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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT

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authorities and the press. my name is paulo. i'm 28 years old. i'm here with my daughter -- was 5 years old.i am here seeking with an open heart. this is very emotional to me. i'm not here to live. i'm here to speak from my heart to you all. in my country of honduras
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i was a student of business administration. as a student as someone who aspired for more i'm a mother of 3 children the opportunity my country are shot. as someone with a strong sense of work ethic i worked since i was 11 years old since to provide for my family.2 years ago i opened a small business
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selling shrimp.i opened his business without being able to provide for my family and instead this business and did meet with receiving threats of death to me and my children. i knew at every moment what i was facing. i sense such desperation when i was leaving my country. i came in the most
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inhumane way possible. because for me and all the children and families here you will represent the hope that i traveled here for. i traveled on this famous drink called the beast for one month. try the evidence from that journey. the
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moment i stepped foot in this country of the biggest crime was trying to provide for my daughter. that is my biggest crime. trying to provide a life for myself and my daughter. i love my country. i'm proud of being honduran and i'm proud of my culture, but the country is so insecure. it doesn't provide the security for me and my family to stay there. i am here asking you for
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a hand not just for me but for the children. as adults we are the channel for this for these children. this is where our humanity's not easy being in a foreign country. it's not easy being in a foreign land. they put an ankle monitor and placing bracelet and anklet and it signifies me did as different anywhere i go.
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it has branded me. but in the end it this is the present paper justice i'm ready to pay it. this is my daughter and she would like to say something. >>my name is axa and i'm here with my mom. we came to the us on the beast. when it was finally over my mom said axa,
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this is the last right and i felt so happy. i want to thank pres. obama for letting us be here and for letting us enter the country. thank you. >> [applause] >> hello. good morning my name
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is mary i'm 18 years old and am from guatemala. and now i have the opportunity to say i'm a resident of san francisco. i am very grateful 1st of all with god that allowed me to find a lawyer that could help me in my case. because i was in the same position that many children are in right now. it is very hard
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to not know what's the situation , what are the laws, then what are the rights one has. it's very sad for us to live what we lived through. i came here by myself with the hope of seeing my mother. it is very hard to go through all the things that we've been through and my wish today is for you to help children go escape from
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the violence that we've left in our country. because in my country 2 of my cousins were kidnapped and one friend of them , they were all under age. they were coming out of school and after they were found after the 5th day found in black bags cut in pieces. it is very sad for children to be in their country in those situations
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that are very dangerous. thank you for your time. i know your time is precious and for listening to my words. thank you for listening. >>[[applause] >>good morning. my name is anna i am -- mother.i am here to invite you to to touch your heart for the pain that parents
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have to live through when all the children are in the detention centers. my imac was detained for 40 days and it was very hard for me to know that she was there detained and suffering. i think my parents
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you can understand parents lived through and how hard it is for them. i am here to ask you to please approve the $1.2 million for children because it will be helpful and thank you very much. >> [applause] >> hello my name is tony. i'm
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from el salvador. i came here crossing the border from the usp is immigration cockney. i was very afraid.they separated me from my aunt. since that moment i felt very alone. i am
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11 years old. i came to this country to see again my parents and my little brother. i am here fleeing from violence because my family has been a target of gangs. [inaudible] killed my cousin and my uncle.i
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have a wish. i wish that you could give more for lawyers to children and for parents and for adults so they can see their parents again. they don't have to go through that ugly past from their country to the united states. that's all. >> [applause] >> my name is naomi. i am from
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el salvador. i am here to ask you to please approve the children have free lawyers. children need to be with their parents. i have [inaudible] my son. i came from el salvador because my brother-in-law was killed by the gangs. my cousin also. i am thankful to god
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because my son is here and i didn't want to go through the same. that somebody will call me and tell me that he was a victim of the gangs. please i beg you to please give the money so there can be free attorneys. children need it. may god bless you. >> [applause] >> i just want to know that for some folks their really
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terrified and they are afraid so they don't want to show themselves. i want to thank them for having the courage to speak. >> my name is mel can. i'm from el salvador.i am 17 years old and i'm here because i wanted to get away from the gangs.
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>> [applause] >> that's it. thank you. >> hi. my name is patina from el salvador. the reason i am here is because my family was threatened. because of violence i want to tell all people but i understand why you are here. i feel very happy to be here with my mom my father and my brother.
