tv [untitled] September 7, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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that something happened between the san francisco school district and the mayor's office of housing we're wanting to make sure this housing is for that the neighborhood i a local developer in place to make sure it is taking advantage of the community resources and the particular intersection at 16 and mission we did did matching and a lot of families come and the transit so look forward to all of that. >> thank you. next speaker. please. >> good morning julia from the housing and land use committee thank you to everyone delores street has been involved for affordable housing family housing for many years we fully support this transfer of land we
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look forward to the progress another way of supporting the public sites that can allocate for land for affordable housing thank you. thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >>. >> good afternoon supervisor avalos and supervisor farrell i'm with the the rights and as you're hearing from all the speakers there's a lock history at the particularly site we've learned over the years we need all hands on deck as part of the solution to address the affordable housing crisis the massive exodus of families and the education district in san francisco so we have community at the table we have the san francisco sfusd and the mayor's office of development and those are the people we need at the table
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we've long advocated for placing publicly owned sites such the mission property in hand this is a power example of making that vision come through as well as fulsome and the upper right in the queer district we look forward to working with the mayor's office of housing to transform those very >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >>. >> good morning, supervisors thank you for our time i'm mr. lee the deputy superintendent for the san francisco school district and to give history about mission street in particular i think most folks in the room realize it's been an under will utilized property
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since our phoenix school it's been a intense discussion with a lot of ideas those have ranged from the type of proposal that you see for hundred percent of affordable housing to income housing to baseball fields to service perhaps the tear site so far the occupied san francisco protesters several years ago there's been many, many ideas that are proposed and calendar year by the san francisco staff and the board of education so all that said we had a breakthrough a couple years ago as was described when the mayor's office of housing and now the community development and a sfusd engaged in a degree of negotiations around this site this was the break through we
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preceded to negotiate in good faith and we're glad we reached this amendment and hope it has the committees supporting future. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm with the mission eviction and i'm a long time resident of the mission district. actually, in the 80s i was the executive director of rap that is american people alternative program we were able to get the superintendant actually that property 1950 mission for one dollar a year and started the alternated high school which is one of the first latino chicano holidays that was started? country and actually we're asked to move out eventually because we had suggested that they build
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housing there for the community. and it's been 23 years that we have been on the board of education and on the staff to get - give the property to the community so today, i'm really excited 1972 before you and ask i support it and vote for it but also understand this is only the beginning the mission strict is at underground zero we have only 10 percent of affordable housing compared to other neighborhood that have 50 to 60 percent of affordable housing. we believe that the people evicted from the mission should be given the first right once the homes are built and we feel that you should looking like look at as the budget committee
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look at the board of supervisors look at proposals we've secured as a community in the mission that should be funded to build affordable housing in san francisco so that the mayors goal to build thirty thousand units is thank you >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors. >> thank you for bringing this forward i'm excited about this i'm hydra mendosa the excision on the board of education and the education advisors to mayor ed lee the 8 years i've been on the board of education this has been a very high topic and priority for us we would not have be able to do this without the support of the city the school district we're educators not releasing folks so the city support and you'll have this has been tremendous.
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i want to thank president fewer for her efforts when she came on instead of building housing in the mission made a big difference and give a shout out to dense kelly for housing we've not been to help him busing u but this is the how's and many people can be eligible over the years we've heard both from property committees from the grand jury report occupy sf as me young pointed out this property should be for a variety of things and parking and homeless bites we're excited to build homeless housing for our folks this is an example for public good is something that the school district doesn't
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consider when thinking about the larger community we couldn't do this on our own and look forward to having additional conversations with the mayor's office. i want to really thank mayor ed lee for bringing us in and lending us kevin and teresa and olsen and jeff and john and thank you, david and chris and both of the sprrntsd for making this happen and supervisor kim and supervisor campos for helping to guide this effort thank you we're looking forward to the new housing in the mission >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning peter colon from the how's organizations. you've heard the story there's a lot of things to to go around from the school district to the mayor's office of housing the
