tv [untitled] September 22, 2014 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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francisco regardless of income. i want to thank you for their continued support and in bypassing this resolution, we are ensuring that san francisco once again leads the way to make sure we do everything we can to eradicate hiv from our society. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor campos. president chiu? >>president david chiu: thank you. i have two items. the first one is in memoriam for someone i have known for 20 years. alvin, was the director of music for the calvary church. at the age of 19 he received his college degree and moved to the city by the bay which has been his own residence.
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he received and master degree and studying at the parish and education scene for decades and was the founder of music in schools for the day and his purpose is to restore music of the curriculum of our public local schools. in 1981 he was honored or by the new coming high school through the sound of music. he actually taught immigrant senior high school students to sing songs as a way of teaching them to speak english and he even composed songs for them one "what the do in the event of an earthquake" where they would not only sing the words but act them out. at the church and leading the choir and quarter at -- he
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led music koirschoirs and plays and concert, concerts by musicians the totals of which were to be split between musicians and one of many community service organizations that the church helps to support. in 2011, alvin 16th anniversary at the church was celebrated with an amazing weekend of events. i want to as well as the calvary of san francisco want to extend to his family and loved ones our deepest regrets. i also have one item to join supervisor lee and ferrell to join on kearney street. i worked with the china
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development community center and housing advocates to bring attention to 50 kearney which was named one of the worst sro's of the city and fortunately the future of that site is much brighter. after being closed the residential hotel has been closed and remains opportunity for quality housing in my district. today we are introducing the master lease for 136 -unit residential hotel at the corner of kearney and bush. each unit has a private bathroom with a large communal kitchen and departments will continue to step up services for homeless and veterans. i want to thank the city departments and homeless for heroes team that includes hud, va and corners to help build the 150 oat it's project for
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homeless veterans. in our city of saint frances we need to build housing for the least fortunate among us and to honor our homeless veterans. men and women who served our country but in critical needs of serving our country. the rest i will submit. >> thank you very much. clooegs, colleagues i'm requesting that we limit the use around construction sites. i receive numerous complaint across my district about the poor notification and unnecessary long periods of time that parking is removed for construction. while construction is only allowed to take place between "the hours" of 7 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. monday through saturday, contractors take the
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entire street, contractors often take the entire street of parking for hours sometimes for several months, as you can imagine that presents a problem. now we understand you need to have space for loading, when not working it's unnecessary to have this level of impact on our neighborhood. this 24 -hour restriction leaves many in our neighborhood who want to patronize the local businesses in the evening hours, visit friends and family members or even impact residents who need over night parking. we need our streets repaved and new infrastructure installed and new housing to be built, we need to be smarter about how this impacts our neighborhood. taking this parking to sit
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vacant doesn't serve anyone. we need to strike the right balance between ensuring that construction can be completed efficiently and minimizing the impact to our neighborhood. without legislative changes to the current system, we will continue to see systems that work disproportionately in favor of construction contractors and not our neighborhoods. the other final request is a request to the budget legislative analyst to do an audit identifying where resources are being spent, how resources are being spent when it comes to our city's response to violence. specifically gun violence. madam clerk, the rest i submit. city clerk: thank you. supervisor ferrell, supervisor kim? >>supervisor jane kim: thank you. today i'm submitting two hearing request. the first is a hearing on our
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recent don't block the park pilot with our mutual transportation agency. i would like to thank you for the office on this issue working with us on the south beach erin conhill who has been pushing for this in the pedestrian safety workgroup which meets monthly and former pierre 32. in response over the summer sf mta gathered a piled pilot issued traffic control to study. at every signal change staff counted the cars remaining in the intersection or the box thereby blocking it and also counted the number of
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pedestrians and cyclist around cars dangerously documenting safety concerns. an example of the data gathered on one of these evenings sf mta issued $20308 in grid lock fines. they were also able to count the number of cars in the box and pedestrians and cyclist that had to dangerously maneuver around them. as many of you heard on the board this is long been and important issue for our office and containing our efforts in district 6 during for example the 706 mission mexican museum development, one of the agreements was the commitment by the owner officer by the block violation on third street corridor and something
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we hear a lot about impacting the safety of our residents who walk in our district which we want to encourage. the san francisco transportation authority also did a study any 2013 of a 60 percent of new housing units and 80 percent of new jobs concentrated in the south of market and mission bay area. daily trips within the downtown core are currently 290,000 including those walking, cycling and private vehicles. we are projected to as well to 320,000 by 2035. many of our residents and workers are already experiencing this and i heard that rush hour starts at 230 :30 p.m. on south market as cars race to get on the bridge. we are also seeing increase in short trips by 23 percent and sf mta projected that we need a 20 percent reduction in auto
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traffic in soma in particular to avoid a complete and total grid lock where came go -- karma go ahead on in the next couple of days. this strategy is don't block -- block the box campaign and crashing with pedestrians on the crosswalk as well as a permit implementation of this pilot of this high complex aefrm our office is also working with sf mta to work at the state level to be able to issue block the box cameras similar to the cameras we see throughout the city to supplement a police stretched out resources and constant traffic management. i want to thank you for taking this on at the state level and would like to update the board with where we are at and our future timeline and being able to
