tv [untitled] September 13, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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>> so i support president wu's. >> and commissioner antonini? >> you know, i think that there is a need to maintain the pdr and there is a shortage of space, but, we have outlined some and of course we have all of the core pdr areas that are out there, and caesar chavez and that area of the city that have plenty of space out there to put more pdr in, and so i ink that you have to have to have areas that are similar, for example if you go to denver, the lodo area is all warehouses and similar to what we have in the..., say, and i don't think that any of them, they have all been converted to office and entertainment and housing, and a lot of other things, and this is what is going to be happening with this area for a good reason and i mean that there might be a possibility though. that you could find, some pdr uses, and fit into this building.
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>> i don't know i think that they will have enough of the operation that will be considered pdr to be considered pdr. >> and i am not saying this they would come, but i could see some of these numbers, that might have put their operational, or office part of your component in their conjunction with setting up their production back in san francisco, again, and mr. silver man, could i ask you a question? >> so, in terms of the subject, sponsor, you know, what? what would be the preference? and some of the past where you legalize part of this or would you rather have a continuance or would you like to see what happens down the road and i know that the answer is, convert it all to the office, but it does not seem like it is going to happen.
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>> my sense is their moving on the direction of the half and half. >> okay, thank you. >> and so i am going to make a motion to approve. it is a modification, instead of of 49999. 2 floors. >> yeah, 40,000. >> and two floors, would remain, as pdr at least for the time being to see what happens down the road. >> the bottom two. >> yeah. >> and the office... >> probably the office should be the top two. >> it makes more sense than the bottom two because you might be able to get some in there. >> and second. >> commissioner johnson. >> i was going to sex. i was going to secretary too.
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and the other reason to do that is because i think that the pdr space is much more viable on the first floor and then on the upper floors, and commissioners there is a motion and a second to approve, the office development authorization, and conditional authorization, and amended for the conversion, and up to 40,000 square feet, on the upper two floors on that motion, commissioner antonini. >> aye. >> hillis. >> aye. >> johnson. >> aye. >> moore. >> no. >> richards >> aye. >> and commissioner president wu. >> aye. >> so moved, commissioners that motion passes. >> 5-1. with commissioner moore voting against. >> commissioners that will place you on item 13 for case
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number 2011.0408 c. at 320-40 paul avenue and request for a conditional use khorization and planned unit development. >> good afternoon, commissioners, the department staff, and this before you is a conditional use and authorization request to establish an internet services exchange and to allow a bulk exception for the project taller than 4 on feet and inside, it is requesting a planned unit development with the modifications to the off street parking and freight loading, it is proposes to establish a new internet service, exchange which will include, polishing the existing building at 400 paul avenue and rehab taiting the historic building, and as well as the industrial building at 350 paul avenue and constructing a new two to three story data center, measuring 186,000, yeah, 200 gross square feet it will serve as a location, center that will house the computers and network
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equipment and it will have 80 off street parking spaces and 28 class one space and 26 spaces and a series of infrastructure to accommodate the new use and including the installation of two underground, distribution circuits and a back up power supply, comprised of 18 two mage watts. >> and the project includes a number of public realm, and including the sidewalk, and fencing along the perimeter, in 2002, the planning commission, approved an ifc and however this did not move forward. on may 15th, 2014, the bay view hunter's point, cac and the comments expressed the concerns over the data centers. and consequently the bay view, voted to endorse the project.
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they have not responded, and application and as related to the review the department and did receive the letters of opposition to the project and as we understand, the project sponsor the memorandum of understanding and which is included in the packets. the department would like to amend one of the conditions of approval. and on the performance, and one, the right and, vested by virtue this action is valid for three years from the effective date of this motion, the department of building inspection will have issued a building permit, or a site permit. to install at least one of the 18 additional back up generators or to commence. and three year period and the project will have the right to install all 18 back up generators. and any not installed will
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prior a authorization and after analyzing all, and we project to be desirable with the neighborhood and it provides a new exchange which is the necessary use given the technology in san francisco. and the project maintains a use consistent with the use of the exist and the pdr and the district. and the project site, represents a increase for the facility, for the internet and tele communications that serves the entire bay area, and the project continues is just to fulfill the goal that the businesses need to function. detailed analysis, of the air quality and the issues, and by the one thing, and that airs it will not exalt in the emissions at the project site, and a wall
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and will reduce the notice levels and finds that the project will not have a significant environmental impact. >> and it is present and this concludes my presentation and i am available for any questions. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> project sponsor? >> good afternoon, commissioners, my name is john wilson, and i am a partner in the project and also a officer of the cambay group. and we have, we did have we don't have the technology to use the computer for this slide, paula avenue is the best location in san francisco for the new ifc, internet service exchange and the san francisco
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is not seen the development of an internet service exchange in 12 years. and i know because i built the last one in 2002 and we completed it. we believe, or to our knowledge, at least, pdr, two is the only, if not the only, every national and interactive, and conversions on san francisco, is present in paul avenue. and we are responsible for putting them there, and we were the developers at 200 paul the fiber optic roots extend down san bruno boulevard and the bay
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shore boulevard and the former sp and now the cal train right-of-way and then the third street right-of-way and the avenue is a natural cross street and the fiber optic loops from every tele com, provider conversioned at that location and so it is an ideal spot for this. and the neighboring buildings, to the north, east, and the west of the subject site, are compatible uses and would not be impacted by our proposed ise. and most importantly the residential areas, are several hundred feet from the new ise building, and down a significant slope. and so that the building itself will not be visible, and so this slide that you can see i hope on the monitors shows the
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convergence of the fiber optic lines and each one of those and it is too small to see on 24 monitor over here, but each one of those colored lines, represents a different fiber optic and it is rear and highlighted in yellow at the center of that picture. and it is pretty important location for this type of use. >> can currently there is little peeinger and internet connectivity going on in san francisco for a city of this size. and the largest centers are in two story plus, basement brick building and downtown, and another facility operated that is 20 miles south of san jose and we will find out that the peering centers and also the fiber optic lines between san francisco and those locations in capacity. and so with that, what do you do, and what?
