tv [untitled] September 15, 2014 3:00am-3:31am PDT
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waterfront has to be to look at how much to generate but it has to be said that alone is not going to solve the larger issues that are way beyond the capacity we have to look at this carefully in a broader sense beyond the scope i don't have an answer commissioner i'm sorry the numbers are big. >> i'm sure it's stated are there other money to be able to do this. >> we're having that conversation right now. >> commissioner adams. >> i think we're lucky we have so many large developments going on we can plan that in the future because? a huge issue thank you very much for that presentation. >> my pleasure. >> john thanks for coming out again, i want to see you coming every 6 months we need those
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discussions and i'll say it like it is i'll say a commission now, you know, we've got a lot of tough issues facing us and i couldn't be working with a better group of commissioners even with the seal rise we've got to show true leadership open which way to take our waterfront in the city you said even with transportation and things like that that requires coalitions thinking out of the box because i know a lot of times people say seattle and new york but san francisco has its own flare and we're not no other city like san francisco we've got to find our greatestness we're down that path egg people are moving here i walk everyday back and forth to work and see all the new buildings in the city people are coming here we're laying out the
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future we've got to determine what kind of future the average age is 27 years old the whole city is trovrmdz i know people like the things as we were people buy into the atmosphere factor people don't like change but you can't avoid change you want to stay 10 beyond a shadow of a doubt your whole life that's the cycle of life; right? but those pipers those people that had the vision they took it on and the stuff your laying out the way we have to think we've got to have the political encourage and make discussion i know in my union we have a saying nobody likes us and we don't care but at the end of the day this city is about the men and women that live in the city and preparing for the next generation and we've got to stay
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reasonable everything is not a good fit the proposition a lot of people got upset but we've got to continue on sometime you'll get side stepped up to the plate in life and you've got to go around and keep moving you said some earlier we'll have all those people moving to san francisco we're in the loofkz here we've got to be looking forward and donald trumpeting said you've got to eye your brain to think big and infrastructure is a world-class city we've got to think of solutions to get us where we need to go and those kind of planners you're right we need the regional and commissioner murphy is right about money but it's going to take strategy
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anticipate money a a 5 year 10 year plan i want to say thank you for coming. >> thank you, commissioner i appreciate that a couple of thoughts we're growing rough at 10 thousand people a year it's good for our city and stage we're at 10 thousand year growth of people and part of the reason is the national paradigm shift about the lesson i can't tell generation and the baby boomers and listen annals are not buying cars so there is my preference the growth is going to happen whether or not we plan for it it behooves us to plan for it so it effects everything from the cost of housing to transportation to how we address our waterfront that growth is a really
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important factor to keep in mind according to the trends happening nationally and commissioner ho. >> well, i want to say thank you commissioner adams number one for giving us the big picture in the discussion about the future of san francisco i want to thank you for giving us a bigger picture there's a couple of things i took away from our presentation norms of the long term growth and the 7 major developments 3 on the waterfront sometimes, we forget even though there's a sense in san francisco that every mile other than the waterfront is underdevelopment it's not try it's good to put that in perspective and i'm not sure that's the percept the folks were given when voting but
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today, we're going to move forward and the initiatives will go into in front of the voters. the couple of questions relate to number one how can we as commissioner murphy mentioned about the funding what's the steps the city is taking in terms of trying to get allocation of federal and state funds the reason that commissioner adams mentioned it to make sure the topic is in front of the appropriate people because time will pass by. the second thing i want to understand as you see it if the waterfront and the hoosiers we have major developments but the housing going forward and what you that it appropriate on the waterfront relative to the other picture of the city we know that housing obviously is a huge
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issue and relied to that the density factor to accommodate as you see the forecast going forward in terms of of the housing the understanding of the trend >> right. if i may on the second question i know it's one of the things that's an important factor to consider how dense and what is the rage of income it should be built for the types of connections and son it's seems that the housing on the waterfront given the nature of the need for the subsequential infrastructure it is going to have to pay for the cost of the land as we see the horizontal properties whether it's true of the shipyard or mission bay those developments had to achieve a certain decent to support those projects that works both ways it's also
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critical in my opinion that it serve a variety of incomes we're looking collectively right now on initiative looking at all city owned sites and how they sclefk can meet the cities developments with the city agencies and, of course, affordable housing is a key component as well as open space so the port sites have to be an integral part of that in terms of and including affordable housing again those things are trade off the most affordable housing on site the less income from the development stream to support that and it goes to the port that's the trade oh, we have to make. other related issues part of the concerns we're hearing from the community the density of the waterfront if you look at it's really important it's important to see the large picture the
