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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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good fortune of attending a play called the haze, it is put on by a woman who is a survivor of a rape that happened here in 2010, and it is the story of her and she come before us in this commission and it is the story of her experience, not only of being victimized by the perpetrater and waiting for the system and waiting for her kit to be tested and i know that the chief did significant work on identifying what the break downs were in 2010, before the chief was in charge. and some changes were made at the crime lab, and some policy changed were made around eliminating a backlog and moving for ward in a way that does not leave any discretion to decide which kits we text. >> and so we hope that you might be able to shed a little bit of light on the progress that the department has made?
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>> sure. >> if you give me one second. so apparently, and i knew her as well, and so at the end of miss marlow's play they requested people to ask of me to make sure that we are still moving along and so i have received a couple of e-mails and i am happy to respond because i think that it is another issue that it is important that our feet are continued to be held to the fire. and i assured, the e-mailers, that we are committed, and in fact, i am one of the honorary, >> co-hosts. >> of the play. >> and so, she knows that we are committed to this. and in 2038, we did a ten year review of all sexual assault kits collect and did discover that we had a backlog. and i directed and in the
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immediate implementation of our asap program which is the additional program. and for all assault kits and so during the collection of the sexual assault evidence, is collected and up to four additional evidence samples are collected for the most location to make sure that we get what we need and the asap kit is collected within 72 hours and immediately transferred to the crime lab and it is assigned for the analysis within 14 days and so we have stopped any as far as the existing backlog and when we came in early in 2011 and the inspection of one supervisor and one criminalist who did all of the dna testing and the screening for the sexual assault evidence. and we have secured funding and we have a staffing increase of over 400 percent to the current
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level of 4 supervisors and eleven analysts, further, we have reconfigured the dna section to make it more efficient and then finally, we have secured an outsourcing contract for the services with the two private labs and so they are working closely with the private labs, and the sexual assault kits, and 60 cases from the backlog have already been sent and the goal is to have the complete ten year backlog completed by mid 2015. it is huge, and we are committed to getting done, and so using the outsourcing, we will more than triple the capacity. and with our current asap, implementation in january, make sure that it does not go and the test that we are conducting on the rape kits are not the test, as just as required by the assembly bill or even by doj, we are testing all of the
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kits. and so, we are not all cut off yet, and we are good going forward from january, and we are going to get to where we should have been a long time ago, by mid 2015, and that there should be a lot of it with miss marow because she keeps it right up front all of the time. and so you know, god bless her and i wish that she had never had to go through what she went through. >> so we will just continue to get updates and maybe calendar that in a few months to see where we are with that backlog, but that is great work, thank you, chief. >> my fellow commissioners any announcements? >> thank you, i just want to announce that last thursday, i went to the china town night out event that was organized at the port smith square and it was, i have been to lots of these events, but this was an incredible event and we had more than 5 or 600 people out there. and i wish that we had more
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media out there, and we had probably i told the captain that it is probably a good night to commit crime because most of the central station is out there cooking the food and feeding the 50 seniors and the residents and the kids that turned out for the event, and a couple of supervisors, and so it was a very, well attended event and a lot of community organizations brought out the tabling and giving out the information and there were a lot of seniors speaking with the central station officers and i think that for the first time, feeling a lot more comfortable knowing them in person and reporting some of stuft that has been happening and i spoke with one, woman, who indicated that there had been strangers inside of her complex, knocking on the doors at night. and we took a report out there, at the event. and monday, last wednesday, commissioner marshal and i met with a group of folks around the issue of violence, against some of these seniors, and down
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in this valley, and i did not see commissioner marshal here, and last monday there was a follow up event that featured the captain, and down at engle side and there were probably 100 seniors that came out to express their concerns about the ongoing issues of violence, and particularly a woman who was shot in the face with a beebeegun and some of the more violent robberis that they have experienced and so there was a response from sfmta and the police department and the supervisor's office and to assure that there will be more was done in that area. >> so, just to close the loop on that, so a couple of the younger people that were responsible for two or three of them or more of the more serious ones were actually taken into custody and so a lot of this stuff sort of ebbed because it only takes one group to sort of cause a spike. so they have been arrested, and much like the time in 2011,
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that we have out in the bay view, and something good really came to that and that is the cyc the partnership and we do it in the day and it does get just it is a great mixing of the cultures, that are now together forever. because that is just how the bay view looks right now and i think that the same thing is going to happen in this valley and, that is what the captain is going to try to do is work with zang and the people there to try to bring everybody together. >> and it was a part of that meeting, at that commissioner wang and i had and also, the community ambassadors throughout that, >> exactly right. >> yeah. >> and we are looking to also try to expand that down there. >> yeah. sometimes it takes bad stuff and good stuff comes out of it. >> okay. inspector call the next line item. >> 2 d, commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings.
