tv [untitled] September 7, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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public i wanted to clarify our opportunity to address the conditional use authorization is all combined in our what will be a two minute comment period for each individual. >> project sponsor. >> good evening commissioner president wu and commissioners. i know that's been a long day i'll keep the comments brief. jeremy project architect and another architect if i can have the overhead here. when we first looked at the project the main thing that jumped out was the relatively
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restricted for parking in the outer clemente this is the project 3w0ur7bd here. there's a section 145 portfolio 4 that requires a set back from 25 feet from store front and then the 25 percent rear yard. as you can see this give us a legal allowed parking area of 6 hundred plus it's only enough for 3 parking cars there was going to be a difficulty in locating the parking and therefore the lot structures as would be best utilizing the lot a couple of suggestion going forward. again, the orange is the legal
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parking area and the blue shows what we would be able to do with the a.d. grade rear yard as required still only be able to fit 4 parking spaces >> we try it again with building the parking into the required rear yard that is similar to the conditions of all other cds only still 4 parking with the retail space. so we came upon the idea of having two separate buildings which is our current proposal. this still has the retail space facing clemente and the corner of 26 and two separate garage entries on 26 avenue this required the parking to be in a
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sense in the rashlgd even though we're subdividing but it allowed for us to fit 7 parking spaces so the requirement we're able to fit 6 dwelling units and have one parking for the retail. also relating to an street parking we've heard about at the neighborhood outreach meeting this is the existing parking one hundred and 17 feet that fits parking spaces as proposed with the addition of one curb cut we can fit 5 on street parking. other concerns the neighborhood has raised about the overall
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dwelling unit density our project proposing 6 force the project altogether if you look at it nearby the prevailing density is all over the building 8 and 9 units dribble on 26 avenue we feel our 6 units for the project very much fit into the neighborhood. and this speaks to the variance a little bit. as and was bringing up the parking situation which is what has brought us to ask for a variance most of the other bilks or buildings in the clemente and cd have almost zero yard space including ground floor or any floor this is a little bit hard to read i apologize.
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basically showing in the red where there's full height building in the green is ground floor it's relatively a minor lot on each corner arrest at least with the variance this shows the open space pattern of the subject block which shows the adjacent on 26th avenue it's a lot stronger pattern there's a lot of structures in the rear yard on clemente including our adjacent building which is the only other building in the clemente area this has legal non-conforming shack when was built who knows when interest all right. with that, >> i'm wanting to address a
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couple more points on the variance the two variances is the rear yard and in that on the clement street lot the green variance is above grade in that that's a gray but however it public utilities at the first residential level. on the 26 the building the variance that is sought is in the corner there is a little piece of it that will not go all the way to the gray and the rest of it will, however, instead of 15 feet deep only 13 feet deep the reason is the lot is only 37 feet deep so by the time you take 15 feet and it makes it difficult to try to fit 3 bedrooms and then basically, the second variance which is goes to the plans that was presented to you earlier at the beginning and
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this is the variance of active street frontage our on the 37 foot lot it's impossible to put barking or parking in and have a footage of 25 feet deep so what the architect did was a to maximize and have a retail space in the corner and bring the residential in the 26 street building to bring that into an active use that's the second part of the vanes and finally this lot has two unit in that plus a small rail space, however, the units residential unit has not been occupied for more than 20 years, however, it
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is true that if it's been rented that will not be 8 it will be not rented at the market rate and two, that will be subject to rent control, however, this project brings to the city of, 3 bedroom units and the size is about 11 hundred square feet so theirs modest 3 bedroom unit to the extend that the units are around 12 hundred square feet they're for the first time buyer are a with a person with a couple of children the owner wants to say a few word >> hi, i'm mary i'm the developer my family and i have
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lived in the neighborhood i've done small developments i want to let the commissioners know i've personally done outreach on clement street with a friend the responses that i got we are all positive 90 percent of the merchants have support petition four or five blocks the merchant had expressed they want more heirs to make it vibrant within the blocks scott wiener we have over 40 merchant that support it and we added more units to the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. >> if the commissioners have
