tv [untitled] September 9, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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the perimeters of the units is similar to what we passed in terms of the legislation i'd authorized to allow the addition of in-law units into the castro neighborhood within the envelope of the building you can't expand the size of the building if the building is a rent control building the new unit will be rent control as well in is a good piece of legislation colleagues, i urge your support i'm also introducing with supervisor chiu and maybe supervisor cohen specifically a resolution supporting san francisco's bid to host the 22nd eight conference in 2018 it's the single largest conference on
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the health issues the san francisco health commission is organizing a campaign for the 2018 over our loan city amsterdam but it should be in san francisco not amsterdam with the passage of this resolution the board of supervisors will send a strong message on the on behalf of the city of san francisco to recommend that the conference be sited here. because we're nearing a deadline in terms of decisions we need to vote on it today that's the imperative nature so i urge you colleagues to support this and the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor wiener. >> supervisor yee. >> supervisor avalos. thank you madam clerk and i have one feel good resolution about
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camp matthew it provides a great experience for sfolgsz san franciscans and a wonderful place for kids to be free and run arena and get great activities under rec and park supervision this year they celebrated their 90th anniversary to this celebrates their 90th non-and thanks rec and park for managing the park and providing great services but also the resolution recognized the work of many rec and park staff and fire staff who saved camp magnetically during the rim fire it came within perhaps 50 feet of the camp itself the dining common sense and the ball
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parks and the flames were well above the trees and because of the work of staff working under incredibly scary and stressful conditions that was a staging ground for the firefighters to suppress the fire close to the areas around the park so i want to commend their work and we'll be voting next week if we vote on there will be a celebration of the 90th thinking mini the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor avalos supervisor breed. >> i have two items colleagues first, the fire department i'm sure you're aware that, yes we've had sadly a few fires in our city but have a real
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problems are are the ambulance service on saturday august 30th the san francisco fire department had to ask a private ambulance company to step in and help the department respond to emergencies. this was at the height of calls and the spokeswoman said asking a private company to help doesn't happen often except it happened on this thursday and past sunday the fire department is short on ambulances and paramedics and the management to run a irresponsible ems system it can't serve san franciscans. there was 3 willed plus occasions when ambulances were late on arrival that 3 hundred and 74 times i've been talking
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about this issue and holding hearings and helping the board has approved million dollars yet i'm at my wit's end on this issue and the fire department is putting people's lives in jeopardy this week when the mayor returns from mexico i'll be having a conversation about this issue we can't sit down and allow this to continue something has to be done and done now to address the issues of the department pending the outcome of that conversation i indefinitely will have more to say at the meeting next week. the other issue is an issue that i'm not happy to be bringing forth about the 49ers so long as i can remember i was able to speak i-afis 49ers fan the 49ers
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wentz the super bowl and everybody hanging out and hugging those are the types of things a football team can do for a city and a community. yes. i was bitter when the 489 moved to santa clara it's been difficult to hold onto a desire to be a team player or fan but regardless of where they're playing i'm a true fan to the end. sadly my desire to continue to be a fan was completely shaken over the weekend when the 49ers decides to allow raymond mcdonald to play in the past
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game i realize that mcdonald had not been charged yet a felon investigation pending i took issue that the 49ers out of respect for the team and the fan out of respect so far the name they bear san francisco they couldn't at least have one player sit out this game and future games pending the results of this investigation. i believe in your innocent until proven guilty but the 49ers bear our name we have to be sure as policymakers we hold anyone to a standard of obsolescence and, yes there's innocent until proven guilty but with our law enforcement and city employees
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if a situation happens where a crime is committed they're on paid administrative leaf pending the investigation and we need to make sure that those are the kinds of things we demand. mostly because they carry the name of san francisco so today, i'm introducing a resolution for the imperative agenda that denounce the san francisco 49ers it denounce them for not making the right decision domestic violation is a real issue sadly after a woman was beat by her boyfriend and on many occasions the police wouldn't take no one to jail if he said he didn't hit me, i'm okay. we don't need the police now because of advocates
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like beverly uptown we have laws where someone it going to jail the evidence is oftentimes written on someone's face. the 49ers franchise is a multi million dollars franchise i understand that money plays a role but someone's lives should not play a roll-around domestic violation today, i'm asking to place this on the imperative agenda because there will be a 49ers game on sunday and raymond mcdonald will be police vehicle placing in that 49ers game we have to be clear that the team that bears our name should not allow a player to play who is
