tv [untitled] September 14, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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direct action and he is a para professional and his eviction was defeated and but i tell you that the housing movement of san francisco can't go after every single last landlord who is evicting one of your staff people and it is time for this board to step up, and to make sure that the teachers and para professionals get what they deserve, thank you. >> good evening, my name is tony, robles. and i am a native san franciscan and i also went to george washington high school, and roosevelt middle school and i do remember, qualified teachers that i had great teachers such as mr. redlic and mr. rodity, who taught me many, many things outside of the classroom. in terms of being a conscious person, and i think that it is of the utmost importance that we respect our teachers and our
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para professionals who work with the public schools and the public schools have undergone, a lot of changes, and a lot of assaults, and i really believe that there has to be really more respect for the economic situation that many of the teachers in san francisco face. and one of the speakers earlier mentioned the case of santiago who is a teacher that he teaches music to developmentally disabled children. and now, that is a great thing to do and a great profession, he also has a disability and he is also dealing with his own physical issues but that has not stopped them from pursuing his love for teaching, and for fulfilling the mission of his life, which is the love for kids and the love for children and for the love for sharing
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that art, which is enriching the lives of the children that he comes into contact with. and so, that being said, it is bad enough that he has to deal with an eviction and that has drained him of a lot of his energy, but he has fought through it and he has been victorious in fighting that back, but again there have been other teachers that are really struggling to stay here, and because of the threat of eviction, or the fact that they have been evicted and they have had to move to different parts of the bay area. and so, i think that what the issue that we are talking about is stability, and the economic stability for the teachers and paying them a wage, that shows, that you know, they are respected, and because let's face it, i mean, outside of being a mother, a teacher is probably the hardest job out there. and you have to be dedicated and on a very big level, you have to love what you do and you have to love the people that you work with and you have to love the kids that you teach. and so let's make a fair
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contract, for para professional and teachers, and let's make that a top priorities and being a former student, having grown up in san francisco, and also, been inspired by teachers to become an author, of which i have written two children's books, and which stories take place in san francisco. and tell the story of communities that are in struggle trying to stay here. two minutes, please. >> good evening, commissioners and superintendent carranza and everyone, my name is lamp ares and i will speak for the two organizations that i represent, and i am the president of the asian pacific labor alliance and we have the fishers and the
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classified employees, and i am here to support the fight for a fair contract, and it is so shamed that they are living away from san francisco, or the para professionals who are members of it and the members who are members who are living in poverty because of the situations here m san francisco and so i urge you because apala will be be behind and support and supporting the teacher's union if they go on actions and i will also and make a massage of the local team. and the last several months in the negotiation, because you are negotiating teams and saying, that until the teacher's union was filled and that we have to wait and that is so, ridiculous. but we are patient, because we
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know that you can deliver, and to the classified employees a good contract that will reflect the values, of san francisco. and so, i asked and asked you to settle the contract so that we can have peace in this community. >> thank you. >> okay. >> good evening, my name is norm, and i will give you all of my titles so we are not doing that. so i am going to be doing this, and that is the most important. >> and that is that i am a third generation, native san franciscan. i have two boys, and they are fourth generation, native san franciscans. okay? and they went to walenberg high school and i feel like i am a lucky one right now because they are in college, and just
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imagine if these teachers don't get the support that they need financially, and just for the home life, you are not going to have qualified teachers any more. i hope that you guys are going to set your pride on having the crapyist system, i don't think so. and i think that everybody has to work together, in forming, a coalition, to really do the best that we can. and it is basically, where am i speaking? because i am hoping that i will have a fifth generation san franciscan that can afford to live in san francisco. and that will be able to go to quality san francisco school. and i urge you to support you
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for the fair salary and there is something going on about the $15 minimum wage and across mcdonalds how much are they making and what do they need to survive? just think about. and if you were making minimum wage, could you survive in san francisco? >> i would love to ask that question, and does everybody on this board live in san francisco? >> you know? thank you for your time. >> >> thank you. public comment is now closed. >> item k. advisory committee reports, appointments to the advisory committees by board members? >> anything? >> seeing none, l, special order of business, none tonight. >> discussion of other educational issues superintendent do we have something? i think so, educational placement center, preview of the november enrollment process
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and time line? thank you, president fewer and so we would like to invite executive director from the education center who is going to do a brief overview of the time line and the procedures for our enrollment cycle which is rapidly approaching and including with some of the time lines may be, and how to register and enroll the children in the process. and so, executive director darlene limb?
