tv [untitled] September 23, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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1st item the resolution to form this community facilities district on page 3. lines 7-9 really just reflect that we had a continuance of this public hearing and whereas the board of supervisors opened a public hearing on september 2, 2014 and continued set public hearings to contact the night and whereas the board of supervisors continued a public hearing on september 9, 2014 and further continued the public hearing to september 23 4014 2014 and am finally on page 6 further resolved board of supervisors hereby acknowledges receipt and accept the terms of a statement from each of the 3 public agencies in accordance to government code 53111 in which he states that all or a portion of its land is intended to be transferred to private ownership that this
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would be subject to the special tax on the same basis of private property within the cft and that it affirmatively waives any dissent based on the fact of public ownership to any action to foreclose on the property in the event of nonpayment of the special tax. this to acknowledge recent statements that we've gotten from some of our public agencies including california tran and i have one more amendment on the item resolution calling for the special election. city county [inaudible] facility district. this is just an amendment on page 2, line 21. it merely states the date of the election. further resolves this board of supervisors hereby calls a special election to consider the measure described above which election shall be held hereby calls a special election to consider the measure described above which election shall be held on december 29, 2014. i just want to reiterate that while we were very wary of the number of continuances in impacting the date of election and our ability to finally form a community facilities district
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be a continuance of these thus far today won't impact any of our scheduling on bond issuance. so that will be the date of the election. >> thank you supervisor kim is made on number 10 elements can have a 2nd. 2nd supervisor comes without objection those amends are made and colleagues 10 elements can have a 2nd. 2nd supervisor comes without objection those amends are made and colleagues on items 2122 10 elements can have a 2nd. 2nd supervisor comes without objection those amends are made and colleagues on items 21 2223, 24 we take those items together. can we take roll call vote on those items >> mister president, also today we received the amended and restated community facilities district reports for items 22. did the board want to
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receive that without objection? >> always make a motion to rescind the report without objection. motion made. without objection that you guys >> rollcall votes on the resolutions >> supervisor avalos aye supervisor breed aye supervisor compos aye. supervisor to aye. supervisor: aye supervisor felt aye supervisor kim aye supervisor mark aye supervisor change aye supervisor winner aye supervisor yee aye >> there are 11 aye resolution >> resolutions are adopted. now we go to general public comment that about >> at this time the public may comment generally for up to 2 minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including those items on the adoption without reference to committee counter. please note public, and is not allowed on those items which already been subject to public comment at a board committee pursuant to board rule 4.22 is director remarks to the board as able not to individual supervisor or to the audience. speakers using translation assistance will be about twice the amount of time to testify and if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector please clearly state such to smg tv and remove the document when
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the report >> let's hear from our 1st speaker. >> supervisors, [inaudible] there's a lot of congestion. while we've we've seen today in a different way how some people to feel the developers but then when certain type of armaments are made in certain type of shenanigans are made than they do not like the developers. my point is very simple. we have too much congestion in our city. which impedes not only the the traffic and how people move from point a to point b. now we have reached a saturation stage where ambulances cannot move from a to point b on time. you
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supervisors have been [inaudible] in this. some of you all have been very fast to put down our fire chief and i think the people are of san francisco should stand up. i know some supervisors don't like her because they see that she hasn't done sufficient for the minorities or whatever. but i think so. if you look at the fire cheese of performance and you look at the performance of those supervisors who criticize her, i know that many of the supervisors are not presenting the community. so i'm saying this: let us be very -- not to throw stones and not to fire our howard fire chief. a fire chief has done a lot of good. [inaudible] because of some
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instigation some of the firemen and fire women are trying to force out our fire chief out of her position [inaudible] >> next speaker >> my name is yolanda lewis and i want to raise a very critical issue as far as the development in sentences go in consideration for changes the way that permits are issued. we want to see some work being done in order to look at decentralization of our water resources as was our wastewater. we are looking at options for technologies that we can put in place that we can help reduce the amount of water that we are taking away from [inaudible] and some of our other valuable resources that been to plead as a result of this drought. we would like for you to take a look at when you look at the overall development plans in the future there are projections in some of the water conservation plans that state that the active
