tv [untitled] September 24, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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it goes city wide and we have come up with the ways and i know that she will be presenting this to us soon i am sure as to how we increase our out reach and get people engaged and it is how we have been focused on. and we are on the same page, and loving our water front and looking at how much that we have done and figuring out the best ways to move forward and so i want to thank you for your report and the time to make the suggestions and also, for all of our staff for looking at those, and figuring out any misconceptions that have been out there but also acknowledging things that we have been working on that are completely in sync with the suggestions that are contained in the report. thank you. >> >> item 9, new business. >> thank you. pardon me. thank you, commissioners, and the public in the staff for a
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very good meeting. we have only one item of new business and a couple of other follow up items that probably don't rise to the new business level, but that was to work with commissioner brandon, as an adviser to staff on a souther water front master planning effort. >> i am sorry? >> and commissioner adams. commissioner adams wanted to join me. but that is okay. >> i don't mind, joining, i can be the alternate. >> okay. >> i don't think there was any other new business. is there any further public comment on new business? >> see none, is is there a motion to adjourned, motion to adjourn. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> and the meeting is adjourned and i just want to again, thanks moses who has joined us and we thanked you earlier when you were out of the room for hosting us and everyone else
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test, test, test, test, test test >> morning welcome and there's so many agencies represented here my job is to 2r50 the mayor but i want to tell you what happens going on right now, we're holding a tabletop exercise and fleet week is not something that happens once a week but all year around and we're working to improve the readiness of the city and the county of san francisco
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with that i'd like to introduce mayor ed lee mayor ed lee and he's our biggest supporter okay. (clapping.) >> thank you general for that wonderful introduction and thank you for everything that your go doing for our city and continue to help us lead our fleet week association in the work you do behind that good afternoon. everyone. >> morning. >> welcome to our amazement it's been a long time in coming but fleet week is back in san francisco and that's a wonderful thing (clapping.) you know as much as we missed that last year if reminds 80 us to renew the relationships with the military to celebrate the the men and women in the unforms that are protecting our country but to practice what we've done with fleet week and all the
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different agencies that can match up with our emergency management operations our increased and presented and he rec and park all the agencies that have a unique opportunity to practice what is changing in a major disaster that's logistics i don't know about you but having worked in the public works and the city administrators office i know the experts in logging eric's are expanded on both of my side, the men and women in the military that deal with it everyday i heart attack back to senator feinstein that brought back the fleet week to san francisco a great history of our city and the entire bay area celebrating
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the arrival of ships as earliest as 1908 i remind my friends in chinatown that port smith square search warrant named after the u.s. oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light port smith and also as important as celebrating the roll in the defense of our country more and more the military forces are asked in not demand to provide the humanitarian services around the world this is essentially the roll our military is playing more and more often is responding to disasters whether man made or natural they they're bringing and we get the opportunity quite frankly to get the experience they have and bring it into our planning and exercises and should be no surprise to all of you over one
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hundred and 50 fire hydrants and emergency mrarnlz have been working this morning to dot tabletop experience there were practicing 7.6 magnitude simulation on the san errands fault we're reviewing constantly the rolls that everybody will play in the recovery the funding practicing on the tangible top basis and where to put the medical arrivals how to use part the city and to encourage people to work with our military practicing over and over again their noting no different than city it programs it's an opportunity to celebrate not only to practice one of the most
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important thanksgiving thinkers we're getting ready for and ucsf the south napa are earthquake was a reminder what we do on an annual and daily placing basis in our 0 department of the emergency management our practicing agencies are here not only to celebrate but to get into the practice that continues to remind us how necessary it is to prepare and be read i want to shout out to the navy and the manors and the armed forces we have the practices and services 0 of our coast guard they're here doug doing all the kinds of thing that protect everyone that is using the waterways as we welcome in the ships and celebrate it wonderful annual celebration the coast has been
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through to make sure the vessels and the cruise ships we want to arrive every day a safely harbors and e grace gross our bay in a safe manner one of those days i'm going to get on the legion class currents it's our bayer and one we have slktd particularly the years past when we had the america's cup we were able to use that event to really build the improvements along our waterfront and monique is happy to show off the brandon street wharf and in a couple of weeks we'll celebrate a wonderful cruise ship i vieftdz the another day as fleet week we get to welcome back the blue angels i prefer that noise to some of