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>> good evening, commissioners we have just started a school year, but we always start thinking about the coming year. and we just finished our enrollment cycle for the 14/15 school year and we are now planning and getting everything ready for our 15-16 enrollment cycle. and so i just wanted to run through some of the updates and give you a preview of what we have in store coming upstarting in october, when we launch our enrollment cycle. and so, just, this is just starting up and we are going to be going through and an agenda that includes, information about the enrollments there. and the key dates for the coming year, and the application, process.
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and the resources that we have developed. for the families. and some of the out reach activities and our language assessments, and some changes that we are looking towards for the coming year. and so, we always march our process, at the enrollment fair and if you have not been to the enrollment fair, i encourage all families who are looking for a school and looking to enroll their children into kindergarten, and looking for a little school or a high school, and to come to the enrollment fair and that is the one stop shop where you can see all of our schools represented and talk to the parents and talk to the principals and staff, and learn about our schools. and we encourage the families to open up their minds and look at a lot of schools that they can choose that might work for them and their families and they are also going to have workshops on the enrollment
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process and our process, as well as language pathways and special education services and we are going to have the district resources available. and these are our key dates, that families need to remember, and think about. and because after the 25th of october, we are going to be launching our enrollment cycle, and applications will be collected, immediately, after that enrollment fair, until, january 16th. and that is our application deadline, and we encourage all families to participate in round one and apply on time and that is the best opportunity to really get the schools of
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choice. >> and this is from the deadline that we messaged out earlier and we moved our notification deadline up by one week to the march the 13th so that we can align with the private school notification and that way all of the familis that will have all of the information in order to make their decisions about school enrollment. and on april 10th, that is going to be the deadline for all families to go to the schools. after they have been assigned to register. and we encourage family to do that. to secure their placement. and then, on may 8th we will have our second notification and our round two, notification, and may 22nd, will be our waiting pool deadline so that the family cans participate in the waiting pool, and on june 17th.
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we go into our available school assignment period. now the application process will begin on october 25th and we are going to be accepting applications, and it is not a first come and first serve process and we encourage the families to take their time and look at schools and take the tours, and we will have until october the 27th and they will have until january 17th to submit that application, and the application deadline is december 12 and this that is earlier because we have a different process, for the loewe l l enroll and we have been getting a lot of questions about that already. and again, january, 16th, is when the applications are due. >> and now, all of our students who are already in our schools,
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who are in pre-k, and all of our fifth and 8th graders will be receiving a mailed, and we will be mailing it out by october 25th. and to help our families and to support them, through this process, we have a lot of resource and this is the new enrollment guide and that we will be launching and this is the different look this year, as well as all of our english learner program guides, and so, families who are looking for more information, that enrollment guide has pretty much all of the information that they need in order to apply for schools, and learn about our process. we will be releasing where the schools are locate and we will show the middle school feeders as well and this is a resource
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that the families find very useful and valuable. and we have the school tours beginning in october, and we ask the families who are so anxious to get started on this process, to kind of wait and let us settle in for the first month of school, and then, they can contact, the schools to make appointments for tours. and we also have websites, that has all of the materials and the forms that are on or that we publish, they are all on-line as well. and so they can access that information on-line. and, we encourage the parents to come to a workshop and an enrollment workshop and we have set some early bird workshops because, we find that some families just don't want to wait until the enroll, you know the enrollment fair, they want to start early and they are asking us now, for information, so we do have some early bird
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workshops that are going to be we also have a special education services focus, for one of our workshops and although all of the workshops does cover, special education services. >> we will be bringing all of the materials out to the neighborhoods where the parents can come and talk to the staff and pick up enrollment application and other resources and we also are going to have some satellite collection sites
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where the families don't have to come down to the epc and they can drop off their enrollment applications at certain sites on certain dates in the city. a lot of the out reach is going to be focused on the schools and the head start sites and other prek sites in the specific areas. and we do mailings, through our housing authority. and we collaborate with the community partners and we also walk the beat out reach and we stand on the street corners and pass out the post cards with the reminders and the information about the enrollment and applying for school. >> but it is also going to be conducting language assessments