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i would like for all children to have free attorneys so they don't have to pay money. i understand mothers, why they try to bring their children here. thank you for your attention. >> [applause] >> good afternoon fellow members of the board of supervisors my name is luis almost on the new upcoming commission for district 5. i'm here today because i personally want to show my gratitude and utmost respect for this new ordinance that's being put on a boat for today. i myself am an undocumented as well but
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compared to these children whose stories you just heard my experiences we could probably argue as privileged. i did have to go to [inaudible] the expenses they had to. my parents didn't have to suffer in any inhuman way to get to this country. 2 decades ago. because of their hard work and the resources that i been given to me by the city and county of enabled to become here today and speak with you and advocate for the children. because i know deep down in my heart that it could very well be me in the same situation as them. the children who have little choice but to flee poverty, violence, persecution, and all forms of chaos in their homelands, what choice do they have? for someone like me who's always have access to healthcare,
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high-quality education, i attended and graduated lowell high school. i've been given resources based on the hard work that my parents have sweat and sacrifice for. when i see these children sitting here today i don't see the face of an illegal immigrants were criminal. i see a human being who has the right to live a life with dignity respect and opportunity and success. select them for you all to please look into your hearts and give us ordinance your positive votes. thank you >> thank you. i'm going to call a few names and i would does we have a pretty packed agenda so we can move the meeting quickly i would ask that instead of clapping if people could just show your support by waiting. i have a few names that i'm going to call on. [inaudible] cattle con. maureen alder. gracefully. mary beth kaufman. ms. santos. if you can please sign up on our left, you're right. bianca
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is here -- >> thank you good afternoon supervisors. i am here as public defender to imploring you to grant this relief and to fund this request. i'm in charge of providing legal representation to individuals who are accused of crime and cannot afford an attorney. as you may know, it wasn't until 1963 that the united states supreme court ruled that there was a right to an attorney in criminal cases. 2 years later in the golf decision golf decision the supreme court ruled on a case-by-case basis that attorneys had to be provided to juveniles charged with crimes. they can travel to say that even though juvenile cases were civil proceedings
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they knew to be an attorney. why? because young people children don't understand their rights. most of the of one of the most fundamental rights that we have in this country is the right to an attorney. the supreme court has said that unless you have access to an attorney all the other rights that you may have are meaningless because there is no one to assert these rights for you. i've had the opportunity to visit the immigration courts and i can tell you that i was shocked and outraged by what i saw. you can imagine very small room filled with dozens and dozens and dozens of children and adults. none were represented by attorneys. they had an opportunity to converse with attorney for a few minutes before going up to the podium and presenting the case. that is not the kind of justice system that we want to have here in san francisco. do you know that new york recently
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allocated 5 more dollars in order to pay the cost of providing lawyers for any person facing deportation. so this is a very small step that were taken here in san francisco, but by providing representation to children he would make a huge difference. cordially, we have a number of great legal service in the city who could step right in but do not have the support to deal with a number of cases that are going before the immigration courts now. so, i ask you to support this, to ensure that children have access and remember there was a study that was done just recently by syracuse university that showed that currently 9/10 children who do not have lawyers are being denied the ability to stay here and if they did have
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a lawyer it showed that over half would be able to stay. because of circumstances in the case. so makes a huge difference to have an attorney. this is a problem that we can't fix. we have to step up and we have to do this. thank you. >> thank you. mexico please i'm going to read a few more names. thank you mr. dodgy and all your work they've been doing. regina 10 -- eric snow >> thank you. i want to start by personally thanking the office of supervisor farrell who helped facilitate the donation of books this morning from sf public library to kids in the immigration courts. my name is carol: and him and the public service programs director at the lawyer information services at bar association of san francisco. for over 25 years we've
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administered the pro bono attorney of the day program to the stickers go immigration courts. it is unique in the state. in that program experience trained immigration attorney alter their time to represent immigration immigrants have some massive counter or initial hearings in the role proceedings. before the expedited docket for children and families went into effect july 30 our normal monthly calendar consisted of booking to attorneys of the day. since implementation of these dockets rescheduling an additional 8 attorneys of the day to assist the children and families in court in limited but critical capacity nearly every day. the expedited docket attorney of the day program provides the 1st chance these recent arrivals to consult with a lawyer and begin to fathom the complicated legal journey ahead of them. the work of these attorneys which includes high-speed intake and case analysis legal orientation, and advice for toddlers teens and
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adults, in spanish and under significant time pressure is nothing less than extraordinary. with their good works could be undone as the core dating organization for the attorney of the day expedited docket and intake and referral of these clients the work of the attorney of the day could be left hanging on the screen of financial support is made available to the immigration nonprofit attorneys answering the call in the crisis. then the nonprofits that are linked to the law firms who can help. they have the training and mentoring to enable more attorney recruits for the effort. they are the link for the children and families with valid claims to get due process and protection under the law. thank you very much >> thank you. next he >> thank you. my name is marie mauser, partner with the law firm cooley llp and national law firm with 11 offices
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including 2 here in the bay area and san francisco and palo alto. i'm also a cofounder and board member of the national association of pro bono counsel. professional organization of attorneys managing pro bono practices at law firms around the country. it is in that capacity that i'm here today. on behalf of the association of pro bono counsel and our law firm pro bono counsel members, i would like to stress express the strong as possible support for the supplemental funding for legal services providers. although many of our law firms already do promote pro bono work for children and families in the areas of asylum and guardianship and special immigrant juvenile status, we are not able to do that work on our own. we do not work in partnerships with legal services providers. which provides training, screening, and mentoring, referral, and expertise. however, many of these organizations were already at capacity work on reduce staffing before ts