tv [untitled] September 17, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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the volume and having the risk that, we would in terms of processing 15,000 applications. >> and okay, so, we are hoping that families will get in touch with us and they can contact us, and come to the educational placement center, we have staff, that is dedicated to work with the families one to one. and meet with them individually to talk through, what their choices might be and what their situations are. and to give them information about schools. and we are open every day, from 8:00 to 4:30, they don't need appointments to come in or they can also contact us by phone or by e-mail we have enroll in school, at where they can find all of this information again on our website. >> and so, this is the most important date that we want
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families to remember. january, 16th, 2015. and it is the date, that we want all families who are applying for school placement to submit their application. >> and we are anxious to welcome them into sfusd. >> thank you, miss limb for that presentation, board members, any comments or questions? or questions for her before she leaves? >> commissioner wynns? >> thank you. >> thank you for the presentation, and i just wanted to ask that we particularly and we will with the admissions are finished for the next year that we have some analysis on the admission and particularly of the public school kids, verses
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private school kids in relation to the way that it has been before and it represents an opportunity, and the only time that we will ever have the same test administered both to the public and the private school kids and we have had opinions, and conjecture in the past about sort of unfairness, because private school kids were taking the test even though it was a different test, months after public school kids were administered to their standardized test and others believe, i have talked to people who believe that the opposite is true, because they don't take it as an unusual and unique experience for them and so this will be a good time to take advantage of this. unintentional experiment and to know and see what we can learn from that. and i appreciate all of the work and i look forward to this. and hopefully we will have a successful year, thank you. >> dually noted. >> commissioner norton? >> i want to thank you first of
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all, for this, and for some of the changes here. and there are some things that i have long advocated for and it is really great to see them being implemented particularly starting our process a little bit earlier and i know that that is really hard, on the department. because you are still finishing up last year's process. and in a couple of weeks we are saying, start the next cycle, and so i really appreciate that you are going to start to take that earlier and that we are starting and because i think that there is just families as you said even though there is no advantage to starting in october verses november, it is just the process that they want to start and being told that they can't start and we are not ready for them is the wrong message and i appreciate that. i did also have a quick question, about particularly the lowell process and i just i agree with the commissioner wynns suggestion but i also wanted to just, i got a question from a parent who
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received an e-mail, that sounded like there was going to be any one opportunity to take the test? but it sounds like there are four opportunities and are we doing that in different locations or are they all at lowe. ll? or how does that work? >> we plan to administer the test at lowell over four evening and in order to manage that many students, we are going to be assigning them based on last night, to a particular day, but that does not mean that, you know, there is no flexibility, there. and so, families will contact us, if they can't make it on a particular day and it is very easy to schedule them for another day. >> all right, that is good. >> and then, i am also very interested in the testing that we are doing of an on-line application. and so i would love to be kept up to date on how that is going and when we complete our first round of it and how it went, and all of that and because that is another thing that i definitely have been interested
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in seeing us do for many years, thanks. >> commissioners? any other comments? or questions? >> commissioner haney? >> you know, you don't see me and then you forget my name. it should be easier to know which one i am because there are less of us. >> thank you for this presentation, and for the work and i echo the comments around some of the changes in how they reflect some of the feedback that we have been hearing in both the good for parents and families but also good for your department in terms of how to make this work and i am really excited about also, the on-line, application process, and i know that is something that we have talked a lot about. and i would echo the comments, and the interests to learn more about that, as it rolls out. and i also wanted to bring up something that we have also talked about, which is looking at our interactive school
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selection tool, and thinking about the resources that are available, on-line for the families to compare the schools and to look for schools that fit their needs and really enhancing what is available on-line resources and i think that the direct out reach and the one on one and everything is incredible and you know, idealy, everyone will have those one on one meetings but in terms of, if there is anything, that you would add around what is available now, with the interactive school selection tool so that the parents and families can explore what is available on our website, currently and then if there is any updates that you have either with the on-line tool or the other things that you are thinking about in the office and your department and how to and what is available for the families as it stands. >> thank you, commissioner haney. and i did want to mention that we are working on improving our on-line school selector, and it is a good tool, and but it is
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not perfect. and so, the family cans go in there and check the criteria in terms of what they want in terms of you know, the schools start times or programs, and the selector will, hopefully help them filter through all of the schools and the schools pop up. and then they can look more deeply into those schools and it does not work as well, because we have some challenges, sometimes, in upkeeping that information, updated. and so, we are working in partnership with our it department to redesign that, completely and hopefully, at some point, we will come up with a scope and of what that work would look like, and because we do want to be able to draw from a good data base. and and that is updated because right now, principals actually have to go in and manually change everything,, and so we want to be able to have all that have data in one location. and it can feed into the school
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selector. so, that is in discussion right now. and there is a lot of things on our ip side that you know, they are, and we are working on. >> thank you. >> commissioners? >> anything other comments, or questions? so, i just want to thank you very much for this presentation, and also... >> excuse me. >> student delegate? >> yeah. i would like to comment that this enrollment fair is really helpful, for especially for the 8th graders, like 4 years ago when i was applying like, i was just a private school kid and i had no clue what it was about and my brother was like you should go to this enrollment fair and i attended and it was great, i found the galeleo academy and i will bring it to the sac and advocate it. >> thank you. >> we didn't know that about you. >> thank you very much.
