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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT

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me on an ankle monitor for 75 days. and that time, i was electronically monitored through all of my walk of every day and i was also home detained after 9:00 p.m., in that time, i got my high school diploma, received an internship through the sheriff's department and have now been working for three years. and so, this does work for low level criminals. it has nothing like, i don't see them letting a murderer go on home detention, i don't see them letting anybody that has 3-d uis with may hem going on electronic monitoring but for those low level criminals that do deserve the second chances it does work. >> i want to thank you for sharing your story. and very inspiring and congratulations. thank you. >> next speaker. >> my name is kevin pull son and i am assigned to the community programs which means that i manage the deputies and
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the men and women who manage the electronic monitoring system for the department. >> i wanted to say just a few short things, one, i want to make sure that we know that in addition to knowing where people are, we also have the ability to monitor their alcohol consumption, and so we know whether they are putting themselves more at risk. and the other thing that i wanted to mention is to make sure that we know that this is a relationship that we do electronic monitoring and not just putting the person, or a person in an electronic jail. but, it is a calculus of interviewing the person and working with the person to provide them the resources that they need to successfully reintegrate with the community. and this means providing them educational services, and substance abuse services, and a variety of violence interventions so that we give them the tools to succeed in the community at the same time as letting them know that we are watching them and working with them for their success. thank you.
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>> thank you. captain. thank you for what you do. >> thank you. >> next speaker? >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is nick and i am the director of the legal services in jails in san francisco and i am an attorney and i am also an ex-offender. and one of the things that i have been working here for 15 years that mike hennesse pointed out to me when i started working here is people who go to court from outside from the street, usually stay out of jail. i was one of those lucky people many years ago. i came from a family who was able to bail me out of jail and i was able to get out, and eventually get my life together and show the court that i was worthy of staying out, part of that was the color of my skin and part of that was the socio economic family that i came from, the majority of the people in our jail don't have those resources. they don't have the opportunity to bail out and we can and then on the other issue that i want
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to talk about was the district attorney brought up the people with prior serious crimes. now, someone could have a prior serious crime from 20 years ago, not have money, and not be able to get out of jail. if for something minor today. whereas someone can have a prior serious crime and a current serious crime and have money and still get out of jail, and so, it really does, even though the public safety is a big issue, it comes out to people with money are able to get out of jail and the people without money aren't and it comes down to that simple and do we want to keep the people in jail, solely because they don't have the resources? thank you. >> thank you, very much. is there any other member of the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. again, i want to thank everyone for their thoughts and comments, and it is clear, that all of us even if we have disagreement, you know, we all agree that the main thing here
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is that we want to maintain the public as safe as possible and in the process of making sure that we explore the alternatives to incarceration and i think that it really is about striking the right balance. and we have a motion, and to amend the ordinance, and we also have to include in the amendment, the annual report. and i want to turn it to supervisor yee. >> thank you very much. >> i really, i guess that the last speaker that just spoke, hit the point very clearly to me, in that, with this is going to do is continue to look at vehicles to even out the playing field for everybody regardless of what socio economicks that people come from. and i, again as i said earlier, i think that this is just a little too... for us to help
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people get back to their lives, and so, with the annual evaluation reporting to the board of supervisors, and you are even stronger to maybe, to get this passed to the full board. and >> great, so can we take, and i just want to make sure that we are clear on the amendments to our deputy city attorney and our clerk and we are clear on the amendments and a motion to amend the amendments and so we can take the motion to amend without objection, and now on the item as amended, if we could have a motion to move this forward with a positive recommendation, as a committee report? >> so moved. >> we have a moved by supervisor yee if we could take that without objection. >> without objection. item passes. and mr. clerk, do we have any other items before the board. >> i believe that is today's business. >> meeting is adjourned. thank you.
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>> miss maufas? >> here. >> mendoza, murase. wynns, fewer. >> here. >> sonata. >> here? and here chan. >> here. >> thank you. >> please, join me in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance]
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>> the student advisory council has held the election of officers last night and hanan sonata, senior the walenberg was elected to the student delegate and, congratulations and on behalf of the board and the superintendent a welcome to you, would you like to introduce yourself to our audience please? >> thank you, president fewer. i'm the new student delegate, and i'm a senior, at the high school and just a little bit about myself, i am asb president at my school and i am a president of many clubs. and also, i would love to be the bridge or the voice for the
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students at sfusd >> we have the approval of the board minutes and i have a motion and a second? >> >> so moved. >> second. >> any corrections? >> sonata. >> abstain. >> mr. chan. >> yes. >> mr. haney? >> yes. >> miss maufas? >> miss mendoza mcdonald, miss norton? >> yes. >> miss wynns and fewer? >> yes. >> that is four ayes. >> item b presentation to the board of education, superintendent carranza? >> thank you, president fewer and good evening, everyone. a couple of announcements this friday the star spanningled banner that was pened 200 years ago will be celebrated at the francis scott key elementary, and the students and faculty will be joined by the chief,
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suhr and our very own board of education president, fewer, where the teachers will recite the four stan sa of the song and the students will share the facts and yee will sing the anthem while the brownie and the cub scouts help to raise the flag. i would also to announce that official representatives from the historically black colleges and universities will be recruiting college-bound students right here at san francisco at mission high school and interested students will have the opportunity to receive the preliminary on the spot admissions and scholarships and financial aid information and face-to-face exposure with many of the backed black institutions of the higher learning in the united states and this is the first time that this will happen here in san francisco, and i would like to invite everyone asked in learning more about historically black college to attend this event, on monday, september 15th at