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the another noisy hear a lot i'm excited and, of course, our kids i families and the families of our military as well as ordinary folks thought the city enjoy seeing the flights of avsz air force's and navy around the city we look forward to that celebration i want to thank you for the opportunity to thank our honorary co-chairs our general mississippi even though and also our co-chairs former secretary george shultsz as senator feinstein for their leadership to make sure this happens in the right way give a big, big shout out to lewis and the fleet week association i know that you've been anxious to get this back i do think that
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in the backdrop of not having that last year is meaningful again thank you to our chief that makes sure everyone is safe but along with our fire chief gets to be part of the practice it will constantly take we have mr. o lien i didn't the excessive resilience officer, if you will, we have be able to have recognized in his work recognized in all the work to make our city satisfactory when it comes to soft story buildings and a number of things clooug u including the will next phase of affordable housing all of this happens with the collaboration of our departments from our airport to our port to our mta and the public safety agencies
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all working together with me with the fleet week e fleet association to hook up, if you will, to build relationships with our military armed forces to make sure we know each other to it will not be the first time we talk to each other when we're practiced that we'll have systems done and know what where to go this is what fleet week means and the fact we get to celebrate the men and women who bay area bay area are oftentimes here away from their families sometimes it's hard for the men and women that serve our services but i'd like to have them think of san francisco as kind of their second home and wherever their stations thank you very much for joining me i can't wait for fleet week to happen thank you very much
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(clapping). >> thank you, mr. mayor i'm the director of the san francisco department of management we know with the road to discover happens before the earth starts shaking it is evident could i you see the individuals on both sides of me how important fleet week is and the humanitarian assistance and disaster educational seminars we do are because you have fire you have our nert volunteers and the navy and you have our police officers the my own the army our emergency managers this is our opportunity to get to know one another to put names and faces together to learn the language we speak because we all have our
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different acronisms in i go over it's the tabletop compressors we have one hundred and 40 differences agencies represented today when you think about all the different kinds of plagues we accompany with we work together it's imperfect we work together and drill in advance and fleet week give us the opportunity to do that i want do to go over a few of the things that are going to happen this year in fleet week on monday october 6th we're following a simulated earthquake the manors will deliver the that mroofrt they'll obey delivered on the airport i aircraft that's something to see it takes off and lands like a helicopter but flies like a plane they'll travel to san francisco general
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hospital and set i am the operations on tuesday october 7th we'll see a deems of military, civilian and nonprofit working dogs at rejecting square park this is my favorite activity i'm a canine lover cross from the emergency operation center you you'll have the bark at the park to see what you're military dogs do in terms of search and rescue and your fire and police doss dog with the canine companions out of san reap i hope you can come if you haven't seen your emergency operations walk across the street and get a tour on thursday october 9th a senior leader at the the memorial clubs the senior citizen military
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burglary talk about the international response then on friday, october 10th the fire department will conduct the urban search and rescue for the sailors and manors at treasure island this is an important cross training event this is the fourth time we've done it and we've gotten feedback from the sailors and the manors how they've been able to use what they've learned in real life response activities in the japan i believe so have important. >> for the press there's a how often in our 0 packet that talks about the fleet week event and visit wwwfleeting fleet week on that note i'd like to introduce a gentleman i just met
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this morning but very xsz see with our key fleet week partners rear admiral perriscy the commander the strike 9 admiral percy if you could come up (clapping.) well, good morning and thank you for that kind nutrition it's a special thing to come back come back to san francisco it didn't seem like it was 40 years ago back in the late 60s so special thank to see mayor ed lee and general mississippi even though to the fleet week association and the volunteers that are making fleet week a success have made fleet week a misconduct but symbolic the people in the san francisco area in honoring our services mr. mayor i want to tulsa tell you i'm impressed by
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the commitment to being ready to insure that everyone is ready to deliver the services that the citizens 90 in san francisco and the county will expect that sense of duty is truly remarkable i'm honored to announce our army is better for fleet week 2014 we looked forward to our sailors in the ships returning to fleet week so everyone in the bay area can see their navy first hand once again we're proud to introduce the ships that internal revenue will be visiting the uss it is u.s. america the navy's newest shopping ship will be here during fleet week i can't imagine a better place for america to been and happy the
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blue eric garcetti's will be professionalism the navy prides it's which when it matters and we remain committed to our swan relationship with san francisco the united states is a maritime nation and this is our gateway to the pacific our prosperity and interest reaches far into the pacific and a that's why the navy shares a great relationship beyond fleet week we work tote with this great city to build relationships between local, state, and federal officials we're ready to respond to national emergencies this is matter of fleet week we continue to strengthen the understanding and confident that the navy is ready to support you if called upon in closing we're delighted to be
