tv [untitled] September 24, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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ms. maufas no ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase. >> ms. norton. >> ms. wynns no president fewer 5 i's this is item o vote open consent calendar this is moved and seconded i think we're restored for a roll call vote. >> thank you mraern mr. haney market value ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton ms. wynns and president fewer 7 i's thank you very much
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consent calendar resolutions severed for board discussion and immediate action i don't think we have anything severed do we no okay. that's great yes, so noted next is the resolution 149 dash 23 f-2 revisions for board policy p 5 one 0 one a motion and second for the subsection of the rules for first reading. >> roll call vote please. >> (laughter). >> i will second to the realize. >> thank you commissioner norton in the middle of laughing roll call vote please.
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on suspension mr. haney ms. maufas ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton ms. wynns no no? president fewer that fails. >> well, can i have a remove of a vote. >> let me continue mr. haney on suspension of the rules for 5101 policy? thank you and dr. murase >> thank you 6 i's. >> all right. may i have a motion and second for formal introduction okay. mr. superintendant.
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>> who will read the resolution into the record. >> thank you president fewer i'm going to ask the executive director darlene to read the resolution but as a preamble i lloyd like to say to the boards request this is the sprntsdz proposal i was asked to help to sensitive vices our attention to willie brown junior's for the class we're going to start with the sixth grade class with students and the year after that for a total of of hundred ask the for the willie brown junior middle school and the pregnant pauses for a reason willie brown junior middle school okay. so ms. limb.
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>> exemplary colleagues please reviewer to what's in our packet not binder ms. limb thank you very much. >> okay. the esquire requested action that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district adapt the revisions outlined in the attached student soinlt policy and as amended here in and the three the board suspends the provision rigging the revisions to be made 3 months before sfusd begins accepting plagues so the revisions shall be effective immediately would i like to read the back part. >> could i please read the provisions thank you.
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>> so i'll start on page 2. >> please okay. >> therefore the arising outlined on page 9 of the attached policy diverse priority to brown applicant in the following order younger siblings that are enrolled in and attending the school year two students tending fifth grade at one of the following schools dr. george washington and brent heart and malcolm x academy referred to as at bay area preservation and the 94124 preference and four students who reside in the consensus track
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and 5 students attending fifth grade at one of the following elementary school gordon jay allowing and the george moscone and the brown preference and of all other students in addition to modifying okay i'm not sure i'm ready in addition to modifying the order of priorities for students applying to brown we believe that modifying the student sovereigty policy to create a high school priority for students attending 6, 7 and 8 at brown middle school will help them to attract a robust student body so therefore the student policy modify the high school preference choice process to give preferences to students in
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transition al city hall's younger siblings of students enrolled in and attending the school during the year and two students graduating if willie l brown middle school who are enrolled in and attend in 6, 7 and 8 grade and 3 a minimum of 20 percent of seats reversed as each high school willing in the consensus track and for all other students this new tiebreaker will, feshg or effective in the 2006 and 19 year when the graduates graduate and will continue for the 2019 to 20 and 2002 to 24 school
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years for further implementation. >> thank you, very much. ms. limb we have two speakers (calling names) you have two minutes each ple e please. >> good evening madison parent for schools for san francisco i know you've been working hard as dedicatedson's and committed board of education and school board employees it's within the right of the board of education to exercise our spending of our own rules in fast tracking those changes it's duly my right asia citizen and executive director of the parents of san francisco schools to voice any opinion on
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this collective decision that's been made by our board of education t p.s. has been in the field for 15 years working with parents we have been the driver and tens of thousand of parents staying in san francisco and believing in public schools because of our with work we have a long-standing partnership with the district we parents for public schools have removed barriers that are prevented families from enrolling if and engaging in our public schools pr the decision this evening to fast track this process after 15 years of partnership is discouraging on so many levels not showing a
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process also messages something you all or p p.s. wants to say perpetuated that parents are an afterthought and community partners are an afterthought 3 times parents for public schools of san francisco has not been comes up up front on the student assignment matters i urge you to recognize the explicit and implicit and be mindful of our our parent constituents will receive this message. >> good evening again matt kellerman the chair of the board of the parents for san francisco concerned about the richard and
