tv [untitled] September 11, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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high-rise we'll indefinitely loss the entire light? section i'll propose the expansion is only chances if so they had had garage. let the expansion takes places in the ground floor >> sir, your time is up. >> thanks. >> oak is there any public comment? supporting the dr requester. then project sponsor you have 5 minutes >> good evening commissioner president wu and commissioners i'm the architect for the project and my parent own the house. >> (inaudible). >> sf. >> thank you. the existing family home is two levels we're proposing to addressing add two levels as you
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see from the slide this block of 20th street a 2 and 3 levels with 3 levels dominating this is my father's home and the larger home to the left and the adjacent neighbor fully supports our project. as part of the project we'll clean up the building and compromise the facade and bring back it victorian spirit with the appropriate design. to do this we'll remove the 950 side doors and remove the garage in field under the bay window we've also restore the wood ships. the dr requesters concerns were made known when the parents bought the house it is primarily
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bathrooms and hallways you see the perpendicular windows we've accommodated our windows to minimized the impact of the window. we're providing a light court that aligns with the light well and it's longer than than the guidelines. our light anchored is open mind all the way to the front of the building catching the exposure consider as shown in pink it opens all the way to the street the dr requester is the bigger building on the left. this slide compares the light court in purple and by the guidelines our design meets and exceeds the requirement of the residential guidelines. now the slide shows that the
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perpendicular lines in red we've reduced our floor so they won't have to russet them we'll reduce our children's bedrooms this is back to our neighbors we didn't prototypes a penthouse roof this exterior stairs are open to the sky. and we didn't provide the high ceilings the ceiling heights are standard. now this is the proposed wall of the perpendicular part of the kraflt to the volume it is significantly smaller than what the planning code allows we didn't ways and means come in with a large design we started out with our best foot forward with a sensitive plan that
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receptors the concerns of the neighbors we've met with them privately and intooifr giving them update and meeting with them we're frustrated our compromises have not satisfied the dr requester they've not suggested my revisions that are acceptable to us or the planning staff the member of the delores community supports this application. in conclusion, this is a modest project in scope that removes the number one combloint structure reverses the traditional victorian facade and code compiling the vertical edition is almost incidentally visible from the street level it impacts the perpendicular window commissioners, i ask you to agree with the plaintiff
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recommendation please recommend this approval that there are extraordinarily circumstances here and in public in support of project sponsor >> seeing none, doctor requesters you have a 2 minute rebuttal. >> the neighbor adjacent i talked to him on wednesday weekend he's a long time client naturally he wasn't warrior aware of it the drawings that was sent out in the neighborhood unfortunately none were clear and the description was written with so many phrases of reduction reduction all over the text and no one what is getting the idea the size feel magnitude of the project. here's a graurg drawing that was submitted obviously in this
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setting we could eagles see the 0 from the street you'll see the expansion and on top a deck that's blocking for us to get sunlight is not adequate there's a paper signed earlier in 2000 close to 2000 that for bids them from blocking air or privacy and all we're asking to maintain our sunlight we've having and continuing to joy the sunlight we want to expand below the garage level down below he's this 4 story bedroom and instead of 4 bedroom he could simply settle with 3 and that enhances the drool frontage and knowledge
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the deck optional top you're going through those structures issues and those are brick buildings and this is a huge load you're going to be adding to our recommendation is to expand below grade and add the with an bedroom and end up with 23 bedrooms instead of 34 bedrooms >> thank you. project sponsor two minutes >> could we have the computer graphic i'm for the project sponsor. it's not frair fair to show the separate edition from the street there's a prospective that quell inadequately deals with that, i
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have copies of the policy and it is determined the n s c the variances being removed it part of the project and even if it were not he's reviewed the project and determines hits appropriate copy of that if you like pardon me finally this is totally appropriate project that reverses a hectic facade and doesn't some of the maengz that were created created family sized housing it's supported by staff and we urge you not to take dr and please approve it >> thank you. okay with that the public hearing is close. commissioner moore >> thank you for clarifying the issue of the variance i was about to ask mr. washington it's a little bit hard to understand
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it's clear i want to jumps in and recognize this project as a significantly designed project and those presentations of the project is actually that good that i would like the department to put that that it's library this is an exception i feel that the presentation itself made it very clear those issues which we're norman concerned about where the rubber meets the road two building start and effect each other and we residence if i within the city and when i look at sensitivity that particular project concluding how it's duplicate reaches a high mark even if sensitivity something i'd like to recommend too on the
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today. in this case i'm supportive of it for the number of reasons noted and indefinitely suggest we don't take dr >> commissioner antonini. >> i completely agree with commissioner moore that was stated quite clearly by the project sponsor it's below the allowed height and the skillfully matching light well will allow the sin from the south looking at the location the dr requesters to the west it should allow plenty of light and the other thing that was done was present line window accomodation by changing the size of the room and the neighbor on the east is a smaller house supports so i will move to not take dr and approve
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the project. >> second. >> second. >> commissioners there's a motion not to take dr commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. xhoishd. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on general public comment public comment there are no speaker cards >> any general public comment public comment? seeing no general public comment public comment general public comment is closed. >> right away shauven williams we'll close in honor of right away shown williams. meeting adjourned.
