tv [untitled] September 26, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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three letters from the neighborhood that relate to noise and debris. i will distribute these letters now. with this shortly before arriving at the hearing, one of the writers of the letter was able to withdraw his letter while speaking to one of the project. the department is requested approval of the project. the project is consistent with both the current and pending zoning controls for this immediate area. the project contributes to the city's art sector by providing greater employment and entertainment opportunities and opportunities for the city and region and because this site is well circumstantial served and this concludes my
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presentation. >vice-president cindy wu: thank you. project sponsor? >> good afternoon commissioners john here on behalf of the project sponsor, leticia luna. i'm here to present the property on folsom street, a nightclub and restaurant. i would like leticia come up here and explain her vision for this project. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is leticia lun a. this would be my 10th location that i have opened in san francisco. i started in 1979. i took a break the last three 3 years to develop a site and right now i'm getting ready to take over another project which is 1501 folsom street. i would like to do a nightclub
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on the first and second floor and the rooftop restaurants on the second floor. this building has been vacant. there is no latin music in that neighborhood. i would like to bring in latin music and salsa bands. i think it's a great location to put a restaurant on the roof to have where people can go out and diane and park a block away where costco is for $10. it would be' one stop where someone can have dinner and listen to music instead of goes to other places to hear music and have dinner. i had two people that left here because it was dragging, one was my neighbor, his concern was to
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make sure if i do get the rooftop that my customers will not go e to his side on the roof. i told him that will not happen. we will close our restaurant early. our last serving at 11:00. we will close by 12. we had another neighbor on fulton, his concern was if the restaurant opens that the outdoor seating will not be available until 2 :00 a.m. where people could listen to music or talk and it would go across to them. i told him that wasn't an issue because my plans are to stop serving at 11:00 and if it's a little longer we have them come inside the restaurant. there would be no noise problems for the neighbor. basically that's it. all right. thank you. >vice-president cindy wu: thank you.
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>> thank you commissioners. the project will establish a nightclub on the first and second floors of the existing building which is used for a nightclub called the paradise lounge and all the music will take place inside the building, and comprised of the third story where it's serving customers on the roof deck. we understand handful of folks that have come out and expressed their concerns about noise and we are already working on eliminating any noise that will come from the project. the project has already incorporated double pain windows and doubling skylight and performances away from door ways and already compliez complies with the noise ordinance. because of those live near units one
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of the good neighbor policies in the planning code requires that the nightclub and the restaurant complies with the noise ordinance with residential use. that means the club and restaurant cannot create any noise more than five 5 decibels above the ambient noise level so right when you get to the sidewalk. it's an 8-decibel allowance for commercial property. this is enforced by the entertainment commission. they will come out as soon as the operation begins to ensure they are in compliance with the noise ordinance measures. also want to emphasize again it is fine dining. this isn't overflow from the restaurant. it's a dining area from the restaurant. it closes at 11 :00 p.m. every night and looks like let leticia had an opportunity to talk to them tonight.
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the process that it's coming back to you, the good neighbor policies will be imposed on the project and these are not imposed on the pair -- paradise lounge for the operation. this is an improvement of the paradise lounge. leticia has gone out of her way for the project. she's had two meetings at the site and noticed people of the project and as a result we have 25 supporter letters as well as support from the alliance for better district 6. this project will be beneficial to the city. establishing a new entertainment office establishing latin culture and in the soma area which expressly supposedly put an area to put
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entertainment uses. the policy 8.3 says include spaces and new development entertainment uses wherever appropriate. the project is also going to create 5 jobs -- 35 jobs for city resident is and has a clean record for running businesses for over 30 years. we request that you approve the project and here if you have any questions. thank you. >vice-president cindy wu: any public comment? >> hello, i'm mark telley, i represent the san francisco community and i would like to present the petition to please asking the commission to please deny this event. this particular building is extremely historical significance to my
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community. in 1966 febe's was the first t -- leather bars. because of this, herb came called folsom street the miracle mile called febe's. at the historical society said this is an extremely significant building to that history of the community. in fact, next sunday, the folsom street fair will have 200 plus thousand people in our
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community and it all started at 1501. i do also want to submit this next meeting of the historical landmark preservation commission so this building will get the landmark status that it truly deserves. >vice-president cindy wu: thank you. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner richards? >> my question is -- i didn't get your name. the ground that you have for your petition request to deny it are on what grounds? >> that it is a landmark building, it's very historic in our community. >> in place of leticia luna's project what would you propose? >> i have no objection to a
