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tv   [untitled]    September 20, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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race specific information. >> so you're doing a lot more to make sure we don't - >> we have the no, no zone map. >> commissioner akers. >> yeah. so i understand the notification process i have two questions one are there other options to invite runsers and why are you playing music at 6 and to answer our first question we've not been able to invite racers of the information it makes up the technical announcements music that we as a part of this past november bedebrief we've agreed to condense the show so we determine whatever is required that will make up the
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runner show like the nature ann themselves them and we deploy a wave start so we don't send all 25 thousand racers off at the same time so there's a requirement or a necessity i should say to have that same runner for each of the 4 waves to have the same experience, if you will, at the race. >> on the music. >> that's y what i'm speaking about. >> i'm not clear what's the earliest we've given permits for music. >> with data breakers and the rock-and-roller tlarn typically their started to start early so they can reopen the streets so
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you don't have street closer all day long that requires the speaker permits to be that early. >> typically the staff brings it to you will say as the level of complaints the fact they didn't have a permit last year. >> commissioner perez. >> with the visitations with the runners do you have a written consummation passage so people can get it on the website for the preapplication day. >> we do that there's communications they've received e-mail and it is communicated on the e-mails on the website on site other our both technical on friday and saturdays but they don't remember it or don't bring it with them it's critical
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information in and a half we need them to be at the right place when the race starts and that's the most effective we've looked at did r f d visitations methods we know deploy and nothing has proved as effective as good ole amplified sound. >> commissioner hyde and commissioner akers. >> have you done any community organizations so like there's a way to tell the people that live in the area have you done that outreach. >> it's been trick n i didn't in the union square area we've down i done that but we worked with the bid and we've worked with merry al kline and other people trying to identify unions groups we can work with in
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partnership there's been a outreach and nobody's has been able to say this the community group or the organization you should partner with so basically, what we've done without that in place we have those mailings those first class mailings that starts friday, a month out and reinforce the communication and it has a complete accept of call to action included in those communications so if they have questions they can e-mail, etc. >> through supervisor chiu's office you asked for information. >> yes. >> as well as the bid as well as merrill at the mta, etc. >> commissioner akers and then maybe we'll try to wrap up.
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>> last year, we had complaint from the community did that include the residents or mostly hotels and they were apartment buildings around jones street. >> so there's a record of those resident it was a written complaint; right? so when we have their e-mails or i e-mailed each and everyone of that prior to the hearing and had one response. >> they were included in the mailings as well. >> they're not going out - >> this friday. >> so other than the e-mails for people to claim last year not much community notifications. >> i believe it was when they went to escot to get their street closer your your significantly changing the set
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in the way there's fewer apartments and you're going to have the hotel people upset. >> we filled most of the hotel rooms but working with them. >> quickly so the music at the start of the race they're heading off to the marina who is left behind like union square are there a lot of people don't your music continue to play. >> once the last runner stops we have to open the road and the last republicer is about finishing in 7:30ishes so from the first to last runner as soon as the last runner we're out of this quickly. >> commissioner foster. >> thank you for flipping the start that's going to be huge
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like you said the hotel you're filing i don't know the manager is going to be calling to claim but flipping it will make a huge it was. >> all right. i'm going to take public comment thank you so much for being here to answer our questions is there any public comment? please head towards the microphone. >> i'm a resident of pow street approximately 16 hundred feet from where the spooeshgz speakers were located it started at 440 music it of the interim music until 10 minutes past 5 then continuous i think all the residents imperfect understand the logic we shouldn't deny a permit we should allow people to use the loudspeaker there's no
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reason to have loudspeakers you can do a loud pod cast at 5:15 a.m. there were if i runners own the street the runners had their own headphones so there's absolutely no reason to allow this to be a nuisance this is a marathon not a disco then to understand the true impact it has on the residents to have a survey to have in this case or whoever the noise pollutant pay for a noise survey and understand what the installation level of the buildings in that area the installation is probably insufficient compared to the level of noise and the be perimeters of how much noise should be denied. >> thank you thank you is there any additional public comment on this matter?
