tv [untitled] September 27, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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commission meetings. action. >> but, colleagues, anything pressing here before we get to captain lazar and anything that we want to talk about that can't wait. no. we are all anxious for captain lazar but i have to say this first, call the next line item. >> line item three, captain david laza, commanding officer of central station to address the commission on police activities in the central district. [ applause ] >> >> president loftus and vice
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president turman, members of the police commission, chief suhr and members of the department, members of the public. and i'm captain david lazar and the commanding officer of central station and i would like to welcome you to the district for this evening's meeting in the heart of china town, before we begin this evening's presentation, i would first like to thank dr. dennis chiu, principal of the elementary, and for inviting us into his school and for partnering with central station to provide this evening's dinner, i hope that everyone had an opportunity to eat. before we begin, i would first like to invite to the podium at this time, miss grace owl fourth grader to make a special presentation to the commission and to chief suhr. >> thank you. >> okay.
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>> good evening, everyone. and thank you for coming to my school this evening. my name is grace owl and i am a fourth grader. and i will like to first welcome president loftus vice president turman and commissioners mazzucco dejesus, marshal, wong, and melara of the san francisco police commission, i would like to welcome chief suhr and members of his command staff, dr. chiu and i and the rest of my classmates are very happy that you chose our school to have
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your meeting. i always enjoy having the officer courtney and the captain visit our school. and in fact, they are part of our school. and now, i want to tell everyone something about central police station and the district. central district has a population of 75,062, covering 1.8 square miles and 24 schools, and 24 parks and 20,000 hotel rooms. central police station has 86 police officers. and 74 male, and 12 females. 23 sergeants, 20 males and three females. and five lieutenants and four males and one female and one captain. and 55 of the officers are caucasian, and 24 asian, 7 hispanic and 5 african american. there are even ten officers who speak chinese like me.
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president loftus, on behave of our school and central police station, my fellow classmates and i would like to present some gifts to you and the commissioners chief suhr and central station to say thank you and welcome to our school. [ applause ] >> can we ask the commissioners just to come up for a second so the kids can give you the gifts? >> okay. >>
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23 years, and is one of the most hard working police officers. he is the commander, and he is not working he enjoys going to church and spending time with his family. and he used to work at the police station and he trained people how to be good police officers and he is like... (inaudible) good students and now i will like to introduce, captain lazar who is also known as (inaudible) because he is always on the go, by the way i got this information by interviewing captain curtis lum and let's give captain lazar a round of applause. >> one adjective that you did not contribute would be
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shameless. so, great, every once in a while, he will... and if i could take it off of him and put it on you right now. >> so, you are 8 years old? >> 9. >> so if you would do me a favor and then in 12 years, give me a call, you can have captain lazar's job. >> another round of applause? >> and i will have to call my friend captain lum tomorrow and thank him very much for that, grace we have a nice central station t-shirt for you and please wear it proudly and thank you for everything that you do and you will be the
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captain and you will run this city if not this country. okay, before we begin the presentation, i would like to acknowledge some individuals who are here this evening, and it was very exciting for us having the commission in the district very happy that you are here and all of the public that has come out in support, first i would like acknowledge chief suhr on may 22nd, i got word that i was coming to central and i called him and said that chief you have 31 captains to choose from and you choose me and for that i am grateful, thank you. and i think that over my 30, hopefully 32-year career i will look back at this time and say that it was one of the highlights and so i am happy to be here, redmond if you could stand up for a second. >> commander, is my immediate supervisor and my boss and
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everyone has a boss, and so, commander redmond, cares greatly for the central district and for the officers for the community, and we are on the phone every day talking about how to make thing better and i thank you for all of your support. and commander, tom is not here this evening, but as you know commander tom was the captain who i released when i was promoted and a big shoes to fill and a lot of this community engagement and all started with the great work of commander tom. and i want to acknowledge commissioner victor wo ng who is here this evening, the commissioner and i talk all of the time and we meet in the community and he comes to me with great ideas and he cares deeply for the residents in this district. and there is many projects and different things that we look forward to working on together and so thank you, commissioner. i would like to acknowledge the staff that is here tonight and the officers, and if you would stand up for the lieutenant for a moment and the lieutenant, and hector, and lieutenant