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club or restaurant being in this space, it's the over developed construction of this project that i object to it that it will damage the historical integrity of this building. >> so from my understanding of the project it's just going to be on the roof. >> there is a third story added and roof deck on top of that. >> okay. thank you. leticia luna has been a citizen of the upper market community for 30 years. i think i have had one too many hangovers from your $5 marths 5 margaritas. you even have a if funeral home supporting you. i do struggle with we are going to put an addition on the top. this building is not rated at all from what i understand. is it part of the folsom
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street gay culture? >> it has been identified as the lgbt contact statement but not any documents adopted by the city. i would note that paradise lounge moved in the mid 80s and since then there have been subsequent interior operations permits pulled on the property. i'm not sure how much interior space is left. >> we are not talking about the interior space, it's empty. specifically what's the height? i didn't pay attention to that. >> i believe it's 19 feet and the additional story would increase to 30
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feet four 4 inches. 11 feet. >> that takes up less than 15 percent of the building? >> yes. the actual floor area is under 15 percent of the building. >> okay. i personally think the addition of the third floor is not outrageous, what would we have in place with this building when you have so many extra feet to work with. i think it respects the existing structure as it is. i support the project. on one condition that on the ground floor you create a double door for the people, patrons entering and exiting the building to keep the sound in and we have a six 6-month look back from neighbors. >vice-president cindy wu: commissioner
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antonini. >>commissioner michael j. antonini: i'm also very supportive of the project and perhaps project sponsor team can work with the committee and can get some history of the first latin bar. i would be supportive and move to approve. >> second. >> with conditions? >> yes, with staff conditions and you want to add. >> the conditions are that a double door are created in the entrances and exits of the first floor and six 6 months informational. >> so it's three conditions. one for six 6 months return to the planning commission and then one for working with the community
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to commemorate. commissioner moore? >>commissioner kathrin moore: i would like to expand object that last suggestion to say the folsom street corridor get in touch with what we talked about yerl -- earlier is one of the chapter which captures these important bench marks and participates a documents existing space of the history of the building as it was used and perhaps finding some overarching way in the building it says some recall or some plaque of what this building used to be. they will i will feel comfortable what is the challenge for documenting
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history. >> can i say something about the san francisco history. >> as you are moving forward to really document and capture the most important important of san francisco history. >> is that amendment amenable, thank you. >> commissioner richards. city clerk: there is a motion and second to approve with conditions as amended to include ground floor double doors, six 6 months report back and wort with the san francisco heritage to recognize the history of the site, on that motion, commissioner antonini, hillis, johnson, moore, wu, that pass
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sponsor renewing a license. no exterior alterations are proposed the department has received 5 letters of support, two from the residents one from asian incorporated and one from taps and social housing. the department has received additional letters from the neighborhood association and the middle neighborhood association. the russian hill community association would be supportive of the process related to the abc license and hours of operation. the project sponsor will talk about the concerns of the organization. the department recommends approval with conditions and is desirable for the following reasons. the proposed restaurant will enable an independent and local business owner to expand the business model while providing good and services to the
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surrounding neighborhood and meets the requirement for the planning code and changes to restaurant would not change for concentration within the polk street n krksd. the constitution in the immediate area would all properties within the subject property and zoning district would increase from 32 percent with the proposed restaurant. clustering of consistent with general plan policy. further, the san francisco formula retail of economic analysis as the retail industry and brick and mortar retail stores with online sales and non-retail and services are completing the vacant retail space and will create various employment
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opportunities and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and the business is not a formula retail use. this concludes my presentation and available for any questions. >vice-president cindy wu: thank you. project sponsor? >> good afternoon commissioners, my name is marsha garland on behalf of the project sponsors. this is amanda fung. her husband chung and their partner billy. last week this item was on the consent calendar and agreed to a continuance in order to meet with neighborhood groups which we did this tuesday. they raised an issue at the last minute
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these three neighborhood groups claiming they were not contacted about the project. two were middle polk neighborhood association. on its website the middle peacock polk neighborhood association states it's committed to its community on safety from california to broadway to van ness. our project is north of broadway so we chose not to contact them for the same reason. by the very name, the association implies that it refers to issues related to pacific avenue. the russian hill community association was simply not known to us, we apologize for the oversight. our discussion was very healthy and we thought a very productive one.