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conservation is going to be 2 percent which is not enough when resume with a drought worst drought in known history. we need to begin to look at other solutions which will be considered as far as looking at the development projects and make sure there are infrastructures in place which already available in the market known as looking at those things in order to force these developers to ensure we can maintain a reliable safe and quality drinking water supply for our constituents. if we look at the technology we can present some the contaminants having do we see what happened in ohio where people were able to use what we have california san juan batista to munster were not able to use their water. we had virginia with a gun went on record saying he wished he could have a hot shower and then in louisiana the [inaudible] that's infected the groundwater supply. we do have [inaudible] but they're talking about [inaudible] 5 percent of groundwater which is
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not being currently looked at as 1st protecting our citizens. we just ask that you please take a look at that in moving forward in the planning phases so that we can be proactive and stopping firefighters and have groundwater that is available for next generation. thank you >> next speaker >> here i am again. this time it's a personal story regarding equal pay for women for equal work. supervisor campuses [inaudible] octuplet you about that. as a woman all my jobs and begin as a secretary. except during world war ii the men went to war i became an editor for the associated press in kansas city for 6 years. i moved to california after the war and again we don't hire women and shoes. so i took a secretarial job at nbc and 2
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months later i was moved to head for city and begin promotion manager advertising manager public affairs manager editorial writer but i discovered after 19 years my annual raise was what i would have received as a secretary. never a raise for my other responsibility and management. women working [inaudible] in washington filed a complaint at the public court could they one full-page and i received a huge raise. thank you very much. >> thank you ms. morrison. next speaker. >> good afternoon president un supervisors. someone's knocking at the new [inaudible] anthony doerr summaries ring in the new saint anthony's bell. do me a favor open the door and let them in. yeah. sister susie brother john martin luther,
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[inaudible] uncle ernie auntie jen, open the door and let them in. the new saint anthony's. open now soon. do you believe in life after government, i can swear something inside me says i really don't think the cities strong enough. i've been reading in the city news i heard about all those city blues. what i don't like that and i hope the giants do better at that. i hope you played your pagers city juice and maybe this city is even too good for you. do you believe in life after city government? government government. i can swear something inside me says
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i really don't think this city is strong enough. well i note that you make the city through this because i know that you are city strong. i'm going to sing my city song. why don't you sing along? do you believe in city life after government after government government? i hope this city does some more and you're going to have some good things in store. do you believe in city life? after government? >> next speaker. >> my name is eugene gordon junior to it just the expression ribbons in [inaudible] and colonial rule to use of a eileen
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constitutional law and contradictions in [inaudible] educational capital currency financial course orientation is exchanged for production and labor. by ending that motivation [inaudible] incredulous nation when it's entrenched on base uses a financial course constant request for donation, charity, public growth, and opposing too much government. while celebrating usa [inaudible]. asked to vote on ballot measures equates such pride with entrapment [inaudible] this is fascist class rank divide with corporate conceit. when applied democracies territorial manners party to a people racism chauvinism and
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sexism. witness the instructions and votes [inaudible] the telephone rings the caller asking for financial donation. by response, listen to you. do we have public ownership of the means of production? there would be no need for this telephone call. conversation ends. >> good afternoon supervised. if you are like me and probably outraged and sickened by the accounts of the mistake abuse and the violent nature of our society that we hear about in the news on a daily basis, this news becomes even more distressing and appalling when it's our involving our youth. i say enough is enough. san francisco must lay down the framework for a no tolerance policy competing violence and
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are not he can't afford to sit around deliberating and the wherewithal [inaudible] morticians are yet another disease team dummy out get the parents and guardians of [inaudible] engaging and fighting should be called in to meet with officials on the schools that the students attend. the students should be offered 2 alternatives to correct disciplinary actions. one, is a student be placed on a remote independent study curriculum for a semester. the consequences -- over attempting to return to school prior to meeting the conditions would result in trespassing citations. 2, a student guilty of repeated truancy should be turned over to juvenile hall. the recordation that he or she be admitted to the youth authority in pennsylvania. the youth represents our future.
