tv [untitled] September 5, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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smoechld that pass 6 to one with commissioner wu voting against par commissioner you'll be taking up item 9 out of order night life entertainment in the selma >> good afternoon i'll be presenting to you on a proposed amendment to the district approve or disapprove as well as the western silver special use district. however, before i begin my preservation i want to give you the commissioners time to present >> thank you. >> commissioners welcome back from recess i hope you got rest as well and welcome to newest
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commissioner commissioner richards. i'm here today, we're bringing forth clean up language from the selma plant last year that passed in march of 2013 and some fixes that honored our original intent we tried to catch hass as much as we could but there are things we find we still miss the two changes i'm proposing is supportive to allow the uses while presenting the changes the first change a pre k through a grade we've worked the presidio awhile we were passing the plan to selma to allow secondary used on this site but we didn't realize this is limited by itself 25 size restriction this
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will allow a cu to move forward on the ninth street corridor we'll continue to grow in dense it and second the highlight of the western selma was to recognize the historical leg of the lgbt in western selma this came up a lot all around our zoning and we intended this to go down to the first parcel of fulsome and howard but, of course, there is a conflict with the residential buffer this will allow 80 us to support the night life and in particular our lgbt community and maintaining the
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challenge will i will thank the planning staff to make sure that the changes were limited in scope and also preserve the integrity of the plan and recognition presidio knolls and jeff bumming benjamin for their continued outreach to make sure that the changes were support with that, i ask for your support >> thank you. so if there are any questions my office will be here and i understand that supervisor scott wiener and supervisor campos will be here to speak on the changes. thank you.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm as a co-sponsor of this legislation i'm here in strong support of the zoning change relative to 29811th street it this an and we'll important part of the legislation both for the lgbt community and the night life in san francisco. i can speak personally, i started going to used to be called terrain i didn't shake in the late 1990s and this is been an incredibly important culture institution in our community and i think a lot of us were sad when tech decided to take a well
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deserved break and not do the shack on a weekly basis and when she decided to bring it back a lot of were extremely excited my office we have door issues over here. oh, >> if you leave the doors alone they'll close on their own and refrain from hitting the button on the wall this would be fantastic. >> okay. i know that my office we work closely with the lady and her partners to try to find a suitable site for this location or for this endeavor so in
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addition to the importance to the lgbt community of bringing t shake back i want to emphasize the importance of supporting our night life in san francisco. night life is under enormous pressure in the city i especially, as we get more and more development in the city that have been traditionally night life in the city it's hard to protect the culture heart and $4.2 billion industry it provides a lot of jobs in san francisco. when we adapted the western selma plan i was the sole vote against the plan my concerns relating to night life 11 street was a corridor that was appropriate for night life are i think whatsoever happens there's
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needs to be a tweak this is a very, very important project i hope you'll support it today >> thank you, supervisor is supervisor campos here. in those no? okay. >> sderg sanchez i request approval with modifications to the board of supervisors to the planning code as well as the other ordinance as mentioned the proposed ordinance will limit the number one residential use greater than 25 thousand square feet within the rional district and the night life uses this existed in the mixed use office district from the
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prohibition within the mixed district as imposed. the planning department staff recommends the following modifications one research eliminating the prohibition for you'll uses staff believes that's only to eliminate the secondary schools and two stafl recommends to clarify that night life entertainment uses be exempt under the buffer >> bethey must have been established to be re-established and 3 i want to point out that since the publication of the report last week was brought to the planning department attendance that the adapted conditional use came out for the establishment of the mixed use was a typo and currently as mentioned well, the intention
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was it was principally permitted urging the conditional use authorization so staff will be asking to correct the tip graphic error. that will also as well as correct i need to make a correction to the recommendation and the report i'm going to use the orderly to show you what needs to happen. so the only change to remove the phrase that's highlighted that says night life use would have to be re-established with the conditional use authorization application if you were to correct that tip graphic error the night life could be established with the building permit application so - . subsequent change to the zoning control table or the western selma office district. and it will read as follows:
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we'll be eliminating the conditional use requirement. the staff believes is recommending the first modification that only elementary schools and secondary schools will be eliminated which were to prevent big type of institutions we - the staff re78sdz the second modification because it clarifies what type of night life and exercises the exemption and exercises the need to establish the in the light uses with city approval. that concludes my presentation. i'm available for questions thank you. >> thank you. i see supervisor campos has joined us we wanted to offer him time to comment. >> thank you madam president
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it's great to see the null printed out commissioner i'm here to speak in support of the item there's something that is special if i'm agreeing with scott weaning i want to thank the supervisors i believe 24 is a narrowly tailored approach to that allows us to take a look at two important communities services you know you've heard about the school and the capitalization as the presidio's knolls school i'm here specific to talk about the establishment of the t shack night club as a supervisor and gay man this is an important thing for the neighborhood and the city.
