tv [untitled] September 16, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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dispatchers. hi. okay, no problem. you are welcome. bye-bye. >> all the information about the location, the nature of the complaint and we dispatch it. >> near the steps. >> by new they have started a hundred calls for dispatchers. >> once a get a request if they are not on the air i will page that unit. these are the radio channels. we have 14 channels. i will give a service request. >> there is a lot of expertise that goes into a call. i think we can have you dispatch and track. >> 448. >> 448. >> 19th at california.
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>> can you give us a little bit of a view. >> we have the city broken up to different districts. we will go to zone e. we will go to iowa street. put me to work. >> okay. >> bend it over like that. we chop it. >> while you do this if you come across something that looks hazardous, material wise, >> like this paint? >> you can't take paint. >> that gets dealt with by?
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>> we have a patrol truck thal pick up the paint. >> we have tv monitors and tires. you want to look for needles we don't mix needles with the garbage. >> you have to be a positive person in a way to deal with this job. you are dealing with areas you know it's been cleaned. >> basically it happens a lot where you clean up an area. you come back a couple of days later and it's back to that again. we more or less are used to it. that's -- it's our job. you have to get used to it. it's a fact. that's the way it is. >> sure. yeah. >> okay.
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>> what do you think, are you ready to sign up? >> totally. i'm over dressed. >> a little warm? must be the sweat. >> part of the daily routine is george our steamer. you see the wall people urinate on the and the sidewalk. a trick. i get it up like this. somebody got to do it. the bigger they -- >> pull the trigger. >> careful, the water's really hot, too.
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>> i have been on a packer truck. i painted removed graffiti. my favorite. >> what's that smell? pine. one of my favorite, a guy got his head stuck in a trash can. we had to get vasoline and rub his ears. [laughter]. what goes on here we will empty out and clear this area. >> ever find stuff like drugs or anything? do you deal with that. >> i don't know, do you find anything? >> everything's trash. >> dave, let's get a little of that. >> the way to do it easier without opening the can is push
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off the debris off the top and you are topping off the can. we are not supposed to empty the can. there is a can on every corner. sometimes we get calls the majority of my work is done on eyesight if i see it i do it. downtown we fill up 3 or 4 times a day. >> daily it could change and be various different assignments that come up. we can swing by, we see some of the trucks unloading in the area. >> this is our dump site, this is where we dump the debris. we come twice a day to unload all the trucks. i need you to go on up there and he will assist you to unloading the mattress and the futons.
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>> okay. okay. >> sometimes you see it popping out. you have to be very careful. pushing in and down. pull it out. >> you have been here once earlier? >> did you have as much stuff? >> more. >> oh , my god. >> did you survive your day in dpw? >> i did i learned quite a bit. the packing truck. shovelling stuff. the steamer i thought i was a candidate for an industrial accident. >> we have 340 employees.
