tv [untitled] September 10, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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well done. and then, in regards to the americans with disabilities and a lawsuits that are happening i know that henry sent out and was the president of the council of merchants sent out an e-mail just to remind, you know, all businesses, that right now, and i don't think that any particular lawyer is necessarily going away, and i mean, that there is something and the practice that i see and there is more than one particular lawyer, filing suits, is they, often file a bunch of suits at one time and then, they may step back a little bit while they are dealing with those suits when they start coming to an end and then they are out again and so, it is always a good reminder, and for our businesses to always be ever present,
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thinking about it. and we are using the funds to be able to expand the cast assessment to the businesses outside of the invest in the neighbors area. >> the soft story mandatory retrofit program that, the property owners are going to need to start submitting their plans. and while, property owners who have commercial spaces in their buildings, have a little bit longer to do so, we are seeing a discussion with a property owners, who have owned, the property with commercial space, having discussions with their tenants needing to vacate while they are doing their improvements and so this is
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coming a little bit sooner, and so i just wanted to bring to your attention that i am walking towards, and mica hill who is running part of the team that is running the soft story, retrofit program, we are going to be coming together, to kind of put together a tool kit for the businesses for land lords and what are the best practices for communications and then also for the commercial tenants and what resources we can pull together, to let them know, we are there to assist them through this process. >> i also this is not on your or in your notes, and i also wanted to acknowledge supervisor weiner and dpw with the idea and the castro merchants brought up the lightning, and which was a brilliant idea and so you know, this is an expression of appreciation and again, a stream lining concept, and the dpw is actually going to set up a little shot, or a little
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area, so that the merchants can go, or don't have to come down to you know, city government, and if they want to do sidewalk tables and chairs or they want to do the permanent display of the commerce dies up front of the store and so they are going to set up the satellite place for be able to apply for the permits which was just a great idea. and the point of sale registration i started to reach out to supervisors, and on this. formula retail, the two pieces of legislation are out there and they have not come before the board of supervisor land use committee yet. that, and the likelihood within the next maybe, month, we might be seeing some movement. the california redemption policy is what we call the crb and i met with debbie who is the new director for the department of the environment
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and we are renewing our efforts to work at the state to improve the regs and so that as we have, recycling center, closures to find some creative ways to deal with that so that the default for not having recycling centers does not end up on the small businesses and so that is definitely on the forefront on what they wants to work on and so i want to provide you an update on that and then there is a host of the follow up for legislation and wanting to let you know that i am working with the department of technology and both mark and i to update and revise our office's website and so, it will be the revision of our website, will compliment the business portal when it is ready to go live.
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>> and then in your director's report there is a small business expo that will take place on september 18th. and entity out of new york is coordinating the expos, in different cities, throughout the u.s.. >> i never heard of these people before. >> yes. nso we contacted them and they are nicely, in exchange for promotion they are providing a table for us and i am interested to see it. >> so we will have a table there >> yes. >> it is a good way to out reach and network to new businesses. and also in the binders is the summit which is hosting that you might be interested in attending but, to bring together the asian and pacific islander, business, owners, and along with the corporate and
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business and government, to help and that will be taking place on the 19th and i think that the former mayor, currently tenant governor will be attending and then i also attended the prolocal, event on august, 27th, along with commissioner adams and commissioner dwight, which was a really great event and then i have a list of items and programs and i realized that i probably also, and i should not say probably, i would like to include that we or to also get an update from olse on how they will be handling that and if there is anything that you would like to see in the meetings let me know.
