tv [untitled] September 29, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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in-laws from spain we want to pay our taxes as a short-term rental for guests our strike criteria for 9 months and we're accountable to our neighborhood for it is best to be accountable so we trust the platforms for airbnb a resolving those issues i remind people fade of strarpgz but even my wife was a stranger please allow us to have home sharing for the global community to velocity our wonderful city and share some of the guests wealth with us
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thank you very much. next speaker. >> hello, i he was called earlier but i stepped outs before that. >> what's our name. >> ray. >> go ahead. >> i first represented in san francisco 27 years ago 8 years ago i purchased any first condo in san francisco and now a proud taxpayer and voting member have been district 22 1/2 coagulating ago the hoisted i was fooling economic difficulties helpings helped cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. me through the time i rented out one room on a hosted basis and recently i'm experiencing with renting out even though desires place on an unhosted basis i've now decided to listed any property for a long term rental but the process of renting my
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place out long term i never came to it conclusion had i not tried this out through or an i manage oath family owned property in san francisco and we've had the same tenant there since 2009 i strongly support home sharing and support affordable housing in san francisco homing sharing serves an important landmark for that our guests and hosts and affordable housing is critical for our full economic fabric of our community i proposed that the 23ushd short-term rental market is different than the furnished long term market with the affordable housing is targeted if affordable for short term is - y why, why don't elephants
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wear red tense shoes they hide in red cherry trees how many elephants have you seen in the cherry trees no one it doesn't makes sense. >> thank you very much thank you. next speaker. did we call our card already. >> i'm going to right the next batch i think i have 20 cards we'll finish public comment in a half an hour for those who want to hear the discussion and action so i'll call the next speakers
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(calling names). >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm jim marks i live in the district 9 supervisor campos and i'm a homeowner there we've owned our home for about 20 years we also do airbnb my wife and i are retired we've faced family emergencies in the also year and a half our son had moved out of the area our younger son so we felt that airbnb would be perfect for us it would give us the flexibility to have the place vacate for our old son and his wife and friends
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from seattle that's what we've dysfunction in terms of the area we who not have or be available for long term rental in the home we own so have people from many different places i was a student in upper many years ago so i speak comberm and french so when people talk i ask respond to people in their language we have our guests on a hosted basis not only do they get to know us and we them we feel if there's problems we're on top it a of it some guests stop by and say hello limiting our rental to 90 days will, in fact, be a total disaster this is trying to kill
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one way or another what we're doing my other concern a registry i want to make sure our privacy is preserved my registration cciiy that didn't preserve our privacy is not a registry i'll support thank you thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi, i'm ivan a and it that sounds familiar i sent you all an e-mail last week thank you supervisor wiener for responding i know it was read i won't through go through all the points but reiterate mrs. go put a 90 days or any limits on the home sharing i'm a home sharer and a better neighbor because of it i'm
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quieter and sweep our front stairs my neighbors appreciate that we host because their families sacrifices in our room when they come to invest and there's distinction between rental laws when our an owner occupier you can ask the roommates to leave without a just cause versus a flat comparing our situation to portland portland housing stock is different primarily single-family homes and only 6 percent is three or four unit buildings that's very different from here and lastly i'd like to comment an supervisor kim's concerns about how to track the
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number of the nights you can ask us i'm not sure she's hearing us but as supervisor wiener pointed out every time we drive our car we have a license and you have to trust of person that is protectiveing otherwise not trust the system. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi, i'm witting hydraman, i'm in support of home sharing i love home sharing it's how i met 3 of my best friends in the city hosted by one of them and one a former guest the sharing economy allows for inthoen our city and community and the reputation of this city and home sharing is evolving and getting refinanced be please give home sharing the approach the opportunity to improve so we can make the
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motive other out of this activity having a public registry is a violation of my rights it will support the neighborhood militaries i'm shocked it's required because the public registry is to the proper while self-reporting every two years is excessive this is an incredibly complex issue but get the few simple places correct no public registry and no cap on the 90 days please don't render this legislation infeven effective with alleged or additions like the public registry. >> thank you good afternoon. i'm linda i'm a 45 year resident of san francisco i've been a tenant and
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most recently a homeowner but for the last 2 and a half years i've been mart of the home sharing because my hoouns have a property in the city where we've been able to do this without restrictions hosted people from all over the world for people that testified earlier about the experiences with children we provide strollers and baby equipment that sort of thing this is the kind of people we have staying in the home we can't do this as a full-time register this is why the flexible sharing is so important this house will not going it on the long term rental market because it has a large mortgage
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in my hoouns want to travel we can we have a right to do those sorts of things as long term residents of san francisco and people that contribute hundreds and hundreds of hours of volunteer work and are invested in san francisco it feels like an insult to be told you have 90 days to do this if i choose to flexibility home sharing is one of the ways we'll be able to have a quality of life and we will be able to help our children and grounded children with the income we need we have a very large owner being a homeowner in san francisco so to limit this to 90 days is a hardship we want to maintain the wonderful viability of bringing up guests to san francisco.
