tv [untitled] September 5, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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years old and because of the life unit i'll most certainly die there i think of the current resident and on on behalf of many residents people will be living in those medical facilities i'm disturbed by the eir that talks about the construction of a 4 hundred foot tower will have an medical facilities only 7 feet away as i write this i've been disturbed by a noise of a modest reconstruction are there's been noisy jack hammer and crashing noise i debris is carted away and new hammering this is a small job a block away is it any
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wonder i worry about is bigger project 17 feet away now by about the impact of noise on the ill confined as they are to their rooms inviting i'm not assured by the language that the best possible construction techniques will be employed to mitigate those problems but my concerns don't end if god for bid this project is counterfeited that will have an impact on patient for years to come the eir doesn't look at the shadow and wind on those who's only view of the world will be a narrow view. reservations for a 2 hundred
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tower increases hazards to pedestrians are significant facts that can't be overlooked i believe the report should examine the alternates and mitigations or elements many of those problems >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm barbara hood the president of the hoods and services we operate the is a we post strese project. >> my detailed draft for the
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eir i will to o want to emphasize the health care where the shadows will be cast and what that will do to the people that have to live in the nursing care those are special conditions it seniors suffer through there has to be replace are respect for those people at impact of the wind we're not talking about 25 years old by seniors their small they're frail and they get out and exercise the wind impact will be serious and the transportation with the two additional driveways make it difficult to get out. alternate d is included we asked clark management to put together is pushes the building back and endangers the octavia cord and
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brings down the height please, please consider the alternatives thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. calling for names (calling names). >> yes, commissioners 0 my name is marlene i'm the president of the homeowners association i want to talk about our concerns from the neighborhood of the post project open future 81 post is actually part of the parcel it's the recreational 135i9s between the two towers are 4 about 1333 golf and geary. the 1333 golf tower was built in 1965 this was the same time the neighborhood was inaugurated by the mayor and created by the
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redevelopment agencies demolition and reconstruction of the western edition. at the time of the building of this neighborhood the priorities for transportation was the car. they tore down many homes and businesses built an 8 lane freeway and built towers along the corridor that led to one park. the idea at the time was not transit everybody expected to get in their car and now 50 years later we've got a change the number of seniors has increased significantly there's been 4 new developments for seniors and transit friendly policies for a bikes and pedestrian safety and bulb outs and the we believe the admiring
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analyze the impact on the senior population rather than the general population also particularly around transportation it about element 39 parking places on post and geary and build 4 hundred and 42 new garages parking spaces i want to point out all the work we did around the hospital blocks away a 2 hundred and 5 bed facility that grates many trips this residential project proposes to put half as many parking spaces on site as a hospital its way over engineering for off-street parking. there's a lot of other concerns about transportation foreshadows but we want to ask you to
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seriously look at alternate d one of the things that mitigates a lot of the impacts is a lower building but also there's a design with some town houses that ties the tower into the existing community and fits into the high-rise mid-rise units. thank you. thank you. next speake thank you. next speaker. >> hello. thank you commissioner president wu and commissioner. my name is jan, i live on 2341 bush street i want to speak for my neighborhood western edition neighborhood. a year ago more than a year ago in preparation for this draft eir i did write to a gentleman
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expressing our firm opposition to the project we're glad to see alternatives prevented in the draft eir but some serious drawbacks i'd like to point out the major ones of the shadow. the shadow is very important factor it may expelled depending on the project and as far west as hampton playground those are public parks and the japan peace plaza is most seriously impacted if that's in full shadow it's a troshl i have many questions about the wind study there's no
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daefks the summer wind are fierce they come barely down from the pacific ocean around 1:30 and boy it is at least 20 miles per hour faster then they were at 10:00 a.m.? morning that's a serious factor that has not been inaccurately address in the draft eir for any of the project i urge further study on that. the traffic has been talked about by many people already. one thing further i'll point out is that post street right away right now is a designated bike lane. i don't understand how bikes are going to be able to maneuver or