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and with that, i will... that concludes my director's report unless you have any questions. >> do you have any questions for director? >> it has been busy. >> next item. next item is item number 8. and that is our president's report. >> okay, i actually have a few things today. >> first, i want to thank director and commissioner dwight for attending the prolocal event. , >> the beer was free and it was easy. >> i know. >> well, what we are doing and i know that you mentored karin and i want to thank commissioners dwight for that because you know, for the first time i know that we have the counselor district of merchants but he has brought a lot of the other associations together and kind of like everything that is
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on the same page. >> and yeah, it is happening at a local level which is really good. >> and i like the vibe on that and everybody gets along and the food was great. >> and it was great. >> but i just want to acknowledge, karin, and is that how you pronounce? >> on how he has what he has done on the prolocal and how he has been helping out the different neighborhood merchant associations. also, i like to bring up to my fellow commissioners, i got and i received a memo from the mayor, and on the commissioner attendance, and i am just asking everybody, you know, that we tried to get 100 experience turn out at every meeting and miems it does not happen. if you cannot make it to a meeting for whatever reason, please let us know ahead of time, so that we can prepare for it. this commissioner is pretty good actually. and so, and when the people do
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miss they let us know ahead of time and i know that we have vacation and things happening, and things that come up. and so... >> it was just a global winner to all commissioners. >> yes. >> a global to all commissionerers. >> those are good. >> this commission is just pretty good and we want to keep it out there as a reminder. i also want to along with the director to thank the dpw and supervisor weiner for setting up the permits for the sidewalks on castro street because our sidewalks are not widened and are opened for the most part and it is not finished and we still have tweaking and they are double the size and we have a lot of merchants that would like to take advantage of that. >> right. >> and finally, when we adjourn tonight, i would like to adjourn for nancy rodric and she is the wife of bob rodric
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and bob is the president of the valley merchants and also on the board of the district merchants and nancy and bob together, founded the law, center 30 years ago and so i would like to adjourn the meeting tonight, and in honor of nancy, and that is all that i have tonight. >> thank you. >> and thank you, mr. president. item number 9, vice president's report. >> nothing to report other than i will be attending the chamber meeting coming up on september 18th. because it will be helped at 1300. >> nice. >> and thank you, madam vice president. >> next item please? >> item number 1 0 is commissioner reports. >> any commissioner report? s >> none? >> i am commenting on the flower market which it is not early in the process and it is
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very late, and the developers have promised only that they will make sure that the market is there, and after they bull doze the entire complex down and several years later, they will be able to return however my experience in the meantime, and will put a minimum of 30 to 40,000 living wage workers out of work. and i consider it an enormous crisis, threatening a successful industry. and it is an emergency situation. it will put most everyone out of business and it will destroy the reputation of san francisco as the number one flower market in the u.s.. and so, i have spoken to todd at length about this at oewd and the only thing that i want to say is that i don't feel that i have communicated enough
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that this is an unusual industry and in that you can't it operates on a daily basis and so it can't be closed down. because we are dealing with growing, living things. and so, it is of the utmost importance for our city to understand that everyone would have to be relocated in the down time when i have spoken to every single vendor, the flower market could be no more than two to three days without a major financial loss across the board of growers, wholesalers and florists and so i want to put it out there that what more time that this is an unusual industry in terms of it is not like you could put your restaurant somewhere else and it is all of the vendors work together, and it is one kind of
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living organism, and if it is separated, it is going to destroy the flower industry in san francisco. >> i have a question and what are the deadline that we are facing. >> september 11th is when the developer signs, to buy the property and they have not said a single word to any of the tenant as of the flower market and now, they are in negotiations to buy the other half of the flower market. >> if i might add, generally these projects are anywhere from 12 to 24 months, looking through just approval process as well. so,... >> yeah, at least i have to go through the planning. >> most of the leases for the tenants are up, to the 31st of this year and so everyone and, no one knows if they have a new owner or how that is going to effect them in terms of their leases.
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and so it is extremely unstable situation. next item please. >> item 12 11 is general public comment, on items that are not before the commission. >> and do we have any members of the public that would like to make a comment on items that are not before the commission today? >> seeing none, public comment is closed, next item please? >> next item is new business. >> do we have any new business? >> seeing none, next item please. >> item 13 is adjournment. >> move to adjourn. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> we adjourn the meeting at 6:36. see you later.