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brian and desong from our investigators lieutenant, and his lieutenants and i work with and these guys, keep me grounded and they help me with everything that we have going on and i can't do it without these guys and then in addition to that, sergeant penena is here and he is not on the captain staff and he does a lot of great work. >> so i thank you. and sergeant vanderbelt he just came from the night watch to the day watch and eric tapan is here and he is our event officer. officer methias in the back is the permit officer. and officer david (inaudible) is one of our daytime china town beat officers, and i want everyone to say hello, to him when at the end of this meeting, and officer hafrng lum is the facilities person and he is in the back and i could not ask for a better staff at central station, great officers. [ applause ] >> i would like to thank, rose pack is here tonight, and hello
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rose, and chinese chamber and a round of applause for rose. and rose also helps me a lot and helps this community, she comes to me with great ideas, and she is very or always concerned about public safety, and language access and all of those things, and it gives me a lot of great advice and supports everything that we have going on in central station. and i know that malcom young is here tonight from the chinese community development center and i thank you, there you are right there for everything that you do in the community and our work together and stephanie is my co-chair on my police advisory board, and i know that you are here somewhere with about five of our members and so thank you for coming tonight. >> supervisor chiu wanted me to shout out to supervisor chiu and we ill be here soon and we are working together on a lot of things and the officers amanda dunn and ryan jones help to put this whole thing together and i give you all of the credit and this will be a
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beautiful slide and last, the chief already announced, but i think that you my wife, julie and my son, nicholas and grace, who yes, do come to all of our meetings and support me and for that i am very grateful. >> okay. so here is the central district, great job, and she covered all of it. and we will hear a little bit of music too, i think and chinese music, just to get us into the flavor of central station. so, it is schools and parks, and hotels, and hospitals and in 23 consulates. okay. >> dean martin, yes. and yeah, well that is coming next. yeah, yeah, i was going to say that chief you and i could have the lunch in north beach and we could share the music. >> 8 of the top ten attractions are in the central district and this is a international
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destination and we have the wharf and alcatraz and the cable cars and china town and north beach and this is a beautiful place and i have not taken so many photos of tourists in the last four months than in the entire 23 years and i enjoy every bit of it. >> okay. we have a lot of special events that happen here in the district. we are always planning events and new year's eve and we have the chinese parade, and we have the italian parade and the north beach fair and the auto moon, festival and the chief and i and ladies and this month and the county that happened in north beach and we are look forward to the blue angles coming back next month. the district in the northeastern part of san francisco and in the theater district, if you think about the central you think about union square and china town and the financial district, knob hill, and russian hill and tell
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graph hill and if you look on the left side that is larkin and you take a left on bay, and high school in the central but the field is in the central, we take a right on the van ness and we go to the foot of the park along the embarcadero and we join up again at market street, and that is our board and her then geary toward union square. supervisors, we have three supervisors from the district that i work very closely with. supervisor jane kim on the southern end on the geary, and post corridors. and superintendent mark farrell on the left side and then, supervisor chiu takes up the rest of the central district. and so, very thankful for the supervisors. central station, 766 valeo as the chief mentioned he started there in 1981, and i was about
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11 years behind him in 1992 is when i started my career, for field training and this is my first time back in all of those years. what i like about central station is that it is in high demand, and that the longest waiting list of officers who want to work there. and they leave many years to come there and the senior most station in the city. and i enjoy that because i like the fact that the officers have a lot of percent and they know how to work with people and how to handle situations and that is the benefit at working at central station. this is how we are structured and so, on the left, i have a captain staff and the unit that many of them tonight, a sergeant and five officers and a clerk in the vehicle main maintenance and i have a plain closed team and they are the best team in the city for capturing auto burglars and it
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is phenomenal and they catch one a day when they go out and incredible work and our day watch patrol, two lieutenant and five stars and 42 officers and 3 police aids, tracy could you stand up for a moment. >> tracy, and speaker and holds the whole front office together and thank you. and our night watch, we have two lieutenants and nine sergeant and 45 officers, and four aids and then the investigative team, you met deson and he has eight inspectors and these are all very hard working people. >> central station is broken down, and i thank you grace for your information, you may have come up short on some of the numbers we actually have 103 males and 20 females, and it is broken down, 55 caucasian, 12 are chinese, 7 are filipino and 7 hispanic and in terms of language, we have ten
