tv [untitled] September 28, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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wo work. >> thank you very much are there are had is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed and the informational item next. >> item 5 adaptation of the legislation items. >> colleagues questions or comments public comment is closed. seeing none, i have a reality. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor chiu supervisor cohen supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee that item passes. >> great. next item. >> item 6 authorize the executive director to execute all master agreement and fund
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transfer agreement and corporation and any things before the transportation authority including a pales in comparison planning grant to support the freeway initiative study and the yerba buena improvement this is an action item. >> seeing no comment from the board we'll open this up for public comment. >> actually, i may know in san francisco there is a place out on corner street with the agency i go there ever morning all the time on that commercial lane a little further up a thank you pay cultural center it's a nice place for me and other
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commissioners to attend san francisco mission parkway for the chinese people you know to take courses like a gentlemen room a nice place and that placed closing monday but on tuesday and wednesday and thursday and friday open from 9 to 5. >> thank you for the plug is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> tome 6 supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor chiu supervisor cohen supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee
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that item passes. >> great next item. >> item 7 award a 12 month contract for the treasure island mobility management program and authorize the executive director negotiate the director terms an action item. >> very good seeing no comments from the board going on gone to public comment. >> i'm sure you're aware of in san francisco chinatown there are two chinese bunch of roadside i go every day monday and tuesday and wednesday, i go to both stockton and wells fargo is bargaining of course i know the best banker i'm sure you're aware of the union bargaining, however, the chinatown's for me is a good place to go to meet
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the - i mean in chinatown the only square area we have such quality of professional and work area it is like for me, i have a bank at wells fargo we go to other stair bucks and in that chinatown the wells fargo is forever the virtue norman yee is a good contact with people that are good people there. >> a comment to the commenter pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices please have your comments for us, please
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incorporate a couple of words otherwise, you put us in an awkward position. >> roll call vote. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor chiu supervisor cohen supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee that item passes. >> okay great gone to our plans and projects. >> appoint bryan larkin to the financial committee seeing no comments from the panel is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed resolved. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent
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supervisor chiu supervisor cohen supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee that item passes. >> okay. let's go on to item 9. >> item 9 adapt the 2014 bus rapid transit muni north network and amend the 2014 bart station access capacity 55 p an action item. >> no comments from the panel is there any public comment? oh, we've got a members of the public. >> good morning. i'm greg from the mta as you have the final mta we want to thank the staff important the hard work in
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developing the 5 year practice writing program it's a process that's improved the last time over the last 4 years ago from the mta prospective the prop k 55 p p is a value tool to help deliver projects quickly thank you to the staff and shout out to the citizens advisory committee for their thoughtful input throughout the process. >> thank you seeing no other member now an roll call vote. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor chiu supervisor cohen supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang
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supervisor wiener supervisor yee that item passes. >> okay. next item please. item 10 allocate 2 hundred 85 thousand dollars plus in prop k funds and appropriate one hundred and 28 thousand plus in prop k funds subject to the cash flow distribution schedules this is an action item. >> no comments from 9 authority board and public comment seeing none, public comment is closed have another roll call vote. >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor chiu supervisor cohen supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee that item passes.
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>> okay. let's go to the next item. >> 11 prop k strategic plan this is an action item. >> no comments from the transportation authority on to. public comment is seeing none, seeing none, public comment is closed another roll call vote >> supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos absent supervisor chiu supervisor cohen supervisor farrell absent supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee that item passes. >> violated item 12. >> item 11 introduction of new items an informational items. >> colleagues any new items seeing none, any public comment on that item?
