tv [untitled] September 21, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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>> so bus stops transit only lanes for fixed vehicles we can do otherwise we're relying on the police department to enforce the moving violations. >> that would be another great one to continue to pursue at the state level i agree i'm not sure how we would have the level of enforcement available to keep the vehicles from moving in those red lanes that's all i have directors anything else you would like to bring up director heinicke? >> thank you let me just start by complimenting the industry. it's not lost on us that this is a tough time for you all and and i think it's important to say that. today you know, certainly more than we have in the past and maybe for the first time we as board members heard sobriety accept ance and even a little bit of optimism about the current situation it's good to hear that i think
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some of you said these tnc's are here to stay and there's sort of two fronts going on and you are pushed back against them and one is this effort towards regulatory alignment and that's going on and as mr. gruberg said a lot of that is out of our hands and a lot of it is competitive alignment and let me start with a mandate that all -- i didn't mean to force you to take responsibility for this i was one of the proponents i thought that the private ap sector could fill the void and seems that they have come close and i'd like now to have a regulation coming from this board board to the industry soon before my kids dress up for for halloween if possible, that mandates that all cabs be
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ap enabled and on an ap that services a very large number i'll let the regulators pick the number, of cabs and basic follow up which should be fees should be feasible electronically that people are actually using them and not a phantom sign up and making sure all of our in coming drivers know how to use these aps and fully understand the benefit this will have for them. the ap will solve the credit card problem problem and not only will that give our customers a better payment option which we know is what they want, as i've been saying for a long time it will enhance the safety of our drivers as this becomes a cash less business you will be less likely to be robbed or held up and that is a really really
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good thing and not only would an ap solve all these response problems and all that i should say the ap will solve the payment problems if people know about it there has been clever ads about fly wheel and this and that the second thing i would request -- this doesn't need to be a regulation or rule but i'd like a report back to this board if possible before the the end of the year on what our current advertising efforts and plans are and i'd urge that these advertising efforts not just be focussed on letting folks know fly wheel curb exists but actually documenting how they are doing telling folks the response rate information we have from our partners in the industry and showing people how large the fleet is so that people realize
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there's a really large fleet there to leverage and i think we should commit m u.n. i resources to that whether that be bus signs or whatever available advertising resources we have this is part of our fleet and advertise it just like public safety and that sort of thing and finally i think we need to look at what regulations we can relax to allow that industry to compete better. for as long as i've been doing this, and i know exactly how long because i was at tapped for the taxi commission the day after my son was born and he is now 8, i've been urging that we give the taxi companies flexibility in their pricing my idea 7 years ago was to dispatch premiums during peak times they could do voluntarily with their
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customers maybe that's the answer maybe it's not maybe it's one of many answers we have to make the pricing flexibility available to the companies particularly if we're going to do it on a voluntarily basis our residents should be able to pick pricing flexibility if that's what they want and if we approve them i think that that might be the best way to again allow our companies the flexibility to better serve our customers it's only going to work if the customers want it and right now inhibiting competition and customer service and i'd like by the end of the year if possible i realize you have a lot on your plate a proposal at least in procedure how we'd entertain that we could then consider and grant so those are my three requests coming out of
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this. number 1, a rule on aps with a follow up on monitoring and training, 2, a report on how we're going to advertise not just for the sake of the taxi industry but for the sake of the of the people we serve if we let people know there's there's a service out there it will increase efficiency in the system and a procedure for improving pricing and other regulatory flexibility that the taxi companies want. >> i would agree thank you. >> director lee anything else? >> clarification, i'm not familiar with fly wheel. they take the order at order put it on the person's credit card? what's the fee they charge? >> yes. >> do you feel qualified to answer that question considering you are not a fly wheel -- employee?
