tv [untitled] September 8, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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safety. people tend to want to jaywalk anyway. so anyway, i just kind of throw that in for the time being. i'm sure we'll have further discussion about it. thank you. >> councilmember kostanian? >> hi. one of the things when i do go out. i don't go out very often, but when i do go out and have a chance to go to some of the neighborhoods and/or to the park, i still see bikes and skateboarders going at a reckless speed and have no concern about people or anybody. except on one thing, to have access and speed. when you are talking about education, i think these are the people that you really have to sit down and say, this is very serious. the city
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of san francisco has to pay for these things. i think it's important to sit down and have classes and have people come and talk and ask questions especially youth. because if they don't start putting that into place, who is going to listen? thank you. >> now i will turn it over to comment from staff. okay. let's go to public comment. we'll start with, if you will be kind to hang back if there are questions. we have a speaker. >> thank you. for your
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presentation on accessibility on bike lanes. i have a question and concern and also a rhetorical question. will there be, should there be, could there be installed on the medians on the north south, east west, roads such as gary and van ness an aps push button on the median to assist pedestrians crossing over those routes which in those two examples are also highway 1, which is van ness is 101 but equates to lombard which is also 101. can that be installed to van ness, market and gary and lombard?
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>> thank you. next. we have comments from howard chad ner. >> hi, good afternoon. thank you. couple things. i have not had a chance to really digest these guidelines but i was one of the people advocating against the folly at the jfk drive. it's interesting in relation to cochair zarda's comments. in case it doesn't work, would you change it. jfk doesn't work, bicyclist tell me that, drivers. the only thing that doesn't acknowledge that it doesn't work is the mta. there is no mentality at the mta streets department, livable streets, whatever. there is no mentality of acknowledging when they have
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made a mistake and starting over because they don't really consider themselves accountable to the people of san francisco as a whole. they are captured pretty much by special interest. couple things, i think this maybe an improvement, thighs guidelines. but anything that puts a pedestrian having to cross a bike lane particularly with mobility disabilities should not have to cross a bike lane. the way i read these guidelines would still have as one of you pointed out in terms of the parking along one of these buffer zones, you still have to cross a bike lane. is that the 30 second bell? okay, the other thing is that one thing that's not dealt with in these guidelines is what is an accessible space? they define accessible
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space as a technically accessible space without taking into account the fact that most parallel spaces are defactor accessible to most people with disabilities. i have had correspondence with ed reiskin, he doesn't acknowledge that fact. you have to look at how many faces that are defactor are limited with these projects. thank you. >> thank you. next, we have comment from tyler frisby from sf bicycle coalition. >> thank you very much for having me here today. i'm the policy director for the san francisco bicycle coalition. i want to take a moment to say
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we are very supportive of this document and represents a great deal of work on the mayor's office on disability and other stakeholders and one of it's first in the nation to set up a broad standard when they look at accessibility and biking improvements. we've had difficult conversations and this is the way to set up guidelines and pieces more accessible for people on crutches and people on bikes and wheelchairs. to address the question about people stopping at crosswalks and making sure to yield to pedestrians, we intend to take this document once it's formalized and use it for
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soik -- cyclist and children and their families. we want to engage these guidelines and we want to understand what these signals and markings mean and have a clear understanding of where we want this to go. we want to make this useful for all of us. thank you. >> thank you. next we have comments from evelyn present. >> i never see bicycle laws enforced. okay. yes, one rowdy with me and said, i'm wearing a helmet. well, dark jacket.
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i know bicycle coalition people the real ones wear it. necessity neon vest should be a law. the barreling down residential streets. i saw it at sanchez and 14th. running and not even looking, no helmet. just driving through. now, do they and i see no enforcement of this, none. nobody pulled over. so it's almost which do you follow, pedestrian laws or bicycle laws. it's very unclear still. but one problem with the enforcement, one more thing, i just noticed it with a friend. let's say on the intersection of oak and divisadero. there
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is a bicycle lane on the right. that's fabulous and well marked and wide. it gets narrow because there is a right turn for automobiles on the divisadero. how should one cross with the green there. how do you cross that green thing and also entitled to your right turn with a traffic arrow? anyway, that's something for the green zone people, but the main thing is enforcement, is it pedestrian bicycles. it's mostly i'm concerned that it's helmet already but the neon vest. >> thank you. we've got comment from wendy.