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implement the traffic congestion program in the long-term. we are also asking dpt, sf p.d. to attend this hearing as well. the second hearing is a follow up to supervisor campos legislation to hearing request supplemental appropriation which we'll be voting on after roll call with unaccompanied minors with support services with undocumented uses and this is a request that has also come from sf usd and commissioner matt haney working at the board of education. we would like to hear from the committee and we'll be hearing from department of public health, sf unified school district and coordinate a campaign to administer
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services citywide and i would like to recognize campos for requesting this hearing. the rest i submit. city clerk: supervisor mar. >>supervisor eric mar: i would like to thank supervisor campos for bringing in the children to our chambers. not only the five -year-old but all the children and the families at this historical moment as we support financially legal support for unaccompanied minors facing deportation. i would like to thank tang for using the term karma go ahead on. as the world continues to grapple with our climate crisis especially in the global south in the third world and especially in low income communities and
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communities of color in the u.s., i would like to reemphasize the importance of sunday of the people's climate march and we have the local happening in the bay area that environmental justice groups and low income organizations and environmental movement will participate in. this coming sunday in solidarity with the people's climbing march support every environmental justice and social justice group in the country will be having our northern california people's climate rally and supervisors will be there in oakland this coming sunday. the rally organizations a world that with our economy works with our community and planet safety from the ravages of super storm and
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organizations and not only environmental groups but communities of color and environmental organizations as well. 50 bay area and the club is involved but the environmental network climate parents which i'm a part of and code pink and the environment or crude or other grass roots organizations around rail sites and refineries in the contra costa area. and asian america, the gray panthers and rainforest action network, west county toxic coalition around the environmental and justice movement for a decade and many leaders like the former president of the board matt gonzalez to alejandro soto and former san francisco activist and city council and of course mayor mclaughlin of
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richmond california. we invite you to attend lake in oakland. it will be a beautiful family event just a few blocks from lake merit bart station. it will be a climate fair and with a lot of stuff for our kids to enjoy. please come out and let's celebrate solidarity for those of the climate. more information bay area sept 21 .org. bay area sept 21 .org. i wanted to talk about the next step promoting sustainable transportation here in san francisco. i think we need to continue to move aggressively to encourage less people to drive, raising the
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fears of karma go aheaden and reducing the number of people and cars on the street and our aggressive climate action goals in our city. we need to move aggressively towards 20 percent of our trips made by bike by 20/20 as our aggressive plans layout and of course many of us may still need to drive at times including people with disabilities and those jobs which cannot be reached by transit and we need to encourage others to walk, bike and other kinds of modes of transportation to in -- decrease congestion. also we need to challenge what san francisco state university author and big writer cause auto mobility that everyone feels the need to driver in
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our city. i think we are making progress to improve the safety and effectiveness of many other options. like today in our new law goes into effect at 3 -foot bike buffer so that bicyclist can have at least three 3 feet of space away from cars and major corridors as they are riding their bikes. it will help make our streets safer and improve our efforts towards vision zero in the city making biking safe for children and families. today i'm calling with supervisor avalos for a sponsor for improving bike access on muni buses and light rail vehicles. it included expanding bike access on buses. right now if i want to put my bike on a muni bus, if there are already two bikes on there, i can't use it because that's the limit. we are looking to expanding the capacity for those of us who ride our bikes and need
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to also take muni and also riding bikes on muni rails you can't take your bikes on there. i wanted to thank supervisor avalos for working on that and many parts of the city. i think it's right to have this conversation. muni is overhauling it's fleet as many of us know. new buses coming in should have a higher capacity bike racks and new vehicles should be designed for spaces for bicycles and sterol -- strollers and seats for people with disabilities. it allows 40 buses to have carrier bike racks. the key is to have this discussion now before the fleet is delivered by the mta. i look forward to having more conversations with mta and the authority about making muni more accessible. also please join me and our mascot
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lucille coming up this friday. i will be with 1100 press cedillo middle school. in february, two 2 years ago the city and the giants launched our giant sweep which is a city campaign that brings together local schools, businesses and residents. this will involve not only lucille but thousands of students to keep our community clean and this is a giant pledge to keep san francisco clean and beautiful we use the right bins to recycle and to come post and call 311 to report sidewalk dumping and report on tagged property and take our trash when us when we leave trains and buzz.
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-- buses. i try to follow this everyday. for more information visit sf giant sweep .org. also, my muscles are very sore today because i have been practicing for the past two sundays with the california academy of sciences. the festival takes place on treasure island this week. it was night to beat the mayor's team and it's a nice fairly competitive 120 teams that are participating. it's the largest dragon boat race in the united states and by the california dragon boats association and between 8-5 and the festival has music and performances from 2-5. and many buses that go to san franciscans from treasure island. california science team
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organized by general quan, is an amazing team. we call ourselves a fears team, we call ourselves the leafy sea dragons and includes the drummers and pad lers that finish across the finish line. the dragon boat festival originated from where my family originated in southern china and takes place on the 5th day of the 5th month around june in the calendar. each year there are many festivals held around the world including asia, australia, canada and the u.s.. along with races various cultural performances and acrobats, thai chee demonstrations.
