tv [untitled] September 8, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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long term coordinating council in august. and so, i am reporting out for the meeting that occurred in the library in july 10th, i believe. and as typically we found a format and most of the standing committees gave a series of announcements, and there is money for for instance from bill hersh and the money for the eviction defense and the homeless housing, and the mayor's office of disability and they are looking at the sol, elevator situation, which is brewing for quite some time and again, these are just the announcements. and policy and finance is going to be looking at supply and demand for the entire array of long term care service and supports, and then there is discussion on the expanding the committee which is the kind of navigater for the council and the future agendas.
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and the main presentation was from rick crane and jessica layman who are the two hired consultants to carry out the 18-month, scan grant to the long term coordinating council. and to look at a series of issues, and rick is going to be doing an internal and external stand of the council and other long term care services in the city, and county of san francisco, jessica is going to be coordinating town hall meetings so that it is the focus groups and the first one, september 11th is going to be assembly, or supervisor, district, 17, the candidates are campos and david chiu, and they talk about their vision for the long term care. and aging and disability services. would either one of them would get elected to replace tom up in the assembly seat, because
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tom is turning out. >> and so, that presentation, was really quite illuminating and sets the course and the other presentation was on the action item and the communication plan was presented by jessica, too, and i am losing it. to provide a marketing plan for the council, so that all of the goals and objectives and strategies from the long term coordinating council can be better communicated to the city and the county, public and the mayor and the supervisors and there is a lot of work done by the council over the years, and the message needs to be gotten out, and this effort from the communication plan, which is voted as an action plan, i hope that you, and the commission can have a copy or see a copy it is going to dove tail in the project in terms of the town hall forms, as well as you
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know, the external scan and this is going to lead in the parallel way, to the long term care integration plan that is moving some what concurrently with the efforts of the long term care coordinating council, and cindy, can organizing, the work group or the oversight committee for the long term integrating project and so it is like two trains going parallel and they will converge in the future, and i want the communication plan, because this city, needs integrated long term care service plan. and one of the big discussion items and i will throw this out during the initial announcement period was a discussion about the university situation. and is it going to close? is it going to stay open? under what conditions and that became quite a drama? terms of the supervisor, and the neighborhood and safety committee and it is remaining open. but that is part of the inventory for the long term care services and supports going from the skilled nursing all the way to successful,
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living at home, with additional supports, thank you very much. >> i have some questions, and i was wondering was there any look towards the board and care of the home situation? >> it is proving that because, i understand that the statistics of the people that are living longer and that generation of 100-plus is moving right along. >> yeah. >> well, it was specifically addressed in the context of the university mound and sort of like a event for the crisis and in the board and care homes in the city, however, i would imagine that long term care services and supports concludes not only skilled nursing as an institution, but also the alternatives like assisted living and that will come up in the external and the internal scan and over the policy and finance, review of the supply
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and demand issues and how to pay for the assisted living and we are down to 77 residential care facilities for the elderly and the majority is in the long assisted life and in the larger facilities which are quite expensive and so there are going to be issues that will come up in the external scan, and again, the only focus was using the university mound as a catalyst for the limited discussion for july's meeting. >> thank you. >> commissioners? commissioner sims. >> there were two, one was a discussion around the sro elevator circumstance, i know that there is a survey document that is now being translated into several languages and it is available for distribution, was there any discussion around progress, or... >> and well, the senior disability action has been following this and as an
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advocacy item and the mayor office is looking at that time and i think that the first report of it and seeing about the sros, is, and you know, separate from the elevator issue. we have the real situation and the elevator situation, and i am not quite the expert on that, but, i would imagine that the mayor's office of disability have some kind of a report that they are developing, and might be able to clarify that. >> i think that i saw an e-mail, and in the last couple of days from jessica saying that the survey is getting ready to go out or in it is in the final stages and this was the meeting in july, so the council has not had a meeting in the month of august. so, but i think that i saw an e-mail. >> yeah that is kind of what i was referring to. >> and yeah, the other area that i love for you to comment further on is the topic of evictions and the impact of elders on the evictions in the
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city. >> well, i think that bill who was the head of the housing committee and one of the standing work groups for the long term coordinating council has been working with evictions and as far as i know, they are, there has not yet been presented to the council, month to month figures, either on the ellis or the regular rentals for the senior and the disable and that comprehensive report, probably lacks data for more, like, for instance, the number of legal entities that defend the right to end the evictions and the tender loin, housing and the legal assistance for the elderly and i am not sure that all of the cases have been collated together, into, the big picture, and as you know, from the newspapers there is a lot about the 96-year-old woman the victim, and under ellis act from her unit and that data, probably will be compiled if there is going to be funding
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for eviction, or a defense, or can i, and i would recommend that, that that be, an item for the coordinating council, and they will look at the big picture and because i think that no one is really looking at it as it effects each individual, and it is pretty critical, whether they are evicted because of ellis act and the real estate values going up or evicted because they leave the sink on or the bathtub running and that i think there are so many other cases from the adult protective services from lae, from the tender loin housing that be great to have all of that put together, but i don't think that is happening yet. >> thank you. >> you mentioned that the town hall meeting will be on september... >> the 11th. >> where is it? >> let me see if i have a copy of that announcement. >> it is at the unitarian