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i don't see any sooedz any police comment on this the matter is with the commission commissioners any other discussion or a motion >> emotion. >> emotion yeah. >> ailed like to make a motion to approve this permit with absolutely no sound before 6:00 a.m. and that we have an inspector there to make sure the sound levels are accurate to help our neighbors. >> great is there a second for the motion. >> i see you shawn (laughter). >> there are two inspectors now is there a second for the
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motion to approve with no sound to start before 6:00 a.m. as the permit application is requesting and have one of our inspectors there to monitor. >> second there's a second. >> on the motions to approve no music before 6:00 a.m. and then also to have a sound inspector monitor arrest commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner hyde commissioner perez commissioner akers no president tan motion - >> the motion passes we're going to move on to the next permit. >> yes. we were so the next one doing business as as a bus stop one of the oldest family owned bars in the city on union street they've had a billiard permit and want the music and
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the family have been involved in the union street you'll find letters of support i believe we have one letter of opposition e opposition and the union square approval the good neighbor policy that requests the backdoor closed with live entertainment. >> hello, welcome. >> again, thank you. >> would you like to tell us where why you're applying. >> we're doing something like during the happy hour maybe a jazzy thing to give more vibe to our place the street and it is just kind of it's a good permit not past 10 so not going to get out of control and we're looking to enhance our business that's pretty much it. >> all right. other questions
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for applicant? commissioner >> you're going to be okay with the backdoor being shut. >> yes. >> are y going to be booking the band user. >> myself or our manager japantown's. >> and the outreach you did how what was that conducted i don't know if you have the union square go association but there's a letter from them we did outreach to the golden gate valley association we've done outreach to the police department, and talked to 0 couple codify neighbors you're going to have opposition to everything we are very responsible with our business we stopped doing major crawls for the neighborhood because the last of the neighborhood you've got to respect the neighborhood
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we've done quite a bit of outreach everyone know we're applying so thailz. >> commissioners other questions commissioner perez and you mentioned you're going to book the art district. >> yes. >> how how are you going to inform from one musician to allocate. >> as far as what levels. >> what type of speakers they use or, you know, were not going to make a crazy sound and as far as some sort of level with everyone not totally sure we have to get in there and see how it is and sound and see how it sound from the outside and be responsible that with and go from there we've not done this
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yet so we do know how the sound is going to be go with the first few artists and see what it contaminates to convey that to the rest of the people. >> you're going to have your own sound person managing the sound so- >> we're not booking to get into sound boards a maybe a sound guy and keep it at that level. >> are you planning on am fizzing it at all an amplifier system so they have to bring their own. >> yes. that's how do you control the level you i mean you can have your own d b meter and that's a good idea we could do that and again, it would go on a base to base beginning and get a meter and that is a good idea.
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>> we don't villaraigosa a booking to go into sound boards or that and a half. >> commissioner lee. >> so i i know the place is very small and the front door it in the middle why do you plan to put our entertainment. >> if you walked into the front door the bar is right here the luggage and pool room here we're looking at to put it further away from the front door that is closed and further away from the backdoor that is the most ideal area to keep it down inside the place and it's noted near the windows or near the windows in the back or anything so that's kind of where we're looking to put it and so if the musician brings their own amplifier it will be a
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small one or a stack, you know, and they are quite loud would you be monitoring that. >> of course, i with the manager with the sound meter i, of course, of course, of course, we have neighborhoods that live particularly right next door to us myself and my wife live on the top floor of the building we're just as effected granted it our business but we want to be respect fellowship full to everyone and if it's too loud and we decide on a sound that's appropriate, of course, we'll have to turn it down. >> great i don't see any other questions or comments so why not have a seat we'll anyone from the public wish to speak on this item is there any public comment? bus stop applications for live permits i see one person getting up are you robert barry dpel.
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>> i'm robert i have lived on filbert street for thirty years i'm the president of the golden gate valley association but i'm not representing that i know a number of people that are unhappy with the pro peck of live music at the bus stop but they're afraid of what might happen rather than being evidence space if we heard the report from the two sound inspectors they would be encouraged if that's right problems it will be addressed immediately i think this is the number one issue the other issue is the attractive nuisance i heard discussions from the inspectors cracking down open aspects of the attractive nuisances problems with urban nation i
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think the people are curled up i know that have known jason and gabbing close to 20 years their responsible, mature adults it's under those circumstances not going to be turned into a frat party i'll be willing to stake whatever reputation i have (laughter) i have fond memories of an islander establishment it was a cool place to sit and have an appetiteer and listen to music features and to the establishments we don't have a movie theatre or the proper bookstore this may bring culture life back so i urge the
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commission to approve that. >> is there any additional public comment on this all right. seeing none, public comment is closed commissioners would you like to make a motion oh, sorry forgot about the police any police comments. >> good evening, commissioners aim vince the permit officer for the northern police department the northern station has no opposition to this l lp we ask a few conditions so the front doors be closed specifically the boarding backdoor and the bus stop should agree to the guidelines of the limited life performance permit i believe that gabbing has done a good job with his community outreach