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>> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm ann karen i live on indicating tree he hill and 71 years old i had a private practices as as educational theefrtd that crashed in 2008, and tried to reignite any practice but been unable to do so the few years after the crash we shared our home with very wellly disabled adults and the cooking and the hi genetic needs and the general care we couldn't do it so we've been hosting with airbnb we also use the space for family invests and do respite work in the annuity u community not on a full-time basis i couldn't survive would you say u without
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the income from airbnb i hope you consider not limiting the cap of 90 days i read in the paper that airbnb is bringing $11 million into the city with hotel tax you seems like supervisors you could creative if those use of those funds and encourage airbnb so it brings in more revenue to the city those sums could be used for housing or whatever you find appropriate thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm anita connecticut. >> could you speak into the microphone. >> i've been a resident of the city for 11 years i do when my son was not born yet i moved to
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the city i went through a divorce and fooling foreclosure and own my own business i did home sharing out the night it gave me the cash flow it stay in business and stopped me from growing undergo a foreclosure about 70 percent of my friends have left the city and also the issue around the guests host and my neighbors there are 6 convicted sex offered and a pedophile my children pass everyday you don't i can't do anything about it my guests are not problematic most are doctors at ucsf general, i a concerns
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about the privacy issue i've been stalked for the last year and a half and seer concerns about people that can get my information and in terms of the insurance company this is not yet legal and a priority that accumulation what we need it's a bit of a catch up 22 thank you very much. >> next speaker >> good afternoon contrary to appearances i'm not house/nateer i'm peter are reright. >> yes. sorry workers' compensation one is pat. >> i lived in cohen's district 10 and use my spare bedroom for home sharing i have no problems with the regulations or proposals except for one 90 days i moved to this country excuse me. thirty years ago to live
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and work here and indeed to become a provide american citizen i'm not more proud of my american passport i wanted to live here this countries protection of individual freedom and it's encourage time of the entrepreneurs wanting to chief their american dream i've done exactly that and i own my own home i consider what i do in my home is my business and not the government's, of course, there are safety regulations and neighbors that are effected by my action like regulations with the car i drive i do consider limiting the no. of days when i have guests in my house coming close to limiting the number of days i use my car is unreasonable i consider this
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proposal is a government intrusion on my personal liberate i would have 45 my two daughters living there it was empty when i started home sharing and will be if i'm presented i ask supervisor cohen in the name of that freedom and that spirit of xrichl that attracted me i urge you not to limit the number of days. >> before we get to mr. ritter i called (calling names) they appear not to be here great mr. ritter. >> thank you, supervisor i'm roger ritter of the twin peaks coincidentally council we represent 20 homeowner successors is in western san francisco we opposed others legislation as drafted and
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suggest two amendments that frail prohibit short-term rentals in rh1 and rh1 d single-family home residential neighborhoods people wanted to live in single-family homes in my neighborhood of balboa terrace approximately 10 percent of the houses have changed licenses i've spoken to many neighbors they live there to raise their family in a single-family home neighborhood at least prior get written consent of the homeowners organization in the f t r is actually going to be allowed in a particular neighborhood if the activity is to abstain if the airbnb is so good there
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shouldn't hi my problems with asking our neighbors i've heard about vigilantes the people in the western neighborhoods are single-family home owners they want to live in peace and security with their family and lastly supervisors that is a citywide rezoning allowing a commercial activity renting rooms in residential neighborhood realize the implications and do it as a rezoning. >> thank you very much i'm going to call the next batch of cards (calling names) michael patterson you've testified already
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(calling names). >> hi thanks for having us i'm bret i'm in supervisor wiener's district i've lived in san francisco for 15 years 13 in the mission the vast majority as a renter i'm now a homeowner and have a home sharing that gives me the flexibility to have any older parents live here and not stay in a hotel they find scary i couldn't without home sharing i couldn't do that with any home it takes away that option and they'll visit a lot less optimistic if i come to have a
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family i want them to have them help me with childcare that is extremely valuable to me the 90 day limit is a big concern and the public registry a optionable it's fine to have the registry but having people look at our address and see photos of the inside of our home and see the schedule of when our home and away this is an invitation if i live in the building and have an in-law unit you should be able to home sharing thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi you i'm jim h in district 3 and home sharing i excess my support san francisco is a city that really seems to support