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entire perimeter of the waterfront the majority is passing the waterfront from the presidio to ocean beach to marina green and it's important that the city have a variety of experiences on our waterfront like the ferry building or the transit that is attracting a lot of people for the activities and our thinking it's really important to think in terms of land use in a variety of ways in looking at the city's waterfront hoifl so some areas will have housing and job producing space and so on it's important we keep in mind. the other comment the 6 hundred and 43 acres of open space that's not emphasized enough in terms of we feel ballads the waterfront is still to come for the greenway and there's a sense
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of waterfront industries and as well as overseas the amount of public access to the waterfront is subsequential and it's something we should not forget we're here to oifbl provide that public assess and it's greater than a lot of cities where thank you visit the developments it sit up against each other we have to remind all our stakeholders in the state that's a very badly and i guess the other point in addition to this major challenge with the sea level rise is the fact we obviously have capital infrastructure needs to maintain the port as is with no new development so our challenge to figure out how to keep the waterfront as is and regardless of the new plots to finance the new development with different
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partners and keep the sub industry unfortunately i'm sure you're aware of the piers in many cases are the microscopes is a tremendous amount of cots so those are the challenges it's important to keep a balanced picture and our job is to maintain the responsibility to the stakeholders we have in the city. thank you, commissioners did you have another comment you wanted to make and you wanted to say you mentioned about the housing sometimes, i watch the government tv channel you see a lot of people down talking to the board of supervisors and for generations they no longer can afford to live here there's got to be a balance for people that live here because not everyone makes a big income i was talking
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about making tough decisions and commissioner ho mentioned about money sometimes you might have to do a bond measure and people don't want to do anything but it costs i don't care what you do you have to pay for it and make those tough decisions it's not going to happen for free we're not going to get enough federal funding those piers are failing and if we don't take care of we, have development on the waterfront and the commissioners we've talked amongst ourselves a lot of people in the community that don't trust the port they don't come down here a lot because of the scare factor we want to community to come down to the port we can do a better job i think of educating the community a lot of people dpoo doesn't know it's a port one of
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the port commission meetings we're going to go out and talk to the citizens we're going to have a better connection this port authority belongs to you, you don't have to have money this belongs to you but they've got to take ownership that belongs to everyone in san francisco we have to do a better job of connecting i want to see as well as the housing upper talking about that we can find something for every income in the city because now it looks like if you're not rich you can't live in san francisco you should have to be a citizen of san francisco and be able to live here and enjoy the city and waterfront like everyone we don't want to be looked like a elitist when you go somewhere and see people that are elitist
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they think their better but this city belongs to everyone we have to have a balance you're going to find more people we need to help them so there's more of a balance >> i just wanted to echo the commissioners remarks commissioner adams mentioned the average age 27 years old we have the smallest young people in the world coming and living here they all want to find a place to live and a job. and, you know, i've been worked through the caps program and 10 years ago had people say donate not possible and we won't e won't get this through we did the soft story building we did we got to a point i think the 15
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is the deadline you'll have to have our application in to seismic your soft story buildings around san francisco and they have give you another two years and two years to complete the work. that all was all made possible by a group of smart people and willie said the strarld sat down and fagged it out and san francisco it has to happen here with the rising water and building a seawall. we can take you know we can take a leave out you have different cities what they've done. i was in hydrahave an last year and they have an incredible
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seawall above sea level that is pretty and that was built and looked like it grew there. i have the great hope we can do this my hats off to the board for taking a lead and you guys it up u picking up on that that >> i also want to thank you for coming i really appreciate our appearing and particularly our commenting and working with our staff it's sixth that we don't try and figure out some of those identity in silos but working together it's interrelated a few things you've said my colleagues touched on bigger issues i was concerned about funding we have to be careful attesting how to go after fund particularly with
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respect to sea level rise and addressing those challenges but one of the things you've mentioned i appreciate is taking this as an opportunity to figuring out how to use the reassistants posters to be that much better commissioner adams touched on it we're at a turning point we have to make sure we make the wise decisions for properties. one of the things i think and you touched on it, too we need to do it the right way i appreciate periodic updates on separate pieces it's i'll have for all of us to be thinking about it and getting ahead of the curve sue hester i notice in the audience that raised the issue of sea level rise and the port we've had a policy of having our projects addressed how sea level rise is going to
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impact anything that comes along but i'm still frightened by how few people participation to the sea level rise that comes up to our next item. one of the things we needed to look at the urban design fit and as we move forward to being creative to how we address those problems we talk about what we've seen in other areas the netherlands addressed this i was there and i love how and utilize the whole sea level rise and the sea level rise covers some of the parks they're actively and vibrant and have southern areas they use in the summer when the