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and counseling, and we have these one to one conversations with the parents. to help them to understand the kinds of programs and pathways that we offer. so, the students who are applying, may be contacted by the epc, to make an appointment to come in for a language assessment. >> an update for the changes that we are looking for the 2015, 16 enrollment cycle and the admissions process and we are getting a lot of questions about this, and we, we don't have standardized test scores, and so, we will be administering the admission's test to all of the students who are applying for the lowell for ninth grade admission and that
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is approximately, 1800 students that we are going to be planning to administer this test to and we are going to be doing this test, over 4 evenings in mid january. and we will be pushing out that information, with our lowell admissions, and our applications. and we are very excited about this that we will be opening a new middle school, willie brown, little school and we are going to be going out into the community and doing the targeted out reach to all of these schools that have preferences and to everybody, and to everybody who is interested in applying for middle school. we do have middle school feeder preferences for the schools that are identified for the feeders, and such as brett heart, and carver and malcom x, and lou, and taylor and
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maraloma and that will enable us to go out and do the targeted out reach and recruitment and we also have the preference for the students who live in the 92124 zip code area if they are interested in attending a school in their neighborhood. >> and, we are working on an on-line application process, and our it, department, is currently developing an on-line application system. and there are some concerns about security, and other considerations so, we won't be able to roll this out, in time for our october launch, but we are planning on phasing in the on-line application process. in january. and in time for our round two process. and, we think that that would be a good time to test it, and and we will not be dealing with the volume and having the risk that, we would in terms of
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processing 15,000 applications. >> and okay, so, we are hoping that families will get in touch with us and they can contact us, and come to the educational placement center, we have staff, that is dedicated to work with the families one to one. and meet with them individually to talk through, what their choices might be and what their situations are. and to give them information about schools. and we are open every day, from 8:00 to 4:30, they don't need appointments to come in or they can also contact us by phone or by e-mail we have enroll in school, at where they can find all of this information again on our website. >> and so, this is the most important date that we want families to remember. january, 16th, 2015. and it is the date, that we
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want all families who are applying for school placement to submit their application. >> and we are anxious to welcome them into sfusd. >> thank you, miss limb for that presentation, board members, any comments or questions? or questions for her before she leaves? >> commissioner wynns? >> thank you. >> thank you for the presentation, and i just wanted to ask that we particularly and we will with the admissions are finished for the next year that we have some analysis on the admission and particularly of the public school kids, verses private school kids in relation to the way that it has been before and it represents an opportunity, and the only time
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that we will ever have the same test administered both to the public and the private school kids and we have had opinions, and conjecture in the past about sort of unfairness, because private school kids were taking the test even though it was a different test, months after public school kids were administered to their standardized test and others believe, i have talked to people who believe that the opposite is true, because they don't take it as an unusual and unique experience for them and so this will be a good time to take advantage of this. unintentional experiment and to know and see what we can learn from that. and i appreciate all of the work and i look forward to this. and hopefully we will have a successful year, thank you. >> dually noted. >> commissioner norton? >> i want to thank you first of all, for this, and for some of the changes here. and there are some things that
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i have long advocated for and it is really great to see them being implemented particularly starting our process a little bit earlier and i know that that is really hard, on the department. because you are still finishing up last year's process. and in a couple of weeks we are saying, start the next cycle, and so i really appreciate that you are going to start to take that earlier and that we are starting and because i think that there is just families as you said even though there is no advantage to starting in october verses november, it is just the process that they want to start and being told that they can't start and we are not ready for them is the wrong message and i appreciate that. i did also have a quick question, about particularly the lowell process and i just i agree with the commissioner wynns suggestion but i also wanted to just, i got a question from a parent who received an e-mail, that sounded like there was going to be any one opportunity to take
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the test? but it sounds like there are four opportunities and are we doing that in different locations or are they all at lowe. ll? or how does that work? >> we plan to administer the test at lowell over four evening and in order to manage that many students, we are going to be assigning them based on last night, to a particular day, but that does not mean that, you know, there is no flexibility, there. and so, families will contact us, if they can't make it on a particular day and it is very easy to schedule them for another day. >> all right, that is good. >> and then, i am also very interested in the testing that we are doing of an on-line application. and so i would love to be kept up to date on how that is going and when we complete our first round of it and how it went, and all of that and because that is another thing that i definitely have been interested in seeing us do for many years, thanks. >> commissioners? any other comments?
