tv [untitled] September 7, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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encourage the city and tjpa to continue discussions to enter maturing believable and the tax prelims in the district that's essential in the transbay that's phase one and to start phase two which will take caltrain fourth and king underground to the transbay term and ultimately high speed rail if the high speed rail box will be powdered in the next most they've gathered funds in charge their project the melrose is part of the funding plan it is a great opportunity for the board to continue it's commitment to an infrastructure project that will take the cars off the streets and the passenger load off airplanes that's from the lease
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efficient mode of transport. the cost the project is a going up daily as the need. the costs are associated with any delay and the question of jobs the operating engineers there are 44 members as of this morning arrest pits 2 hundred and 44 workers that are in danger oflogies housing. the engineers recognize the private investment in the district and the infrastructure project. again we are encourage all parties to reach a maturingly arresting partnership >> thank you is there any public testimony at the time, we said before supervisor kim has a motion to continue this item to techniques item any objection.
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>> supervisor wiener has a comment. i imagine this is going to be continued i have serious concerns when this matter in a different formidable in july we had a discussion about how when you look at the melrose entities been proposed today will generated approximately $1.4 million phase one of the project we're seeing less and less money that is going to be left over for the fees two downtown extension every time there's an a cost there or no money for the rooftop park the money that comes up to make up for it comes out of the downtown
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extension. the taxpayers want to pay less they've talked about the $4 million and even if something of a compromise quote/unquote that's not my term but the term being used it reached seven hundred or 8 hundred employing or one billion dollars over penny of that reduction comes out of the downtown extension. i say a scenario where this melrose will produce no money for the downtown extension even with what is being proposed right now in terms of what is left over of the $1.4 billion that's not enough to complete that project. the tjpa stale r still has a whole list of possible funding streams to make sure we can complete downtown extension. and so when we hear talk will
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the melrose and the sequence those are phrases we're drawn to we want to have a sequence and try to get everyone on the same page but this scenario every dollar of quote/unquote sequence is a dollar not going to the downtown project left with no train service being routed and it will take longer to get p there. i understand the desire is have no more time i know the motion is for one week i know talk of thirty days it's becomes an unraveling out of our position to fund the downtown extension that's a crucial part of the transportation future network of this city. i wanted to put that comment out there in the inspection of this
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motion >> the overall issue. >> thank you and with that, colleagues continue without objection. this will be continued to the ninth of september and the hearing held open >> that's at 3:00 p.m. >> call items 13 so there 15. impose the special order pursuant to a resolution adapted the board of supervisors will convene a committee as a whole for a public hearing for persons interested in the subject matter of 14 that was referred from for the land use committee and item 15 offender the portions of the centers for the purpose of the city placing project >> let me fir first introduce the supervisor kim. >> in march of 2013 i introduced an ordinance to
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kickoff the coordination of the market omaha market plan like the dog park that opened a couple of the months ago today, we're moving forward with the realm improvement and the projects mac up the projects the creation of a community plaza monies as the ma coffin hub and the staff can say it is a long process with the terrorsless efforts. it's an example of underutilized space although envisioned as a community garden including truck pilots i don't know if you went on saturday helped to push the design to allow flexible programming for community vendors through a series of
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community meetings the mayor's office of housing of office of economic workforce development and the public works were able to keep the slairpz slairp in the design and such innovative art pieces by the arts stew and dpw has worked to make sure it meets all the regulations and what is green before us today will help to divert to it to a plaza it is are currently under construction. i just want to thank on the city and john updyke who was here on the behavior of department of real estate and the department of public works and in particular frank and oewd for the staff that is here to speak if there's issues from the
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board. i want to thank the city there's a lot of heavy lifting to make that a reality and work to make sure that is a more complete neighborhood for the ma coffin neighborhood thank you, supervisor let me ask if the department of real estate has comments >> thank you president chiu john updike the director of real estate that's hard to top of introduce. i have a brief presentation. just to give you a little bit a of history and talk about the items before you today. as the supervisor mentioned in june of this year, the board approved the admin plaza program code. we told you this is the plaza project is called the ma coffin hub. those items are the vacation