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most of the people out there do it every day. >> i'm ready to turn in my vest. >> did a good job today. >> would you pass him on probation. >> yes. see you tomorrow at 6 i come and experience lafayette park and enjoy the people, picnic and sunshine. this is a lovely place to take an afternoon stroll with your loved one hand in hand. located at got and sacramento street in the middle of pacific heights on top of the city's steep rolling hills, lafayette park offers a great place, peaceful beauty. comfortably spaced tables and benches, a playground, rest rooms and tips at the end of the park. plenty of flat areas for football, frisbee, and picnic. lafayette is very much a couples park. this wonderful hilltop park is the place you can share with someone you cherish. lafayette park is located along
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the round at the one end campus and also easy >> thank you for gathering here today for this wonderful event. looks like the rain is going to hold off hopefully prayerfully. i am robert cowan and a pastor and we're here and we are blessed to have many of our city officials including the mayor who is going to come and speak in a few moments as soon as everyone is gathered. it's great to see everybody. what a great compilation of folks. the children aren't paying attention as it should be. how is the food? >> great. [applause] >> sip did a wonderful job with the barbecue. let's give them a hand. [applause]
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. a street violence intervention program. they did a wonderful job with the barbecue and the hamburgers and hot dogs and if you go away hungry you must be on a diet so water further delay let's welcome our mayor, mayor lee. [applause] >> thank you. thank you reverend. thanks for being here as well and blessing us. good evening everyone. welcome to herst play ground in sunnydale. i am grateful to the chief and supervisor cohen and park and rec and juvenile justice here. we have so many departments that worked together to make sure that this place is safe and we welcome everybody back here. i know that everybody feels the tragedies of things that happened a few weeks ago, but
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this community is strong because of its people, but saying we want to bring people back to our own park. this is the people's park right here at herst play ground and we want to make sure on this national night out not only do we celebrate across the city but we bring people out to their parks, to our parks, to our neighborhood to celebrate to reclaim the areas we want to be safe and collaborate with our youth and employment organizations, our education institutions to work together with seniors and families to make sure that there is no place in the city that is unsafe and particularly here, so i want to say thank you to everybody for coming out tonight, and that this should be yet another beginning, not just this one
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night. this is everybody's park. this is where the kids can feel safe to play where the parents can bring them out and watch over them where all the different agencies can have and create programs that support them. where our seniors can have a walk and feel the vibrancy of the city and invest in play grounds like this. you like this new play ground? yeah. [applause] and soon we will get the sand out of that play area and replace it with some good things that don't have the sand in them. we're going to continue investing in this neighborhood and in the people especially but i want to say again thank you to supervisor cohen. your wonderful leadership out here working with us. thank you to tamika moss and the program working with the residents of sunnydale and the community. thank you to all of the
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different agencies. i know public works is out here doing the fiscal things with rec and park but we're all here to invest in the people that live out here and i want to say thank you again to the police department. you are -- all of you are on the front lines helping us not just with your service but also making sure that community policing leads our effort here, and how about creating more jobs for our youth making sure we do the right thing because it's not just about police services. it's about youth services. making sure our public health is supported out here. give people the recovery that they need. helping with services -- our youth organizations, our health and human services program, our jobs program working together to make our community strong. this is for everyone. it's not just prevent crime. it's about encouraging people to fulfill
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their whole lives richly. this is what this play ground means to me and i plan to be out here often and embrace our kids and grow up freely strongly safely in our neighborhood. thank you everybody for being out here tonight. [applause] >> thank you sir. all right. you know advisory board for the police is the one that organized this. we really want to thank the mayor and the police chief for bringing all these resources together so that all that you can see came together. we are also blessed to sur police chief here so let's welcome our police chief suhr. >> thanks reverend. [applause] >> i got to thank the ingleside sea path as well and acknowledge the captain over there for
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coordinating with park and rec. how about the rides and jumping things? this is exactly how national night out is supposed to be. this is a national event. it's all across the country and it's just great that this year again after having such a sad event that occurred up the block just last month this year -- this is bigger than last year. we were here last year and i don't think there is anyway it was bigger than this so it's great to see everyone came back to the play ground where kids and community should always be able to go and we and the mayor and the rest of the city agencies here are committed to this neighborhood and this park should be for the kids and the community, not just on national night out but any night of the work to come and enjoy so there will be cops here regularly. soon enough they will be using this clubhouse as a place they use as the base of