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>> yes. how lucky we are, how lucky we are to have you. >> and i just want to say thank you for this information and it is very informative and so far, for the listening audience, i want to reiterate one more time that the enrollment fair to this year, and the school year, 2015, 16, will be held on saturday, october 25th, at john oconnel high school that is located at 2355 fulsom from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. and, i encourage that we all attend all perspective parents attend even if you have are thinking about your child's next transition into our school and maybe it is not this year but next year, and so that you can kind of make the rounds. and i think that it is very informative and you meet actually the principal and the administration and the teachers and students of those schools and so it is quite informative. and thank you very much. >> thank you again.
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>> okay. >> we are on to item n, consent calendar resolutions, there are none tonight. >> let us vote on the consent calendar and, moved and he coulded under section f. >> thank you, commissioner. >> miss sonata? >> yes. >> mr. chin. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas >> yes... (inaudible). >> thank you, commissioner. >> and muraseds, mcdonald, and murase. >> wynns and fewer? >> yes. >> and thank you. >> and consent calendar, resolution severed for the board discussion and any immediate actions i think that it is this one, f1 through f15. ni. i want to propose that we will pull this item to be voted on at a future meeting. >> yes. >> yes.
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>> the personnel item. >> i did think that commissioner maufas wants to have a discussion. >> sorry. >> i am not in my seat. >> so i am speaking to the student delegate. >> thank you. >> and so we were going to hold this for discussion and vote at a next meeting. >> i just want to have a fuller conversation. and... (inaudible) i want to have an opportunity for the hr director, and also participate in the discussion. >> so, we will move that. >> and for the second discussion, when we have this up for a vote again before the board. >> that will be at the meeting. >> okay. >> do we have any personnel committee, schedule before that time? >> no, we don't. i personally, would like there
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are much numbers there that i think that the topic will go for the committee meeting and i request that. >> would you note that commissioner maufas request that it be held at the personnel and labor committee meeting. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and commissioners, and madam president you are removing this item nyes, i am. >> if the first reading and it will come back at a future board meeting. >> that is correct. >> thank you very much. >> and could i ask you a question? >> since these are hundreds of contracts for employees, is there, or does this have any impact on them, are they paid or they employees or health benefits. >> they are technically, employees of the district, they all of their contracts are subject to the board ratification that is what this process is. and the ratification, has to occur but it can be delayed for a reasonable period of time and it will not effect their ability to draw a paycheck.
