tv [untitled] September 29, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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bonilla, harrison, levitan is not here yet. commissioner mcdonnell, >> this is the meeting of the recreation and parks commission on september 18, 2014. please note that agenda item 8 for bow decker park is now off the agenda. we welcome everyone here today and ask that you please turn off electronic devices that may sound during proceedings. please take any secondary
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conversations outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. if you like to speak on any item today please fill out a blue card. each person will have three 3 minutes on public comment for each item. if there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and under the subject matter jurisdiction, you may speak under general comment item 4 and item 9. last please direct your comments on the item. no commissioner nor staff will respond to questions during public comment. may ask staff after public comment is closed. the president's report. single -- >> thank you. i item 7 is bow decker on
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mine. >> you are correct. it is item 7. >> item 7 has been pulled off the agenda. thank you. briefly, a report. i want to thank for the last commission meeting and traveling through wild waters of controversy and bringing an end to a sound conclusion . i want to thank him for the glen eagles solution. thank you very much. i want to note that i had the pleasure at my own expense to go back to the pga america's championship in louisville, kentucky. i was really impressed and as you know they announced it in 2020 they are going to have the championship here. it's a major event and will
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be a lot of fun getting ready for that one. i want to thank the mayor for reappointing me to the commission for other four 4 years. i'm delighted to be able to serve and it's a real pleasure. with that, that concludes my president's report. >> we are on item 3, general manager's report. >> good morning commissioners. an exciting general manager's report today. i will start with a few quick announcements. the 90th anniversary at camp mather just wrapped up. 6,000 campers came to came p and had a great time. they always do. really the determination of the staff that did a great job in light of the fire. this saturday the green
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green dsh the event features silent and live auctions and hors d'oeuvres and a special cake. other individuals who saved from the fire. for more information visit the website at camp mather .com. coastal clean up day, every year on the third saturday of september people from all over california take part in the yearly event. 58,000 volunteers removed 750,000 pounds of trash. families, scout groups and service clubs all come together and share their appreciation of
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california's water wasz. -- ways. by the ocean conserves sea. please join in entering in more ways. this saturday september 20, three different locations in san francisco. we will be out at the park, at the murphy wind mill and north lake in golden park. for more information log on to our website for the registration site. one 1 week later with partnership with the playground b magic, a special event in honor of national -- events day. volunteers will help with weed removal, liter pick up and a trial project on the park tables. last year volunteers spent
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183,000 hours of their time in our parks. that is an all time high and i do want to celebrate that and thank sarah bourd and staff for their time. we had thousands of hours in volunteer time. please volunteer on september 27th, by e-mails recreation and parks .gov. october 3rd-5, featuring a lineup of music industries the dirt band and amy lou harris. it's a free event. we encourage everyone to come join us out in golden gate park. then lastly save the date for one of
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the most popular family events. scare growth. on october 24th featuring a really truly one of the scariest haunted houses i have been in. carnival rides and crafts. this annual family event has grown in popularity every year and quite a tradition in san francisco and created the talent from our staff. log on for more information. a very special recognition. commissioner mcdonnell asked me, isn't it a school day and he looked out at all the young people in the audience today. it's a school day, but sometimes, the importance of civic awareness and celebrating the incredible accomplishments of our young people trumps math class. so here we go, for
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those of you who have, anybody describe subscribe to "sports illustrated" tomorrow's super stars? i'm happy to report that we have a few of them today. with super bowl titles. winning chips never gets old in san francisco. this month i'm proud to recognize some young san francisco athletes who are remarkable in sports. it is truly exciting. first up san francisco pony league mustang division all star baseball team. [ applause ] . if you could all stand. [ applause ] let me tell you about these young
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gentlemen. they won the pony west zone regional championship in morgan hill in july. but that's not enough, they won the pony nor cal regional championship in ferris california and competed and came so disclose qualifying for the little league in lossal alamitos, let me call them out. first up, max banks, [ applause ] leo bianco, benjamin
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servants, christopher davis, joseph fox, [ applause ] yvonne herrera, [ applause ] ethan reader [ applause ] rosenberg, [ applause ] shane stanley mick taylor and robbie ford. do you want to give them a certificate now and have them come up for a little picture and if there is a young representative who wants to speak can come up. they are involved as a partner for us
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in little league and we have hundreds of teams competing all summer long and this is our all stars. c'mon up, guys. but i totally did not and failed to recognize behind every incredible baseball team the talented coaches. i want to thank, jerald reader, brook bianqo and stanley. >> and phil, there are a lot of mom's and dads behind every great baseball team. they can't do it without you. [ applause ]
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>> i want to thank everyone for having us out here. these guys practice everyday and they represented our city well out there. i hope next year we can do better. thank you for having us here. it's been an honor. thank you so much. [ applause ] >> all right. next done, not to be outdone. we go from the ball fields to the tennis courts. i now want to celebrate the
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golden gate park 14 and under tennis team. stand up, you guys. [ applause ] let me tell you a little bit about these guys. this is the first time recreation and parks enters into the team competition. the team is considered young, 111 yeerd ---year-old and they qualified for the usga and captured the nor cal 14 and under championship title and in october this team is traveling to south carolina to compete in the junior's team national championship. from what i know this is the only public tennis program to get there. congratulations. so let me call them out.