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cantoness, one mandarine 6 spanish, two italy an, and one korean, and one elogo and then cambodean is one and we are as diverse as the city we serve. >> we have numerous foot beats and we think that it is important that we engage the khunt and we are accessible and this is something that i model being accessible to the community and i give everyone my cell phone and i alone, 24 hours, seven-day a week to the community and this is essential to partner and to collaborate and to work on the crime issues. and these are the things that i am sharing with the foot beat and we have the officers, howard chiu and sam, and they work the night watch and they walk a beat in china town and do a great job, and they engage the community, and the chief gave every officer a cell
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phone, and so, we now promote that everyone have those officer's cell phone and that is what we do so that they can contact them. >> in north beach, we have john, and mark alvarez and i want to talk about him for a second to the commission, and i had an opportunity to walk with him for about four hours the other day. and he is the example of what every foot beat should be in san francisco and he knows all of the merchants and he knows all of the residents and they know him and come to him, if they have problems and he knows how to work with people. and he is the model and i think that we have to train anyone on how to work a foot beat, now that joe is a commander he can send him to alvarez, and in the wharf we have john, and we have kevin, and we just added wo rel to the beat to be sure that we have daily coverage and in union square, we have tom, and who is the senior most officer at central station for 35 years in the department and we have good news to talk about the union square in a moment.
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in china town we are doing a lot of work and it has been a great four months and it has been a busy four months and our message to the community has been personal safety, in light of some home invasion, robberies and we had three in august and one in late july and the pedestrian safety and the chief spoke about miss len who lost her life last saturday. and language access is very big for me and making sure that we provide language access by the officers who speak the language, or do our language line or interpreters. and we are rolling out a new program called the china town safety program, this is something that in partnership, with rose, from the chinese chamber, and the community development, center. and we are asking and san francisco says, mason lee who just arrived, we are asking all of the building owners in china town to buy cameras and to add lighting. so that we can send a message that china town is not a place
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to come to comment crimes and that we will be able to have things and incidents captured on video. >> we work to the officer on and i were there in august and we spoke to 300 seniors about all of the items that i just discussed and we are working to get the word out. we had an event called china time out and i wanted to model it after national night out where we just focused on china town and thanks to rose, getting folks to donate food and eddie from the community youth center and we had 800 people come out to night out and it was incredible and many city officials and others and we fed about a lot of people. and we got the word out about the safety, and we got our message out. and it was a wonderful night. >> and the (inaudible) is something new that i am starting now, i just spent the time with young and the penuen and we are going to start working on the safety campaign
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there to work with the security to bring them up a couple of notches and we are also going to designate a night watch sergeant and it is time to work on safety, and there is some small things that we can do to really make a difference. union square and i am excited about the union square and thanks to the chief, and i know that i mentioned the chief a lot and the commander and we are adding the staffing to the station as of saturday and i am very excited to report that we are adding five officers to union square. and right now, we have officer who walks the foot beat in the daytime and we are going to add another officer who cover him on the opposite side and then i am going to add four officers on a night beat, 5:00 p.m. to 3 a.m., four officers, two at any given time, and going to spend a lot of time and get ready for the shoppers and to have the police presence down there when the people get out for work and all of it and in the evening
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where we are going to start taking care of the areas of geary and post and sutter and jones and all of those areas, too. and kind of like we did in the old days, when you had two beat officers and, and walking the beat at night and so we are starting this on saturday, and very excited thank you, chief and the staff and commander, thank you very much and i am excited. one i think that i would like to mention. the captain came up with this idea of communication, union square is about to roll out union square assist, 500 businesses with the goal of communicating thefts shoplifting and other crimes taking place and it was his idea and we are almost there. and now, if somebody works at coach or one of these stores and has an incident, they put in a few things on their phone and they press enter and 500 people know about it and so it is really exciting and it is going to make a difference.