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church on franklin from 2 to 4:00 p.m. and that is franklin and geary. and that will be in two languages, spanish and chinese, and it is being put together by the senior disability action and david compass and david chiu supervisors will be there fielding questions and comments. >> is there a room number? >> i imagine that it is that large room as you walk into the church. the one to, when you walk in, to your immediate left, down the hallway, where there will be a bunch of chairs, and that is probably where it will be, but there is no room number, identified on the flier. common sense, say that it is going to be the largest room in the church. >> they usually have directions too. >> i will try to get there
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myself. >> thank you. >> okay. next, tacc report? >> >> hello, attended the meeting on august the first in sacramento and one of the speakers or two of them were from the california department of veteran affairs and it has an interagency council on veterans. and this council, or these groups assist with the coordination of health, education, housing, compensation and pension, and employment activities of all levels of government. there is an application that the veteran cans mail in, and they will set up a customized profile for benefits, resources and services and at the meeting
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we had a presentation by john craft who is a state veteran, agency advocates for veterans and pamela and the administrative officers and they were very dedicated to meeting the needs of the veterans. in the last federal census, in 2011, 25 to 30 percent of veterans were seniors. and john, only has himself, and eight agents to cover the state, so they work very closely with the local veteran services. now i had some information here about the e-mails to contact the best, or the society, or i am not going to read those out, but you can grab the secretary and she has them if you need to contact them. >> notice in san francisco, we are so so fortunate and we have an excellent veteran office
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which is located in the department of aging i have seen them in action. they out reach to family and they are very, and they, and when they don't give a referral, to someone. they follow through, to see the actual reception of that service. or, we are covered here. and if someone knows a veteran, and has some need to go and it does not have to be health it can be education, it can be many things, the questions is, pension. and call the department of aging in. and they will connect you. with a wonderful service. and now, on august 12th, we attended on aging and long term care. and the assembly care, on aging and long term care, and i learned that a select committee hearing, and you do not come
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out with the proposals that you obtained in the information to be used by those who are writing the proposals. and now, mrs. yamata is turning out which is too bad because she has put a lot of focus on the different senior needs and, now california, has a largest population of people in that age group, it is expected to double in 2030, that there is concern here, that while chair and assistive agencies have grown in california, there has been little effort to
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coordinate services. program administrative structures are in silos and they are supported by different funding streams and subject to the variety and the reporting requirements and there is little coordination at the state and local level, and the select committee's goal, to develop a state wide strategy for the effective and age and long term care support and service delivery system and they focused on five areas, during the hearing. the state and the legislative leadership, fragmentation, and lack of integrated data. infrastructure, both state wide and in the rural areas, and the workforce, and funding. now, they are requesting that
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individuals, and communities, groups, and with the information on the problems that they are facing with the current system. and suggestions for improving the state wide system. >> and now the legislative leaders do intent to refrain from the state wide delivery system and its going to happen. and it is important for those who are working in and with the current system to send their observation and recommendations to the legislature. and we have to function within the system, the legislature adopts.
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got you. >> there is another resource here, and our long term, is ben sit, sent a written testimony to the august 12th hearing and it was handed out to us, and it is four and a half pages long. and it is an excellent presentation, and as he outlines the problems that they see with the people facing trying to get through the system, and what needs to be done, to really improve the system. both in writing up the report, and i have a copy and it is now just public information. >> they gave it out to all of them. >> but i have a copy. we are lucky to have him here
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something that well someone like some of you who may have some connections. with them. there are going to be changes and we have to get the input in, if paul reveer, and they won their independence, and we are out here alerting you. the change is coming, and there is going to be the laws of how we and the whole system is going to be up for a vote and we have to get in there and make it work for us. >> thank you. >> your questions? >> yeah. >> commissioner seruna. >> thank you. >> that was very comprehensive as usual. one that you mentioned that california has the largest population of individuals 65 and older, and that is not
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surprising since we are the most populous state. do we have the highest percentage of seniors with that discussed at all? in other words, in comparison to florida or arizona, do they have a larger percentage of the population that 65 or older. >> nothing is mentioned percentage wise, just that we have the most. >> thank you. >> and then finally, is there a legislator who is willing to be our champion in either the senate or the assembly at this point that we should be focusing our attention on to get his or her or get them motivated to take up our issues. >> i think that is one of the first things that we have to start thinking about, we have the legislature and we have good legislators and are they willing to take the lead on this? so maybe they don't want to be connected with that. you don't know what is going on up there, you know, they want to be on that committee, but it is really important, if we
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could, identify them, in, and if we could get a whole big committee meeting here, great. >> san francisco is considered to be a leader in the world of long term care, especially long term integration, and kind of cutting edge programs. and so we have already had meetings with the staff and we have been they asked to meet with us, and in the process of the staff of the select committee and in the process of that, they have sent them now, all of our significant reports that we think can help with the work that they are doing. and also, helping them to understand how we are organized locally because there is this information about reorganization at the state level. and so, that if that is helpful at all. but we have been providing a lot of input, and we would have any way, but they came to us before we even got to them. >> thank you.
