tv [untitled] September 11, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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i think when we prove the area plans not just close the file especially those two institutions the school and the lgbt night life venue it shows we need to have a process to accommodate those institutions >> commissioner antonini. >> i'm supportive of both resolutions their appropriate. the only thing i'll is we might want to modify the first resolution to include preschools with elementary schools and secondary schools i don't know if there's necessarily a preschool over 25 thousand square feet but some mentioned should be made i think that presidio and knowles may include a preschool but other situations p where the elementary school or preschool may want to be allowed
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in that area and want want conditional use so with the consent of the other commissioners, i want to modify the preschools and mention what's allowable >> can i ask either the staff or the supervisors office to comment on that. >> i believe preschools would be cared childcare and we can looked at the code section to accommodate that. >> i think we'll support that and maybe to further just comment on the intent or our agreement with the planning department recommendation to limit it to just the exemptions to just preliminary and
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secondary education and laughing the childcare we're supportive of that. >> commissioner richards. this is my first commission hearing i'm excited as a gay man to hear this i am concerned about the displacement only for the performed and the institutions. i came in the late 80s as well i have to tell you i'm worried about the conceptual regions there is just because of the money or the quality of the people but we need more people like you health care less than and i'm glad you're doing this >> thank you commissioner moore. >> i'm in full support of what's in front of which us i'm delighted the supervisors are coming together to support each other that's a minor modifications. i'm happy about the modifications and sensitivity
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about the planning department is suggesting i don't want to go into detail everyone knows what we're talking about the issue of the 25 spare the institutional issue no names mentioned. so if the supervisor could look at the expansion of the commissioner antonini's suggestion about kindergarten and preschool that will be helpful but i'll move to approve this modification >> second. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much. i also optional supportive of both the modifications if the planning department as well as the resolution in general, i have a question question for mr. sanchez. can you explain again what the changes were that i point out on the overhead that were not in
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our packet >> the first thing that was bring to your attention is the typo in the code the code reads like this. you canned mention that p being there so night life entertainment requires conditional use what we staff would be bringing right now is to eliminate the requirement and make it principally go permitted that's the intention of the 7 year planning process. this is actually a tip to >> so that would be. >> principally permitted that's itself first change the second chance would be to eliminate
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that hieltsdz phrase that says what one is going to be reestablishing it will be a conditional use application that doesn't make sense one would not submit a conditional use application so those are the two changes is to the west selma district. >> okay. we're saying i'm sorry but we're confused the principally permitted uses are permitted to the night life use in operation 5 years prior to i guess the application for a building predicament or whatever. >> that's correct. >> okay. okay. i guess the only thought i'll have is sort of ripping off of what the supervisor said i kind of feel like the
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conditional use process works for that i'd like to hear what the other commissioner say i'm supportive either way but the conditional use process actually works. thank you >> commissioner fong. >> i'm supportive of the motion health care less than i've seen you perform a number of times in chicago and la and orlando there's been rooms of a thousand people many of them international tour operators and the vibe in the room i kept thinking there's a show that represents san francisco i think you guys are onto something i'm supportive of the motion. >> commissioners, we have a
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motion and a second to adapt a recommendation for approval with the modification and the amendments submitted by staff. >> one moment commissioners rirndz. >> i want to clarification on commissioner johnsons question so the code currently allows the use and the language the typo is the conditional use we're cleaning up to reflect realty. >> so the code requires conditional use i'm bringing before you is the intention so it be principally permitted. >> anywhere else in the city. >> i assume there's other locations perhaps in c district or the valley. >> okay. >> your concern commissioner johnson was that the rigor around the conditional use
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requires the sound proofing and getting the sponsor. >> it's my concern i think my question was answered just now the intent was to have it principally be permitted i did not understand which came first what was the typo the conditional use part. >> i apologize for not being clear. >> the commissioner commissioner moore i made the motion i want to be clear to recommend it with modifications and the amendments recording. >> on that motion that commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner xhishdz i richards. commissioner fong and set up the smoemz unanimously 7 to zero >> t
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welcome back to the san francisco planning commission for september 4, 2014. please be advised that the commissioner that the commission does not permit outbursts of any kind please silence my days. commissioner we left off in our keg calendar for case. at 1333 golf street 1481 post street please noted that written comments will be accepted until september 14th i'd like to remind the members of the public that your comments must be limited only to the adequacy of the environmental review report >> good afternoon as the