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between 101 and valencia it's rezoning to public use open space and the transfer from the department of public works to real estate. all of that further stipulates the goals of the plaza program to transform this particular 4 thousand square feet space to a well community hub the plaza is the former octavia project. so this is one of those projects sdiefrdz by neighborhood and brought forward. i'll take a quick look at the properties location for you. and in a sense ever before and after the visible tells the
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story it's a an amazing transformation that's occurred out there. with our approval those items we'll be issuing an rfp to secure a steward of the plaza to return to the board for final approval i've previously adapted in the meantime, given the construction of the plazas was completed on time by the public works thank you to the public works for the project but the plazas program took longer than anticipated to - we've created an interim grant agreement that allows the activities to successfully con mention in mid-october. and that's a shot of the plaza
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in action on october the 24th. and much more of that to come that's the intent of the project. and this item before you. so the area the street vacation which is the specific item in front of you. is shown on this map. increasing consumptions for a bike lane as well as the modification of the suitcase. and i mentioned the ordinance mentioned a trigger for jurisdictional transfer for the perfection of the street vacation and the rezoning a separate item before you. i want to thank robin heavens for pushing 24 rack up hill
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percentilely thank you robin she's here to answer questions. i'll allow planning department to address their issues if you have questions and we have the department of public works here if you have questions about the placing itself. thank you. supervisor wiener >> i have symto make some comments as well. i want to echo supervisor kim's comments and just this is an area that in addition it's in district 6 basically at the border and an area of the city i've been sending time they're going through there for 17 years it's an area that real spell needs gathering space it's an area that has had a lot of
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champs and it's been coming up due to the great work the neighbors and others. this project is long overdue it's a phenomenal existing project. i want to thank supervisor kim to her and her office and leadership to make this >> with that, let me ask if there's any members of the public that worry about it make comments on this this hearing open h this issue. >> thank you. is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak this hearing has been heard and some time do you have any closings comments. given this hearing is heard and filed on the underlined ordinance there are two flying ordinances 14 and 15 >> supervisor tang.
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supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. there are 11 i's. those ordinances are passed on that first reading. madam clerk could you please read the memoriams >> just mr. president, today's meeting will be adjourned on behalf of the supervisor wiener for the late ms. nancy and mr. bryan higgins on behalf of supervisor yee so far nancy and on behalf of supervisor chiu and supervisor kim for the late zach watson and on behalf of the president chiu mar and on behalf
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of the the young ms. greg. >> i want to thank sfgovtv and charles for your services today in bringing this broadcast into the homes of san franciscans and with that, madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> there's no further business. ladies and gentlemen, we're adjourned. >> good afternoon, everybody. thank you, everyone for being
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here and i want to thank you for joining me and the board of supervisors for this special occasion to sign our next two year budget 8.6 he million dollars this city is worth it. it is as i may say an historic time and budget navigate as i signed this budget i'm reminded and i think the supervisors know this as well it is really the first time in 6 years we've had a budget deficit under $100 million the supervisors feel it as we've gone to every district and 4ri7bd to the needs of the district and make sure the budget reflected not only citywide values but our neighborhood as well i want to thank you president chiu and supervisor farrell all the
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members of this year's budget committee who are standing here and the entire members of the board of supervisors. i want to thank and department heads many who joined us in our neighborhood and thank the commissioners for your hard work with checking in with our department heads to make sure we're producing this budget this year's budget reflected a lot of good hard work between the city government and the people we serve we've should with our city family and left-handed to hundreds of community leaders and the people that get the work down you our labor force they were a great part of this year's budget we should to get the contracts with literally all our
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city employees thanks to our labor leaders this is a strong reflection of carried out services i want to thank all the elected officials not only do we represent the department argue as elected officials they give us a lot of good advice well beyond their divisions. twoeth together with the board we've made smart investments and the budget is fiscal pursuant that is a keystone to our city we've increased the services to our recipe are the input they've been critical in transportation and education and our social net and infrastructure that is recorded in the cost of living increases we make sure we did