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>> you..., and mr. sucres already covered all of these and i would add that we also, received an approval from the bay view hunters point. pack, before the pack was handed in 2011, for this same project. and i am going to turn it over to my associate. >> commissioners, good afternoon. and i helped to assemble the mitigation declaration, which is... pages andvy tons of data but i am not going to bore you, and i hope that have you read it and it will put you to sleep but just some highlights, it is a three building complex, built in 1929 by the link built corporation and it has been vacant since 1979 and so it was our goal to repurpose this and really fits within the
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definition the pdr two zoning it is a contemporary use and a clean, industrial use and it has very minimal impacts and we have done everything that we can to minimize the noise and to minimize the emissions from the generators and we are using the very little water and we are reducing the traffic because internet service exchanges run 24 x 7 and so we have the same occupant load as a warehouse facility that are working three shifts and so we are able to reduce the amount of parking off street on site to only 80 spaces and so i think that it is a very good use, and you can see from this rendering, that it is the same, and the ties of what is existing
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one thing that we did was to try to make a green center, and the driveway and light, and everything else is will be permeable paving, and a gravel equipment or the landscaping and we are adding significant industries along the east, property line, which is to the bottom of the screen as well as two rows of trees along paul avenue, and we are trying very hard to make this a better street to make it more livable. and we spent hours and hours, working with our neighbors, to come up with the solutions. that they feel that it is something that they are comfortable and they will improve the neighborhood and the experience of walking down the avenue. >> to repeat what rich said earlier, we are very sensitive about this, and so all of the roof top equipment, is for cooling, the data center, is physical, and it is surrounded by the acoustics, and the
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generators will be in the insulated steel containers with the muflers. and the engineer, and with this noise come froming this facility, and it is going to be ten decibels less than the san francisco noise ordinance it is so low the ambient notice that we don't think that anyone will notice. >> and our neighbors in 600 feet and we distributed 200, and we had three open house meetings and a trailer parked in the parking lot in front and it was a very good change but the neighbors were not shy about sharing their concept and ideas and initially their opposition, but we were able to show the neighbors the commitment to the neighborhood and we will be able to provide the new jobs and we will clean
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up a vacant and unattractive building, and it has been for less than optimal parts of the population and so we will clean it up and make it a better part of the community and we have made a commitment as he said earlier with the minute memo of understanding to help to support it for the different organization and supporting the young community developers and we are going to join with them to train the people to work in construction as well as work in the facility after it is completed and we have made a commitment to hire one full time and one intern at a facility once it is finished and we are working with the college track on the third street and we are supporting a program to help fund tutoring for students, to be able to take the ap test to get into college and we are working with
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the mtss which is the multipurpose, senior center, cathy davis, if you know cathy, a commitment to her and she is currently under construction and the organization is instructing a new housing tower and we are supporting her in that enterprise as well as providing services to the homeless. and we also supporting the clean city, organization, called sfclean city. we are making a donation to replant a park on the corner, and to make that a park and education center. we also made alicia winterstein significant commitment to the corner stone baptist church down the street at third and paul avenue.
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and so we have i believe that we are doing what we promise to and we are showing the commitment now and several of the members of community that listen to us and see what we are doing is committing to us. it is going to help the neighborhood and san francisco in again general. >> robert lacy, and terry mcquill, and roger, and john larson. >> if i called your name you can approach the podium. >> >> good evening, i am robert lacy and i am here, in the
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corner stone baptist church and i have a few mums of the neighbors of the neighbors and from my center davis. and she asked me to speak on her behalf also. >> we the members of the corner stone baptist church. we are writing this letter in support of a proposed data center, at, and a data exchange center. and which is known by the foundation and we are in support of it because of the training and the construction jobs that they will provide, and we feel that it is an asset to our community and to our local congregation. i am going to go on to, mr. wu,.
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and the warehouse makes the neighborhood look bad nobody wants to wake up and have to look at an abandoned warehouse from their front window and i have attended the meetings regarding the project on 350 paul as well as i talked to terry mcgill, head of the security and long time neighbor and i see an opportunity to bet they are neighborhood. i am for this project because with new lighting, we will have less car break-in and fewer windows broken. after also, speaking with terry, i know that he is trying, to do a lot of security jobs, to the people within this community. and which is always a plus. >> and in the past three years.