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a half of the proposal and the timing the willie brown is 5 years in the making and some decisions have been made in good time having the principle in place that's a very good sign for getting the school off the growing ground there's been conversation with creating a difference population so it's a surprise to see a specific action to take place without community discussion it seems like a substantive proposal is a good idea i'd probably support it but no debit people will have legitimate concerns so have it up are to for a vote i have a bunch of questions what is the marketing plan what's the school design plan that forms the basis for the marketing plan this is
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the skavp the surface of internal questions i'd like to supported this to get were about off on the right foot but can't vote for it and didn't seem like the board has acted in this case. >> thank you very much board comments and seeing none, public is closed board comments commissioner norton. >> i just wanted to thank you the superintendent for incorporating the sunset into the main proposal i intended to off that as an amendment i appreciate i taking my suggestion i think it's important we - i took take the point of our partners i apologized to partners when
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president fewer and i made our k tip proposal in the strong spring for didn't consultant cps i apologize it was an oversight it was inexcusable i offer a personal apologize because they've been a great partner for the city i do think that you know we have a lot of this seems like a great idea something we can look at tabling tiffany said in the chronological art article we have to offer something powerful this is powerful i'm going to support it but we have
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a long history of having ideas and that led to unintended consequences so i think having a built in stop point where we have to actually have a future board has to actually act to extend that or most move it along is a smart move thank you restraint for making a smart hopeful as i suggested and i'll be supporting it. >> commissioner wynns i want to associate myself with the t p.s. position that's why i voted against it wow. this is really fast and i and a frankly think puts us in an extremely difficult position we've been asking for a discussion about
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those issues and the school design to take into account when we signed the decisions among other reasons for months and months but i'm a little bit concerned more than a little bit that we are not paying attention to the care which we've made outline your state penitentiary assignment positions in the past that we that i know that's important you heard it tonight obama on from two people because it's 10 o'clock we had the focus of this meeting was not this profoundly important policy discussion nobody would have known about it at all unless the newspaper article i was shocked
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to see it we got the e-mail and talked about it as an idea after the suspension of the rules to be voted on with in community discussion a not an appropriate way foyer an idea to be introduced i'm not in in favor of that and would be more interested in the staff work that gives us suggestions how to do that in a way that will have a community base to the discussion, however, i very specific questions to sort of unrelated to this i mean related to the things beef talked about we've gotten e-mails from people i was moved from an e-mail from a mira loma parent yesterday who said wait a second guys you asked us she didn't say that but
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we had months maybe a year of discussion serious discussions about the middle school feeder pattern and what the impact of that and did we want it honestly, i was not in favor of it my colleague was after that much community discussion and after opinion there's what a community consensus worthy trying actually, i was one of the people though i was in in favor that talked to a lot of school groups and explained why they should try it and we should be doing liquor store and an e-mail from some place from mira loma you asked us to take a leap of faith we have mira loma famed at deny man we think this is
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working and continuing to recruit families to build that -- excuse me. in the sixth grade at a den man now our pulling the rowing rug out from under us not only from the proposal to make mira loma sort of also a feeder school for willie brown but to sweeten the pot i'll make that doubly hard that's an example of what was referred to an unintended consequences not thought-out consequences nobody has talked about the impacts the proposals have on other commitments we've made like telling me people we're behind the feeder pattern and part of our strategy for improving the middle schools so i just you know i'm state your name for the record about that
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and i also want to so i'm thinking that i suggest and i'll suggest as something we should think about that we might consider if we're doing the high school preference to take out the fifth the preference for ask the attend the fifth school like george moscone and edward or e.r. taylor. >> are you officially making an amendment commissioner wynns are you officially making an amendment. >> i want people to think that it i'll consider making a motion in a minute other thing in the high school preference the setting aside of
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'75 seats we set aside 20 percent. >> it's in the policy but yearly we usually suspend that to the discretion of the restraint we've not holding them. >> most of the middle-class don't have it that's a surprise to me so you know if we're going to plow ahead yes i'll make a motion we remove the 4 lerments not in the bayview open the theory we're looking at one of the unintended consequences. >> i'm going to second because i'd like to discuss it