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call the roll. >> commissioner singer. >> present. >> comissioner taylor-mcghee. >> present. >> commissioner chow. >> present. >> commissioner chung. >> present. >> commissioner sanchez. >> present. >> commissioner karshmer. >> present. >> the second item is approval of the minutes of the health commission meeting of august 19, 2014. >> so commissioners we're prepared for a motion for acceptance of the minutes. >> so moved. >> is there a second? is there further discussion? seeing none we're prepared for the vote. all in favor say aye. all those opposed? the minutes are passed. next item please. >> item three is the director report. >> good afternoon commissioners. on friday dr. chow i attended the new commissioner's swearing in. our new health commissioner will be dr. david pating. dr. david pating i have known for over almost 30 years since working
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with the federal government in samhsa he was a well known expert in that field and sought after many times for his expertise for that scheduled agency. he works for kaiser, a psychiatrist specializing in addiction psychiatry. he's also he has a long cv so i will be short and a professor at san francisco school of medicine. he is past medicine much the california addiction of medicine and a member of the medical society here and currently and probably will not continue in this role once he starts with the commission he is vice chair of the california's mental illness oversight and accountability commission for proposition 63 so i know you will welcome him when he's here at our next meeting. dr. chow i'm not sure if you wanted to add to that.
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>> i think you've said everything. >> okay. >> we're looking forward to him being here and he was unable because his swearing in was just a few days ago to make today's meeting but he will be here at our joint meeting with the commission for the citizen of women. >> i also wanted to clarify it's not in the director report but about four, five months ago we had an rfp for a homeless outreach team and another team received it and meaning another entity will run the service. we had changes in the way the program was going to be rub. in order to facilitate the change we rehired and reorganized and due to that we looked at the data to see when the team was being used the most and we saw we would have to continue 24 hours even though we don't have enough staff so we moved to five days a week, 24 hours for at
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least the next 60 to 90 days as we e hire and expand the program. both organizations have worked very well together. this program will go from the cats program to the public health towrchgz foundation enterprise and they're working well together and i think we will have a smooth transition but the problem is we can't serve the entire 24, seven days a week in order to retire and the administrative changes and contracting as we need to so some misinformation out there because we sent a notice particularly directed to the providers so they knew the team wasn't available on saturday and sunday but the team will be running in full capacity in 60 to 90 days. i think all of you felt early sunday morning a 6.0 earthquake, two sundays ago. i want to report to you that our staff immediately went into action ensuring that all
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facilities were in tact and no problems. we were online. we didn't kicked off of the network but a great reminder for us. i was at a meeting with the special disaster council and the city remain vigilant around the issue considering the fact sometimes there are thousands of after shocks so we are -- that day we checked in with the executive staff made sure they understood their roles and so we will be responsive and prepared as we enter into another phase of having a close large earthquake. i have gone through several of the earthquakes myself in response. the loma prieta and another smaller city called watsonville which is south, a lot of the issues with non reinforced masonry and the town lost several buildings and they had to rebuild the town.