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>> and in terms of crime, that she talked about it, you can see that aggravated assaults are down, robberies are staying about the same and homicides are down thankfully and rates are about the same in the district. >> and in terms of property crime, were up about 400 cases, for auto theft, and excuse me, auto burglary and the au sons are down and the auto thefts are up and the burglaries are up as well, this a property crime district and these are areas that we are going to focus in on. in terms of enforcement, i would be remiss without sharing with the commission the ideas that i have about the enforcement and what the plans are and i am speaking about what is the strategy and how can we get the best out of our officers and our resources and be smarter on how to operate. so in terms of enforcement, when i arrived at central i made sure that every lieutenant had an assignment and so broad
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way and (inaudible) and i know that troy is here and we have done a lot of work there and we are starting the buy bus program for the open air drug dealing that is going on and lieutenant pengel has the traffic enforcement and the night watch and operation's asafety, dushog, (inaudible) and then, prostitution enforcement we have a plan that we just rolled out today for prostitution, sergeant gains and then we have a china town liaison, and auto burglaries a couple of things that i would like to share with you, our plain clothes team has arrested 75 people year to date. doing a great job. we are working with the da's office on prosecution and we may have seen a article about the garage and meeting with them and seeing the cases starting to decline and we have 7 or 8 things to make a
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difference we are having open communication with the captain at northern because we are sharing the same criminals and we speak about auto burglaries every opportunity that we get and we say do not leave anything in your vehicle. our board is working on a flier for hotel and rental car agency sos that when you check out a car or go to a hotel, you get a little bit of an informational flier and we are adding signage where appropriate, auto thefts we are talking about educating the community and for the officers to be vigilant and when i arrived, no officer was carrying a hot sheet and this is something that when the cheer was a lieutenant at the mission station we would have two pieces of tape on the pants and when we would go out we would take the hot sheet to look for the stolen cars, and you don't leave without a hot sheet and we are narrowing down the days and days and times as to when this is occurring. burglaries and we are encouraging you to report the
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suspicious behavior and keep every officer engained in the situation and using the plane clothes and every opportunities to speak about the burglary. broughted way is not the broad way that i remember, there is a lot less incidents than in 2008. green burg is here, the head of the community benefit district for broad way and we are doing a lot on broad way, and it is us work with the partnership owners and we are excited about the taxi zone, that when you come out of the club it looks like the airport and we are attending a lot of meetings my goal is for broad way to be the safest entertainment venue in san francisco. that is the goal.
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what are the top five intersections that we need to focus on in terms of collisions? he is going to be doing the enforcement at sacramento and stockton and we are going to have an operation there coming up and so we are happy about that and we are also running the traffic cars on a night shift. and community engagement is big for us, and i put out a weekly newsletter, about 5,000 subscribers and the community meetings that i am changing at various locations throughout the district and it is not just in one place, and so everyone has an opportunity, and national night out i will talk about in a moment, and our community advisory board, we are doing the neighborhood walks and i had a chance to walk in the lower knob hill area at night and the self-help for the elderly and we work closely for them, and we have a give away that we organize every year and national night
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and you can see him very tall and we are taking the photo with the kids, and courtney does a great job in the schools. >> we have a district attorney, she is working with us, and our neighborhood prosecutors and sthes actually at the station, and we share with northern and mission, and really, that is practices in terms of having the officers in the da all in the same place, talking about crime. >> we are using social media and so i am working on this and we were working on the facebook page and we have a website, and we just started twitter and we have about 180 followers and i learned how to use it and now i am sending these tweets out but we are working to connect with the community.
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