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questions we'll respond. >> we'll open this up for public comment. if i call our name, please line up on the screen side of the room (calling names) >> hello good evening, commissioners my name is george. i'm here to represent the owners and operator of four-star theatre frankly and lydia lee. they're at work today they have submitted their support to the commissioner and they can't be here today their whooeld port authority this in their 4 blocks from the theatre and thought this would be really fit into the community and very much in
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support of this project >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'm edwin louie here to represent lining who's the property owner scott woos was here on the last hearing that was scald he wants the commissions to know he fully supports the project mary has explained the project in daily we needed new size family unit that are affordable we have satisfied the parking issues that's what he wanted i hope i approve this project. >> thank you. >> good evening. i'm a resident open balboa park and 16th avenue
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i'm david wong i'm here to support the project if the city approvals the project it will be a benefit to the city with the housing and the rental market. >> thank you. >> (calling names). >> hi, i'm bryan. i own a property on 17th avenue i'm a fourth generation san franciscan and brought up? area i'm in support of this project because we have a real storage of housing in this city not only in rental but also for people purchasing property. it's really a deal of supply and demand. people complain about the rent are high the reason there's no
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inventory this gives unit for our renters the more the supply the lower the prices no supply the higher the prices which is happening now we need this more housing in this area if not all of san francisco i'm very much in support have had it thank you, commissioners >> thank you. (calling names) if i called your name you can come to the podium. >> good evening commissioner president wu i am felix i was born here my parents move forward to levy want to say one
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thing it sticks outer is the occupancy of the land there's a huge shortage of housing in the city especially this area i want to remain in the area the better chances i ask stay and i've seen the plans they look wonderful they've added a lot of much needed housing in the city. and that's it thank you for your time and consideration and have a good evening >> hi commissioners i'm martin my family is a family and friends with mary she's asked me about a year ago to come and live and watch the property at 3 nay that's where i live she's mentioned garbage and people
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dumping my job will be to move in and make sure that didn't happen i thought that would be simple i've noticed all those things happening so i think i am in support of this project it will make better use of the land than it is currently being used for . >> good evening. i'm residing inside the housing right now and house watching for mary to go along with what martin said people are leaving garage between our flower beds and sometimes, it is not looking like good escape for the new building i'm for it i like the
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bike parking if you've lived in the city and tried to put your bike in the hallway so i think the plans to provide for parking and in consideration for bike parking i'm for it. >> yeah. thank you. >> i'll call for names as the next speaker comes up (calling names). >> good evening. i'm andy reside on clement street across from the property in question i've lived in san francisco so far 8 years and i'm in support of the project my wife and i and son have been looking for a place to live we're wanting to buy it's difficult there's a lack of inventory and not easy
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i'm not not one of the.comers or people that work at google i'm a public employee i don't make a who a lot i'm in full support of this project and hopes it goes through. >> thank you. >> good evening. i'm matthew lambert i moved to the richard district to attend the city college of san francisco i've transferred to the san francisco state the rich opportunities are here 90 in san francisco i've lived in squaller conditions it is hard to find housing i've lived w in illegal in-law units. there are united sitting
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unoccupied for 20 years that's kind of an outlandish irrational thing given the squeeze for the students? city. i - you know, once you've taken the houses off the market it's important to make up the rich diversity of the city i urge you to protect the rent controlled unit without them people like myself can't attend sfait to get an education in the city i love >> next speaker >> my name is karen and i am a long term richard retaining resident i've lived next door at 2510 clement street. >> it will come on. >> okay. this is my home the
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one he called the shack that's my home. and you can see how the building will go 4 stories over my one story cottage i'll never see the light of at a i'm very mentally opposed to an ellis act building that's a falsehood to say that building was not occupied i moved in april 5, 2013, and there were tenants in this building my neighbors were paid to move out and in 2012 that building so could be placed on the market they're not my imaginary neighborhoods this lady saw them you see the difference in the height there are close to 4 hundred petitions in the neighborhood that are
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opposed to the demolition of 395, 26 the avenue those are my neighbors on the other hand, they have families that go live above the restaurant you see the difference they'll kill my gardens and houseplants that's horrible i've been there 12 years it will triple or double my electric builds that's my home i have noefrl to go >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening. >> ma'am, you can pull the microphone down. >> thank you. good evening. and live across the street from the project. i have lived there for 25 years.