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and they make the several arrests on the property and which makes it that we are moving in the right direction. i hope that whoever is reading this letter has the news to support this project and i have a similar letter also, from mr. wu, which is lucky lu and due to the time, and most of the same things, and as it has been a long time resident of san francisco and you know when, they left the area, the neighborhood went down, and i grew up in the bay view hunter's point and, it used to be a driving neighborhood, when i used to live there and now it is kind of run down and recently the 49ers have left the area, and i hear that our members of the congregation, and the community and a war, and ug war because of them leaving and they said, now, they took all of our jobs away and the corporation with this pro-yekt and they are bringing the jobs back to the
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neighborhood. and it should make it better thank you, your time is up. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> all right, commissioners, my name is eli mar martinez and i have lived across the street since 1974, and the building used to be in an industrial, and i used to see a lot of people come out of there when they were done with their job at 5:00, or i used to watch them come out and with mr. wilson, and baker who is building in that building, and 200 paul avenue and which says a lot of of employment there and it is something that everybody needs and everybody watches tv and the cable. and everybody uses and the building, and it will be there and it would be nice to look at something nice with the
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>> i am a vice president of the demolition and abatement company that is a san francisco, hrc certificated lbe that will be a part of this project and they reached out to us and brought us in, which i think that speaks volumes to their commitment to the community, and we are within our shop is within a mile of the project, and we employ, a number of san francisco residents, and we work closely with the city build, and with the young community developers, and mission hiring hall to put san francisco residents to work. and we are committed to that. and we do a lot of mentor ship, for the folks in the community throughout the city. and i work with a lot of developers and i have never really experienced a group that is so committed to the community, that they are trying to do a project in, and this really is about the community and this is about jobs. and i think that it will really
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enrich the area, and improve the area, so, >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am john larson and representing dpr construction and we are the general contractor that is working with cam bay and the design build team that will design and build this project and i actually first learned of this projector heard of this site, back in the 90s and i have personally thought that this is an accident site for the purpose that cam is going to use this site, and also, supporter of what they have been telling you, which is, it will provide, permanent jobs, in the data space, and i don't think that they talked much about the refurbishment of the buildings where they will house, who knows the engineering companies
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or the other businesses which will, you know, bring more jobs to the neighborhood, and certainly, in the short term, we will have construction, jobs, and from all of the different trades and dprs and a union contractor, and one of the leading data center, builders in the united states. and so, when we say that we believe that it is great site, it is not without the knowledge of where data centers are best built and best belong. and i have the greatest faith in john wilson and keith vines, and they are great leaders and they, i believe, have done a great job in developing this project. and as of otherwise others and that i think that they are great stewarts in the community and i think that they demonstrated that and i wholeheartedly hope that you vote to approve this project.
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and it is on my birthday. >> thank you. >> happy birthday. >> thanks. >> good afternoon commissioners i am joel copel and the electrical workers, and the contractors have been selected for this job and i am here speaking in favor and or representing the contractor association also and also these data centers are the projects that we the electrical guys dream about and it is not just, lights, and plugs in the walls, this is three d and imaging, and ipads, and detailers, and conduit ent bending and more math that you could know how to do in your life. and so it is the best training that he can with, and you know, see for our apprentice and we have 672, san francisco residents, and for working for
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the local six and the development is continuing here in the city. and a lot of these, large moving in are involved with the computers and the data storage and transfer, and we are involved in the 200 data center, which is huge right now and in the city and county right now, and storing and using that site for their data storage. so paul, is just as good of a location, you know it is not, in any really residential neighborhood, like any other parts that are usually in opposition of these kinds of project and so we are looking forward to being involved with the project and hope that you can approve it today. >> thank you. >> is there additional public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i think that there is a wonderful project and we are talking about the pdr and this is a great project.
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i wanted to ask a question, in regards to this facility as opposed to 200 paul, it is a data storage, facility, and where the back up is stored for many companies and including the city and county of san francisco, and this is more like a switching, and what used to be a switching station for the phones but now with the internet, it is the equivalent of that is that a good analogy. >> well, 200 paul started its life as a carrier hotel. and largely populated by carriers but after the dot, com bust and the fallout that occurred in the early 2000s, and it sat in sort of a linbo period and migrated to the data centers going forward. and it, it, ises are really the coming together and you talked about to me, the cell towers and that is really at the edge of the internet and well a
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project like 400 paul or 200 paul are more at the core of the fabric of the internet. and where, this storage and the processing, and the peering and the transmission of data content occurs. and you are passing traffic, between content providers, and search engines, and eye ball networks like comcast and at&t and they both provide the same function, we are providing the space and the power and the enter connection capabilities just like 200 paul, it is pretty much 100 percent committed at this point. >> and who is the operator because i know that it is digital realty. >> digital realty and we are limited partnerwise them. in 200 paul, and all of their properties, but, they are not involved in this, facility. we are the developer, and we will lease space, in what is called powered shell
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