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mission high school, located at 3750, 18th street. and the event will take place from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. and i look forward to greeting everyone there, this is the first year of the smarter balanced assessment, which i want to make sure that folks understand are required assessments by the state of california. and these assessments will measure the students' success in meeting the common core state standards if you are interested in learning more about these, please join our staff at one of our parent information sessions and the first one will be on thursday, september 18th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., at the civic center, auditor um to learn how the tests will measure the student learning in english, language and arts and math and we will have the staff from the humanities and math to share the information to rsvp all that you need to do is to contact the office at aao, at
5:15 am or call 415-241-6400. thank you. >> thank you, superintendent. >> and item c, recognitions and resolutions and commendations. >> thank you. >> so i would like to ask, executive director joe and the executive director leslie gardener to come to the podium but i would like to give the background and the context to everyone watching and everyone here this evening. the school quality is an approach to improvement that is proposed by the office to preform education which is california school districts including san francisco to replace the no child left behind, accountability rules to a federal waiver process, sfusd is one of court that applies to the department of education for avenue waiver, for flexibility in these recognitions the four districts
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represent more than 1 million students here in california. the school quality improvement system called for an unprecedented difference on eliminating disparity and disproportionalty across all subject and all academic content areas and also in social and emotional and culture climate domain and while part of it is to identify the schools in need of intervention and the system provides us with the unique opportunity to acknowledge the title i schools that are performing and making progress, at their schools and these schools are identified for reward schools for high progress are performance, and for the 2014, 15 high, performance schools, they are identified because they are in
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the top 30 percent of schools based on performance and have within the school achievement gaps in the lowest 30 percent across all par participating schools and must also show the improvement in the lowest group and for 2014, 15, our school district has two schools identified as high, performance schools and we could not be more proud to recognize them. first is gordon j. elementary school and here to accept the award is the incredible principal, dr. chiu and one of the high, performance schools and whose principal was last year, and accepting is the new principle mayra quadro, we would like you to come up and please join me for a picture
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please? >> >> we also have the schools of the reward and high progress
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and they are identified because they are in the top 25 percent, on the schools of the academic schools school wide and show the progress in the lowest subgroups for the school year, sfusd has four schools identified as high progress schools. >> five schools. >> sorry, five schools so let me read the schools and then we are going to ask their representative to come forward and cleveland elementary, with their principal mark sanchez, and far mont elementary school whose last year's principal was mr. holinsk but accepting is the new principal rodriguez. >> paul reveer, prek-8 and the principal. and everett, middle school and the principal, and guest.
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and rosa parks elementary school, principal paul jacobson, congratulations.
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>> okay we have one more school that we would like to honor, sfusd has one school that is identified as both, a high, performance and a high progress school and we are very, very glad to honor john chin and their principal alen lee and we are proud of the work that they have done and all of the teachers and staff have done to serve our services. and so chin, and lee are you here? >> no. and could we give them a round of applause? [ applause ]
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president fewer, good evening, president fewer and commissioners, and deputy superintendents and superintendent carranza, and last night we had our student advisory council, cabinet election, and the following people, were elected. and president jones. >> please silence, audience for the student delegate's report. >> vice president wong and, secretary lamb, and public relations linking and historian, rebecca borh, and treasurer, and the next and first cabinet meeting will be next monday, september 15th at 5 p.m., thank you. >>
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>> thank you, gavin. and so, this year, with the sac is proud to announce that we will be having a student leadership conference, training on saturday, september 20th, and there will there will be the entire sac, and there will be do the leadership workshops, and the sac is a public council, and anyone is welcome to attend our meetings. and as an added incentive dinner will be provided at all of our sac representative meetings. and the guests attending at 5:00 p.m. also, if you would like to attend, make your presentation or would like a copy of the upcoming sac agenda, please contact our sac coordinators, barr.
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thank you very much, we have item e, the parent advisory council report, is there a report this evening? >>
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[ speaking in a foreign language ] >> good afternoon, this is the report, from the describes, the process that the pac established for the priorities of the year, and the highlights the past activitis for this month. and in the our first meeting was on august 28th.
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[ speaking in a foreign language ] >> the park appreciates, superintendent carranza's efforts, and that he has made in the meeting the priorities
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of the students for the school year of 2014/15, in his presentation, he highlighted four areas of focus for the district this year. first implementing the common core standards. and second, providing transparency about how the schools are funding and insuring that they are in alignment for the six strategis for success and supporting our students. and third, implementing, the safe and supportive schools initiative, and fourth to support african americans student achievement. >>
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the areas that we will be identifying the priorities for the year. >> we will review the district's strategies and initiatives and our work over the past couple of years, and the san francisco unified school district student data to help to determine the priorities for the year. we will report on this process, next month.
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>> one of the areas that the path work and it will carry over into this year's work and the local and the controlbility plan and lcap, and next week, the pac will be meeting with our district partners to discuss lunching the lc8 p task force. we will be needing to support the earlier community engagement and increase the transparency and insure the ability of the over all sap process.
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>> over the next month, we will continue to follow up with the school communities that are participating in the lack community and conversation to share the report of the findings and recommendations based on the community input and we recognize, that it is an important part of the process to letting the families know that their voices are heard and valued and respected.