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tv   [untitled]    September 6, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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labor temple and has commercial tenants the water table is there and the toxics have been there. for a long time. i'm totally blown away that the planning commission didn't say hey, we're not more important than the people that live there that have to live with the project you should expect more of yours and demand more of the developer my second point i'm probably one of the few people that went to the process in the mission plan itself. i would really like it if the planning department staff person would say here's a number of projects for housing we've considered in the mission since we've adapted the eastern neighborhoods plan this is how
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far how many unit and the affordability level this is basic information that's important to people if you all have been xhaufg buildings assuming the people's income is can afford a hundred thousand dollars a year represent that's really a tragedy. the mission is not that neighborhood chinatown is not that neighborhood and tenderloin and south of market is not that neighborhood. and if the planning department didn't sift on the information your obsessed about how the projects are changing the nature of the mission by your discussions you should expect more of yours and delay the
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hearing and sift we talk to the building next door >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon. i'm e.r. win. i'm a civil engineer here in san francisco. we employ thirty union laborers and union operators operating all over san francisco currently we're working at hunters point doing remediation work with great success with public outreach and local labor we've managed inform engagement with the community. and employ union labor for guys that wouldn't actually get the wages we have managed to bring up the wages and introduce younger men and women to
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construction work. ? neighborhood so we've been successful there and the environmental work and the shoring work and i'm teaching those men and women those skills that's a success i'm in favor of the project it will employ union labor in the neighborhood with well paying jobs thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners. ray residential builders association i'm here to support the approval of the project at 490 south van ness o'connor and commissioner antonini will remember the length i didn't process to draft and approving the plan the mayor signed into law that plan and everything became our law and claim?
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eastern neighborhood fchs a 10 year dlaefr people have their suggestions incorporated into the plan. the entire eastern neighborhood block by block and street by street and alley by alley was picked apart and times it become over analyzed and not everyone walked away happy but be willing to move forward our current eastern neighborhood plan this project was analyzed as part of the process. this project is in guidance with the eastern neighborhood plan this project has received the exception and those builders are
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here today only for your approval to build a project greater than 25 thousand square feet it is the requirement under the perpetrate code this project is providing oversight affordable housing we're paying 8 hundred 76 thousand in fees contributing to the increased property taxes and the fees and there will be more fees paid in enhancements to the nauseated before the project is finished. commissioner i encourage you to follow the law and approve this project thank you for your time >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioners shawn. 3 kwookz weeks ago there was 3 areas of concern the light and
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air into the alley and the traffic and outreach to the various neighborhood groups. the light and air the project originally complooirpd compiled with the neighborhood light and air alley guidelines the feet 35 feet were to promote as much light into the alleys there's an additional set back open the top floor to address that issue further. outreach. 3 we're we were given a specific list of who we needed to meet with i've met with supervisor campos and he gave me a list those people and groups have been met with >> traffic when you leave this building in the morning you're going to head east and not near the school no impact on the
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traffic or the pedestrian safety of school members. i'd like to echo tim's collins comments about the eastern neighborhoods that's a long strenuous process nobody getting got was they want but it's the process and at least and perhaps the most important i left hand to every comment here tonight we have a bigger problem this is not about a project on south van ness with 72 units we we have a major how's crisis that's the problem their speaking to its an affordable housing crisis i was at an open house for one bedroom apartment $18,900 and families with 3 and 4 and 5 people lined up to get the union we're are
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partially responsible because our housing has failed us that's the problem not one project on the south van ness or not one project over there theirs 60 market rate units unfortunately, the 60 people that live there if they don't get those unite my little is they can afford to go somewhere else and push people act out and so on and those people of 4 are fighting for spaces on sunday they'll be 60 of those people left with no place to go i know it's easy to blame those guys for their project it's not one project this is a big problem we need solutions. it's a very difficult and challenging problem. thank you >> thank you. is there any additional public comment.