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reaching to the golden gate association i've received two calls in protest they were worried about the noise coming from the backdoor gabbing applied for a one night permit new years eve and i didn't get one complaint i went by that night he had a band with the noise going towards the back it was not extensive and had it under control so that's all i have. >> great it's very helpful thank you so we heard the conditions i don't think we have them but they seem standard and their overall today the good neighbor policy backdoor closed and follow the rules (laughter) so anyone like to make a motion. >> i move to approve this permit with the police
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companies. >> i second. >> all right. any further discussion. >> i think, you know, blue light cafe used to have live music union square was a place for jazz and live music it disappeared hopefully, this will help if done properly bus stop has been around so long noted to over due it did you if you could bring music back to union street i agree with the recommendations of the police. >> same house, same call? all right. approved. >> motion approved oh, sorry okay. all right. well, then let's go ahead and vote. >> is commissioners foster commissioner lee commissioner hyde commissioner perez
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commissioner akers and president tan. >> all right. that's you unanimous let's move into our next permit valley attentively. >> this is vince hogan doing business as as valley attentive mr. hogan has been a bar owner for a long time he has owned 7 establishment now an castro he want to the add jazz possibly a dj it has an outdoor patio area in the binder is one of the conditions not to have amplified sound and hogan knows that and occasionally having non-amplified sound outdoor he has letters of the support in your bind and this huge stack of petitions of people that are
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supporting the live performance at the valley staff republican. >> go ahead and introduce user. >> i'm the doctor and . >> closer and louder. >> our intent in pursuing the live entertainment permit to have the ability to have the performs come and not make it a normal kind of thing that's the quiet neighborhood it's important to know there are not other venues that have limited entertainment on the street that would be we're able to add this thirty to the culture of the neighborho neighborhood. >> into the mike thank you. >> we reached out to the neighborhood there's about elizabeth street neighbors and
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jersey street neighbors that have no objections to this point we are mainly a sports bar and taken place e taken in the down times entertainment and we have only existing sound system that wouldn't be louder than a judy box i have been in business since 2000 and before that semester 1987 we're asking you to give us this license. >> thank you great commissioners you guys have any questions and can you explain our background to the busiest do you allow smoking in the background do your guests go
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back that how do you keep the sound is from leaking. >> there's a door between the backyard and the bar the lot is one hundred and 4 feet the backyard is 40 feet and we have to have a sound wall that's not in yet we got permission from the planning commission to use the backyard there's no sound so people go out there for a quiet drink. >> so you're going to constrict a sound wall. >> yes. we are charles the sound people are the one side that are designing the wall for us that will keep the sound from the neighborhood we probably wouldn't do my microscopic in the backyard anyway. >> we're more will concerned or concerned about lineal. >> the wall is 13 feet high and
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20 feet long so i think that will incorporate it we've done testing. >> we get a lot of complaint about poems voices so people with are gathering as a group and drinking outside even though they don't have speakers resident maybe concerned that people are hanging out i making too much noise and charles has done testing we did testing with a lot of people out in the garden they've given us a wall to stop all the noise and sound. >> we need this wall everywhere in san francisco other kegdz. >> you're not going to do sound outside. >> no, it's an abc restriction it's within the walls of the bar. >> i don't see any other
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questions you can go ahead and have a stewart seat police questions or comments parker is not here. >> the police submit their concerns they're in your packet commissioners make sure you look at that i'm going to anyone from the public wish to speak on this item any public comment on the application i don't see any sooigd. >> i move to approve with the police conditions. >> i'm sorry what is was the question. >> i move to approve with the police commissions basically turning down the sound and compiling with the abc license. >> there's another motion is there a second. >> i'll second. >> all right. commissioner
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frost seconds any further discussion? nope let's take a vote. >> all right. on the motion to approval with the police conditions supervisor frost commissioner lee commissioner perez commissioner akers president tan. >> all right. the motion passes we're going to move on to 6 d common lounging lounge. >> i see steve lee that is doing the business different from this mr. lee this is a karaoke lounge they're coming into compliance and we'll have steve to chat with you. >> hello commissioners i want to take the opportunity to present an application for the entertainment e license for my common lounge and karaoke a private room i
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also have signed petitions of support from the neighbors. >> sole purpose so upper operating didn't know i needed a permit. >> didn't know we needed a permit for the karaoke. >> how long were you renting. >> since october. >> so not too long close to a year commissioners you guys have a question for mr. lee commissioners. >> how much outreach have you done. >> we walked around the neighborhood and talking to the neighbors and residents there's addresses on p there patrons that who frequent our areas i've talked with them and they've
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signed the petition of support, local businesses in my area. >> commissioner hyde on the one hand. >> so how do you find out you needed this permit. >> by - and but it wasn't complaint from outside it was just. >> just doing a routine check. >> okay. >> all right. commissioner lee. >> so i remembered an establishment prior to yourselves it's in the back there's a bar in front of your place correct. >> right. >> so i don't know there's a lot of activity in the front so if nobody knew you were that the back. >> that's true it's a popular spot called the islands