tv [untitled] September 26, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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changes in the language were made as well this is a positive thing to be able to do for our students in the middle school it was when we approved the middle school and really i think has done a great job in the middle school and the transition piece was important as much as i want to make it predict for our yieths graders but to have opportunity to select the schools that mediated their needs and thank you. this is you're going into the middle school and now into our high school this is opening windows for them you continue to do for the kids that go through gateway so thank you for that and i'll be supporting this change. >> commissioner wynns. >> thank you i'm not going to support this i find it
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interesting you think that choice should be about choosing i believe that, too that's why we supported the high school admission based choice with the priorities for people however, so i and i even though i didn't support the charter when it was granted the argument that were made by the colleagues they were interested in providing more choices for our families and so i find it ironic that now we're saying you know we want to people that are a little bit outside of our system we want to give them more opportunities so and i don't think this is what this was supposed to be about personally i'm not supportive of the charter system at all i think that consistency
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it is important the principle that some view the charter system as a choice for students if that's the reason it should be a choice for all students for that reason i'll not be supporting it and this is something that has evolved over time into what looks like a private system with public money so i appreciate the work you've done but not going to be supporting this proposal. >> commissioner maufas. >> thank you president fewer i appreciate my colleagues comments i in my familiarity with gateway watching the ebb and flow with the san francisco unified school district structure i see it to be fluid that's been my experience i know many of the students that have come and gone
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to gateway i don't hear their families or students themselves saying you know that i feel different about gateway than other sfusd schools your apart of this school system that's the most important thing for me that families see you as an option as sfusd and they can select this school or another school and try to get into gateway since those first names are not expressing themselves and again gateway is one of the choices their famsz has collected on the other hand, slenthd one of many they go to gateway or other schools they've selected none of them claimed about the process or gateway being part of their option so i see this as a continuum of
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that structure and don't that that this particular step is so farfetched in sfusd because i think we have lots of schools well, not a lot of these but schools that do particular things for people to get in some way for students to get in so say we don't have this is a bit of a infancy when we know it's true and in the structure of sfusd i consider gateway as part of our families this is part of the natural provocation so i'll be definitely supporting this and i want you to - (clapping) you know beyond saying i'm going to support it i want you to continue the good work i want to
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be clear about that (clapping.) okay yes ms. el kin thank you and the curriculum committee i emphasize at the beginning, it was transparent when i met with them at the high school they said we've got to get our kids earlier and gateway represents a flienths way of teaching to continue that is great i'm glad to hear that that our middle school children select that we have things like the academies that gateway didn't offer we're enhancing our academy i hope you'll check us out i fully expect that gateway will expose their middle schoolers who are looking for fabulous high schools in the program we oh, i
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see the students at gateway part of our city hall families i want to emphasize you'll be paratransit in the enrollment fairs and everyone can learn about the high school and you'll offer to them so thank you very much and i think we're ready for comment. >> ms. sinatra. >> yes. mr. chin commissioner haney e mr. haney ms. maufass ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase. >> ms. norton ms. wynns. >> no president fewer and that was amended that's 6 i's. >> thank you very much.