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team celebration that start with our land use attorney that helps us navigate this process that was quite easy and peter and the folks from the architecture we're bias we think it's a beautiful design planning commissioner moore said the building is exceptionally well designed it does everything correct and is a building this is respectful of everything around that it is wonderful and i'm pleased to support that. peter we know that commissioner moore doesn't hand out a lot of compliments i hope you're proud as we are very well done. in connection is the alderman of
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swat we're looking forward to a long relationship but want to recognize mike and bryan as well as their colleague michael who couldn't be here that represented us on the marketing and leasing on the project finally i gaffe one of the colleague and partners they've been here we're on schedule and budget and intent intend to keep it that way in addition their going to participate in an experiment we're boring from london and we're going to post on the job site sense penn cal commits to this county to be a respectful contractor to manage noise that unfortunately comes from construction if this works maybe others in the city will
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follow us the biggest thank you to so mayor ed lee and his administration we're joined by director ram and jean who worked hard with us over the past year and a half to get us here we're appreciative of our font we have the building inspection to make sure that the permits arrive on time to keep things going and in addition to that this project recommendation what the city has been trying to do with long-term planning this is part of the south eastern neighborhood this is from 2008 we're grateful for the mayors administration in allowing this project 270 to happen without trovrt which is something we all strife for that
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in san francisco finally there are two citywide initiatives we feel strongly about this building will be reflective have to have a lower impact on climate change we've played for platinum status and we support the mayor and his administration and the transit first policy of the city we'll have only 12 parking stalls but 52 bike parking spaces with shoreside and we want to be supportive (clapping.) with that, mayor ed lee the podium it yours >> dan let me bring my personal congratulations to s c s and the attorneys and all of you together have produced an
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excellent product as i go around the city there are sensitive areas of the city we're trying to do better and planning is in the center with dbi to help us to make sure that the developed is right for the city and right here where a few months ago you only saw a parking lot request a hair clearly this is not only unutilized it was calling ought to do better those private investments that are not only making the changed and allowing for some to 8 hundred berlin next year i want to be here also want to absolute passport and the architects and engineers he working again your reputation precede you you've done be fantastic work i've been there
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at the spur building and love it here what you've designed and the lead platinum but the enlightenment to the historic area we're in the south of market the south park and in those areas where you have to be sensitive to the way you've designed it and given the quick approval that it can be challenging when you have agencies trying to protect a little bit of our history and they quickly saw our work and congratulations to the entire team and the development team i'm also excited about what this development means it's not only an office, by construction jobs will be here and continues to be a story of putting people back to work this are good marked
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jobs and this contract hire good folks i want to keep them business just by the men and women they hire are always good for the city we were there the other day with leader pelosi, you know, we have a great history of the city building our way and building new knows that are seismically sound and representing of the homes where a lot of new employers in this case have no more bicycle parking spaces than cars it's we have to have solar panels and to have this building is a good story interest to top it off there are serious contributions by the impact fees it's expensive to be in the city and it's more expensive with when the city extracts fees out of
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you over 8 and a half million dollars is going to trams and infrastructure and affordable housing those are things we are promoting with our developers. i do meet with our developers and dan is one of our kind of close group of developers in the city i constantly want to have a conversations with if we get high-level of coordination we can do a lot more with the private sector if we gossiping give in to fast track stuff this means private investments they're putting together their investors can invest in our city it's not only letting the developers do we they want to do
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but the public-private relationship is for those days. i know that john ram and i glow this weekly this relationship is greatly important to the direction of the city so the more conversations that we can have can effect policy for the city i'm all about making sure that collaboration at the a high-level it can breakdown to no confusion and second-guessing the intention ultimately the intention is build to keep the city vibrant and alive for everybody for all the spectrums this is what jobs and good development and design does and good contractors do and what great developers do congratulations to everyone i look forward to this opening and
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continuing this great story with so many other developers congratulations s k s congratulations and thank you very much (clapping) >> now i'd like to introduce the preside the president america our partner. >> (clapping). >> thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on the groundbreaking for brooklyn in her street i'm the president and ceo. the industries is a long business plan two years ago which we call innovation and it highlights the importance of all the about his so we've been there it's out for real and by being more active in government
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business in the united states especially in san francisco we mark toy as an initial step our long-term goals i want to express my gratitude and appreciation. i would first like to thank our partner s c s thank you very much for making this venture happening and thank you to the architectures not only for the design but also engineering energy and the downtown product thank you. and i also want to thank mayor ed lee and supervisor kim and san francisco government and the neighboring resident for supporting a new relationship to the community. thank you very much. we are extremely fortunate in
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the stage of this project they've chosen here as their headquarters and with all of this in place the success on brooklyn no one is a success with our contractor i'm confident those parties will lead us through a safe and timely project to make this into realty thank you very much for grandfathering here today. thank you very much
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>> okay. [gavel] the commission will now come to order and the secretary will call the roll. >> commissioner singer. >> present. >> comissioner taylor-mcghee. >> present. >> commissioner chow. >> present. >> commissioner chung. >> present. >> commissioner sanchez. >> present. >> commissioner karshmer. >> present. >> the second item is approval of the minutes of the health commission meeting of august 19, 2014. >> so commissioners we're prepared for a motion for acceptance of the minutes. >> so moved. >> is
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