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united educators and particularly the folks in the community that never let go of the vision it took years and years and the persistence is the reason for the process i want to step back to emphasize this is not one success story but something that should be repeated ero. i don't have to remind you of the affordability crisis the most precious resource we have in san francisco is land 49 square miles we have to think wisely how to use the land under the city and county and disgust control is it so fundamental for us as the city thinks about the public sites program not only for some public controlled lands we want to see this be the story
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line you refer to we need 4950 mission to happen to all communities. >> thank you very much. is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor avalos >> thank you. i want to thank the school district, mayor's office of housing, and as well as the commissioners the school district and the union to come together and figure this out it's been a long time? mackey was on the site when it was the phoenix school you'll recall the incredible action you lead the action they took over the site to protest how upper being treated in the state of california and now we'll have
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housing it's a very, very exciting thing i agree it needs to be reciprocated over and over again, the model we have in the city we can't do enough to support our working class and middle-class folks and all too often the work we do only enables the wealthy to do it we want to make sure it happens again and again i want to motion that we are there amendments from the budget analyst >> no, i ask we approve the recommendation. >> i want to echo supervisor avalos comments and congratulations to everyone we can accept that motion. >> mr. clerk call the next item (clapping.) item 10 is the approval of modifications to the o to the airport contract. to provide operation and maintenance services for the air
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transit system between the usa i know and the 71 not to exceed $100 million plus >> okay. thanks mr. wagner well, back. >> thank you. good morning supervisor farrell and supervisor avalos the airport is seeking our approval for the modification to our existing contract with the transportation in order to provide additional funds for the replacement of our air trains. so some outdated equipment for the remaining 3 years of the contract the proposed modification will there the contract by $1.8 million this is used to replace various display signs will be replaced with other signs and new flooring on
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the 38 cars the modification will allow fore equipment repairs and maintenance costs that may be necessary for the remainder of the current contract that ends in february of 2017 we agree to reduce the requested amount and i will provide the clerk with an amended version of the resolution this afternoon if you approve the modification be happy to answer questions >> thank you, mr. rose go to our report. >> yes. on page 38 of the report we have details on both pages 38 and 39 showing the airport has provided the documents be authorized under the report and we have one recommendation based on our
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analysis we ask you to recommend not to exceed the 19th street hundred million dollars plus not to exceed to $900 million plus and we recommend you approve the proposed recommendation as amended. >> tell you why not open up to public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. do we have a motion to accept the approved recommendations >> move forward. >> we can take that we'll take that without objection. >> you'll get the amended version. >> mr. clerk item 11 and authorizing the public works to accept an extended grant from the castro benefit district for the landscape project through november 10, 2014. >> thank you.
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let's hear from supervisor wiener's office >> i'll be here for supervisor wiener. before you today is accept and expand a generous gift by the castro to the ongoing castro streetscape improvement project this grant will cover the costs of lighting and the rainbow crosswalks and some sidewalk plaques it's a great gift and happy to receive it and hopefully, we'll have our support >> okay. thank you mr. power any questions seeing none, why not open this up is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i have no budget analyst report. >> accept to this we'll take that without objection..
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mr. clerk, do we have any other business before us >> no mr. chairman we have no other business before us. >> thank you we're adjourned. - >> good afternoon it's 208 and the small business meeting is called into order. item one we're going into roll call >> commissioner president adams. commissioner dooley.
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commissioner dwight. commissioner ortiz-cartagena. commissioner paul. commissioner riley and commissioner white not here. item two is general public comment this allows the general public comment to comment on meters within the committees purview do we have any members of the public that want to speak >> any must be of the public want to comment on items noted on today is taunted general comment is closed. >> item 3 is the possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on file number 1040798 this is a business tax regulation code amending the common administrative provision and
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payroll tax expense and gross receipt tax it is the tax and regulation dpoed code by revising the payroll expenses and making the amount consistent with the requirements for small business exemptions and second and third clarifying the group engaged in business in san francisco must reshlg with the tax collective e collector and the register fee and number 5 clarifying the basis of the regulation fee and 6 deleting obsolete provisions this afternoon you have the protective manager of the office of the treasure and tax clerk providing you with a presentation today. >> welcome.