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operations and there's not -- i can't say enough how much time we want to spend with the young people in san francisco and for all of the people that contributed tonight and for the mayor and his leadership supervisor cohen, the district attorney, and others and i think you jinxed us with saying the rain isn't coming and have a good time and next year will be even better. >> thank you sir. we are blessed to have the supervisor for district 10 so let's welcome supervisor cohen. >> hello family. hello. what a beautiful day. my god we couldn't have prayed for something better than this. thank you for everyone for coming out. thank you. because you know what national night out is about? it's very simple. it's one night when cities all
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around the country come together to say we're taking back our parks, taking back our streets, taking back our cities, taking it back from the violent crime element and reclaiming it as a safe haven for the community. there are people here that deserve some recognition. i want to recognize the community partners and specifically list up ms. ruth jackson sitting here in the green. this woman deserves serious recognition and love. i want to recognize the fact that we have a true community. you look around here we've got sano ans, asian pacific islander community, the chinese community, african-americans, caucasians. we have literally the physical man festation of what makes san francisco biewsm. we have the latino community. this is incredible. we have young
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people. we have seniors this. is exactly what this is about and what visitation valley is about and i want to thank all of the sponsors and partners who made this possible and all of my friends out there in the back serving and grilling and packaging food and giving from their hearts and that's what this is about. this is a labor of love so remember that as we continue to have a good time tonight. i am malia cohen. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much and we have -- blessed to have our district attorney here, district attorney gas con. >> thank you reverend and mayor and malia. the essence of community is the ability to come together and have good people use the open space, and today not only are we celebrating people coming together and using this park, but also we're
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celebrating the fact that as a community we refuse to allow violence to define us. we as a community are coming together, neighbors, police officers, supervisors, the district attorney's office, our probation because we refuse to allow our community to be defined by the worse moment -- by a bad moment of violence, so i am very proud of being here today. this park is a wonderful place. it's a place that we want to want to make sure the community uses and we are committed to ensuring this is a safe place for all to play. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. i also want to recognize rec and park for really providing so much of what you see here, the table and the
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chairs and the bouncy houses and that thing, whatever it is. it's been fantastic and a blessing with being accommodating and with this we have a closing prayer. this will go on to 8:00 o'clock but we want god's blessing on this park and now to forever only things happen to you. we ask you for your spirit here and god rebuke all violence and evil from this area. we pray in the name jesus. we know you can do it. have grace and amen. thank you very much. [applause] please give it up fo
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appreciation for the best school district in the country san francisco (clapping) in the morning a competition between us and oakland or san jose but how we're going to utilize audio innovation center to produce the best educated and compassionate kids that learn about life as well as arts and science and technology i know if he were to ask you you'd say thank you but i'm really representing many more of my colleagues, we know that's how you feel i'm going to ask you take it in. just take it in (laughter) >> this is about all of you. >> our first award is missing ms. marissa miller (clapping.)
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she's here from the quality elementary school. >> it's implementing a zircony model we embrace the partnership the best had a right part of working with my students the second i get there i'm the one who hears and sees their smile they give back more to me than i give to them. >> mri recess congratulations (clapping.) our next award recipient is judy from marshall elementary school spanish. >> i enjoy this kind of work there's surprisingly things i see the first and second grade there's something about those kids their learning to be students that it is really
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interesting and learn how to formulate questions and to be a successful teacher have you to learn yourself your not down when you get our teaching credential dollars strategies but also things to learn about the world itself so you have to be a lifelong learn. >> judy thank you keeling clark harvey milk school. >> i got into teaching by being a community member and realizing where the needs were and also wanted to spend my life doing something it help other people. when you take a child there's the little things that come up that's my philosophy you want them to have a free roll but
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give them guidance and barriers. my teaching philosophical is lots of patience and pushing kids to be better >> congratulations kelly (clapping) our next recipient award is deanna chavez 7th grade (clapping.) i like to think of might have that gives tough love to students i helping hold them accountability to reach higher and higher process i'm also having in my heart and offer them love and support. and in terms of the academic
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style i want them to be independent and help them and provide them with tools to go and analysis and investigate on their own and feel successful i think the key is having a lot of patience and participation >> (clapping.) and last but not least our high school teacher of the year michael spur ran. >> i'm in a certain stage bending by the time i am done teaching i follow them through high school and some beyond and proud of what they've done and being a part of that it is important it makes us a successful teacher is one that cares about the outcomes for students and helping them
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