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seeing none, public comment is closed actually, i closed public comment. >> no problem. >> our next item is general public comment. >> item 13 general public comment. >> general public comment is open for matters for the transportation authority. >> one thing i repeat all the time i repeat such a statement with muni and stubbs i come to the city so no prostitution and no gay force and no baseball no football and no roll path objective and also a person making use of what's money like oriented people we like money. >> and all you can with is thirsty in a town with no cheer
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>> >> i am getting the papers together for you. thank you. last week i went before the civil service commission and the statement that is here and that i am giving to you is the same statement that was presented to them concerning the news article that you have before you, about the statements that he had made. dear chair person, the black human rights leadership council of san francisco is a coalition of dozens of community lead theirs came together, and in 2012, and order to promote the opportunity and fairness for black san franciscans recently we have been focused on issues pertaining to housing and employment. last week, we raised a matter that concerned both the these
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issues in san francisco, civil service commission and we will raise the same matter with you. >> we have many, members who live and in the dilapidated conditions who have indicated to us that there is no maintenance occurring on the housing authority sites and now we know why, it was reported and last week. san francisco chronicle, and what you have before you. and that the commission and from the union have filed legal action against the housing authority, because the agency wants to use the local hire to do the work instead of his plumbers from outside of the city. we also, learned over the past several weeks, from housing authorities, staff that mr. mazola action has stopped all effort to repair the public housing sites and to make them safe and that they have the total housing authority on the individual that he will withdraw his action against the authority if mayor lee
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reappoints him to the commission. second we have heard from the individuals employed at the san francisco airport, that no ethics investigation ever occurred and to the revolution that last year, the commissioner has sought to secure the employment and opportunities for the family member and no influence, promotion of his family members to the inclusion of the minoritis that work at the airport, and we understand that this is nepotism and undue influence is ongoing, and we therefore, request that the ethics commission, promptly launch immediately investigation into both of these allegations regarding the improper use of mozola status as the airport commission, and one to seek personal gain by holding the well-being of thousands of black and asian and pacific islands and public housing residents, hostage until he gets his new appoint
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and to violate the law of ethics to violate the opportunities for family members, as a sitting airport commission. thank you, jackson, i just want to, and i got through it even though hope that you understand that it is a great concern and because we have in this city, positions but they are not federal or state certificated and so we are having problem that this has not occurred in the last few years, thank you so very much. you all have a blessed day
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before i begin, i would like to hand it out to you. >> i received a letter from director st. croix dismissing my second complaint against the memoranda have i had pilpel his letter dismissing the second august, 4th, sie complaint, only cited section iii.5.1, activists that conflict with the official duties, but mr. st. croix did not mention in his dismissal letter, section iii.b.1. restrictions that apply to the officers and the employees in specified positions. and 3 d one states unless otherwise expressly permitted by state or local law and, regulations, no officer employee may assist, advise, or represent other persons or
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entities. and that an entity would be you. >> he was clearly engaging and giving advice to the ethics commission including a sunshine complaint that may have appeared in front of him in his jurisdiction and inside of the scope of his duties and he had no business, speaking to you on july 28th, about the case before you, that is both of my sia complaints, against pilpel illustrates that he appears to be engaging in exparta communications with you, defined in a quasi sitting raise bid pun person in the absence of and without presentation or notification to other interested parties, say the sunshine task force, and
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that he was here, to sway your judgment. indeed, the ethics commission's own regulations from the investigation enforcements, viii and in section 8.a, it says that once a complaint is filed, no ethics commission staff member shall engage in oral or written communications outside of a meeting and the same rule should apply to the task force members, in addition, the sunshine and ethics training video on the city attorney's website, that the pilpel effectively has reviewed numerous times, clearly, indicates that the task force has been adjudicated body, and he should not be violating the procedural rules
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such as bans on exparta communications. and for these reasons, i am asking the ethics commission to calendar or a discussion to resubmit the dismissal of my second sia complaint and hear both of them. and i have been waiting, for months, for you to calendar a hearing, on mr. pilpel. and it is way overdue, commissioner, you need to prove this along. >> good afternoon, my name is karin hugens and i am president of the holly courts president council, it is 120 units of public housing in vernal heights and i am also the ceo of the new, san francisco residents union, where we support section 8, and sros, and senior disabled house and public housing.