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>> okay. >> thank you. >> miss wynns, does that satisfy your question? >> sure, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> superintendent carranza? >> so just to be clear about what we are going to bring to the committee, and to and i understand that commissioner maufas wanted to have a report on hiring, correct? >> and that was one and i think that there is a much fuller conversation, that can be had. >> and not only, that is why i was requested that we have the hr person, because there are numbers that we need to have as well. and so i want to give her an opportunity, to run those numbers and she probably already has them and report that out to us. i think that we have gotten use to having that presentation at the beginning of the school year, you know, how many, and if we had any vacancies at the
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beginning of the school year and just what we looked like on day one and so i am hopeful that we can get that presentation from her. >> and in addition to the this other information and that is why i think that it is a fuller conversation to be had at personnel. >> that makes sense. >> and so, commissioner haney, is chair of that committee, and so, dually noted, i think that the items that have been requested by the commissioner maufas. >> okay >> thank you very much. >> and commissioner haney, will you please notified maufas and confer with her about the items so that it is correctly stated? >> and yes, i will be happy to and just one point of clarification, do we need to have this particular item that was pulled tonight, heard in the personnel committee, sooner than the next board meeting or what sort of time line? >> i don't think so, i think that we will bring this back, if we need the further discussion about this
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particular item, and concerning these appointments and we will have them at that time but i believe, that commissioner maufas is asking for an update and the question about process. >> thank you very much. >> got it, thank you. >> thanks. >> and commissioner haney, thank you. >> and okay. let's see, item q, we have done that already. >> item r none today. >> board members reports and please, commissioner norton report from the budget and business services committee of september 3, 2014. >> yes, the budget and businesses committee first heard the one purpose charter school, application, and that that was forwarded to the board without recommendation and neither positive or negative and we also heard a informational presentation on the changes for the services and it was very interesting, and there is a lot going on for those of who you are not at that committee meeting and i
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highly recommend getting a copy of the presentation or talking to miss okeefe and one of the things that i learned is that over a third of the schools are serving three meals a day and which is pretty exciting and so there was a lot more in it and i can't do it justice here and it was really exciting to hear all of the changes and the great stuff going on and i commend the department for all of the hard work that they are doing. >> and would you please report on the curriculum and parking committee. >> thank you, president fewer, and what i would like to do tonight and i will think that we will do this until my time on the board and sitting on the board is over, which will be in december, is that transition, and from the current committee chair, and that transition will happen in the mid year, for us committee members. and the chair ship will go to the commissioner haney and so,
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in that process, he was able to kindly work with, our the associate superintendent of curriculum and instruction, and so he set the agenda for last night and, many of the topics that were brought forward were, i think, quite pertinent to hearing, and so i will speak on a couple of items and then we will leave the balance of the presentation to the commissioner haney, which we will soon be. >> and commissioner haney, thank you. >> thank you. >> and so, oh,, were you not listening. >> no. >> and he was like, on the report of the rest of them. >> and you were going to begin the report and then... you set the agenda, and i will let you, finish up the report if that is okay with you. >> yeah, absolutely. thank you. >> and so, we had quite a lengthy meeting that was full of robust discussion, and the agenda items were and they were
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actionable, and authorization to grant and an alternative or to deny the petition of the one purpose charter school and a recommendation, to approve or an alternative deny, a material revision to the kipp san francisco college prep charter and the middle school students and the recommendation to approve or end the alternative or to deny a material revision to the gateway high school charter and the admissions for the gateway middle school students. >> but because these three particular items are going to come to the full board, of education, for a lot, or for a deeper discussion, on september 23rd, and i think the deep conversation that we had last night, should be left for that meeting. and as a report out. and it just makes sense to me for which all of the petitioners will be here in the
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room with the advocates to hear the report out. and it happened at the curriculum meeting and because it was, i think that the conversation was needed, and i believe that it would be better served if we report that part out and at the full board meeting, on september 23rd, if that is okay, with the board members, and our staff. >> and i will leave the rest of the report out to you commissioners. >> well it was an honor to serve last night as a deputy chair or your chair in training. last night. >> yeah. >> and she is my obi one of it. and so we had three items that we actually had, and it was a very long meeting that we are here to almost 11 last night and so thank you to the all of the staff and the members of the public who stuck with us through most of that.