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secretary mentioned that is the planning department case the proposed hearing on the draft environmental review for the golf street 41 post project as the commission secretary mentioned the purpose of today is hearing is to take the accuracy and no approval requested at this time it's on 1330 golf street on a block by golf street to the east and laguna to the west the eir talks about this and as established the street address for the arranged building will be located. the proposed project is the decision of the building on the construction sites a 36 story 4
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hundred plus square footage and with ground floor cafe on the western part of the site and an in pool. new and approved sites and off-street parking accommodations for the proposed 1471 proposed building this draft eir was posted and has a 45 public review that clusz includes. this will be the correct dates dates for the public and this is on the calendar that was an error for those who wish to comment on writing e writing 33 you may summit it to the mission street location. that's the planning department address. for members of the public that are here please you be sure to state your name for the record and the address and address the
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comments to the accuracy of the eir all comments will be contributed and commented on when the response come a time is complete the planning department will provide copies to those who commented and we'll return to the commission likely in the spring of 2015 to ask the commission certify the eir >> okay we'll open this up for public comment if i call your name line up on the screen side of the room and focus our comes on the eir. (calling names). >> if you're a names been called approach the podium no particular order.
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>> my name is richard. i'm a 20-year resident of 26 geary court across from the proposed post project. my main concern with that so-called transit oriented development project is a serious increase of traffic where a number of facilities exist with a high density population of older persons both the post project and the proposed alternate are bound to increase traffic recycling the block because of woody allen a 1 way golf street much of the out bound traffic will circle north
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a on laguna when accessing the 1481 post street emergency crossing those streets 2, 3, 4 any direction at the intersection >>all right. a scary thought. curling the out bound already threatens often slow moving pedestrians crossing geary regardless of the fact that turns on red is forbidden on all four corners from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at least possibly two pedestrian deaths have already occurred on the intersection zoo to turning arbitrary. in addition because of the limited numbers of turns the in
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bound may find themselves using fillmore. i believe that japantown needs important customers but not more through traffic. the 3 alleged drivers on post street are extremely dangers to the older pedestrians occupying the adjacent retirement facility. whom i often see walking on post street and often slower moving and hearing impaired the proposed reduced tower and height alternate will somewhat reduce the impact of the traffic by reducing the population of 1481 post reducing the number of allocated parking under the building and number of access
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driveways i remind the approval of the post should be avoided >> thank you. sir, your time is up. >> n time. >> okay. >> next speaker. >> michael kent of michael kent associates i'm a sequa consultant working with the presbyterian. the draft for the project uses the cities standard method doing for the environmental impact report it is in the case of the unique circumstances of the skilled nursing at the seway didn't account for the impacts of the proposed for the nursing facility including frail older
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residents an example of what i mean is this shadow impacts federal and state this is a tall building of the proposed project and according to the dims shown the shadow will cast shadows on the skilled nursing facility a few feet away 23r5 the west from denouncing dawn until late morning for that 6 months of the year. however, the threshold of significance use in the internal revenue which is really the definition of what is and not an impact exudes all impacts on the private facilities only shadow impacts on public parks. so what that mean even though there's severe impacts on the skilled nursing facility which according to medical raven will have a 1ku7b8 adverse effect
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those are included from consideration. another example is the line impacts at the skilled nursing facility there's a private third floor open space terrace he that's those the only open space valued to the skilled nursing facilities that has balance problems this is the only open space the definition of wind impacts is used in the eir excludes ail private only public situations so this is another impact that i think really is a significant in the case of the skilled nursing facility but it is included from the draft of the eir. there are a number of other examples similar to this like the air quality and construction
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noise and pedestrian safety i'm not permitted by the time to go into the details i want to thank you for a considering all our comments >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is kathy i'm a resident of the seyauz next door to the proposed project at 14 geary street i'm the current president of the resident association of the is a yes, sir. was one of the younger residents i expect to live with our decision for the rest of my life for more than 20 years i'm deeply troubled by the negative environmentally impacts they've deemed insignificant when shadow