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there's a long history of lgbt presence in the western selma and this is something that is consistent with the presence but creates the tunnel for the anchor of a lgbt business that attracts people from the community to this neighborhood. anyone that know anything about the lgbt community knows the t shake that has played in the life of the community. and i think that it's actually something we should be proud of unfortunately, when we talked about lgbt entertainment venues we've ouch been here talking about closer and how we're losing something we're talking about opening and gaining something that's something we should be proud of and the way in which this is being promoted is is a narrow way that's consistent with the underlying
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plan and i think this it is done in an responsible way the players involved couldn't be more responsible individuals so i'm here to urge you to approve this item and thank you for your time and consideration >> thank you, supervisors arrest okay. we're ready to open for public comment if i call our name line up on the screen side of the room (calling names) i apologize can't rea >> good afternoon, commissioners jim. i spent 8 years of my life working on, on the western selma plan along with hundreds of my neighbors including representatives of the entertainment community.
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and we fashioned a plan that opens more than 1/3rd of our plan area up to entertainment as a fully permitted use district 8 and 9 have not done anything approaching that. there's been a lot of misinformation. some out right lies about the selma plan. don't listen to the entertainment lobbyists for your facts give me a call some of you claim the reason we're here because the failure of the western selma plan if it has been adapted as originally written this club and every other club on 11 street would have been grandfathered in you
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down zoned the neighborhood it was a man and woman spirited act come back to hurt you it was a way to punish the neighbors that dared to claim the western selma plan was predicated on the need for everyone to be a good neighbor since when is it easy to open a night club there's rules. the same for the neighbors under the selma plan the burden to mitigate outside noise rests with the developers of new very cordially yours, construction those on the board of supervisors who use entertainment as the whipping boy are simply grand standing they're all lawyers and perfectly know better whether in south of market or permitted or
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legally e illegal non-con forms everyone is entitled to the peaceful quiet use of their home and everyone can use the small claims court and collect up to $7,000 for incidents. the site you're not getting a free out of jail card but a chance to be a good neighbor so fine welcome to the neighborhood live long and prosper. thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you, commissioners. berry from dna lounge the current home of training shack though we'll be sad to lose this fantastic business from inside my business would be honored to
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have them and their team up the street a great open and thriving business as opposed to the building that's been there for many years. i can't speak highly enough for her and her team they've been fantastic with us for many years and hopefully, you'll approval that and get them going again, thank you. thank you. next speaker. . >> hi thanks for having us here. my name is steve my alter ego is another name sorry i didn't get dressed up in drag. i have been excited about the prospect of opening this club
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i've been about entertainment providing quality entertainment that pits san francisco on the map in terms of fabulousness and drag it's been sad? past few years those venues are closings and we're losing venues all the time and san francisco is turning into the same bland it's my intention to keeping san francisco on the cutting-edge of pro tempore's and the lgbt community of the world i dream of having a night club it's more than offering clove by a place of culture thank you hope you pass it >> thank you. i'm jeff benjamin the four of us are in the process of purchasing the property i have a background in nonprofits? city tech they've
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been offering night clubs and we have a plate write and performance and jason a performance and has run restaurants and bars and night clubs with other folks. so, i mean many people are saying the same wonderful things during the week a drag place sit with 7 or 7:30 show you and on fridays we'll probably have a can be ray headlineer and katie shack or whatever you call it on saturday. >> what excites me i focus on performance and dance and have a venue that's a hundred on the other hand, to two hundred venue doesn't exist in san francisco
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and be a first class city for the performances but for the audience it's not possible performs in san francisco but all the touring acts will have a place to go that caught up fill a 7 thousand seat theatre is speaks to the audience here and our tourists who want to come and see san francisco culture rather than something different from babylonian that could be a wonderful local and tourist place so, please i thank you for your consideration. >> hi commissioners most recently as the manager of resemble that closed down with other places the raz room it is created for small acts and small
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performed that need a place to perform so this place we're proposing to open would allow us to hire several more people and provide a space for people to perform and bring back the places i remember growing up around here like the small venues community ordinary it is something modern that reach out to the neighborhood and bring all kinds of folks having a hard time doing what they want to do. so i'd appreciate the amendment >> thank you. >> finally happened i have to follow health care less than.