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(clapping.) >> okay. so we have another may i have a motion and a second on the revision to the kidnap repertoire southern admissions so moved. >> may i have a reading of the recognition and mr. davis read out the preferences thank you thanks president fewer kwd action amended by substitution that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district approval a material revision to the kidnap college preparatory petition to allow concern admissions the preferences are number one siblings of counter students that reside within the district and children of employees and two students
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enrolled in a kidnap school and 3 students eligible for free and reduced prized meals and four students not eligible for the free he reduced meal and reside in the district and 5 current constitutes roitd outside of the district and employees number 6 students who are currently enrolled in a kidnap school and reside outside the district and students eligible for the meals and reside outside of the district. >> thank you very much may i have a report from the curriculum department. >> thank you so similarly to our previous material revision but the difference here is that kidnap has two middle schools feeding into one high school
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instead of the petitions one middle school into high school the questions were the same was the difference also that kip can't take down their ninth grade seats will be eligible for the middle school the kip middle school students elected to go into the high school the college preparatory school they indicated that the ninth grade classrooms will have opening for seats for the sfusd students a with a positive recommendation with the committee meeting and kip also i wanted to mention did promise they would lobby and market other sfusd high schools
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along with their high schools to the middle school populations. >> thank you very much could we have please someone representing kip up here for question and we have 3 public speakers signed up (calling names) please come up to speak you have 2 minutes each and kip supporter of this petition in the audience please stand up and be recognized (clapping) thank you very much speakers you have two minutes each please press the become. >> i'm you can't net a retained of the bayview when bailey and i were looking at the, of course,
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kip was one of the options we were knifed folded orientation we didn't know exactly what to expect but we left very excited about the opportunity there were 3 things that excited bethree and four specifically the sense of the community and secondly, the emphasis american people values as well as principles that's near and dear to my heart that's how i raised bailing i bailey she's been a good student i've seen her progress in the short school year specifically like being on time and the structure and the organization also in terms of her not waiting until the last minute and double checking her work those things are principles treating people the way you want to be treated and making sure you put our best
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foot forward things that will carry her through high school in her academic career we've heard the phrase if in the broke don't fix it i'd like to have bailey to continue to build on the foundation given by kip i'm hoping you support the opportunity for kip and the other students for the admission into the college prep thank you (clapping.) sorry i'm at all good evening, commissioners i'm the kip person of culture i worked at kip sf base and one of the primary years i earn ronald reagan return is the strong relationships we spend time with
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our parent and getting to know them and offer opportunity for that their individual growth when i heard the news we're going to be opening in our kip appealing high school it felt right our journal began in fifth grade and in high school it will be less that a transition because our team will remain together last year, i worked closely with the families to prepare for prep some of the families ended up on a waiting list to us we felt like we are that not fulfilling our promises most often the families were sdriptd and were working hard to enter kinney had one parent's that was overwhelmed with the
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process and worried about it her son was able to form strong aligns with others i've had several conversations with our alumni that didn't have the opportunity to go to high school we hoped you opened a high school earlier we believe that it is important to have a model to one day reach college kip is one of the last stepping stones and that's why i'm requesting our support for the kip middle school students thank you for your time and consideration (clapping.) good afternoon. i'm a ninth grader i want to share my experience from kip academy and kip college prep in fifth grade
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i struggled i was learning and writing english at kinney had a great teacher one of the most supportive teachers in the middle go eight grade our encourage helped me i got the letter from kip saying i was open the waiting list i got sad and worried i know that kip high school was one of the high schools to help me to prepare for my dream school ucla's or princeton i remember i received a letter and asked why i was on the waiting list because there were two many kids that employed and not enough space i if know what to do eventually i was
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expected i know that kip would help me my high school is helping me to propose by providing important information about college and helpings us to you understand where we want to go to college and kip helps the african-americans we can be successful and go to a four-year college i ask you for your support to give the kip middle school students and the kip charter school to continue down a successful path i love having the community surrounding me so thank you (clapping.) okay. >> comments from the board or superintendent and i want to remind folks that is the same discussion about gateway too
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commissioner wynns i have a question i should have asked do we all agree not to give preference to individual schools for our committees he's e employees when we were asked to do that correct that's correct just checking. >> any other comments commissioner haney. >> thanks again for everyone it came out for this item as well i had the same question that i asked of the gateway folks around the balance of youth grade i think it's a little bit of a different issue i know it as the different challenge in terms of the balance spots are available and wasn't the breakdown is if most of the kip eight graders were to go to the
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kip school. >> thank you i'm sure you're aware of we have a slight different situation we have two middle schools we have seeing 2/3rd's of our middle school students are president obama to go to the high school where roughly thirty percent of the students are outside of sfusd we did an analysis to see if the kip students were to increase up to percent and i think the data we talked about in the last meeting even if 75 percent of our students choose it that leafs 20 percent for the sfusd students and then at the 80 percent level will be 15 berries for sfusd but that's higher than the numbers recorded today. >> any other questions