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>> hi. my name is wendy. i wanted to echo the previous comment about enforcement. yes. collisions will probably get marked. but near collisions don't get noticed. or scare the people with hearing issues. and i have seen this countless times is that the curb cuts are used by bicyclist climb onto the sidewalk and go directly to the door. they do not dismount at the curb because they don't want to get hit by cars. is surfing between the two zones of pedestrians and cars. and
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it used to be i have to watch even after the light turns green for me. i watch for cars. these days i stop and i watch between cars and make sure that there are no bicyclist barreling down on me. the reason i want to say this is, i had a friend who was on a motor scooter and she was hit by a car, a drunk driver. she lost her leg. and august insurance is $15,000. okay. what happened is bicyclist don't have insurance. okay. if we get hit as a pedestrian, who is going to cover our cost? okay? how is this going to affect our
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further quality of life? thank you. >> thank you. is there nin any other public comment in the audience ? any public comment on the bridge line? no. okay. thank you very much for your presentation. moving ahead to the next item on our agenda. we have item 8. a history of the disability rights movement. information item. this is a presentation of a serum internship project researching the history of the disability rights movement from the perspective of a youth with a disability. presentation by anna bernick youth works intern at the mayor's office on disability.
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there are two sets models. the first model of disability states that disability is a bad thing that should be fixed or put away causing ableism or discrimination against a disability. as you can see from a picture is an a little bit of a drawing of what a medical model looks like where the individual is a problem and the impairment of chronic illness impose real difficulties but not the main problem. the traditional view shows disability is caused by physical, mental impairment. if the person is impaired, it's a problem. the focus on the medical profession is a cure or lessen the effect on impairment.
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the social model states that it says disability is neutral. neither good nor bad and normal part of life. disability isn't need of treatment. it's ableism or social barriers that are the problem, there is a social model that are societal barriers for an individual and environment and languages and communities and attitudes and prejudicism and stereotyping and the organizations are flexible with procedures or practices. from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, parents were encouraged to institutionalize their children. those who were mentally regarded or with
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cerebral palsy were not allowed and that the parents could not take care of them. these institutions were not taking better care of them. the landmark civil rights act was signed july 2, 1964, which makes discrimination based on race, religion, gender or sexual oration illegal. a disability rights movement for those with disabilities vment these include accessible and safe transportation, opportunities and independent living, equal employment and freedom from abuse or neglect. the father of the disabilities rights movement was ed roberts. robert contracted polio at 14 which left him
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parsed -- paralyzed from the neck down. robert was final accepted to uc berkeley in 1953 becoming the first disabled student to attend. he then became friends with other disabled students called rolling quad. you can see a picture of ed roberts. where the great pioneers of the drm, like ed robert and judy contracted polio at 18 months and had to use a wheelchair for the most of her life and she fought for her rights at school after school officials said her wheelchair was a fire hazard. human was also the first teacher in a wheel
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chier -- to teach in new york. human was also involved in legislative act. human has become on the special advisory on the disability rights for the u.s. state department and actual fact that i attended a meeting with ms. joanna in berkeley and got to immediate -- meet judy. there is a picture of her. in 1972 robert found this center in independent living in california so people with disabilities may have the opportunity to live on they are own and learn how to live independently in the real world. robert was an executive director from 1972-75. today there are cil's all over the world. you can see the picture of ed roberts campus showing
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windows and doors for people to come in and out. curb cuts were first introduced in the 1940s in michigan to aid disabled war veterans. in the 70s berkeley became the first place to have a wheelchair ramp. a continual set of cuts carved out of wheelchair access in pedestrian districts and through a set of well traveled routes. the berkeley's disabled community had an active role in designing and mapping out more than a hundred sites for cuts. you can see the picture of one of the curb cuts is shown to be in california with armored tiles. in april of 1977, people with disabilities across the nation show their demand how this
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section 504 the rehabilitation act signed into law. u.s. secretary of health education and wellness, promised to have it signed by may. but that didn't satisfy the protestors. this resulted in a large event where 500 demonstrators stormed into the office in san francisco. they were provided food and supplies by the black panthers association. finally 504 was signed to law in april 28, 1977, which became the largest in the federal building. this is a picture in 1977 around the area which i like to call market alley. in march of 1988 the board of trust ees at galludet yoourt
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university which was founded for the deaf never had a deaf president. in retaliation they locked the gates. the protest lasted from monday march 7th-march 13th until the board of trustees assigned the president jordan. he served in 2006 when he was proceeded. there is a picture of the galludet university students with the banner deaf president now. which was the name of the protest. the most notorious event was capital crawl. on monday march 12, 1990.