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>> commissioners good afternoon john with the builders i guess i'd like to go back an address the eastern neighborhoods they've ruled out in 1999 in 2003 we hit the motion after that in the early 2006 we have the harrison vision that basically stopped autopsy projects. the goals was the eir for eastern neighborhoods would be adapted and projects moving forward and in april of 2008 ken rich the manager of the eastern neighborhoods came forward i believe commissioner antonini are still lessor from that commission his he had is comments was the eastern
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neighborhood is a balance we're balancing all the neighborhoods a group of us 45 group meetings from april to december 2008 we had particularly meetings here in the planning commission and at land use we'll be here on thursday and land use on monday. the supervisors san very well and two others we had area plans everything was aired out and discussed there were numerous community meetings man was adapted by newsom in january 2009 then we had a down turn into the economy for years tlovs there was no projects those are going to be entry-level housing not luxury
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and this will alleviate some of those 60 units open site as below market rate and the infrastructure fees some more in the high 9 hundreds to million dollars. i'd ask you to move forward and approve this this project was submitted in 2010 that's another reason housing it expensive is takes so long to get the promotions approved i would like you to approve this >> is there any additional public comment. >> good afternoon commissioners. i'm a lifelong resident of that exact neighborhood i live a block away from marshall high school i went to that school
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i've been involved in the pta and unfortunately when i wanted to say has been side transacted of a pta president i actually don't recall how he got elected but anyways we have a member of the executive board i don't know who he impounded we haven't had a meeting yet you heard earlier is that the school principle was contacted through december we've not had our first pta meeting not our first back to school meeting so i want to say we met a few parents met with the developers on tuesday. and we talked to them, they were in agreement they'll move the driveway it is some kind of mandate they have not sure who
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mandated it but they submitted it so i don't know who but the focus is to try to get the exit on south van ness i was part of a pilot program they started calls uh-huh called the home zone traffic calming to make it satisfactory for the neighborhood we were the pilot program to make it satisfactory for the kids and reindirect traffic away from the center zone to move it is to the center street i am asking you cancer the safety of the kids i'm here for the kids i'm sorry you had to hear the letter from the pta. if that garage entry is left on awe dare street they have to
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come to 15 and cap street and turn into their street i don't know who spoke but if it's so that the true traffic coming out of there they might are 40 or 50 spots if in their not going to use the driveway it doesn't matter where the driveway is. i know first hand that you know what there's a traffic light on 15 or 6 street you've got a minute to come out of that garage you know what we asked the developers to move their driveway into south van ness and they've agreed. i believe there's no problem with the traffic being 2krik9d out of south van ness >> ma'am, and i'm sorry your
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time is up. >> is there any additional public comment. >> my name is alice i want to add two things to what to support the testimony given by the two folks number one the impact fee for this particular area which is the mission plan area 75 percent of it is going to affordable housing. and for this particular project is $12 a square feet >> is there any further public comment. >> hello, i'm matthew i'm a student at san francisco state of history and geography of san francisco. i'm also a frequent visitor of the red stone building i was pulls by other comments that
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occurred earlier today small business read out a letter from the pta board president and stated it was a neutral letter when obviously it was not neutral they've listed off a group of individuals they consider undesirable when they say their urinating in the street their not being neutral there's nothing about this statement i mean kind of ridiculous. the 2350b9 crisis is not real the 19 hundreds dollars a month and putting the minimum wage at $11 an hour and working a 40 hour workweek foments a month you don't actually cover $1,900
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a month in rent i'd have to work 40 hours a week and going to school that's not affordable and go to school and live san francisco that's absourd >> is there any additional public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini >> thank you. i have a lot of comments first, i want to ask the project sponsor maybe even though architect for some questions in regards to the changes that we saw at the beginning of the presentation. now there was a reduction on the
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7th floor faxing awe dare seven hundred and 50 square foot is that what is it and whether or not that's a reduction on the sixth floor >> it's after meeting with xhishd and o'connor we set back just the top floor. we've got a perimeter deck we pulled in the two corners i'm sure a i'm not sure what the square feet is of floor area that we're giving up we're losing a unit to accommodate that. we've felt this as the army neighborhood we want to live we felt the guidelines of the eastern neighborhood was the
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perimeter of our building and so meet with the commissioners we've made the set back to accommodate the commissioners request. >> okay. well let me get specific the dimensions of the sesht but more in favor with the reduction but as proposed upper allowed to go 60 feet what's itself dimension of this how many feet by feet it the dimension of the set back. >> the set back we've dropped the facade 12 feet down and we're picking up pulling it in almost 7 feet from the outside line and from the corners 7 feet also so each corner 7 feet and
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we're picking up pacific islander in go almost 7 feet that's going to be we're proposing is a deck at the area this will have a glass railing there's will be at least amount of shade impact. >> so that's 12 by 7 from and i dare you're going back 7 feet in width. >> a fuel 60 feet. >> oh, the whole thing is going back 12 and 7. >> that's correct. >> okay. that's important i wanted to ask commissioner moore is that your understanding of the reductions and i'd like to clarify the references to my