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manipulate their way on the bike lane and come face to face with a entrance hamper. that's though the appropriate that walkway between the is a that would be only available during the night life that is an isolated walkway the major concerns we have and thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. next speake . >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm the chair of the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods and those are my own comments we don't have time to meet we'll be meeting monday
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a few thoughts for example, under the summary is of the impact proposed project on page s-6 l u-2 it says no impact on the existing character in the existing vicinity is it possible that a 4 hundred foot turn over twenty-four hour didn't have an impact. i don't know if the rider was smoking but let's be serious a 4 hundred foot tower and no impact it goes on see same page s-6 c l u one it says present and future for assembly will not have impacts it is essential impacts for the existing character in
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the vicinity. it depends upon how you see foreseeable future it should be one or two years but there's no question in my mind if this is proved it will be the first of many. there's opportunity sites on geary street safeway you further down and the chinatown is is another one can you dedicate what we can and can't build this is irrational to say that in the foreseeable future there's a low significance that has to be and the socializing this eir draft is inadequate, inaccurate and insufficient. going on as far as the shadows
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the shadow impact for the first time i believe in history that 4 parks and two public plazas will be impacted. i recall sitting at the hearing in which i believe it was a building obeying being discussed it may impact two or three percent and then the same hearing chinatown a 52 very low percentage but we have 4 public parks and two different plazas this is totally inadequate the high-rise belongs in a commercial district or south of market not on the cathedral hill this is inaccurate and inadequate >> thank you. >> am i able to show some pictures. okay my name is patricia i live?
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vicinity and cr=certainly walk through p - there a lot. is this how i do this >> face up. >> this is the neighborhood this is the project site where my pen is the cross-examinations i've pit down is the current gridlock when you take all the projects that are going on in our neighborhood and actually look at them as a neighborhood rather than projects we project by project. and i had brought this up before the response was it was vague i brought it with cross-examination and very soon i'll have more 3450er8 from all
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the environmental impact reports currently it is if this happens we'll have over seven hundred and 50 units being put in at one time and the hospital. the moral impact of allowing all the gridlock and more and more immensity when you have a hospital there you've made a commitment to ambulances have to get there human resources p. i also brought a picture this is the pedestrian accident area right here the picking up is the project and all of these the red ones are the people that have been killed the pedestrians and the yellow all the seriously injured people the dark lines show the pedestrian injury corridors and part of that is
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the seniors in our neighborhood not the problem but how people drive our adding more and more in areas where there's not been responses when i've gone to muni and asked about improvements other than van ness they know it's going to pour more traffic into the neighborhood like franklin. the next thing is it's kind of a cavalier attitude saying the neighborhood has buildings and it's variety and therefore more varieties this is a picture of the skyscraper map this is showing autumn other skyscrapers of equal or higher in the city at this you know where they got the data someone proposed if you no they're in south of market they're not up here i think we
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need to look at an entire neighborhood and how we're doing this >> thank you. >> i'll cail a few more names (calling names). >> good afternoon commissioners steve. i'm here opn behalf of of the neighborhood. both because of the vulnerable impacts because we're supporting a code compliant alternative this alternative analyze alternative d in the draft eir will meet the objectives and meet the project. the d e eir points out the
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project proposed and equally property what's missing from the draft eir. visual impacts because of the a recent change in sequa they're not analyzed. had the impacts been analyzed as was before, before sequa changed they would be adequate land use it doesn't talk about the zoning requests, however, in the absence to determine whether a height increase is appropriate and what infrastructure and other public benefits ought to accompany it a 50 increase in the elements can't be justified to list all the exemptions that the project sponsor is seeking the sequa guidelines require the
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list and the admiring is not adequate for having that. shadows figure shows the numerous use as a result two public parks don't receive the shadows i'm not aware of the shadow position being disexplode in the eir it doesn't disclose the senior facilities impacts for confined seniors it's only available for their use. the noise is often reaching levels of over 3 hundred decimals even though the mitigation measures reduce the impact decimal it states the impact will be less than
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significant because of the windows being closed and resident can be relocated, however, the sequoas. - must be chosen >> thank you. next speaker. >> commissioner president wu and commissioners director ram good afternoon. i'm bob executive director of japantown task force. and with me is our new president of the board of directors alice. joint powers authority task force will be insinuating a written process by the september 15th deadline it's not telling you anything you've not