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for our nonprofits and their an incredible part of our delivery we've made fair wage increases to our city employees an, an historic investment in our housing. i would say i think we all truly building that the big challenges of our economic challenges are behind us but we don't want to deviate what is has gotten us here to be the fiscal success the continued commitment to our fiscal responsibilities to make sure our budget balances all the needs of diverse communities and we'll continue to invest in our infrastructure and most importantly in the people one hundred percent of all the people in san francisco. again thanks to the board for working together with us for
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creating the budget. in his second year supervisor farrell thank you for your steadfastly leadership and commitments to building this collaborative process (clapping) i want to say thanks to dan roman field to make sure not only his capacity as controller he keeps us on a due course (clapping) and the people that helped me to make sure i've got all the issues in hand and that's my chief of staff and kate howard both from the controller's office and the mayor's office for their excellent work thank you very much (clapping) budget whiz wards i call them. but i'd like to an opportunity
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to specially niefrt david for a few words he's been watching this in his district and the whole board of supervisors. supervisor david chiu >> thank you mr. mayor just a couple of words first of all, those of us who were here when i came into office we had half a billions of we were debating whether to close down first stations and trying to figure out where to cut hubt i publicity and services i want to thank dan roman field in 149 we passed two year bushlt. >> hydrahave a healthy budget
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due to our budget wizards i want to congratulate us was likely the easily budget to move forward because our economy is healthier but we're working together to fourth our top priorities and what we're going to invest in i want this thank obviously there's a tremendous amount of work that happens at the board of supervisors i want to thank the staff and the budget committee their hard work led lbe their fear also leaders supervisor farrell and he can go home earlier to spend time with his kids in the evening supervisor farrell. >> (clapping) >> thank you president chiu and mayor ed lee it's maiming two years in a row we've passed this out of the committee and the board of supervisors. when we started this process i
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think mayor ed lee and i had a commitment to have an open and transparent process that did as is mayor ed lee respect to every be district to meet with the committee heads and we had a town hall online meeting so people could weigh in we want to make sure our budget protects us for the future it's not talked about we're the only city in the united states that passed pension reform and things at the battle we're setting ourselves up in terms of our physical headquartered we wanted to make sure we worked with the board of supervisors and my colleagues, i want to shout out to all my committee members supervisor avalos and supervisor mar and supervisor london breed and conserving who pickup truck in
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the countless hours and lastly we wanted to make sure that the budget we passed was also rehabilitate of the things in our entire city the mayor prioritized things in his budgeted a lot of money towards affordable housing or continue the road repaving making sure we invest in our infrastructure critical things we've done and the board of supervisors coming on top of that food security so our seniors and protecting residents don't sit home hunger i think we can be proud of you want to say a special thanks first from 0 my staff katherine to the mayors team kate howard she is indescribable to our team
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and the whole city of san francisco for her entire team thank you kate for all you do (clapping) and as was mentioned to the inspire controller's office dan rosen field and late nights they're here past maintained this doesn't happen so thank you ben and your entire staff for all you've done (clapping) and from the boards prospective obviously hearing rose thank you for your hard work this was haurz 40th budget inside city hall thank you favoring and to our own city attorney's office
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john gibner, deputy city attorney and all their hard work and certainly to the mayors other team and staple jason and the entire team that works closely with the board of supervisors. thank you all we're all proud of the budget two years running we passed it this year earlier and on time and passed consensus on time thank you and thank you to all for being here (clapping) >> and let me add my personal thanks to harvey i asked for the county of los angeles we question got it. this is just a budget document i know it reflects a lot of what we worked hard at planning for. what we do do outside this budget document can challenge the dedicate balance but i have faith the people that carry out
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the budget most of who is standing here are going to do us proud i ask not only celebrate the budget but the people who are going to carry out the budget to the city departments you're going to make sure we carry this out. are we ready to sign. all right. let's do it (clapping) want up close? (laughter) all right. and today is july 23rd
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really the core of it all, came together and said what we need is a place for our teenager to play, not just play grounds for the kids and soccer fields but we need a skate park that will keep the kids home in the neighborhood so they can play where they live. >> the children in the neighborhood and it will be a major boone. and we have generations, the youth generations that will be able to use this park in different places. >> the best park in san francisco right here. >> creating place where people can be active and lead, active, healthy life styles that are going to just stay with them for life. ♪
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