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the teemgs will race 500 meet ters on treasure island and included but not limited to high school and college teams. also you can get information about the dragon boat competition at sf dragon boat .com. i wanted to wish a happy bitsdz birtsdz to one of the residents. we don't call it a birthday. we call it a hatch day. the california science team will be racing and celebrating claudia's birthday. and later today we'll be honoring jonathan foley, the new director of indicated -- academy and sciences. he's been hitting the ground of the academy and i want to thank general manager quan
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for keeping us informed of the great thngs happening at the academy as well. thanks to director greg farrington. the last one, this coming friday is the chinatown north beach college campuses citizenship day and i will be with -- who i taught many years ago to honor citizenship and fair and just pathway of citizenship for everyone. this day of celebration began 30 years ago in the 80s during the immigrants rights movement to celebrate the success of our immigrant families, city college and other students and all instructors for all of their hard work. please join us friday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 as well. the rest i will submit.
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city clerk: supervisor wiener. >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you. colleagues, today i'm introducing legislation regarding streetlights. we held several major hearings on the state of our streetlight system showing a number of deficiencies, the system is old, unreliable, has huge deferred maintenance, although puc and pg & e have improved the response time for if i -- fixing broken lights there is more work to do and focused on streets and not sidewalks. the legislation i'm introducing today will establish city streetlights in a number of way. first a uniformed shared standard for streetlight repairs so that simple outages need to be corrected within 48 hours of being reported.
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too often we hear about lengthy delays of a report of a burned out streetlight and streetlight being repaired. the legislation will require that city policy be to transition our streetlight system from streetlights that light roads, streetlights that are pedestrian grade in other words that lights our sidewalks. these streetlights are so critical to neighborhood safety and our quality of life that makes no sense to have lighting that are lighting streetlights and blocking streets from trees below them. this requires that at any time that 50 percent of street lighting on a street is being upgraded or added, an evaluation is conducted for converting the entire street to pedestrian grade lighting. the legislation will require better integration of pg &
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e's streetlights into the city's 311 system and develop a requirement for more detailed reporting of completed repairs of pg & e streetlights. but legislation will also move us towards a quicker transition to led technology and will also require better tracking of our gis system and a better policy to acquire pg & e street lights so we have one streetlight operator instead of a split system around half the lights are owned and maintained by puc and half by pg & e which is confusing, inefficient and leads to a lot of problems. i will note that in a previous hearing pg & e indicated that it is in favor of the puc taking over the streetlights. of course there will be a process and a cost involved
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to see how that goes. in the long run it needs to go in that direction and makes it an official policy. colleagues, street lights are important in the city and incredibly neglected. it's time to turn that around in the recently adopted budgets we are spending more than we had to maintaining the puc streetlights. we are finally going to see our streetlight system put in the 10 -year capital plan which is long over due and now with this legislation we will finally have clear statutory standards and policies governing this important system. i see across the way at a supervisor cohen would like to be a sponsor, thank you. the rest i will submit. cl eric cl eric thank you. we will add supervisor cohen as a cosponsor.
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mr. president, that concludes these items. >>president david chiu: thank you very much. >> thank you very much colleagues. i won't be labor the point. i think we have heard a lot being said about the crisis that we are facing and i just want to take the opportunity to thank the budget and legislative analyst, city attorneys office and everyone. i know that our public defender was here previously who has been helpful in putting this proposal together. what we are seeking today is based on pretty comprehensive analysis of the need. it is not a panacea a. we need all hands-on deck and pack of the solution however requires that we make an investment to make sure that the kids that we hear from and so many others have access to legal representation. i'm simply going to ask, we have a number of people in the audience that are here for
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this item simply ask the people who are here to supplement the supplemental to provide legal representation to minors can please stand. i know there were many more here earlier. thank you. thank you very much. with that colleagues, i think it would be important for us as a city to send a very clear message and will get to as close to a unanimous vote as possible and i want to thank the members of the budget and finance committee for recommending this item which was amended to reflect some recommendations from the budget analyst and i want to thank my cosponsors supervisors avalos and yee.
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>>president david chiu: the last item was unanimous. can we take the same role call. >>supervisor london breed: i just want to make a last comment. i want to thank you for bringing this forward. this issue is heartbreaking. i watched the committee last week and the kids who came before the committee and the concern in terms of what happens if they didn't receive the support negative -- necessary to hire a lawyer and remain here with their families. i want to thank supervisor campos for bringing the item forward. i think this is a great effort and i hope this makes a real difference and i hope we can get reports on the progress. thank you. >>president david chiu: colleagues, do we need a roll
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