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back we look forward to meeting with the great city and i encourage you to meet our sailors their amazing they represent our finest and the richness of our great nation their pursuing the american dream by volunteering to serve their country now i'd like to introduce the commanding general (clapping). >> well, thank you pat for this very gracious and warm introduction good morning, everyone on behalf of the marine core i'm doing i'd like to thank mayor ed lee and the citizens of san francisco your warm get and hospitality is truly amazing we're excited about the opportunity to participate in
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fleet week this year we clearly recognize that we're only a small part of a much larger picture everyone from the city to the state of california to fema have worked closely together to prepare for the next earthquake however, we know that we bring a unique and powerful capacity to the people of san francisco in the event of a disaster this is really about teamwork a common purpose and a nobody i will cause those are common patriotic i historical threads wroelg woolen through our collective progression for response and restoration and recovery, in fact, no better symbol and example than where we are standing here today in 18946
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when the mayor core alexander opposed a living memorial to the marine can you tell us from the war in the patrick a group of marinas bought a building on the corner of mary mason and sutter streets the marina 340ir8 club the closeness of the relationship 20/20 the city and the military services is due in large part to the effort, spirit, and dedication of the marina memorial association their tireless efforts have brought to san francisco and the marina core team much closer together it serves as our west coast museum for the marina core, however, our history is your history too much like the
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greatest generation the men and women who serve today feel a call to duty in the deep desire to give back to the communities that raised them in fact, many of the markups you'll see here in the city directing fleet week will literally be returning home from commitments overseas to the bay area and to their hometown community simply stated fleet week helps us to respond better to international emergencies such as those we see in the asian pacific japan and the feigns and for america's security so we thank you for allowing us to be a small part of the great training opportunity no 2k0ub9 this is important it is purchase full it is my distinct honor to
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introduce the executive director of the san francisco fleet week association mr.lize lou bib again, thank you sim if i dills. >> (clapping) >> thank you general and thank you, mayor ed lee mayor ed lee i've known him for a long time before i was working for the city he's also been commit to 9 disaster response i have to tell you he and his administration s are so supportive of the fleet week we have a lot of people in the rooms from department of emergency management to have the port of san francisco a myriad of agencies in san francisco we have a number of people representing the organizations that are here today captain gregory stumble he is the
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captain of the port of san francisco from the u.s. koolgd and sitting next to him is monique the port of san francisco they bend over background to make sure that fleet week hoops we have headquarters with mr. randy smith from the p p and i organization and colonel gregory we have, of course, chief suhr we have director reiskin from the mta here how's are all people supporting the event today, the fire department is represented with deputy chief roy gus man and heading up resilience efforts whether or not a whatever the emergency and we have the office of emergency
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services and staff from senator feinsteins and sfaerts office but the fleet week is large and complex i want to tell you having the military here working hand to hand with the city and the private sector where the non government organizations makes our city better prepared i want to assure you there's no better humanitarian assistance provider in the world bar none than the united states military when a u.s. navel ship shows up after the cost of india in recess negotiate is something when we land in the philippines it really means something to our friends i a lot of our family there's a filipino community here it means something to those countries and don't an
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incredible amount of good so i want to thank the marina core the kooth the army and affordable housing they're involved with fleet week but i want to promise i the multi agency being discussed they run the gave him bet we have at blue angels and a hawthorne assistance on the marina green the marijuanas will set up a program we that is a field hopeless capacities will be demonstrated and water is handed a out from the bay and demonstrating the capacities which the you u.s. military as well as the partners we all have in federal and state i haven't
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had life they'll be the most interesting thing is not the endear it's the draw but when you talk to a lands corporal or a navy lieutenant who is in the field hospital you'll come to realize tyler the cream of the crop those men and women are smart and motivated i want to help to that fleet week is launching a year-round event we have the tabletop exercise take place we have a website fleet you'll found out that fleet week is paid for bill donations from private companies from grant from the city and other governments it's a it touches so
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many places and by looking at that website you'll see pictures and events he encourage you to do so questions won't be teen from the podium by the speakers will be in the library for discussions i i believe that you'll be offered a tour of the table top experience taken through the rooms thank you very much for coming thank you, everybody mayor ed lee and have a nice day
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