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harder similar concerns we have a very, very significant senior resident amount of senior residents? neighborhood and similar concerns overshadowing the wind, noise and traffic particularly during construction. so details will be following in our letter. the task force had a presentation by the developer at the board meeting on august 20th we'll be submitting comments at the future meetings >> thank you, commissioners for giving us your attention today, i want to add i'm a resident in japantown. i live one block away actually half a block away from the site. and the noise issue is going to be difficult for many of the seniors i wanted to add that
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many of the seniors or just a minute and russian folks the noise level is going to stress them out and bring back experience of the wars they've had to endure i ask you consider all the things that were spoken go but with the seniors and please seriously consider the impact that it is going to do for our community. thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> oblige commissioners snooimdz a mark i'm a resident of golf street for 20 years many of the comments i support and i'll be submitting more details in writing, however, i want to at a first of all, if you
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haven't been to the project site i encourage you to go and do what i did walk around the neighborhood neighborhood and envision what this huge tower will do you can walk in several blocks and it totally dominates the landscape. secondly, the wind for you'll the numbers you've heard about the mile-per-hour go stand in it it will slam our car door already without the tower and your trunk on your head this is only make it worts. traffic is already gridlocked. you don't need to add the unit to know that just stand on the corner like somebody said and finally not only is the alley between geary and post bog
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argues which it is but so is the act it's being called a transit development we know in the luxury tower none of it will be taking the geary bus trust me and raerl take the post they're going to be in cars or other opportunities for transit maybe open bikes that is going to be made worse by the driveways consider those facts when you reach our conclusion. thank you >> thank you. next speaker. and please no interruptions (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners. simon's is jeff i'm a resident of the sequoas.
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i'm concerned about the close proximity of the sequoas those house our memory car and skilled nursing and the residents at the east ends up of the building will lose much natural daylight in the proposed building is built without modifications. those residents because of the mobility and some medical reasons spend a lot of time in their rooms and because of this they're going to be deprovided of a lot of natural light and some sunlight. so the proposed building will actually be less than 17 feet from those rooms.
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the reduced tower footprint and height alternative d lowers the tower to comply with current zoning but the reduced footprint allows for a 40 foot place between post andeary boulevard it's a long block between golfing and laguna i know the residents in this neighborhood both in the geary and post side will appreciate this mid blockes in addition. i believe the one that appreciate this the most are our resident on the first, second and third floor they will be able to gain more natural light and hopefully, some sunlight. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon commissioners i'm representing the d 5 working for a coalition we prefer the option to support alternative d the d e eir didn't fully explain how the reduced tower alternative will reduce e.r. eliminate nearly all the negative factors of this outsized out of scale project would bring it is the environmentally superior option i should approve this action. why i would be considering something that is 4 hundred 12 feet when the height limit is 2 hundred and 60 i don't know this seems odd to me. we would like to point out when
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the redevelopment agency planned the tower separation it was set at 2 hundred feet between buildings to provide open space please don't take a moment to consider a project that pits the tower separation at 17 foot. the current city tower separation limit is one hundred and 15 feet again many times more than the 17 feet minimum tower separation between the developers proposed project and the preferable alternative look at one hundred and 15 feet between towers we're concerned this proposed project asks for spot zoning it asks for lack to ignore the cumulative impact of the developments in the area.
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please look at alternative d and flush it out further. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm sue i'm the chair of the sierra club this comments represent my own opinion i'm let you which know when i speak only on behalf of the sierra i find this flawed i know that changes in parking supply don't impact this that's ridiculous the parking spaces will generate 3 thousand 1 one hundred and 82 new car trips this is the opposite direction the number of parking spaces or
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parking spaces should be drastically reduced the city has not sdauptd the sustainability program to sustain the projects for transit impacts. if you service this the fees that could go towards the mass transit system that's the way to go. the sierra club opposes the height of the project the high wind created by the project will not only cast shadows and bicyclists will be threatened and speaking of the bicycles two of the harder parts to bike in the city are polk street near the federal and state building and the sf puc building and on market where the towers are
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