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and i really hate to see affordable housing being replaced by an oversized building with luxury condominiums thank you that's it. thank you. >> thank you (calling names). >> hello. my name is julian and it's been a long day for everyone i currently live? richard district and it's extremely disturbing we have a project 24 big in our neighborhood i love the richard district it's relatively quiet and i work enjoy the open space that agent parts of city can't
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afford it will chip away that makes the richard district is a great place to live it will bring in for traffic and make it feel like downtown and bring in people that don't have a real; correct connection to the neighborhood we can do better by limiting this project and others like it. how can we let a building go 3 stories up how can we allow 6 units with a partially this isn't the right neighborhood and not fair to everyone in the community in the building that respect the building codes in space people villaraigosa a right to build on property they've own but respect the neighborhood that's a good fit those proposed buildings go way
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too far >> thank you. >> next speaker >> hello, i'm alex thank you. i live and work two jacobs in the richmond district and attend san francisco state university and ask you to stop those people from developing it is hard to make the rent i personally have friends whose names have been evicted to make room for the luxury condos prospective jurors o projects like these make a bunch of money and put the working-class families out into the street this will be a good way to give the long term students a chance to go to school and work and live in san
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francisco someday i'd like to spend my life in the city by luxury xhund condos are out of my reach let's build additional units so give everyone in san francisco rich or poor a chain. >> to live in the city money is money and people are people and we believe in community thank you. >> thank you. next speake >> i'm wendy chinning the owner open clement street i have 8 tenant living in my belief they're most of them have low
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income and senior citizens their don't speak english they ask me to talk about the blocking of air and light and have a negative impact to affordable housing and cause more problems. we try to negotiate with them with the developer, however, they're not willing to compromise at all their wealth and property investors i hope they're willing to listen and giving other decent living conditions >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners i'm tony lee the property owner next to the proposed project my folks took a job asia waitress i was the third child we rented a
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small apartment near the project for $75 a month they gave his a chance to succeed diversity makes the city greatest they say taking a fire escape off the roof is meeting the community halfway it does nothing to address the affordable housing after the meeting on february 5th i spoke with the neighborhood and yes. the community cares about the open space and cares about the parking but more importantly i spoke to 2345ibz who are going to be evicted and want to know if they can stay in san francisco our attorney talks about mitigating the impact on affordability we have plans that cvs proposed reconstruction it
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calls one plan development and opportunity now that's right meeting the community halfway i know you can't give every family a home but you have the power to make the vendors play by the rules you have the power to give the next generation of working class folks to succeed without having to pay for a million dollar condo first. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> hello. my name is katherine robin's i
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live between lake and california. i'm part of the russian community as my grandparents lived here he since 1951 i bought a condo 10 years ago also for the russian community so i'm quite familiar with the immediate and general neighborhood i'm opposed to this development because it might be a precedent important similar projects in the richmond that's a quiet and conservative neighborhood for two or three generations. some homes preservation house two or three generations i feel this development would be a
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disruption to the neighborhood and thereby effect existing quality of life that consideration for comparable architecture and history is totally lacking in the proposal i feel san francisco will lose it's attractive in-laws if it louses lose the character of the neighborhood it if it lose it's identity it will no longer be san francisco. the design of this proposal calls for an oversized looming and totally unfamiliar facade and configuration. i think, however, it is possible to fwld between 10 to avoid a negative effect on the community i've included some of the photography of the buildings i've mentioned it was built within the past 10 years
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>> ma'am, unfortunately, your time is up. >> okay. >> thank you. i have one more sentence >> i would like to show a picture of the unit from the buildings of the neighborhood and also call for a sit-down brainstorming session with the development and okay. ma'am, i'm sorry you asking can leave the photos if you like our time is up. is there any additional public comment >> evening commissioner president wu i'm steve williams i only have to minutes this the commissions opportunity not only to do what is right but what you're mandated to do in the general plan under the priority policies and the reinforce directives from the mayor's office save and preserve the rent controlled housing this case is san francisco's neighborhood aor
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