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transportation and construction noise impacts are at the top of the list in the interest of time i'll address my remarks to pedestrian safety as effected by wind and transportation issues. as an active walker in this state of my life i testify to the extreme wind conditions that exist in the corridor the wind speed is 12 miles per hour and i assure you there are many, many days that speed is exceeded and extremely difficult to walk into the wind i'm repeatedly blown sideways and can barrel make forward progress from the seway the proposed project will increase the wind speed and 14 mile-per-hour anothers post
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octavia and by 17 miles per hour at golf. there are 7 points where wind levels will be exceeded those are negative impacts hardly insignificant when you think about the senior citizens when studying the height the wind is worse. if the 3 proposed curb cuts for driveways are permitted the pedestrian danger will there ass people attempt to ghetto through the driveways folks with canes or other disabled folks will be worse. in summary awhile a code compliant building the
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significant variances seriously effect of the heath of the folks i ask you to consider the code compliant environmentally aspire and height alternative for your approval instead of the proposed project. thank you >> thank you. next speaker. i'll call some more names (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is kelsey i live on golf street the draft eir is not sufficient when it comes to the analysis the eir simply says it complies with the california regulations and guidelines and the toxic to be quantified and against those thresholds. or another thresholds have to be
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dipped by the city, however, we recommend the thresholds that the use of the assessment and litigation for those thresholds is more effective with regard to protecting public health there's not an accurate discussion about where the containments are their receptors and this includes the residents of golf street the eir doesn't talk about the air containment on golf trot. since temporary construction can have an adverse impact and the construction lasts over 2 years the toxic air dominates for diesels effects the nearby residents including golf street this be a study should be conducted similar to the long
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term development plan it's infallible this project on site this has only single pain windows that can be contemplated when detailed mitigation was required in the eir and those project did not have on site receptor terrors the hot spot does not preclude the project and other missions that impact the nearby residents despite the letters ones i know that my neighbors submitted they be quantified and seated it those was not done. mitigation beyond the california regulation should be required mitigations should be included in the installation of filters open golf street and the use of the later technology and
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equipment should be employed. dlarld analysis in the demolition of the basement it contains the asbestos inches materials that will not might the services and finally the mitigation in the form of windows or ventilation will not only help the air and noise impact during construction and finally the rib vibration related to the remove of the oh, street - >> your time is up ma'am. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is grabbing repel i'm a retired physician from ucsf i
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live near the car lot with my wife we moved there from the inner sunset we've lived in peace and quiet and the assistance we need i'm the vice president of the homeowners association i'll give you my thoughts of the homeowners of the facility. we've got major concerns with the draft eir. i'll only talk about 3 it's been previously mentioned how important sunlight is and only the shadows on the parks but nevertheless, he urge you to remember that sunlight it important for people not only the older for many reaps importantly many health reasons
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our proposed 36 story tower will cast a major shadows on the second floor of the carlyle where residents sits between the hours of 12 and 20 p.m. the hours where the shadows will be at the highest especially? winter months when sunlight is a premium. we also building that the draft eir does not inadequately consider the impact of increased traffic. and i think there's an error in the draft eir. over many of the intersections? area were analyzed as to a.m. and p.m. classic hours your post golf and post franklin were analyzed for a.m. and peak traffic and again peak traffic, of course, is in the morning
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going eastward downtown where cars are making right hand turns i challenge anyone to stand at the corner of posting and golf and tell him there's no impact. i urge you to consider the additional traffic remember that both the entrance and exit of the emergency rooms and vehicles going down post to the new hospital will be impacted. for all the reasons i urge you to look at the project not feasible it will bring nothing to our community. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speake
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. >> commissioners i am ted weber and live at the is a questions i am as a board member of the cathedral members in all rolls he have a serious recession as i know the is a questions economists of apartments in which i reside and assistant living facilities and acute care facility and memory unit i'm 90 years old and because of the life unit i'll most certainly die there i think of the current resident and on on behalf of
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many residents people will be living in those medical facilities i'm disturbed by the eir that talks about the construction of a 4 hundred foot tower will have an medical facilities only 7 feet away as i write this i've been disturbed by a noise of a modest reconstruction are there's been noisy jack hammer and crashing noise i debris is carted away and new hammering this is a small job a block away is it any wonder i worry about is bigger project 17 feet away now by about the impact of noise on the ill confined as
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