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>> good afternoon commissioner thank you for having us this afternoon i'm going to be joined by the mary ann from the department of workforce development in addition to talking about the changes we're making or we're proposing to the business tax registrations code i want to give you an update around the gross receipts tax you can know about that and take that back to our various constituencies and communities. as the regunmen said this is our annual administrative active changes and the changes this year are really driven by our looking at the implementation of the gross receipt tax and finding that the law has passed did a good implication of who had to file and when tlgs
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situations when it might unclear for small businesses about when they had to file particularly if they didn't have a tax liability so we're going to help you to understand the filing relations and they've been go driving ivory driven by the amount of tax you pay but that's evolving it is more consistent as a matter of how much payroll tax and gross e gross receipts and corporate structures that may or may not effect small businesses but small minor regulation requirement and the final item that the er is working on or we're proposing is that is this does effect new businesses in san francisco previously under current law someone came in the
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month of april or may and they were starting their business the way that the law worked they would have to registration their business with the renewal period they'd have to come back and pay thirty days latter to renew for next year we thought this the silly so we're striving when someone paid we have to issue within thirty days their certificate even if not effective until july one we'd have to issue it increase in the mid of may people had to come back we thought it was not very convenient for small businesses so, now once this law changes you can come in and registration and pay nor the current year and the year coming up and we'll
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issue our certificate for july one this will be a slight administrative active convenience for those new small businesses but we think it will be simple they'll appreciate this and certainly someone that has done it in the past knows it's frustrating. i want to first of all, ask for questions and get into talking about what we've done around the gross receipt taxes >> all right. 0 so i'll bring up mary an with the office of department of workforce development she and i will talk about what we've been doing with our outreach who we've been talking about and give data on that. >> sfgovtv we're going to be doing a power point from the
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computer. good afternoon commissioner president adams and commissioners. regina thank you for having us here today, this is our update on what we've done with the gross receipts to date >> ems we've been here before our original outreach was heavy allow front loaded our goal to hit all the businesses prior to the paying the register fee in may. and we feel that we did a are good job we sent out a survey and 67 percent of those applied to the surveys about the changes in the tax prior to the business register fee. so on a high-level this kind of you show us what we've done we did one hundred and 73 plus
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online impressions that was people that clicked on the media and some which that included our social media we partnered with interesting organizations unified to help us get our language and information out that are that there we did 23 presentations 34 with organizations and successors and that's high-level that didn't go into speaking one-on-one on the tax. this slide shows you we launched a website in january this is kind of an overlay of a number of his that went to the website during certain periods in particular like the neighborhood newspapers our hits went up and
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the engross receipts fee people went directly to the website or directly to 311. this particular graph i've i'm going to turn it over to greg many say our calls to service 311 >> good afternoon this is a chart i know it's hard to read on the power point it's not report you have towards the back. this is showing how many calls we've received at the office of the treasurer tax clerk from 311. i've offer ladies the time periods in blue is the calls received in 2013 and in orange the calls received in 2014. you'll see that if you look at the data around april and may in april we saw an increase in the calls during the first quarter when we had the first gross
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receipts fees and if you look at the comparison between 2013 and 2014 we saw a decrease in the number of calls to 311 to our office. another the first week of may we sent out the notice hey, it's time to register we saw a decrease because i'm sure you're aware of you got three or four conversations in our office saying something has changed get ready we've had our outreach and the hundreds of thousands of online impressions and our engagement in the community. so we believe that that really helped us to reduce the amount of people calling into 311 needing the help and we were able to help them and get the register so we counted that as one of the successes of our outreach we're excited about
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that. >> so also with regards to the comments i'd like to say there was a lot of work put into what we sent to 311 to their knowledge base so myself and grass worked hard through 311 and the consumer representatives to make sure they had the information one of the things this slide speaks to had a responsibility issue we give them information and beyond that those are actual questions that 311 could not answer and had to refer to the offers of the go tax collector. >> good. >> thank you. so where do we go from if here
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we're going to continue our outreach in a very not necessarily in an aggressive manner but trying to reach out to the agrees we were not able to context connect with the merchant organization and reflect that the tax changes in effect. we're going to help seek help for businesses to be able to prepare for the february 2015 deadline for getting more detailed information graeg is working on that and seek partnerships restraining order different organizations for instance, greg and i had a skeptic meeting with the tax commission i'm sure you're aware of all the taxi drivers have to register with the city and one
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of the things we've discovered with the fee he period they all came to file at the treasure and tax collectors office that created a long cue and had a lot of customers waiting we're going to partner with them so next year when the register fee is due it will go to the taxi commission. those are some of the partnerships we're seeking out and opportunity for associations to perhaps invite like the apartment association to invite people into the office and help them with the last filing for 2015 because most of the smallest apartment owners that will be two or 3 questions they'll be fine so we're going to seek out the partnerships with different organizations to help with the 2015 deadline. and then lastly we have a focus
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on delivering positive customer service at the end of the day people are going to be better served if we give them positive customer service and promptly answering their questions and if we don't have the what's-her-name to find out them. that concludes my presentation. . i want to say that i very much want to thank regina for the meetings she helps us to do our best by small businesses. this partnership between the office of small business and the office of department of workforce development has had great working relationships and we've achieved a lot in the last few months. we're looking forward to doing more. i'd like to call out commissioner riley i had
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