would like to ask someone to come up to recognize his staff. mr. bora. >> good afternoon, my name is chris bora, director of relations. he served as the resource in the agency. he was a team member during the negotiations. during this period he was given the assignment of the coordinator
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for a collector of the union. he was responsible for tracking spreadsheets and the negotiations team and timelines and serve as a liaison between the teams and the department of human resources and the office. it was not an easy task. eric restored the information necessary for the unions and responsible for communicating for those contracts that went into arbitration. through his diligence all contracts were approved through timelines specified in the charter. he moved from the process to finalize and approved union and collective bargaining agreements and his performance make eric a value member
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of the sf mta. eric, please accept this award. >> thank you. on behalf of the agency rgs , thank you for the hard work. i understand you have been here only 18 months. great work. >> thank you, director nolan and mr. bora. again, director chairman nolan and advice brinkman. i appreciate this recognition and thank you for all the good work that you do on behalf of our city. the agreements that we achieved provided stability and we reached this stability with our labor and work relations and stuff stability was through the product of teamwork and sincere collaboration amongst the employee relations staff and
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our managers and supervisors and transit superintendants and those members of our bargaining team. in recognizing this teamwork i want to recognize our note takers, researchers, finance personnel and support and respective bargaining time members. in particular i want to thank and acknowledge labor relations supervisor for leading by example and always maintaining a composed -- and the manager for his coping -- coaching and advice. and employee manager bora for mentoring special to me during the tough times. our human resources director donald allison for his responsiveness and our
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board secretary ms. roberta whose advice was the difference. for her presence at certain negotiation tables which led to our coming to an agreement and finally for director reiskin, thank you for your influence and your stabilizing leadership. it truly did trickle down to all of our other tables. thank you all. [ applause ] >> thank you again, i appreciate it. >> director reiskin? >> that concludes my report. >> citizens advisory report. there is no one here. public comment. the folgs are matters before
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the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of droerdz are recommended for action as stated by the sf maet director of transportation or city attorney. >> good afternoon, i come here about every meeting to talk about the same thing. i continue to do that to take the time to do so because it's getting worse and worse and worse and worse. i just want to layout to you just the key aspects as to why it's so unfair to be a regular regulated taxi business with same on demand service with a different set of rules. first and foremost you don't need a vehicle passenger license and to take a personal car and act like a cab driver picking up on demand
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and using an app. there are no controls of the numbers of the vehicles that can be put on the street doing this service or the type of vehicle it is hybrid or not. we see vehicles with mustaches and so forth. there are different insurance requirements for the same work and taxi cabs and the bill passed and the workers' compensation coverage demanded on these new services and of course insurance companies can charge whatever they like. we know they can put anything in the vehicle and charge whatever they like to the public. the question i have for you is really clear. how, what is your plan to have us is survive in an environment like this where our competitors have a
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different set of rules and no controls while we have this very important regulations on how we operate with losing drivers everyday since they don't need a license to drive for these services. how are we supposed to is survive in this environment. i'm asking you to come up with a drastic plan to help us is survive. >> next speaker. herbert weiner. >> good afternoon. herbert weiner. please turn on the closed caption on the screen. herbert weiner remembering injury -- jer a hail. on july 1, 2014, i attended the memorial service for jer a hail, an advocate for the community. a social worker by profession who never retired. commissioner was present as well. these are my sole impressions of viera
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from my own perspective. in her concern for the disabled and elderly she was also concerned about public transportation chls shhh -- she lived at the end of town and traveled to the bus stop. the great difficulty due to her being on oxygen, she brought this matter to the attention of the transit effectiveness project and to this board and unfortunately her concerns fell and still fall on deaf ears. i was in portland, oregon in august and road their excellent transportation system. one significant fact is that i cannot forget that they refer to this is senior citizens and passengers and honored citizens. can you imagine this. this shows the public
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transportation and no physician has been to sf mta to examine these conditions. clearly to address the needs for adequate transportation. i'm certain that viera would appreciate this and this vital concern. this is a fitting tribute to a social worker who never gave up her accuracy for the needs of the neglected. >> thank you. >> those are the last two people that turn in speaker cards. >> good afternoon. >> thank you, board members. jim glasspy president of cab company. i drove a cab here in san francisco 45 years ago and my dad started
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in 1947. we've always been regulated how many cabs would be here in the city. the thing that concerns me right now is over these past 15 years we've decided how many cabs should we have based on demand. when gab news on was married, we wanted to go with clean cabs and i know 100 percent of the cabs, the yellow cabs are hybrid vehicles. we were putting in bicycle lanes because we want a clean environment and yet we have 7-10,000 extra vehicles around the street picking up people on the demand. with my understanding puc used to take care of prearrangement, the limos. it was without any enforcement. they are picking up on demand doing all things they shouldn't be
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doing, picking up and dropping off at the airport, on and on. nothing wrong with new innovation. apps have been out for a long time. taxis have them, we'll be promoting one next week, but the real is, we have not a level playing field. we are looking to you for help and where you can help us is with these fees i know will be voting on financially. right now we have 8,000 vehicles. i pay a thousand a month for. i don't have enough drivers. why should i continue to pay these fees. i have offered to do them on a referral basis. >> the last person. >> good afternoon, mr. lee. >> good afternoon, mr. nolan and board members.