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max blondres, arena calama, if i'm mispronouncing your name, i apologize. daisy andala menapo, either edith, and vishnu, c'mon up. by the way, this team was coached by lou manapo one of our recreation and parks instructors. thank you. we love you very much. thank you for bringing our parents. [ applause ]
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down. little things like we were a traveling team for the south bay. i was able to use my boss's van and we would like to thank everyone for helping us so much in the competition. thank you. [ applause ] . >> all right. now we take a quick look at this month in parks and as much as we love our young athletes, back to school.
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>> [video] one of the things we do is teach kids to swim. the aquatics programs are the most popular programs in san francisco and the entire bay area. we have the traditional programs like tennis and basketball and kayaking program. kids are able to go out on yachts and learn all the etiquette involved with
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it. that program is very popular as well. this month in parks, the san francisco alliance is a terrific event that goes towards helping fund our scholarship program. this time san francisco was able to open up the athletic fields. this began in partnership with the city field foundation. our gracious partners that opened up many fields throughout san francisco. community garden day was a great success. the role that we play in san francisco is to get people active to help with their mental and health through arts and programs and sports or just getting people out to play in direct activities.
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>> thank you. bob. and that concludes the general manager's report. [ applause ] >> we are on item 4. general public comment. at this time members of the public may address the commission on items of interest that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and that do not appear on the agenda. >> why don't we give these kids a chance to exit. >> good morning. thank you so much for all the
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information you gave about the friends of camp mather in collaboration of the party. most of my script is gone. what a n i am here to do today is to invite the commissioners and general manager ginsberg to be our guest this saturday. if you are thinking of coming, please do. it's going to be a lovely party and will raise more awareness about fire safety and the heroic efforts that people put into saving the camp. i also want to thank the commission and the department so much for your aid in putting this event on. this is never easy and there is a lot of work to put on this gala. it's going to be more than t-shirts and there is a lot of details and we thank the commission for the generous offer to let the
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commissioner's cabin to be available for one 1 week and other things the staff at the park have made available to us to be able to do this for the camp. most of all we are here to celebrate 90 wonderful amazing years of camp and on wards to the 90s. thank you so much. >> is there any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. we are on no. 5, the consent calendar. >> any public comment on item 5, the consent calendar? hearing none, can we get a motion. >> second. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> so moved.
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>> we are onto item 6, general calendar. >> hello, i'm the vp of cobbs -- conservation and education at the san francisco zoo. i'm delighted to be here and tell you about some of the exciting stuff that is going on. first up is a little report on last month. as you can see it's been another great month. the weather and of course some exciting birds and traveling exhibits to san francisco. what we are looking at is the september's status of our animal collection. can you see that pretty good? is it on your screen? this is a really good opportunity to learn some new words for your
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scrabble. as you look at some of these words you are going to be going, what is that? i'm excited to say we have a kamoto dragon. it's a great animal and tells about the evolution as snakes evolve from lizards. i want to show you what a traga pan is. it's an if i like animal. the aracari, and an oraped,
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bongos, they are an amazing species, antelope with strikes stripes and beautiful. gaunaco from south america and panda display. if you haven't come to see these exhibits at the zoo, you are missing something. if you look at our animal census you will notice we have 1744 specimens. that's individual animals. and i want the draw your attention to invertebrates. that's without counting the social insects. the social insects are bees, termites and ants. we have the greatest colonies
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of the united states. if you add all of those social in sections we are around 60, 832. the 832 are the spiders and scorpions and at all other invent invertebrates in this planet. you are probably wondering what are we doing with research animals. these are part of our capture and release program. we are working with the federal government on helping solve this really incredible prop. -- problem. you know amphibians are going down with dinosaurs and we are working with local scientist and federal government. we are immunizing these frogs
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and releasing them back to the wild. last month we released 44 frogs in the sierras that haven't seen frogs for years. amphibians are going down as fast as dinosaurs. we have a great couple events coming up. red panda day. a national celebration. we wanted to bring the red panda to people's attention and highlight this beautiful creature. if you haven't seen the red panda, you are missing something. this is the talk of the palm oil and disappearance of forest in asia. we are celebrating world rhino day. they are going down as fast
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as elephants. we have five of the species at the san francisco zoo. it's all for the same reason, for illegal trad of their horn. we want to bring the part of the rhino and can ouple it with theel vanity. elephant. to stop the killing. to highlight that day we have a great lecture coming to san francisco zoo. we have o'brien and inspector ann marie law enforcement at the federal and state level and they will come and tell you how this stop the trade of illegal animal products. they tell incredible stories. so if you've never heard how they do it, please come out to the san francisco zoo this sunday
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