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facing serious felony charges pending the outcome of those charges so i have summit the item to you all today and i hope colleagues you've supportive to send a clear message to the 489 and accident country we don't support allowing a member to play in this state thank you the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor breed. >> supervisor campos. thank you very much madam clerk i have a number of items the first item is a resolution and i'd like to thank supervisor kim supervisor breed and supervisor mar so far the co-sponsoring. i'm introducing a resolution you're going pg&e to help the city and county finalize the implementation of a installation of cabin tracking at this on pg&e poles in key parts of city
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i'm sure you're aware of gun invention a problem 32 death can be attributed to gunshot wounds and people are treated in the left arm from january to june this year there's been 74 gunshot victims and 14 of those victims have died in order to address this mrs. in san francisco and others have started to track gunfire by location. the technology can longtime gunshot within 40 feet and allows law enforcement to respond to a gunshot immediately since 2008 the san francisco police department has been using thirty this technology with some
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of the highest levels of bayview hunters point and the mission the technology has been critical in my district in district 9 and especially in the mission and the police department to curve violent crime in 2013, the san francisco police department dpantd the use to cover a large geography area that plan included the technology on pg&e power poles and puc poles and government building and schools. the full expansion of this public safety tool unfortunately has been installed more than a year and not entire clear but one of the obstacles is the fact that pg&e is charging on unexpected fee of $1,500 per pole a fee that utilities and
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other cities have not charged to install this technology. the data shows that if the police department relies exclusively on 9-1-1 gunshot without the use of the technology only 10 to 20 percent of incident of gunshot fire are recorded this captures the other to 90 percent of the incidents that occur. the bottom line we in san francisco need to get in technology up as soon as possible in ass areas. i hope my colleagues today as this matter males or females o moves will ask pg&e to work with the police department to complete the plan expansion by allowing the st. pd to put this on pg&e poles without a charge.
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this will allow the full and immediate implementation of this very important tool that law enforcement needs to keep our neighborhoods safe. when i look at the amount of money, money that have been made by our local utility given the long history that this utility has had and the fact that so many of our rate pairs have contributed to make this a profitable entrepreneurs we hope they will take the step of letting law enforcement use the property without a charge >> the second item is a memoriam and i'm joined today by my colleague supervisor wiener in this of arresting take care i would like to adjourn this meeting with the memoriam of
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arresting it is your francis a performer drag artist and friend passed away on august 25th of this year. best known for his queen performs as patsy kline is expanded from san francisco to london to tokyo. his performs included performances in classic films like virtual and las vegas in space he moved to the bay area in 1978 was a boon to the culture of san francisco his 4 years of straining were followed by years of performs that truly enriched our community arturo was a leading figure in shifting toward the irony and culture
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that was sophisticated and outrage it epitomize misses queen and a half like steel magnolias and the musical. arturo was a regular performance in the shows between 1995 and 2012 he embarked on tours of the country and the world every summer. somehow arturo after doing everything i've talked about he lived and worked in japan helping to nurture and usually in japanese drag culture and acting as an outstanding representative of san francisco's talents and values. throughout the years arturo touched lives both inside and outside the queer community he can't be fulfill quantify if i
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had but quite frankly the outgoing of support from drag and other artists and citizens from every walk of life his life continues in the 17 noise and nephews and the chosen family and friends around the world a public memorial for arturo on september 22nd at the castro theater he'll be honored by his family, friends and community. the last item is a difficult one a memoriam for right away sunshine williams. i'd like to thank you for the opportunity to honor the life of rashawn he was a special young
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man an outstanding young man who was tragically killed on september 2nd of this year. an exceptionally bright 14-year-old rashawn had big dreams and he, in fact, was well on his way to chief of police those dreams. after earning exceptional grades at boston he was accepted to sacred heart school on an academic scholarship he joined the football team and was thrilled to be playing for that school. those who knew ray shane described him as bright and motivated and kind and the thing
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about rashawns family it's a large family that truly impacted and improved the lives of so many people in our community. he would often baby-sit his younger sister while working hard to maintains e maintain his grade of 4.0. one of the things you can do as a supervisor so to hear and see the life of a young person is taken at an early stage it's deeply upsetting to me to see the pain of rashawns family but to everyone 90 in our community. rashawn was a kid that stood for everything that a young person should stand for its tragic and