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local businesses overlarge chains it seems like when it comes to home sharing there or people that support local businesses but are protecting the big chains that sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, event money out to foreign tax shelters we keep others money in ore neighborhoods for local businesses home sharing has helped me with my family my momma's alzheimer's and i've been helping her, she lives in arizona the 25 percent time rule is not going to help me i hope you'll reconsider the 25 percent legislation and protect the privacy of people that are doing home sharing in san francisco i have petition from people in district 3 for supervisor chiu's
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3 thousand procreations 4 hundred plus from my neighborhood this is for district 4 supervisor farrell's and 3 hundred and 7 petitions about 4 thousand total thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi there i'm alexander i live in the mission district i'm speaking from a different prospective from other folks i own a small business that is impacted positively by home sharing it is called urban sf it does tours of the hiking trails i fined in this building i want to share i get 20 percent of my
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booksing from home sharing the type of traveler that does home sharing books my tours and wants to see the different neighborhoods of san francisco i love to show off parts the city like in the castro actually, my toust i send hikers to small businesses i send my castro hikers to small businesses like issuing, star bat out of hell i didn't are dinosaur for swashes home sharing goes beyond those renting their homes that effects small businesses i hope you'll allow for us to continue home sharing for our small business community thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi, i'm for home sharing against the 90 day cap and the registry i'm a local i grew up in berkley
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born in nicaragua if it wasn't for my aunt to give us a home i wouldn't be here today in the spirit of sharing and opening your door to other people i love airbnb the extra cash is great but really it is the fact i get to meet will have people and learn about the cultures in the world if this goes away i'll have to limit it down and probably not been able to stay in san francisco and it's going to make me more if any neighbors look down upon me you know keep it quiet i agree my house is more clean and definitely made me is better person volunteering at a shelter
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please don't make this go away i feel if airbnb is limited i'm going to turn into one of those people that what can past the homeless man and not time to learn about the cultures i'm in a rent control apartment i managing imagine i'm not my landlords farther he self-respond to the mold on the walls again, it broadened my horizons to please eliminate the cap and the registry thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hello, i'm ashley i'm against the cap and against my he private information on the registry for everyone to see
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i have been a host for airbnb this past year and a half e and a half an enjoy experience i live in district 11 and host one private bedroom and this past year has been an enjoyable experience and posting on airbnb has lifted me up financially and criteria wise and education wise i've be it further resolved become involved in the community like everyone and i learn something new everyday and become activity in this issue as far as safety i've lived in my hosted residence and work hard everyday to live in san francisco i would never invite anyone into my home to threaten it i've not felt the safety or the roommates safety or the neighborhood safety was in question
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the 90 day cap will destroy me my private room is inquired about every single day of the year the days it's not because i booked them off for any family it keeps the roof over my head and keeping my afloat and here as a host i can register but to put my private information where my business and home that makes me feel unsafe the 90 day cap that will destroy this business and limit not even you can't push this forward and put that on and in closing - thank you but supervisor cohen has a question. >> you're not interested in putting our information on the
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registry what are you comfortable with. >> i'd say about myself my profile to the guests but for the city has everyone seen this information everyone. >> well, i supported 80 if someone were trying to do a search our telephone number. >> i'm not xhofblt with any address. >> let the planning department. >> emily roger. >> i'm emily not roger. >> long day. >> the address would be listed on there it's a property information database so what sort land use are entitled there so the restaurant would say what
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kind of restaurant under the proposed ordinance the only information it this he'd has been authorized to to the the shrldz their vacation day none of that information is posted. >> okay. good that's helpful. >> i want to clarify we've seen the 90 days when i say don't about the 90 days are you referring to the 90 days for so-called hosted you're there and have someone else in the spare bedroom; is that right. >> yes. every day. >> your typically there when they're there. >> yep. >> there are a current legislation proposes that yo can do up to 90 days when our gone i know that supervisor kim
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