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and i am here to reiterate what doctor jackson has already said, we do need a total investigation of mr. masola and what he is doing is what we believe is illegal and you know, there are federal funds that come into this city and when they come into the city, and if they come into public housing, there is something called section three sxim sure that you are aware of it. where 25 percent of the residents need to be hired with those dollars, and 25 percent of the city workers, if there is any, a drop of federal money, going anywhere, 25 percent of the surroundings areas should be hire and what he is is trying to do is eliminate that. and now, as you know, we are going through rad, which is resident, and it is, stands for, rental assistance, and demonstration projects. and where, holly courts is number one. and we are going through rad. that is privatization of public housing, that is going to be the vernal heights community center and the managers and for
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99 years, along with bridge developers and in partnership with the holly council, which is also known as the management corporation, we are going to be able to do business toelgt and together sxb the model to the city so that the public housing residents will know that there is someone out there fighting for their rights because there is no one out there now, except us. and that the section 8 should be adhered to in this city. now, i am going to the colleges, south east facility college, and i have already spoken with their commission and i am going back there again on wednesday and to talk about bringing in a curriculum that will show the residents how to become trained as property managers and get their phm, which is a certifiable title. and they will learn, plan and organize work, and supervisor the staff and supervise the residents service and so on and so forth. back in the 90s, the formal
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vice president, quail, came to this city and he came to hunter's view and he was in total support of resident management and resident management corporations and owning in the public housing and residents owning their own public housing, and so when he left, there were 20 residents hired, and 12 out of that 20, went to work, and i was one of them and i managed 7 developments here in the city for 7 years. and the others were put on a waiting list and then we got dropped like we didn't exist. and so there are residents out there who are willing to do the work, they just need your support, and to be ethical city and use the ethics commission, you need to look into this mazola issue and this is not right and this is illegal, thank you. >> next item on the agenda is
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presentation by information officer steven massey regarding campaign finance data. >> we need to tell them that the scene? or tell them about the screen? >> okay. good evening commissioners. my name is steven massey and i am the information technology fer and tonight i am going to demonstrate two data visualizations that i have been working on in anticipation of the upcoming election, the best screen to look at is this one over here because the screens on your desk are some what blurry and so we do the best that we can to show this off. so the first visualization that you are familiar with is the
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campaign finance dash boards and, they started this in 2012, and this is the third year that i have produced one of these, and to interactive web tool and it is the sunrises that the campaign finance data that we have and the entire site is built on open data. the second project... >> steven, i am sorry, could you explain what the map is at the bottom of the page. >> i am going to go through each of the projects. >> sorry. >> the second project is a balance lot measure dashboard and this one we have done the summaries in the past but this one is different and because it allows you to browse all of the activity, by only knowing just the measure letter and so you don't need to know the committees involved and you don't need to know the different contributers it will just display the information as long as you know the measure letter whether or not you want to look at the supporting or opposing side. and the third project that i am going to go over, is sort of a fun project and this one is
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called a democracy facts label. and it is summarizes the activity by committee, and it allows to you look at the top donors to the ballot measure committee and it is based on a design by professioner levett of the law school and so we have been working with him on this. >> before i get into those projects i think that it will be useful to get a basic understanding of the infrastructure that we focus on because, the infrastructure is actually taking us much longer to build, and i think that it is worth going over, we had a contract with net file since 2007 to host our data bases and our electronic filing systems they host four sis decembers the campaign finance, the lobbyist and the form 700, and the campaign consultants and we don't have electronic for that one but they allow us to scan
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the contributions that go back to 1998 and there are about 260,000 of them and we have all of the lobbyists reports since 2010, and the public financing disbursements and the campaign and the zoning reports are on paper, but we actually type up a lot that have data and put it up on the data so that it is usable. >> and we also post summaries of the contracts and that pertain to the pay to play provisions in 1.6, and then, we also have a list of the summary and that i think that goes back to 2004. so what can you do with the data on the sf.
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>> there are three ways to interact, there is the basic spread sheet view and it is like looking at excel and you can also download the data into a variety of formats if you have a particular application that you want to use to analyze the data and then we have the application programming enter face and we have been working recently with the cold for america and there are a number that have been interested in working, and they can build the websites and the software applications by using our data as the source data and then whenever the data updates the software will update as well. if you are not a programmer and just at the spread sheet level, which is fine you can actually do quite a bit and using the website you can aggregate the data and filter and some of the dash boards use that
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