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disability activist ripped themselves off their wheelchairs and ada now. vote now while others were encouraging the capital crawlers by holding up the signs. one of the youngest contributors of the event was eight-year-old jennifer keiland. who had cerebral palsy climbed up the steps who had a friend who died two 2 months prior. she said i will take all night if i have to. there is a picture of her with a lot of reporter's capturing her every move. finally on july 26, 1990, president george bush signed the americans with disabilities act into law. he said let the shameful wall of exclusion
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finally come down. there is a picture of george bush signing ada into law. 24 years later we are celebrating that famous signing for celebration. but we still have a lot of work to do. please stay tuned for me and my colleagues as we are going in for our next presentation. thank you. [ applause ] . >> thank you very much any comments or questions from council? anna, thank you so much. i knew bits and pieces of the history but i'm ashamed to admit that i don't know a lot about the ada. thank you for taking the time to present this today. it was very
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informative and remember these pioneers were doing very difficult work and putting themselves at some risk for the benefit of the rest of us. thank you. >> any public comment from audience or bridge line. if not, we can move forward with item no. 9. information and possible action item: youth commissions priority around disability awareness. presentation of the youth commission's efforts to promote disability awareness curriculum throughout san francisco unified school district. they are engage in a discussion with council regarding collaborative efforts with other city bodies. presentation by ariel yu, chair of health, education and wellness committee, san francisco youth commission luisa sicairos and anna
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bernick and joyce wu, members of the san francisco youth commission. >> hello, thank you for welcoming us today. my name is luisa sicairos. >> i'm ariel yu. chair of health. >> i'm joyce wu. youth xhifrment -- commissioner. >> what is youth commission? appointed by the board of supervisors or mayor lee. we meet the unmet needs of the youth in san francisco and we are all of the education health and wellness committee. we focus on special education and disability awareness. so, as you can see that our topic of this year was special needs and special awareness
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on disabilities. the reason that we are focusing on this topic is because we all draw on different issues or personal experience on these issues. for me, i have a little sister who is 19 and she has cerebral palsy. i have to help her bathe and use the bathroom. i'm the main go to parent for her. to see her grow up in the san francisco unified school district has been difficult. we haven't seen her grown as we expected to because she doesn't get much attention from the school caregivers. it's difficult because for me i just graduated from college and knowing that i got that opportunity to walk down that aisle and my little sister can't, it breaks my heart
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because i want her to be happy to go to school everyday. right now she's in a transition program and she doesn't like going and she's staying at home and basically hating me because i keep giving her all of these homework assignments. for me, i know she's safe at home and getting something of an education from me and from my brother. i just wish she was at a good school setting where she can be socialized with her peers and not just sitting down for hours and doing recycling. that's why i'm really passionate about this issue. >> so, i became involved in special education in my freshman year of high school when i joined the club best buddies which is a club that creates one on one friendships with students in general and special education. i had no prior experience. by my
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sophomore year i was matched with my own bud and with our relationship and just hanging out with all the students in special education i can see how sweet they were and funny and fun and also kind of lonely because best buddies the only time when they can interact with students in general education. when i was appointed to the youth commission i saw this special opportunity to try to close the disparity in special education to bring awareness to young people. >> thank you. and well, my experience is really personal because as you remember from my presentation last month i have pdnos since i was two. it was a struggle. i have always had an aid for me in school and religious school and sometimes with other things. but i really grown into it
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realizing about what my role as a disability youth and what i can do to be able to help with that. i decided to join this committee because it gives me a chance to not only connect with my experience, but also with my experience with policy making. with that. as of 2010, ufc served 6290 students with disabilities. they try to make the school a learning environment regardless of a disability or not. >> we found out through the research that the unified school district provides a research page available to be parents administrators and teachers in order to cultivate a better environment for youth with disabilities for practices shown in their
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website such as how to be a better mentor, how to provide a better school assignment and how to be more active physically. in addition the website provides a contact page and information sheet on what are the rights of youth with disabilities which is really great because i didn't know about this before entering the youth commission. also the yufd unified school district with children youth and their families and support for families with disabilities and they provide after school programs and site coordinator is and students and supporting students with disabilities through professional development days which is going to be beneficial for them in the future.
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