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>> i am sure i will be corrected if i get it wrong i have the support of the industry behind me i believe it's a dollar correct? >> a dollar for the customer. and your question was pertaining to the customer, right? >> yeah how about for the driver? >> for the driver i believe it's 10 percent of the trip. >> which includes credit card processing. >> what about the credit card units in the vehicles what's the rate charged on that? 3 and a half? >> 3 and a half. >> 6 and a half percent charge. >> okay. >> does that answer your question. >> anything else. >> i one i wanted to clarify my comments i meant to say the status quo i meant was the way
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to calling in a cab or ride these days that's just the way i do it, that's what i meant to to convey so i apologize for not being more clear on that i really love the idea putting resources towards marketing fly wheel i'd love to wheel i'd love to see it on the side of a cab or buses but something saying you can find a cab on fly wheel and you can pay with your credit card for a lot of folks knowing that would really build a lot of faith and a lot more ridership which we all want to see. >> i do want to caution -- obviously the majority of our taxis are on one service supporting that makes sense at the same time fly wheel is a private company and my point is that i think we should look at how we support the universe of
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aps to the extent they are that they exist as opposed to favoring one particular -- >> the majority of our cabs are on two aps so we should probably be promoting those 2 apps and if there's others coming into play promoting those as well. >> can . >> did you get the feedback you wanted any follow up questions you have for the board. >> we've given you a the a lot of feedback you are good to go. >> i think i'm clear. >> thank you very much anything that you would like clarification on. >> no i'm very clear i took a lot of notes all the comments i appreciate it. >> thank you all for taking the time to come down we do appreciate it and hopefully continue to move forward and i'll echo what director heinicke said i think there's optimism and when we do work
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together we can to a certain extent not beat them at their own game but become competitive with these ap based services and i believe -- >> you have item 13 approve the agreement with security for a total contract amount for a term ending march 21st st 2015 and prevailing wages for the and issue a request of proposal for security services no members of the public have expressed an interest in addressing you on this matter. >> is everybody -- >> i told you so [laughter].
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>> the whole thing is mad ening . >> i think clearly director heinicke gave the other contract or cold feet [laughter] . >> putting it back to me huh. >> the the short story is that following our recommendation of award, the contractor flew up here last week and told us that they were no longer interested and wanted to withdraw so it is mad ening and it's it's to give us time to do a competitive process and also considering asking the board of supervisors to give us the ability to add some requirements into our rfp that
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currently aren't allowed by law related to prevailing wages and transition issues which were some some of the issues we saw come up in this i'm not sure whether we're going to to do that or not and then of course authorizing me to go ahead and issue that rfp last time we did an violation an invitation for bids and this time i think we felt in in hindsight probably better to do with an rfp and hopefully getting to a better result so with your approval of this going to the board of supervisors introduced today actually at the board of supervisors and hopefully able to get to the budget and finance committee by next wednesday so we don't need to have a gap in service and come back to you sometime early 2015 with a a recommendation for a
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new contractor. >> is it our understanding that u.s. security or whatever its subsidiary realized they couldn't make it work with the numbers with the collective bargaining agreement . >> we were hearing different things from the time we were here 2 weeks ago up until last wednesday when they told us they were withdrawing i don't want to speculate i think my understanding is they had a leadership change in their company company from the time of when they submitted the bid versus when it was time to close the deal i don't know if that had something to do with it suffice to say that you know, we weren't in a position to try to try to force them to do business with us for
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>> we love our parks, but we love... >> and the community who is really the core of it all, came together and said what we need is a place for our teenager to play, not just play grounds for the kids and soccer fields but we need a skate park that will keep the kids home in the neighborhood so they can play where they live. >> the children in the neighborhood and it will be a major boone. and we have generations, the youth generations that will be able to use this park in different places. >> the best park in san francisco right here. >> creating place where people can be active and lead, active,
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healthy life styles that are going to just stay with them for life. ♪ good morning today is september 17, 2014, this is the regular meeting of the building inspection commission i want to remind everyone to turn off electronic devicess president mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner walker commissioner clinch commissioner melgar commissioner walker we have
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quorum and the next t is presidents announcements. >> welcome to the september 17, 2014, meeting we have a pretty light calendar about but one item will be a long discussion and some abatement later on hopefully between 10 and 1015 and be on scald congratulations to director huey and jamie sammy of the housing intersection for their well received meeting on the meeting attended by one hundred and 50 members this past monday a big thank you to the records management division for help customers research documents both were courteous it was
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extremely busy i didn't on the floor and congratulations to soft story staff and processing over 6 thousand forms since 2013 over 90 percent of the 6 thousand 5 hundred properties identified to quality in the soft story program have turned in their screening forms thus getting their prompt seismically retrofitted it was the last date to turn in the form i want to recognize director huey for the multiple prong outreach conducted in partnership with patrick and mission hill of the earthquake safety congratulations on an outstanding job the department received a lot of media
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attention from the napa earthquake this resulted in reviews for director huey that included a lot of channels dbi staff will continue to process the screening forms as we come in and property owners should comply as quickly as possible before notice of violations are given madam secretary that's the conclusion. >> any public comment on the times announcement seeing none, item 3 jane kim we'll take comments that are not part of the agenda items seeing none, item 4 director's report 4a update on dbi's finances.