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sadly in some cases they represent the erosion and some elements of our society and we must take corrective action to protect from harm that they might inflict upon themselves or others. without a guiding hand a beacon of light to shine down on them, they will be lost [inaudible] >> good afternoon. my name is andy kelly. i've been a teacher for 40 years in the city. i believe at this point would like to thank my supervisor eric mark, for bringing the resolution that the district and the workers find a common ground. i have a son who's a paraprofessional and am always sad to hear somebody talk about how much money he makes. i have
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a husband who's a teacher a daughter who's a teacher and as i said i was a teacher for 40 years. i learned something about working in a in education. i learned why the salary is so low. i learned while walking a picket line in the six-week strike. i was told by a gentleman standing next to me that the reason that teachers and paraprofessionals have such a low pay was because this was considered a woman's job. think about that. then, look at the 2 the resolution that we also have that came up today about comparable pay for comparable work, and about really studying how people are paid in san francisco. these
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things go together. i basically believe that our paraprofessionals are mostly women and women of color. our teachers are mostly women. i want them to get a fair salary. i support the resolution for us to look at all women in comparable jobs with men in the city. and make sure that they all get a fair [inaudible] >> next speaker. >> mister president, victims of the cabal my name is chris cabal [inaudible] 40 meters from single i race to continue my comments on government in the 21st century. in previous comment i described the purpose of government as maximizing the capacity of its constituents to
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adapt a circumstance. how does one adapt to circumstance, you need accurate perception of the symptoms as and the skills to design adaptive resources and [inaudible] solutions. as a matter government accurate perception of person by official standards and measures design skills are encouraged to education and resources distributed to a smooth venue of exchange. in markets. today's new tools of social intermediation serving each of those things perception of new circumstances, new events and [inaudible] exchange is efficient and prompt. how so, perception that his twitter and google and read it. u2 covers the tools and techniques in ebay does the exchange. perception is where you can start influencing governance on the 21st century. you know you can know where every speeding
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automobile is right now. you can know where every gram of methamphetamine is right now. and you can know where every dribbling fountain is right now. you must at least and your ignorance because in the face of youtube and mit online, ignorance is not only obsolete. ignorance is stupid. thank you mister president. >> next speaker >> hello supervisors. my name is richard [inaudible] have lived in the city since 1969. i'm very proud of what the city has done. in the past more than in the recent. i fear that san francisco is going to make a big mistake here pretty soon. because the public is entitled to know why candlestick park is going to be destroyed, and many people do not even know it.
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it's a shocking waste. this is the way our society waste fossil fuel energy. by destroying his. just like candlestick rather than creating green jobs to make them better and make them live longer. there's no reason why candlestick can't be a soccer stadium for 100 years. it's not a big deal for a developer to rearrange the pieces on his [inaudible] to relocate things in a way that is graceful and well done that's practical, and there is no excuse for developer to be allowed to create a phony alternative. one that absolutely lies about the potential of this game and that's what we've been sold. here i have to mention that i present 80 people that are behind me at this point. we've got a petition online because we know that is not correct what's going on is based on improper state and federal law. if you have any questions go to
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my [inaudible] candlestick were torn. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for san francisco. just as mister oid of developments. the government as we have seen it as based on an impractical and stupid model of ms consumption. we've got to stop that. if san francisco is progressive and will stand up and say, look developers we know who have all these plans look at the bases of the. the law is improper. i want you to know that this is just a shame. >> next speaker. >> hello good afternoon. my name is bradley william clouse. i may service veteran social ingénue or an football player.