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citizen less that his bright promise will not be realized. rashawn was stabbed by another young person at fulsome and 26th street and he died subsequentially that evening from that establishing >> as we celebrate his life we recognize and solemnly take note of the loss of his future not only for himself, for his family but for his entire community. given what this young person had done in 14 years you can only imagine what he is capable of. this violence weeks ago heavily in our hearts the loss of
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rashawn's life and our loss of security the impact this death has had on all his friends and schools like boston and skakd heart no words to express and describe that. we know that rashawn will not be forgotten his spirit will lift us up and the best thing to remember and honor his life so confront and to end violence in our communities. we hold rashawns life in our hearts and take strength in his america memory and the one thing i have to say i don't know how his mother and family can find the courage to say this but they want rashawns memento be honored
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by remembering the kind side hits commitment to life and his commitment and love for others. the funeral will be this thursday at st. marys cathedral and the burial at holy cross the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor campos president chiu. >> thank you colleagues, i have two memoriams for today, i want to recognize the passing of vav have an the visiony broadcasting industry and a philanthropist she died in her home at 93 she was the eldest of three children went to up-to-the-minute missouri ma college she taught preschool in california and at a disabled children's home and married carl they had one son
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lincoln. in 1996 she started k s f tv for the diversity for the asian community k c s f was the first to protect focus on ethnic programming at the time the station was formed asian-americans may that 5 percent of our bay area and today, the tv markets population is close to 25 percent. over the years the television station began adding live news casts in cantonese she will a be remembered as a mroift she has a program that focuses on primer education in japan and the system of caring for elderly ♪
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sweden and the culture exchange between american and vietnam film production pr production i want to acknowledge her son and on the on behalf of 71 i want to offer our condolences she'll be missed dealer dearly. i want to recognize the passing of a beloved resident in chinatown and a father to the community leaders discoloring i didn't he was born in 1908 in china the 3rd of four sons. the father was a person in our country in 1986 convincing
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arrived on angle eyed and studied for his interrogation examines i joined his father in our country in 19 thirty he become a resident of our city and rented and prashtd a vegetable stand and his wife joined him with a seeing factory in chinatown she they were blessed with many children and great grandchildren. on behalf of the city of san francisco and supervisor mar and supervisor wiener i'd like to offer our condolences to his family and friends he'll be missed dearly. colleagues, i have two
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resolutions to oppose is lazy salt on women's constitutional right to choose sex selective bands are band on the basis of sex those will band the doctors and require the doctors and nurses to report women to authorities on abortion. the your best estimate for the abundance have been cloaked with anti asian rhetoric they have dorpgsdz to kill baby girls and chipping away at the right to which i see those bans are spreading across the country 21 states have proposed this ban and it's pass in 8 states in may it was introduced in the california state assembly. given our population of 38
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percent of united airlines and given no city or state has given a position today, i'm oefb a resolution so san francisco, california be the first. i want to thank your co-sponsors supervisor tang, supervisor kim, supervisor london breed and cohen and take a moment and thank the two dozen organizations and health organizations that came together around the issues. this rhetoric advocating the messages h have been stereotypes and are indenturing offensive o those are laws that will have real impact for women. women of color in 8 states can be scrutinized in ways this is are racial precisely we're a
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city that stands for the right to choose colleagues, i ask for your support. the last item i'm introducing is a resolution to support proposition 47 which reduce penalties for most number one serious and non-violent drug crimes. felons will be knocked down to misdemeanors we know that study show those are crimes that doesn't need extensive crime penalties time in prison. this is a measure that's been calculated to save hundreds of millions by reducing the courts caseload it's estimate that 10 thousand inmates are eligible for reinsensitive and given our
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prisons overcrowding we can do better. the measure will direct the savings 65 percent to drug treatment and 25 percent for school programs for at risk youth. and let me note that dangers criminals are not eligible sex offered will not be eligible. i want to take a momentum and george gascon and the the rest i'll submit >> thank you president chiu and supervisor farrell. >> thank you mr. clerk today, i'm introducing an ordinance thank you co-sponsor supervisor avalos that manages the fleet vehicle.
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the legislation will create new car sharing vehicles rather than city owned vehicles and mandate the reduction of our non-essential passenger vehicles by 25 percent and track the mileage in our city fleet and mandates the realtime tracking system to replace the city's outdated clipboard and lastly the city administrator have a pool of vehicles that could be targeted for fleet reduction it is targeting roughly the 12 hundred vehicles and again, our passenger vehicles and light trucks we've learned from other jurisdictions and this legislation is not different we look at chicago
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