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if commissioner wynns is through. >> oh, sorry i think it's important to say this proposal or willie brown element was discussed he it he committee he meeting and the racial for churgz what those schools they did american people analysis where do the 941124 students go to school and propose that election of schools i have to say i'm compelled to agree with chinese the feeders it's problematic we've been encouraging that community to embrace their feeder it seems like we're undermining our own policy i'll be in favor of removing mira loma from the list
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but by colleagues understand the rational in choosing them we need the critical mass at the school it's a brand new school i feel the district needs to come up with the best possible plan and i think one way to address some of the concern is to really make sure that the public families understand what those enrollment tiebreakers need but the school opening we're under a time structure it maybe okay to extend it for several months we don't have the liberation. >> commissioner moore. >> i just want to argue against
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it's one thing to remove all the second tier i'm going to argue against picking and choosing which ones to remove we're xhoent error with error now i'm getting nervous the mira loma families that are concerned about the feeder proposal are maybe don't know about the willie brown proposal and are going to say wait a minute why did you take us out. >> when i had a conversation with the folks moscone had high concentrations of students that live in the 4124 that's why we were chosen mira loma was chosen for another reason it makes sense to keep taylor and moscone
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because they have a high concentration of students in the 1424 he agree with dr. murase it remove mira loma from the list actually a lot of the students don't live in that zip code and they have the 92414 preference if they choose to go to willie brown so someone else had a comment are you finished commissioner, i think commissioner haney has it and commissioner mendoza. >> i have a classification. >> first of all, thank you to all the colleagues those are important conversations although i think most of us agree we wish we had a longer amount of time and so i think all of this is coming out of serious as a
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consideration, however, imperfect around what is best for the school and families and that we have a full school that it opens up and diverse and people are excited to be there with a successful school so we have to work with the time limit with that said, we owe an apologize to our partners and recognize that we made a mistake in not engaging as early and often as possible around this we all agree on i have a question around process and the policy itself on process so i said completely this is a decision if it's going to go into effective this year we have is clarify the dates and timelines this is a
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comment was made it would be great to have a fuller meeting i recognition that time is very short on that and in addition on the process what we can do to sort of look at how the discussion are made moving forward what can we do to gave me with the community if at all before we make the decision final and in terms of the process in particular with the parents at those schools and more broadly in the district to sort of deal with some maybe some surprises or lack of knowledge about this happening the outreach that would look like those are any process and questions and then kind of the policy itself maybe if for the superintendent talk
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about the high school preference i know that you know it was something that changed if the last policy and a number of folks i want to also commend president fewer has taken time to think about it issue but why you added this and feel it's necessary and what goals you feel has accomplished it's good to put this on the record we were saying we were going to do the sweeten opportunity access for the willie brown students is maybe we can have that conversation we're going to take that position we should make that clear why that policy is necessary and essential particularly the rush in which the decision is being made.
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>> thank you commissioner haney i'm going to ask ms. limb and president fewer maybe the urgency of the discussion we're a little bit over 4 weeks of the school enrollment fair so the parents will indicate their first choice willie brown middle school if the board choose to approve that they have the information going into the enrollment incredibly - cycle the parents have not parent in great numbers in the first round or submission of application we're doing a targeted outreach but want to make sure they have the full scope of information around their decision so it's a
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point well-taken like to see a bigger process quite frankly that community gets shorted on that process we consciously are bringing this keep in mind that if, in fact, we would have and the board has articulated strongly the decision if, in fact, we had the residents and students that live in the 4124 actually enroll in willie brown junior middle school that would be the most difference school in the city of san francisco over 70 percent of the students in the bay area go-go elsewhere the investment the board is making into willie brown junior middle school because we have a choices
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system the reputation that schools carry with them sometimes very undesirable is in the process we want to make sure that is a strong statement we're confident in the school that students that go to the school obey successful in my high school they go to and part of the direction to think of ways to incentivize residents of 94124 to look at willie brown i forget the other question. >> the process one this has to be made now because the timeline is such there's no way it has to be decided one way or another tonight and the second around the process ifhe
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