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or questions? >> commissioner haney? >> you know, you don't see me and then you forget my name. it should be easier to know which one i am because there are less of us. >> thank you for this presentation, and for the work and i echo the comments around some of the changes in how they reflect some of the feedback that we have been hearing in both the good for parents and families but also good for your department in terms of how to make this work and i am really excited about also, the on-line, application process, and i know that is something that we have talked a lot about. and i would echo the comments, and the interests to learn more about that, as it rolls out. and i also wanted to bring up something that we have also talked about, which is looking at our interactive school selection tool, and thinking about the resources that are
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available, on-line for the families to compare the schools and to look for schools that fit their needs and really enhancing what is available on-line resources and i think that the direct out reach and the one on one and everything is incredible and you know, idealy, everyone will have those one on one meetings but in terms of, if there is anything, that you would add around what is available now, with the interactive school selection tool so that the parents and families can explore what is available on our website, currently and then if there is any updates that you have either with the on-line tool or the other things that you are thinking about in the office and your department and how to and what is available for the families as it stands. >> thank you, commissioner haney. and i did want to mention that we are working on improving our on-line school selector, and it is a good tool, and but it is not perfect. and so, the family cans go in there and check the criteria in
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terms of what they want in terms of you know, the schools start times or programs, and the selector will, hopefully help them filter through all of the schools and the schools pop up. and then they can look more deeply into those schools and it does not work as well, because we have some challenges, sometimes, in upkeeping that information, updated. and so, we are working in partnership with our it department to redesign that, completely and hopefully, at some point, we will come up with a scope and of what that work would look like, and because we do want to be able to draw from a good data base. and and that is updated because right now, principals actually have to go in and manually change everything,, and so we want to be able to have all that have data in one location. and it can feed into the school selector. so, that is in discussion right now. and there is a lot of things on
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our ip side that you know, they are, and we are working on. >> thank you. >> commissioners? >> anything other comments, or questions? so, i just want to thank you very much for this presentation, and also... >> excuse me. >> student delegate? >> yeah. i would like to comment that this enrollment fair is really helpful, for especially for the 8th graders, like 4 years ago when i was applying like, i was just a private school kid and i had no clue what it was about and my brother was like you should go to this enrollment fair and i attended and it was great, i found the galeleo academy and i will bring it to the sac and advocate it. >> thank you. >> we didn't know that about you. >> thank you very much. >> yes. how lucky we are, how lucky we are to have you. >> and i just want to say thank
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you for this information and it is very informative and so far, for the listening audience, i want to reiterate one more time that the enrollment fair to this year, and the school year, 2015, 16, will be held on saturday, october 25th, at john oconnel high school that is located at 2355 fulsom from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. and, i encourage that we all attend all perspective parents attend even if you have are thinking about your child's next transition into our school and maybe it is not this year but next year, and so that you can kind of make the rounds. and i think that it is very informative and you meet actually the principal and the administration and the teachers and students of those schools and so it is quite informative. and thank you very much. >> thank you again. >> okay. >> we are on to item
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