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name before we go further. i don't have any power 2, 3, 4 determining what is being done i'm a flarnt a decision that is led by the gentleman that is authorize by the department to be a registered architect to be the voice of the designed discussions he together with planner were perpetrate to voice concerned that are not new to the destruction i 3r5r7b9d parkinson's as having been the participant of the eastern neighborhoods and having a good memory of that eastern neighborhoods discussion never rose to the same level of details for example, which have a detailed alley guidelines although the concerns of alleys were discussions, however, ken rich at the time that led the
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project spoke to the lack of funding and time to develop and codify concerns but the projects will come up that we would be able to recess instruct the construction and speak about the importance of alleys. i use that it's not a new discussion i've made the comments on the eir for the pine street building being designed fore architects and several buildings on bush and pine that the alleys as the new open spaces for the democrat indication become more and more important that light in the alleys is something i will speak to with every building in every alley we have. i see nodes from the department this is a correct statement the commissioners will remember i
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do. >> thank you. i'll pick the issue up and got strong references by the gentlemen who are not here that the architect please consider that. >> sure i wanted to get an idea this is addressing, sir could you comment i've heard about this second-hand i know we've talked about many times on the phone i got the expression that staff was responsive of the project as designed but would like it better if we did the additional set back is this in kevin with what we talked about. >> we're in support of the larger support i i understand there are refinements and how the project addresses the alley
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part of the issue currently, we have not had a chance to review the designs and provide a recommendation to the commission. >> that answers my question i'm trying to fourth the recommendation was and whether it was set back on just the 7th floor or also on the sixth floor maybe you can answer that question. >> we left it open and identified the issue and left it to the architect. you know, given the concerns so the set back was one that appears to be one method, you know, they've talked about other treatments they'll in this case what the facade >> just to make it clear to answer the question that commissioner moore brought up i've read the report that's part
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of the and were neighborhoods the first 60 feet joining a major streets doesn't have to have the 45 degree light angle as required that's the code. >> correct. >> so they were compliant and their even more compliant by letting the light in. >> right. >> that answers my question i will echo that was said by many speakers i was around to listen to t to the same opponents whining about not considering every project by project but having the eastern neighborhoods approved first to have perimeters. you know, we got it approved and it seems like it was working
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well and there's a project anywhere on katrero fulsome and the same day we approved one and a couple of weeks texas tier being 16 percent of approval the same sort of height and set back near smaller streets part of those projects approved 7 to nothing by the planning commission there were very little if any contempt this is a mere imagine so i'm not sure why this is being targeted and everybody has their opinion by there are exactly like the other ones we've done so many people spoke today about how the mission is more liveable i notice it not being a resident but a frequent visitors to the mission i feel you can go through now and your relating
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safe but if changing the character of the myths to reduce vandalism and crime i'm imperfect happy to do that i'm not required to keep the neighborhood distressed but to promote economic growth and when growth comes changes and prices are going to go up that's part of what happens building housing is what we're mandated to do and the affordable housing surrounds this site if you look block by block or building every low income housing or affordable housing and almost all rent controlled housing if you have diversity of economic diversity in an area that's one of the best things it will bring
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mixture income into san francisco we've been doing this for decades we bused children across town to have quality equality in schools and it is a failure the best solution to have economic diversity in neighborhoods so people at different income levels can work and live together that's addresses the issues raised but this project we've talked about the 16 percent affordable and there was a discussion that came up in part of this one individual asked is this a possibility of having a higher percentage of affordability but vice chair smaller unit with the same square footage that's not our power a change in the board
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of supervisors but i'll be amenable in the project sponsor is okay. and it would be the same square footage the same thing but you have no more affordable units but smaller that's inform nothing we have the power to do it would be up to the board of supervisors i was not asking a question but that's part of it actually i've got a list talking about the public benefits that have been glossed over by the opponents one million dollars plus in fees that are being paid to the city. also in addition to that there will be an estimated transfer tax and probably at least one million dollars in property tax. i don't see property taxes going
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down and values going up on transfer taxed that's a lot of benefits the city is getting also they've spent one million dollars in cleaning up a blighted site of a gas station whether this project gets approved those who live? neighborhood have a benefit from the blighted site clear up and as far as the water table it's a dbi issue that will have to be taken up and buildings being built to address the effects of the adjacent buildings but 245i9 not part of our approval process and the ground floor retail that is 20 feet ground floor retail which is a very eloquent locking situation is the outreach is 4 years it's amazing people don't know about this building i have