tv [untitled] September 15, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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the board of supervisors land use & economic development committee my name is answering i the chairman to my right is supervisor kim the vice chair and to my left is malia cowen also a member of the committee in addition, we're joined by the president of the board of supervisors sdpooufd ii want to thank sgovd specifically the staff as madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes. the agenda will be on the next meeting. i also want to note we have an overflow room the north light could you recall u court given
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how many people are here today, we know the first thing is the sequa tree if you are intending to make a comment and have not done so there are blue cards in the front and fill one out and hand it in and we'll make sure to call you. with that, madam clerk >> item one is an ordinance spigd the giant seconvey tree a landmark tree. >> i'm the author colleagues today before us is legislation to expend the landmark tree status to a giant seconvey tree on market street in the corbett heethsdz neighborhood this landmarking has support from the
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neighborhood association to this area. labored tree designation will help sure this tree is preefrdz for future generations this giant tree is one hundred feet tall and one the few big trees in san francisco. the giant seconveys are native their rare the circumference is more than 12 feet it's been elevated by an arrest warrant boast we're here from the neighborhood and a they'll help to provide more background so colleagues if no opening remarks then we'll open up public comment on item one. madam clerk myocarditis >> i've not received cards.
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>> so folks here for public comment on item one about please come on up. i see gary weis. >> good afternoon chair we're and commissioner antonini and commenting i want to introduce mankind's i'm with the landmark committee. i have two photos to show that's all i want to do >> great. >> so the first one shows the tree in the neighborhood. and the second one is also another shot of the tree if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them thank you >> thank you for your work on
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the council. >> next speaker. >> mr. weis. >> hi good afternoon. i'm gary weis the president of the corbett heats the tree in the the center of corbett height it will be the first designated within a mile and also the first tree to be laboreded in san francisco it's magnificent and could be scenes from the noah valley it is 70 years it's health is clear and it is recorded in good shape it acts as the barrier to the streets. the approximate 2 hundred san francisco trees that have received landmark designation only 8 are native to california we hope you'll agree to landmark
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this tree. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is john murray i live two doors down from the tree. as upper told the co-sponsor bits neighbors contracted with torrey young and found the tree to be in perfect health this provides aesthetics to multiple properties in the surrounding neighborhood it's location at the southeast of the property minute miss the shading and it's bushel to a garden and common component of the garden donates the giant seconvey trees are noted throughout the country and
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world the history the trees is from species several thousands even if years old striving in california the following supports the spooez specimens of historical significant one there are no currently no giant see conveys in the landmark areas and if you designated landmark trees in the vicinity with the before at the for the closest distance one to one and a half miles away and of the approximately 2 hundred san francisco landmark trees only about one hundred and 65 are palms and only 35 are board sprees only 8 trees are native to san francisco the giant seconveys are native and we
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support this finding thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> i'm leslie i'll provide the information about the historical part of the tree who planted if abraham owns this from 4969 to 1994 his son ralph informed me his i his he parents bought the tree it was 11895 lived from 1948 to 58 a desz assailant learned from the aunt that hal's gave heroin of the 3 giant seconveys in the 940s to early 50s the adams home is exclusive
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and passed away and was a native and a graduate of the berkley of class of 33 he works in 19 thirty one of the criteria for landmark status is the historical significance, you know, it helps us to understand the past and thank you for your consideration. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> i'm john, i live on corbett. the seway as 36 of market street is a rare tree. for sa
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francisco sequoathe tree is early planting for the area and has been preparing for years there's itch livestock in the tree and one can see and hear a variety of birds and skwurlz it's observe that wildlife is depending on the tree for a micro investment it should be judged only it's historical saushgs and environmental characteristics it possessed all the qualities there are only 20 trees in the city since passage of the ordinance and none of the
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20 are seways it's worth a dozen in a filing cabinet it is sound and attractive and non-threatening on a asset to the property and deferring of landmark status sequoa thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker. sequoa my name is brenda nelson i live in connection next door to the tree sequoa i have a summary of environmental benefits i'd like to go over and make 5 points sequoa this is using i tree technology when is a state of the art software from the usda for the forest assessment tool they've assessed this tree and have found that air blood transfusion
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is a serious threat especially in an urban investment is, mitigate pollution by obscuring pollute it's an i believe you all have papers that show you the total of air quality benefits sequoa the next point over the next 95 years the seway on market street will reduce the carbon monoxide by a total of 28 thousand pounld my third point over the next 99 years the seway on market street will intercept a total of 6 hundred 13 thousand gallons of stormwater if the tree is cared for it will provide a total of $5,000 of overall benefits over the next 99 years and benefit the
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documents that i believe you all have sequoa for any given year the energy savings by this seway are 54 kilowatt hours and 8.7 thermals so as you can see in summary, it - >> thank you, thank you very much thank you. is there any additional public comment on item one seeing none, public comment is closed i want to thank the members of the public for coming out and the upper forestry and colleagues this is landmark trees ask not something we do often but for special situations we have a tree it is
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significant i is particularly uncommon in san francisco it makes sense we having if you giant seways it's important for our state and this tree is a real treasure for the neighborhood which is why i took the exceptional step of introducing this landmark in legislation and will ask for your support in no comments. >> i'm happy to move this to the board. >> with workers' compensation we'll take that without objection. >> madam clerk call item 2. >> item 2 is an ordinance administering the code for proximity residence for the on short term residential rentals. >> president chiu is the author of item 2. >> thank you, mr. chair i want
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to thank all the members of the public who came here to testify both for the seconvey tree and the non astrological topic of home sharing sequoa i want to thank everyone from tenants to landlords and owners representatives of the hotel and tourism community both on the management and the labor side any public comment? neighborhood advocates and the super bowls and thank the members of the staff including the doesn't have and our commissioners the department of building inspection and colleagues you've taken meeting to tangle this topic and particularly my aid erica chang who is breathed this for the past two years sequoa i want to talk about where we are today
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this is a complex issue we need to get the policy details as right as we can sequoa and this is why my office spent over two years to research and refine and work and hear from an incredible variety of stakeholders sequoa unlike a ballot initiative it allows to incorporate the comments from the public and i will talk about the amendments we've made several amendments i hope to be made in committee and additional conversations to be had i have said to everyone i continue to work with everyone as we try to move forward and crafted the best solution around home sharing there are significant differences in prospective i've tried to do with the legislation is balance the perspectives with the
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