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it took 10 years to do that rebuild so napa will have years to be able to kind of look how they're going to do rebuilding of their buildings and anytime that happens they become more seismically stronger so i wanted the commissioners to know that's always on our minds and we did really well through this one as there were no injuries or any issues regarding our buildings. i do worry about this building though. we did have some issues going on the roof of the lab that we did look at this last friday. our health ofs system and team have been teaming abreast of the ebola situation and everyone has the information they need. there is no ebola in san francisco and the risk to san francisco is extremely low. we have been working with the california department of public health cialtion the centers of disease control to make
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available the most updated comprehension i information on hate alert section of our website. they inform clin ikzs on an ongoing basis of issue in terms of issues and they're well prepared to respond to any communicable disease outbreaks including ebola. we are taking steps to share the information and everyone is prepared and there is frequent communication with hospitals concerning e bowl -- ebola and health advisories are issued and lots of communication with the radio stations in the area and there is a fact sheet posted on our website. we recently did entered into agreement and this is part of our expansion with our managed care contracts with northeast medical services, one
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of the largest primary claire clinics in the community and we have an agreement with them to provide for specialty and hospital services, and the target date for enrolling patients is november 1, 2014 so i wanted to thank the executive leaders involved in that in working those details out with them. as you know with robin williams growing death it drew attention to mental illnesses and depression that make life challenges for so many people. we opened a new mental illness triage line and offer peer counselors 24 hours a day, seven days a week for someone that need someone to talk to right now. it's a project of the san francisco department of public health and funded by a grant by the state mental health service act that produces programs to
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reduce hospitalizations due to mental illness. the line is operated by the department of public health under a contract with the department and augments the city's telephone services which includes a 24 hour suicide prevention hot line. you will hear today through a resolution regarding the central american youth and families. the san francisco gate featured an article by pediatricians in the department of pediatrics san francisco general. i have been active with the mayor's office ensuring that we know that the schools are seeing influx of young kiz and it's family and young children but there are many unaccompanied minors in detention centers that could potentially be sponsored by families in san francisco. since the 1980's san francisco has been a sanctuary city for many families fleeing wars in the 80's so we have one of the
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largest central american communities along with washington d.c. and i believe houston is another large area so we're watching this very closely. we have some nonprofits in the community who are applying for federal grants to provide for those children who do not have sponsors, but are here, and they will be looking at somewhat of a foster care programming so institute the family and larkin street have come together to apply for dollars from the federal government. we anticipate anywhere between 300 to 500 children but that does not include families that could be coming. as you know many of the individuals are fleeing from the cartels as well as violence and poverty in those areas, so for us it's one of the first times in this country's history we had a refugee border issue so it's taken us both federal and state
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and local government some time to figure out how to respond to this but from a city perspective i think we're have been prepared. we have the programs that provides for the children. i am working with the maternal and child health program who could assist with some of the home visiting that maybe required by the legal services and i think the biggest group that has been impacted is the legal services of san francisco providing legal services to these families. their social work areas have been -- really needing support so we are working with legal services along with advocate programs so we have ongoing meetings with the mayor's office and other offices to ensure that we respond to the children and family needs as they come to san francisco. i will leave the report there. if there are any other questions that the commissioners may have.
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>> commissioners, questions? commissioner singer. >> i had one -- so many of the issues we will talk about later but i had one comment. i was inspired about the note about dr. chin, the department's commonwealth club interview of, seekial e manuel and i listened to it today on a long drive and reaffirms what we know that we have this incredible staff within the department and this is just one more example of thoughtful articulate member of our staff showing some leadership on a national scale. >> absolutely and after that dr. berry sim simmons, another physician in the community was also present at the commonwealth club so i totally agree with you commissioner. we have some incredible leaders in the community and our department. thank you. >> any other questions? i am pleased -- not pleased about
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robin williams death but pleased with the article you have written in here and i am wondering if that information has gotten outs also to the public? i will approximately up on that commissioner chow. i am sure that the mental illness community does know about that and there will be a process for them to let the community at large know about that and probably part of the contract but we will bring an update on that as we move forward with the contract process on that. >> thank you. otherwise we will discuss the other items as we go along. any further questions to the director? i did want to ask your report about the 6.0 magnitude earthquake also came to the commissioners and i think a note by email, but was there nothing in the city that we had to do?
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>> i didn't open up a eoc emergency operations center because of the reports there was no damage but the department itself, our director of disaster did go out and call all of the hospitals and did all of the work she would do on a normal crisis situation, and so although the eoc wasn't activated there we did do our work locally from a department perspective ensuring at least all of the facilities -- as an example we knew that the network was on. there were no issues with that and then the facilities reported there was no damage reported. >> all right. i think one of the items of business we did that that reminded me of also in the new plan that had been put forth the role of commission was not articulated and we just need to remember that we should do
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that, so that when necessary and if necessary we could be able to assist. >> yes. and i did speak to the department of the emergency management and that is an area that they have not addressed. although your role would stay the same except we may ask you to as an example have more meetings because we may need to respond in some ways or spend dollars we didn't know we had to spend, but that is not an area that they have articulated to us ye explained to us. >> that's another area to be prepared. >> absolutely. >> any other questions? if not let's move to the next item. >> next is general public comment. oh there is a gentleman standing up. i didn't receive any comment. >> you wish to make a public comment. >> yeah, i turned it in.
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