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>> yes. >> they are paying some attention to the veterans, you know their education, and their jobs. and we have not done enough for the homeless veterans. >> and they do have housing, as one of their areas that they are focusing on. >> i heard that last year, san francisco veterans have a 100 section issue to them. but with a couple of 1,000 or even 4,000 veterans, 100, you know, is the other s and are still waiting for their housing. >> well, maybe that is something that you could bring, or someone from our veteran's office to talk to us about. >> thank you. >> if they are good. they are right on us. >> thank you. >> commissioner sims? >> thank you.
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>> so you are talking with the senior legislative organization about, so that they are advocating with the specific lawmakers and they are presenting proposed legislation. >> and well this coordination was actually developed by the governor of california. who said, they wanted this inner agency and they are an inner and their whole purpose is to work with all of the state and federal programs to make sure that they worked together for the needs of the veterans, and that is their interest, and that is what they are doing. >> the california senior legislature is going to be meeting, i think, in october. because we with the death of norm a we are looking for a third senior legislator. and i would think that at that meeting, they will just like, that tacc, they will probably be an overview of this work, as
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well. so, i think and certainly, anne warren has been informed because cathy and they are part of the same committee. >> yeah. >> do you have a comment? >> two things, my name is mentioned so i felt compelled to say something. i happen to know the staffer for assembly person yamada and i was going to go up and testify at the august meeting but i got busy down in the office. so i dashed up a couple of pages on some of the issues that would maybe prevent an integrated state wide approach, for the long term care, and those opinions who are not those of the council or of any of the collaboratives that i work with in the city.
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but it is just, and myself, communicating with robin who i met first when he worked for the senator, henry, years ago, and between jobs he came to san francisco and he trained to be a ombudsman and he went back up into the state and it is a significant issue and we have to be remember and we have to remember that the administration on aging has a expanded wall in the community living and administration and whatever the state does to integrate the long term care at the state level, they will probably align it with that administration for the living in the future, and would i imagine, adding a few, but i think that it is good to get the position there. and so, my comments were basically, to get all of the state agency to work together and to not have any replication or redundancy in terms of the
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programs and this year with the adult health centers they are managed by the department of aging, but, the roll out there and the approval is now the department of healthcare services and license and there are three agencies and this has to be integrated and it can't be under three separate and, develop an example of some of the difficulties of the level of the state. and so, the contenders for the assembly seat and one of them, we need to find someone to take over the assembly person, yamata, who idenily, who if we can get the right person in the right committee, it will it
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there will be work and what i have learned working with the legislature is that you get to know the staff people because they stick around and they get the new boss and they are the go to people for anything. and thank you. >> thank you. >> i would love to read the summary document that you sent up. >> okay. >> thank you. >> and i will send it to... >> the secretary. >> and it gets to the commissioners. >> okay. and it was very, kind of detailed from the ombudsman perspective and it is kind of detailed, and it is not meant for the issues we need an aging policy in california, for at least 25 years.
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and there are reasons why it never gets going. and i think that i identified some of them. but i wanted like everyone else does, thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner ow, i am thinking that it is something that we might want to take up at the legislative committee. and with the report. if you will... >> well, will you please, you know, put it on the or on our next legislative committee? >> yes. >> and send each of our commissioner a copy of the whole copy, not the agent information. >> also, i was thinking of anne, and while we were talking about the legislation, and the coordination, and i don't know if that is something, that maybe the legislative committee might want to just discuss, what is the feesbility of the coordinating that. or some ideas, and maybe we will have that too. and brought to the next
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committee. and so the report has not been finished and... >> and that means that the recommendations are not solidified yet and there is a lot of conversation about reorganizizing. and this has been going on for 20-plus years, and. and if that concern, and if that reorganization will happen right now, if the budget is still very difficult, at this state level. and that what would happen, is that we would end up, with the mergers and not the dollars or that go with it and we have seen that in the case of the mental health department which we lost, two years ago, we saw it with realignment, with adult protective service and so what
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we are doing, we want to do something that gives us strength so that we do not lose over time, part of what the federal government has done under cathy, and the assistant secretary, is that they have over the last three years, brought in the different pieces on the disability and aging side and united them, under the administration for the community living and then, continue to move forward and so, no one has lost any ground under that and it is a great model. but, we also know when we merged here in san francisco, eleven years ago, it is easy to lose dollars in those kinds of mergers, so we just want to make sure that it is done, if it is done, it is done really right, because frankly there is so much, and there is so, there are no, there are not the
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dollars, in the departments now, that there were even three or four years ago. so, yes, we will absolutely kept the legislative committee, and air what is going on. >> thank you. >> next we have the case report? >> good morning commissioners, with the catholic charity and i serve as the chair, and the case did not meet in august we took our regular holiday off but we had many committees busy working on the advocacy plan and the strategies that we want to bring forward this year and we are having a meeting on monday, september 8th at project open hand from 3:00 to 5:00 and our presenters will be tom from the lgbt task force and he will be presenting the out reach plan to help to out reach to more of the population in the community, and then anne from the department of aging will be coming and having a
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