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commissioner maufas. >> thank you, commissioner and although yes as stuffing preference we get ready for our board comments that is like our previous petitioner i want to say that you all were at the meeting as well i appreciate the way that you've been able to serve many of our families that have not been able to get the real nuance support system just the way it's been we are improving by leaps and bounds but i all do it well, the natural provocation for you to have a high school are i look forward to you continuing the good work with our students and treating them with such loving care but i'm going to be
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watching to make sure this is an ongoing effort like our previous petitioner in the same seat i trust you'll continue to do the good work i'll be supportive of this petition. >> commissioner haney (clapping.) is that a continuance of your first question. >> no. >> commissioner norton. >> thank you, sir a really quick question primarily april is the pricing of the piecemeal new. >> yes. it's new as chair mentioned the sfusd gave the guidance that was explicitly likely to have consistentcy with serving low income and underserved students. >> thank you commissioner
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haney. >> for the same reasons i'll be supporting this this is something that makes sense to be able to build the relationships in the cohort i wanted to one similar to commissioner maufas commend you for the success of the high school so far and the growth it's a couple of years open and it's amazing this excitement and interest i'll say awhile i have you here and i know it's something i've expressed before there's a co-location as we know with kip high school and the national high school academy it's critical for us that has kip high school grows and clearly that will continue to grow we work together and communicate well and collaborate i wasn't here with the kip high school charter was approved i know that since that co-location has been
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put in place we've had changed and opportunity to make sure we're committed to the success of both schools and make sure that happens so i know your school is going to grow and kip high school and as part of the sfusd community there are good things to think about when we're together on the campus. >> thank you for your work. >> dr. murase. >> i'll be supporting in i want to commend the kip leadership in working with this in terms of the impacts your school has i wanted to raise one impact because kip is fourth grade to 8th and i'm sorry fifth to eight grade model i know that's been available for families i've heard testimony but i know that
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traditionally opinions survivor when we lose schools to kinney hope families if they know that they're enrolled and there can be planning at the fifth grade level we lost kids. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i just wanted to say that i'll be supporting this also and i've appreciated the effort you made during the transition into a high school model and the work i've been doing with the district i think one of the things we look for in our charters we have a limited number of charters is the strong relationship and partnership they're not you know separate from any of our other schools
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you've placed a good roll and you serve a unique purpose in my mind and i think dr. murase noted accident fifth grade start this is port part of our uniqueness and in my community and the kids at kip have done well and the families are happy thank you for that as well i'll be supporting this. >> so i want to say thank you all for coming and bringing out our supporters and the petitions before us i hope in the future we can collaborate more deeply around the collaboration of around our high schools we've helped each other it's great we're working together and we're ready for a vote. >> thank you, commissioner. >> mr. chin mr. haney
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ms. maufas ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton ms. wynns no president fewer 6 i's. >> congratulation thank you very much (clapping.) so kip and gateway supporters if you are not staying for the full agenda please depart quietly so we can continue now a special order of business for charter items may i have a motion and second between the sfusd and charter schools operating a memorandum of understanding agreement so moved. >> second. >> thank you mr. davis will you read the recommendations into the record. >> yes. the requested actions that the board of education san francisco school district rectify the memorandum of
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understanding mous and facilities use agreement f a for the 2014-2015 school year negotiated with the cheater schools by the superintendent for his designated need. >> no public speakers for tonight any comments or questions. >> so i have your card there's a time during public comment that we will speak mr. steel please make sure she has a card so thank you very much no public speakers signed up board questions or comments superintendent steven i think we're ready for a vote. >> ms. sinatra mr. chin mr. haney
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ms. maufas ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton ms. wynns president fewer that's 6 i's and this has on we have a motion and a second already recorded to the last board meeting by the budget community chairs they moved that without recommendation this is one 48 dash 12 s p one authorization to deny or approve the charter school will you please read the resolutions mr. davis. >> authorization to grant in the alternate of deny the chapter school whereas pursuant to the education code the one purpose
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charter petition to the sfusd and whereas pursuant to california education code section 476 so 5 the board of education is in receipt of the renewal petition and whereas the district shall comply with the actions as required by law and whereas the board of education shall consider the level of support for the charter school and all information with respect to the petition and the supporting documentation whereas reviewing the information the board of education will be guided by the board of legislation the sdlz shall be part of the establishment which the charter schools and whereas the district and superintendent the district restraint and staff had a review that and report to the board of education tlbdz
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that the board of education shall grant or deny the requirement set forth by law. >> thank you mr. davis mr. mclaugh ton could you come up and we have a list of speakers signed up this evening for this particular item so as i call our name, please come up to the pronounced you each have two minutes (calling names) please line up for first speaker please press the bum. >> good evening supermarket and commissioners
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and staff i'm hillary the manager and regional director for the charter school it's a nonprofit manipulating advocacy organization that supports the charter movement i'm here in support of the petition our team worked with one purpose we've reviewed the finding and building it meets all the requirements set for the in law to guide our petition the ed code is clear a local agency shall not deny the petition unless the charter school provides an unfounded program and their demonstrately unsuccessful in having the program and it doesn't fit the required
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