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i recent article in the chronicle that knowledge killed the ice cut you are -- cutter. the same is happening with retail. that was a big concern that the groups had was the destruction of neighborhood retail and the form used of this 1850 -square foot premises which had been an empty store before hand. so, the neighborhood retail is changing. we all know that. it is evolving and it is deinvolving. we need to adjust our idealism. yesterday i worked with someone that worked in the gift shop for 14 years. she told me the book sales are now 25 percent of what they once were because of she went on to say that customers scan the
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speaker -- isbn numbers with their smartphones to check online to see where else they can purchase the same book for less. they do the same with other merchandise. that kind of shopping just doesn't happen only in museum gift shops. the village small antique store is no more, thanks to ebay. the shops that existed in this space where this restaurant is going was not patronized sufficiently to continue it's business. the last 5 years, according to the proner property owners had been extremely difficult to pay rent and not only were they aging and dealing with hip replacement and looking forward to retirement, but foot traffic slowed and retail environment changed.
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the appropriates proponents of the project, this is far more than most retailers can afford. the project sponsors want to establish this and now their background and skills are em -- i am mpeccable. >> hello everyone, we are very excited given this opportunity to open a restaurant, sushi restaurant serving collaborating two skilled chefs that i believe will actually improve the, i'm sorry, improve the
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neighborhood and we named our restaurant kim jo and it means neighborhood in japanese because we really fell in love with russian hill and would like to keep that neighborhood feel and we look forward to making friends with our new neighbors in mission hill. thank you. >vice-president cindy wu: thank you. >> i want you to meet this man because he has trained with a sushi master for years. >> hello. i have worked in a japanese restaurant since i was 17 years old. i was trained in a really classic skill for sushi master who is from japan. i was trained for 11 years
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and after that i have worked various japanese restaurants in san francisco which includes blow fish and -- in downtown. i think i believe that me and billy my business partner, we are both very passionate about things that we are doing and we are very knowledgeable about and passionate about our japanese food. so i think it will be great and great asset for us to come into russian hill and provide the people with great food and what we are really passionate about. we are looking forward to service in other people in the city as well. so, that's all i need to say, thank you. >> >vice-president cindy wu: thank you.
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>> billy has a hard time with his english. we are going to let him off the hook. thank you. >vice-president cindy wu: public comment on this item? is there any public comment on this item? >> good afternoon president wu and members of the planning commission i'm with housing and zoning for the russian community. i'm going to summarize this issue. in keeping i wanted to say neighborhood districts is critical for small scale neighborhoods. they are the lynch pen and provide goods and services that our residents need and provide entertainment options but most important they help
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create the sense of community and the style and character of a neighborhood. i'm very concerned about the death of retail in san francisco. i hope the planning commission takes and initiative in terms what we can do because in our area on polk street there are vibrant retail businesses but the vibrant commercial area of this ratio establishment. the planning code things this balance is so critical that it states a yellow flag of 20 percent. a cautionary, when the balance goes over 20 percent for eating and drinking, watch out. in the 3300 feet areas that we are talking about here, we are going to move from 32 percent to 34 percent eating and drinking establishments. certainly a yellow light and somebody
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in the city needs to be aware of those balances. for this reason there are three 3 points that i call to your attention. the change from retail establishment to an eating and drinking establishment can never go on a consent calendar. it is a sizable change in your neighborhood character and every citizen has a right to raise questions even at the last minute. i beg you. these should never go on a consent calendar. the second thing is the radiation -- ratio of eating and drink. there is a planning that is going on with eating and drinking along the corridor. we have to do more than track. we need to monitor and we need to make decisions. there was no option, no
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opportunity for another retail establishment to go in. the third thing is serial permitting is ab abhorrent. this location will only be open until 10 :00 p.m. on weekdays and 11 :00 p.m. friday and saturday and 41 license. we really appreciate that. please beware of these important ratios in our neighborhood. thank you. >> good afternoon, any my name is -- from middle polk neighborhood from where this is located and middle polk consistently works with our
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retail friends up and down the polk corridor whether they are within our boundaries or whether they are outside our boundaries. polk street as we see it as a very interesting retail corridor within san francisco. filled with independent retail shops that shapes our very neighborhoods. there is no opposition to these individuals. we really don't know them very well and we have nothing against them but we do wish that we were included in the outreach for this particular project. and we were not. mr. -- ms. courtney addressed that this should be retail to restaurant. it's a huge issue to losing
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