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mime stephanie i've performed with them a number of times this is an economic issue for artists in our city there's a heath i didn't demand for the shows they offer their routinely sold-out and it's hampered only by an ongoing lack and actually that diminish time for the types of performs ensue approving this you're helping with the artists sustainability and their ability to earn money where they love it the most. thank you for your consideration and welcome back >> a few more speakers (calling names). >> hello commissioners. i'm
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tom. i'm the president of the harvey milk lgbt democratic club and a dj and promoter that's had i guess i could call it a pleasure for the past several years i'm here because i come to san francisco so far the community and the culture 3 night life innovators did i'm here to support the project that is a that youngest lgbt kids across america has spaces to call their own and supervisor campos alluded to it seems like every other month we hear about an lgbt business closings it's not often we come together and celebrate one opening one that especially i think such a need for our community we it fear the
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lgbt community in san francisco will become nothing more than a plaque on the sidewalk saying we were once mere we have a special opportunity to open up something that will be a living breathing and continuing asset to our lgbt community here. i also know through my work with the folks that are operating this business they have a community in mind and been, you know, really pioneers in using night life to engagement community and fundraiser for the community and that's something we have a desperate need for here in san francisco so i urge you all to support this project. thanks >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm mark i'm here as a long time san
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franciscan i moved here in july of 198 i was one at the time i have seen san francisco change i was lucky to go have met all the wonderful people in the larger community that exists earlier in my time and have seen how this community is really become - it's become harder and harder to find places to perform and places to express themselves and place to go and feel welcome people are alluded rather than having me come in and fill drinks respectfully i want to mention a friend of mine arturo twhorp a legion performer who couldn't have done this without
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the space and it's dwindling to allow 211 the street to become a place where we can go and enjoy and people from around the world as someone else expressed something different than the babylonian something this is a do it yourselves san francisco. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is beatrice thomas i work for the san francisco arts commission i'm here on my lunch break i'm here because i want to speak in support of this night life venue or the lgbt community. we've heard a lot of great reasons one of the things i want to bring to your attention as a
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grant maker i've seen a lot of a rise in where performsers and drag performers theirs artists their coming out of the entertainment night life industry their coit of night life venues so one of the things that is really exciting i'm watching them move 0 into galleries and i'm taking the drag performance arts to a higher level. i think a venue like this that's important to think of it as an incubator for our homegrown talent that's way wanted to talk about i wanted to talk about the history of activityism it is for
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lgbt globally as san francisco grows and changes people are leaving for whatever reason sometimes they need to make the changes or they're being pushed out of their homes. the place that night life venues i think it is important to talk about they hold history and culture legacy so when people leave the history and the culture of the lgbt community lives on and the night life is left behind that's something i wanted to bring to the for. sorry i'm a little bit nervous. the next piece i want to talk about is lgbt spaces night life spaces they're actually de facto community centers when you're looking at persuaded community
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you find where you can be safe and night life is that place so in closing, i think it's important so look at the de facto spaces and the corridors >> thank you. is there any additional public comment >> good afternoon. i'm head of the presidio school i want to thank you for the support of the middle school i to the supervisors. we bring a nice element to the neighborhood welcome selma i see people walk past and bring smiles to 9 phases we're doing a unique program a fuel chinese immersion with progressive education something unique 90 in san francisco there's a lot of
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families depending on it >> is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed. i want to thank supervisor kim's office for bringing this forward i think when we prove the area plans not just close the file especially those two institutions the school and the lgbt night life venue it shows we need to have a process to accommodate those institutions >> commissioner antonini. >> i'm supportive of both resolutions their appropriate. the only thing i'll is we might want to modify the first resolution to include preschools with elementary schools and secondary schools i don't know if there's necessarily
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