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if not too late you have to restructure the taxi business. you have to save the cab driver system. you don't care about cab harmony now. because we are paying to you and they have the payment at the loan for you. you cannot let this med al i -- medallion collapse. before tooment like this lady she got by the bicycle lane again this lady she become a mom only and got hit by the trucks. you can't blame the truck driver because he can't see you. the bicyclist thought he can see you. no. like muni drivers kill them because they can't see you. just like the same in the taxi business, before too late you have to restructure by the end of the this
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year. you have to provide the free -- for the cab driver. you have to provide the affordable reliability for the cab driver for running so we can is survive, we can make the payment. otherwise allow drivers you are going to get in big trouble because we could not let it collapse, this medallion system. because we have thousandsof families living on this job. cab company has millions of dollars in their pocket. don't look to them, look at us. if i estimate we can make it lower than $100 a day running a cab, we can is survive plus make a living. we could not attend uber coming. well will still is survive. you cannot let this medallion
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system collapse. >> thank you. anyone else would like to address the board for public comment? next item. city clerk: next item is the consent calendar. all items will be considered routine unless a member of the board or member of the public wish to have the item pulled. with regard to 4th and irving has been removed from the agenda at the request of staff and that is the only item removed. >> is a there a motion to approve the consent calendar. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> approved. >>
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item 11. approving contract armed and unarmed security services. director reiskin? >> yes. thank you mr. chairman. we have our security of director and our procurement director here to give you, if you want a brief overview. i imagine there is probably some public comment. i don't know if you want them go first or second. >> public comment first. >> i think instead of the 2 minutes we'll give three. let's hear from the public. >> -2 minutes we'll give three. let's hear from the public. >> -2 minutes we'll give three. let's hear from the public. >> john. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, board, thank you for allowing me to be here
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today. my name is john nage. i'm here to identify myself for a controversial issue. i'm president of international and president of a company called us security associated. we represent all the union work in the opportunities for the company. i preside over the west coast operations including hawaii. i'm responsible for three seiu collective bargaining agreement territories which include san francisco. i was responsible for the proposal submissions and the pricing of this job that might have something to do with the controversy. most of all, i'm responsible that to and andrews international
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adheres on the collective bargaining agreement. i had the opportunity and privilege to attend the last board meeting on the 26th. i listened to three in incumbent officers from the security company that's in place now and i just thought that i would end this with letting you know that i owned and operated my company for 23 years in 3 states and president and ceo and retired los angeles police officer. i ensure my employees have always been the most valuable assets and now at andrew for 7 years recently promoted to the president's position. >> okay. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. thank you very much for having me puerto here today.
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i was here last week as well and i heard several officers talking about their concerns what they were considering for their new employment of the contract went through. i'm the manager for hr international and i handle all the hr contracts in the entire contracts including the entire west coast. i want to give facts about andrews international. we have been in business for 25 years and 46,000 security professionals within our company and multiple 24 hours and 375 -day command centers open at all times across the entire region and we have advanced training ponlts possibility and we
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have a fully trained staff and especially union members. we promote from within. as you heard mr. nage sachlt he was not the president within the company. we look for that. we also have a diversity supplier regulation that everyone of our suppliers are looked at on the basis of diversity as well. i thank you again for having us here and i would be open to any questions as far as hr or anything to do with the union as far as their salaries and benefits are concerned. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> peter evan. >> thank you for this opportunity. my name is peter evans
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district manager in san francisco. i want to thank you for an allowing us to bid on this contract and we have been a member for the last eight 8 years and we have the ability to demonstrate on this contract. we bid on this contract. several untrue statements have been made about our company. but we have focused on what this board needs. we have worked hard and put together our proposal with our hr manager we know we are capable of running this contract with our skills. i want to say that we put our heart, our mind, our soul, about 22 people worked on this. again, our whole job was to come forward and provide the best security services. finally i want to say to this board that the controversy began
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when andrews won the contract. we followed the process and did what we needed to do and we ask that you uphold the process. >> thank you. next speaker. >> more a bora. >> good afternoon. >> my name is morrah bora, president and ceo of security services. i would like to thank the sf mta commission for an allowing us to provide services to this agency on the contract. black beer has been providing this for san francisco for more than 18 years and in good standing with the contract monitoring division and have
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been on leb last year. we are enthusiastic to partner with andrew international and providing this service. we have worked on this contract from november 2010 to 2012. we are very familiar with the sf mta requirements and look forward to providing services for sf maet. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. tompolist council for security. i want to say that rumors leading to this contract. we would like to deny these allegations and if the board wishes we would like the opportunity to respond. >> thank you. next speaker, please.