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our next meeting will be september 24th, september 17th is the thursday wednesday and we will be dark and there will not be a meeting we will be in the central district on the 24th of september and the mission will meet at the central district at jordan jay loud elementary to get the comments from the public and central station captain. >> and i am sure, inspector monroe, i am sure that we do this for all of the community meetings, but in particular if we are going to the central station and the issues that i have heard also from the chinese community, can we just make sure that the captain is doing out reach on the language access that 48 hours that folks need to apply for language access so that we can get a robust showing from the members of the community in their language. that would be great. >> yeah. >> and i believe that the announcements have already been made in the papers and i would
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just warn my fellow commissioners to expect that there is going to be a fairly large turn out. and so, it could be a longer meeting. >> okay. >> good. >> is there a reason in particular that you expect a larger turn out? >> no. i think that every week that i come here and i tell you that the two or three things that the captain and he has done ten things without me, and he is really out there in the community and really, walking the beat and going to every single community meeting and networking with all of the groups and announcing it at every single function and so the folks will be turning and of our particular concern are some of the residential robberies that the seniors have faced and i think that you will also hear a lot of positive feedback for what the central station has been doing out there. >> and they have called the captain and it is very ininclusive and i think that the captain will be at the top of the list. >> good. >> and absolutely. >> there are other things in the hopper? commissioner, any items for
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scheduling? >> just the first amendment for the general order of the first amendment activities and the officers and the social media and i have met with the city attorney and the chief told me that we are getting very close to have the review by the occ. and any other items? >> okay, inspector please call the next... i am sorry, any public comment on-line item 2 d. >> actually, commissioner if i may, we do have public comment now, i have an attorney and member of the state, and he is coming forward, and he is coming forward today as a parent from the schools, and the night of 9/11 and tell us what the students have done with the san francisco police department. >> thank you, commissioner mazzucco and good evening, i am here as a messener and this is a package of letters that was written by the kindergarten,
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first and second graders i believe at the school, and as of a thanks to the police department that were written as part of a project commemorating september eleventh. and commissioner mazzucco told me that chief suhr would like to have these distributed to the police stations throughout san francisco on behalf of the children. thank you very much. for doing so. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming. >> yes. >> thank you. >> other comments? >> you can come on up. >> this is what i will say, you never hear this because it is already. and i am 83 years old, from russia, and survived holocaust and world war 2. san francisco police gestapa in the chief, why i say this
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(inaudible), 6 police came to my home at night, like gestapa and people could not see what they are doing, 6 young people, with captain from the richmond district. screw me, one person, 83 years old, six people and naked, okay? (inaudible) i was undressed and throw me out from my home 8 months i was living on the street. (inaudible) 83 years old. i still don't have my home, because they accused me that i am (inaudible) i never drink, and that i am a drug user, and that i am mentally ill. maybe i am mentally ill because
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i am saying, that san francisco police facist but that is the truth. since this time i am not at my home, i am going to with friends and any (inaudible) but i still am not at my home. and this is what happened in san francisco. >> by the way, i have proclamation from the mayor, and the best sit ens in san francisco and i have proclamation from mayor lee, that this is in san francisco, and i have proclamation from the board of supervisors, and the best citizens of san francisco, and the three proclamation and how many of you know that the people have three proclamation from two mayers and board of supervisors but i am homeless, because san
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francisco police did not check somebody told them, not somebody, and the people told, and my wife told them, that i am she wanted this, but they did not check, and i told them why don't we wait until tomorrow? not at night, and you are the doctor and check in the police and if i ever have been in the police they didn't do it, they throw me out. >> thank you for coming. the director of the office of citizen complaints they both report to the commission and one of the senior attorneys wants to talk to you. >> and they investigate all conduct. >> thank you. >> >> okay. >> any other public comment on-line item d? hearing none? >> inspector call the next line item. >> line item 3, public comment on all matters pertaining to item 5 below, closed session, including public comment on
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vote whether to hold item 5 in closed session. >> ladies and gentlemen we will be going into closed session to deal with items that are personnel related, or litigation related is there any public comment on holding those or holding a closed session? >> hearing none, inspector monroe, call the next item. >> line four, vote on whether to hold item 5 in closed session, including vote on whether to assert the attorney klie ant privilege in regard to item 5 a, b, and c, san francisco administrative code section 67.10 action. >> colleagues, i need a motion. >> i move to move into closed session. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> call the next line item. >> closed session. >> >>
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>> we are back in open session, and we don't have mazzucco with us, and inspector call the next line item. >> line item six. >> vote to elect whether to disclose any or all items held in the closed session. session 67.125, action. >> do i have a motion? >> move into open session and not disclose. >> second. >> all in favor? >> is there any comment? >> hearing none, inspector called the next line item. >> 7, adjournment. >> so moved. >> colleagues, do i have a motion? >> do i have a second? >> i second it. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> thank you. >> motion passes. >>
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