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water goes down >> 6th and touch on the diversity diversity in terms of economics but because the reason people come to san francisco is the diversity and people want to live here i'm concerned we're losing that and hope to come up with other ways not traditional other ways to insure the economic diversity as we look at what we're going to lose what makes san francisco unique. we touched on the other issues you also had the section you've addressed our next steps but i'd appreciate working on what and we don't have to be firm on all of them but figuring out how we can work together and come up with a clear path on the next steps so the departments can
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incorporate that together and if precisely i may i'll offer to take director mcpartland's come back in 6 months at this point we'll have a firmer understanding of what we think the specific next steps will be in terms of the work and your staff and mine will be doing that's a good time >> thank you. on the blue greenway as well we've started the work on that but before we complete everything we should take a look at every further what sea level rise impact will be and you've highlighted something important the way that new york is using that we may want to take a few packages out of their book >> commissioner. >> i think your presentations is helpful we're in the midst of yours respectfully, our
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waterfront land use plan and firmly we can incorporate in terms of the context in addition to the work further ethics we want the information on the statistics i think i would like to recommend to the staff they incorporate that in terms of the introduce of the land use because it had a is to be in the context of the waterfront not only the waterfront by itself and take a broader complexities that will help the constituents and everyone that wants to understand this how we're looking at what the bigger needs of the city we're no longer isolated by ourself. >> thank you for coming and appreciate our in sights. we need a little bit of time to - shouldn't take long call the next item
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screen. >> no. >> we're going to go back to yours a little video clip and sure. >> all right. so while manny is setting up may i introduce the taping thanks to everyone that are coming and those of you who are watching the tape later i i've had of seeing our guests speak this might be the fourth time and reading the book i find it fascinating and commissioner president katz attended the planning coalition conferees that was around the issues which the conservatism of the bay and
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commissioner president katz had the idea of having the gentlemen here to present for the benefit of all of us i want to take a moment and ask the staff working on the sea level rise to please stand don't just stare at me i know who you are i'm going to start with this gentleman yell out the department. >> (inaudible). >> i know you can yell louder. >> planning and (inaudible). >> u day. >> (inaudible). >> again yeah. >> thank you dave. >> san francisco puc engineer. >> frank public works. small business in the corner i can't see >> thank you. bob >> bob with the (inaudible).
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>> (inaudible). >> (inaudible). >> (inaudible). >> tim. david. >> perry planning department. >> (inaudible). >> great, thank you all very much for being here the the work you're doing we've been working on this for a long time our work is just now going public and david wave for me he's taken led from a bunch of us. >> for the public that may not have heard we have a number of people standing up from various departments but representatives from the sf puc and public works and a number from the port and the treasure island development authority from planning and asia
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i mentioned the puc some people may not have heard the diversity. >> thank you commissioner president katz there's a number of other staff departments that are working with the city administrator and stop sign from the port and led our efforts with the sea level and i mentioned the san francisco airport and the magnifying too many to mention i know for a lot of the public this feels like something that's new it's not new nor the port and our colleagues and i want 0 express our gratitude with that, i'd like to introduce my pal oral travis you know i'm reminded what an interesting fellow i'm going to share a few tibia bits from emphasis resume batches of
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architecture that talks about the tiny details a masters of regional planning from penn state university and studied architecture in london for more than day microscopic i might pout he joined the d.c. in planning ushering designer that was the first coastal management agency he ran off a year to work on the master plan for the eastern bay greenway and other great ideas then he went and joined the newly coastal commission where he had the privilege of offering permits for offshore drilling and a reoccurring plan he joined the b.c. d.c. again and before becoming the executive director he served for a decade and a
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half in 2012 i became a senior advisors so far the joint policy committee he had the pleasure of coordinating people to look at climate change in terms of the future stable lit and economic prospective they adapted a strategy so, please join me in welcoming will travis (clapping.) thank you monique. commissioner president katz and members of the commission and esteemed staff it's a privilege to be here. as executive director of b.c. d.c. i spent the bulge u bulk of my time trying to be monique's favorite regularity we are able to chief that the solid relationship that the port had i
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thought we had a better one than between b.c. and d.c. i'm convinced that port staff is great to get along with no big deal the other thing was the sea level rise. particularly raising regional awareness of the problem and that's where i met john england eerie was on a conference in florida a couple i do not recollect years ago and john was in the audience and asked a question and it was clear to me from his question he had a better grasp of sea level rise than the parental i was he was asking the question my next incourt with john was this book by far the best book every written about sea level rise john does an excellent job of
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