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>> good morning, commissioners teresa from the department and in your packets i have a fiscal year 2013-2014 at our last meeting i informed the commission i waited for things to close out this is a good way to end the fiscal year 2013-2014 if you see on the summary page it is where we ended on the revenue and expenditure side yeah. here it is so this is just a summary of the way we ended our fiscal year
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2014-2015 year we have a billion balance of $27 million that is for a variety of reasons the first reason we have revenue increase so if you look at the summary you'll see that we collected over $22 million more than that was budgeted in revenues and almost all revenues did well but particularly 3 i wanted to highlight one was actually, the plan checking revenue we were $12 million over revenue and electrical permits one million dollars over budget as you can see we had a really good year in fiscal year 2013-2014 and a particular couple of revenues brought in money over budget last time we talked about our deferred credit report and that basically is deferred
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credit is for a lot of funds we collect ahead of time but we work on the project so we defer some of the revenue so if you look at the summary although we have $22 million we'll i you'll see a net of $4 million actually in fiscal year 2013-2014 it was actually $13 million of 2013-2014 revenue that should have been sent to the revenue report but we moved that over there was projects put into the account two or three years ago so we moved it into fiscal year 2013-2014 our actually revenues r are balanced revenues about $8 million
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on the expenditure side savings of $8 million and half that was troiktd to the fact we have $4 million in savings the commissions is aware we had a variety i have vacancies and we'll talk about this when i go into 2014-2015 we started a hiring program and are filing positions so hopefully, we'll fill the vacant positions i'd like to call your attention to the service of other departments that's a spot we don't have a lot of control over the spending our work order fund we sentd send to a variety of departments we provide $2 million to the city attorney and to the controller's office so there's a variety of different departments a huge savings there about a
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million dollars is contributed to city attorney savings we'll be working closely with the departments to their we're 3wush89 correctly so at the end we won't have the phasing you'll see the highlights one other place highlighting for the vehicles because the vehicles we ordered in 2013-2014 didn't arrive until 2014-2015 it looked like a balance but i expect those numbers to be going down so that will go down slightly but not a lot maybe seven hundred thousand or so, so basically wear confident in ending in $28 million any questions been 2013-2014 >> i have a quick question i don't know if you can answer it
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director ensue the $12 million in planning check diaz fees could you put our finger on that because of volume or a for efficient job because of the fees. >> i'll tell you this and defer to director sweeny on the directors elevation i looked at that that's a lot of money in the deferred credit report we have to identify projects and use that report to determine where we are earning fees in this fiscal year we actually had 6 projects over one hundred million dollars vs. last fiscal year that was one million dollars i think it's a huge amount of projects one was $136 million but i also think
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it's some efficiency too but once again this revenue is based on what we're collecting so this isn't this $12 million is more than what we 3wubd we thought we remember going to get x amount and got $12 million more. >> i'm hoping we're doing a better job on the elevating the construction costs as well. >> director huey. >> yes. commissioner there are lots of factors we have a high revenue first of all, as mentioned the make up project those are huge projects and then it's different than the urge one and especially congratulate for my deputy on the fifths floor the one stop shop to issue to 90
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percent of the permits we can focus on those projects that's why we have the fee study and then to going go back in the meantime, we have 7 percentage 7 reductions in helping the customer that's the outreach trying to get the permits it's a 7 percent reduction and hopefully, the fee study will come in and we've been realistic in charging according and trying to hire more staff to do our job nor efficient that way too. >> thank you director. >> please. any other questions. >> you know i responding to what you're talking about i think that's laudable we're doing well with the one stop and hopefully, we, reduce the time that the on that actually go into our system
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we will reduce the time for reviewing those as well with i mean, i think at this point we can increase the staffing on time collecting check and . >> commissioner mar. >> i'm glad to hear about the prioritizing hiring staff to fill the backlog of vacant positions i was wondering if we could have a timeline at some point because i think one of the things that i had raised in previous commissioner meetings we have a certain amount of preoccupy f employees we brought back and it's a practice that the mayor's office and the 12:00 doesn't want us to prolong that's used mainly because of the backlog in hiring so i wanted to kind of fourth budget wise since we're spending a lot of money we have
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a lot of prop f and temp positions where people were hiring monthly clerical to keep the peace with the unions and to make sure that we fill as many permanent positions as quickly as possible if the list occurs and human resources has done they're part i'd like to get a more detailed timeline to phase out tmz and the progress. >> sure so just one thing so i see those as two separate issues whether our a temp or exempt those salaries are reflected we're going to an aggressive hiring i can tell you since july of this year we've
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hired 17 positions and their permanent there's only one temp here so we are working on that part of the issue is developing lists it takes a while for the process to i'm aware of the two positions we can't do the appointment because we're waiting everyone has to be fingerprinted to we're definitely working on that especially i wanted to thank all the hiring managers it's a lot of work and in addition to doing our day to day you have to do interviews so i want to thank the hiring managers with working with our staff this is something we
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