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we had three informational items which were all really important and informative and the first was that we heard an update on the summer stem and steam activities that took place, and it was really an extraordinary and i think ground breaking, summer for us, with respect to our stem education, and activities. and we had 2332 students, served across the city, as part of these efforts, and that is in k5 and incoming 6th grade and high school and just to say a little bit about each of those things, in k5, we had 276 students and they we want on the field trips and they had a five-day summer camp focused on roboticand it really sound $like a lot of fun and a lot of getting out there and partnerships with the museums and experiences first hand, the different things that are happening in our city. and for sixth graders the focus was a little bit different and so we have a step up program
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that currently exists for the incoming 6th graders and takes place before a school begins, and we had a significant ad-on to that. and involving the stem activities and so we call it hash tag step up to stem and, so there were added on two hours each day, of the stem activities that took place during the step up program, and again, really extraordinarily got to hear a lot about those activity and all of the positive feedback that we heard from the students who participated and a big thing that came out of that is next year we hope to see more participation, and particularly from the african american students and there was some conversation about how we might do that. and so, if you are listening to this and you are already thinking about what you are going to be doing, late next summer and you have a rising fifth grader and an incoming 6th grader next summer be sure to calendar that because it is going to be continuing and lately, we had 390 students who
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had previously failed biology, who took a hands on place based biology curriculum and really, incredible numbers that we had, and of those 390 students, zero failed, and so all 390 passed the class. [ applause ] . >> and this is really extraordinary, and it was a huge improvement from last summer and i think that we attributed that a bit to the course itself. and the degree to which it was engaging and relevant for the students and the second thing that we heard is that we had an update, on our school quality and improvement system. and to hear a little bit about the main activities that are going to be taking place for 2014, 15, and for those of you who don't know what it is, there are a lot of it here and it came out of the core district waiver which we received from the department of education and it is allowing us
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heard a bit about, what our school district does and how we respond in the case of, traumatic events when they occur, and that impact, either individuals within our school systems or entire school communities in many cases and really, i think, that all of us were, you know, incredibly impressed with how our school district can communicate and coordinates with the city, and the police department, and the public health, and we had an update from the associate superintendent who is really the point person on these efforts. and so in those instances in which there is an awful, traumatic tragedy that occurs it effects our school community, and all of the people who really jump into action and to support those family and to support the students in particular, and all of the different people who are involved with that. and so we were, obviously, it was, sort of there has been a number of things that have
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happened over the last couple of weeks and throughout the summer and especially we want to make sure that when the things do occur over the summer that the school district is aware that we are respond and that when the school begins that the support is there and that we are responding in the same way that we would during the school year and so that was also a piece of of the information. and so there was the update and that got us to 11 last night. >> and the commissioner, maufas? >> thank you, president fewer, i know that we had a lengthy meeting last night, commissioner haney and i just want to commend you for navigating us through some of these difficult topics and not short changing us, everything, that we needed that was on the agenda, we needed to hear and so i appreciate that. i really do. thank you very much. >> thanks for everyone. >> okay, item t. oh,, the student delegates.
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>> i have to personally have to say that i love the idea of the biology make-up course, because i know that a lot of people at my school, who biology let's just say that biology is not their course. and they did not do very well in it and when we talk about the summer school they are just like oh, summer school, you know? and it is just like having this new course, and as i saw in the last page of the powerpoint and there was a lot of good feedback not only from the teachers but from the students and that i think is just amazing. >> yes, student delegate? >> all right. and i really liked that hands on experience. because like right now, i am in the environmental science pathway in my high school and so we have like field trips once a week and like, based on the packet inside, they said, wow there is like field tripses to the field and it is like
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when you get a field trip you are like wow, this is like free time or like wow you could actually learn stuff and compared to in a classroom atmosphere. okay? >> thank you, student delegates, yes we were quite impressed with the results and so we gave them, kutos for that whole program and thank you for your input. >> item t, report of closed session actions. >> the board will go into closed session, and just before i do, i would like to read the adjournment for this meeting. >> it is with much sadness that i adjourn this meeting in memory of latrel shaw, 19 years old. who met an untimely and tragic death last friday. played football and graduate fromed mission high school in 2012. he attended kipp academy and it was while he was in elementary school that he developed a love
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for mathematics, his father, lavel shaw said that working with numbers was his favorite thing to do. and that love of math stayed with him all throughout his school experience. many of his friends and teachers remember him as a loving person. and that they just got a warm feeling from being around him. and he began attending lincoln university in philadelphia after graduation, and to become a mathematician, but has recently returned home to san francisco, for personal reasons. he has four older sisters one older brother and one younger brother, his oldest sister kaina graduated from mission in 2010, this last june after having open heart surgery she graduated from fresno state. >> another system britney attends sonoma state and the younger brother attends mission high, all of the siblings maintained a 3.0 gpa, he is described by his family simply as an easy going kid. who made you feel good, when
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you were with him. services for him are pending, for further information about his services, please contact his father, at 415-740-8525. and the board of education, and superintendent of schools, extends insigher condolences to the family and the mission high school community, we will now go into the recess of the regular meeting into the closed session, thank you. >> hi, are we on? okay. and now, i resume the regular meeting of the board. this is an announcement of the closed session items. read out of the closed session 9914. public employment. the board by a vote of 7 ayes approved the contracts of one
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