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i am here to request a motion to stop the distraction of the development of candlestick park and to seek new alternatives to sustain and develop candlestick park stadium up to and including 2 seek an active participatory involvement to obtain a major league soccer franchise. i further request the board of supervisors to seek a new historical assessment. one that which does recognize the now deceased architect john savage polls as the master architect architecture that he is. that candlestick park is for many great and greatly overlooked facts a national landmark. [inaudible] says the positive sustainable alternatives to [inaudible] meld the developers proposed rents with current interest. furthermore, i've been talking and working with other communities here involved in the bay area. we have the oldest football association still within our city limits. the san francisco soccer football league. this fall season we are recognizing the
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one or 14 year of our existence. that is both longer and more serving than fisa, us soccer association, and any other soccer involvement throughout america. it is why today we seek a positive resolution moving forward that seeks can see candlestick park sustained for the future for our community family and for everybody else involved. thank you very much. >> hi. you ever consider this meeting is measured by his birth that jesus is the only one in all of history said when he was going to come up from the grave? last week we learned that paul approved cheeses by the prophecies. behold my servant shall deal clearly he should be exalted and extolled the very high. as many were astonished at his visage was so
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marred. more than any man in his form more than the sons of men. he has no form or [inaudible] there's no beauty that we should desire him. the bible says the straightway paul preached christ in the synagogue that he is the son of god but all that heard him were amazed and said is not to see that destroyed them which called on this name in jerusalem again heather for that intent that he might bring them bound under the chief priests? but saul increased the more strength and confounded the jews which dwelt at damascus proving that this is very christ and paul in his manner was within under them and 3 sabbath days reason with them out of the scriptures. opening and alleging that christ must need to have suffered an reason again from the dead. that this jesus that
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i prejudge you is christ in front of king agrippa he said having therefore obtained help of god i continue under the state witnessing both too small and great saying none of the things than those which the prophets and moses did say should come. that christ should suffer and that he should be 1st to rise from the dead. the old testament standard 1 1100 years from moses to maladapted buckeye said the member moses my servant. so it's back up each other. >> next speaker. >> tom gogarty. i made reference to 1967 that i made reference to martin luther king. is the point of an arrow. center of a bull's-eye. about our moral society. travis smiley just wrote a book about
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1967 and modern luther king. he will be interviewed with on form tomorrow morning. it should be very interesting. next, i can't another marker pursues a bit i caught the roosevelts. 80 years ago we had nothing to fear but fear itself will you guys were on vacation we had a dick cheney interview and the interview was does we have to double down on our fear. there are more people. that we need to be afraid of their more people that want to hurt us even on our own time. another marker which where society has gone. another little marker 2 weeks ago there was a vote in the un i think was 182-2. the 2 people were united states and israel. being an honest broker again i don't think so. next item let's go to
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housing with a little bit of time. this rice started last time. there were 2000 units that wanted to go from rent control to tenants in common. i have a way of making it happen when it goes off-line. you start with a person ab878 years onto the property 44 and the rank equals [inaudible] you go to the next person, 60 years of age owns the property for 40. the reason i like this ranking is because the people that own the property and part of san francisco the longest get rewarded and can go in going to tenants and common. they have the option. will continue another time i hope. thank you. >> thank you. any of the members of the public was to speak in general public, the general public him and is now closed. medical could you read our counter
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>> item 32-34 are being considered without committee reference. these items consider routine single member may object remove it and send it to committee or consider it separately. >> would anyone like to sever any of these items? can we met a cryptic rollcall vote >> item 32-34 supervisor avalos aye supervisor agreed aye supervisor compost aye supervisor chiu aye supervisor: aye supervisor federal aye supervisor kim aye supervisor mark aye supervisor jane aye supervisor wiener aye supervisor yee can want aye there are 11 aye judge of these resolutions are adopted emotions approved. "can you read the ending were mobsters of today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals: on behalf of president chiu
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[inaudible] on behalf of supervisor kim for the late robert joyce williams. on behalf of supervisor yee for mrs. rosetta and jaco and mister and former state senator john francis karen. >> i want to take a moment to think smg jv with [inaudible] for bringing this meeting to their home today. with that madam clerk is earning more business in front of the porches of that concludes our business for today >> piggies and gentlemen we are adjourned.
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