tv [untitled] September 30, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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meeting to attend a meeting in my district and thank chair member yee to continue the meeting. >> roll call: >> breed. >> present. >> kim. >> present. >> mar. absent. wiener, absent, and yee, present. we have quorum. >> we have action item. >> we are joined by commissioner mar, we are on the first item, approval of the minutes, any discussion on the item? seeing none, open up for public comment, any public comment on this item? >> good morning, supervisor kim and yee, and breed, before
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trying to attend market church, san francisco worship (inaudible), and relate to the peach street (inaudible) shooting important document for chinese restaurant (inaudible), some other type of restaurant in the richmond district, just to so that in order for business, it's a small business of san francisco, that requires lots of paint and taking time and effort. so i decided not to engage further, i mean any of this business like restaurant or inner city. so maybe just on to a higher
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level of (inaudible) enforcement. >> thank you, just for the future, i will enforce that public comment must be in relation to the item you are speaking on. please try to speak generally on the item before us. colleagues do i have a motion to approve the minutes from june 12. we have a motion and second. can we do that without opposition? >> roll call. >> okay, roll call on this item. >> item 2. breed. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> wiener. absent. yee. >> aye. >> this item passes. [gavel] >> please call item 3. >> update on capital projects, information item. >> thank you, we have mari hunter, transportation planner with sfa-ta, and to provide on
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capital projects and the vision zero projects and the 14-15 budget, this is include a plan for each project. and i want to note that each commissioner on the committee did ensure that they were able to dedicate some district funds or able to allocate city-wide funds for additional projects for vision zero, we would love an update on the items funded on the june process of this fiscal year. and sfta will provide project zero and other items, thank you,
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mrs. hunter. >> as we discussed at previous meetingin meetings and task force there are 24 projects in 24 months. we will still on target for doing that. we have eight projects already complete. we have approximately three projects in each district. we have identified the funding for the 24 projects. the total roll-up of the 40 that we have identified is $21 million. and in your packet we've gone through and identified them, there is a map of them. as well as -- and there are also extra copies of what you found in your packet at the door. the scope, schedule and budgets for all 40 projects. and a project manager has been assigned to all of these.
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and then at the very back to address the add-back projects. those have been identified as district specific projects and city-wide projects that will be using add-back funding from supervisors. any questions of specific projects? >> is that the entiratioe presentation? >> this is just a summary of your packet. we could go through the specific projects. >> yes, i would like a status report on all 40, and where the project is, and the eight completed and the time line for
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the 16 others and the budget process. sorry i went through this in the introduction. >> okay, wasn't sure you wanted to go through every single one. >> yes. >> okay. the eight projects that is complete, we did curb extensions and lines at 6th and howard. that is district 6. i will start with the complete ones. >> that one came before we called the vision zero, i couldn't call that part of the 24. that was identified by the office and funded through the office budget and the mayor supplemented that. >> okay, i can discuss that with our engineering group. another project that we have completed. that was completed in april,
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2014. and then just this past june, we completed the green wave along fulton street, from laguna to steiner. a couple of projects, sunset boulevard, both completed in july. a reduction of speed limit and a replacement of the flashing beacon on sunset. along columbus avenue just completed this month, from howell to union, we installed two bus bulbs. in june, on kearney street, we removed the tow lane from jackson to washington.
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this may, this past may, market street to buchanan street there were bicycle section crossing treatments. in july a new traffic signal at mason masonic. and union terrace. those are the eight that have been completed. and then if we want to just run through each of them. that are underway. >> mrs. hunter, can i say that, that traffic signal at union, terrace and way predated vision zero, and targeted funding for that and residents worked on that quite a while. i don't know if you should include that in zero vision projects just as supervisor kim mentioned.
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>> sorry, may i have misspoken. that was masonic. >> yes, and union terrace that helped to fund it, and calmed the traffic but way predated vision zero, going on for years. >> commissioner yee. >> this begs the question, maybe what we need is a better definition of what we consider a vision-zero project. it seems like there is different definitions floating around right now. >> yeah. >> if i may. the co-chair of the vision zero task force for the city. i think what is happening here, you are right, we met with some supervisors and some definitions of what is vision zero project, and maybe they were in planning before we officially adopted
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vision zero. we had the executive session in 2010. these are leading towards that, and we have an update coming up on the status of the education outreach program that we are working on. to clearly define what vision zero is as a city policy. and identify the projects supporting vision zero and the support of these 24 projects. yeah, there is some that were clearly in the planning before we officially said, this is the vision zero resolution to the city. but we think they are consistent as they are in the corridors and addressing a specific safety issue. that's why they are included. but i hear your comment. >> yeah, i think there needs to be better clarity. we weren't clear in what we considered part of the vision zero 24, and that's the purpose
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of this committee to verify policy. and it's good to get updates and requests of what went in making our city safety, vision zero wasn't the beginning of pedestrian safety here in san francisco, but it would be great to differentiate those out of the 24 projects. >> sure, we will take that. >> commissioner yee. >> in sort of thinking but how you define this. for me anyways, if you had something on track, and it was completion date had been projected 10 years from now. but because of vision zero you don't expedite it. i would consider that a project, because i have seen projects where the end date was several years out. and when i spoke to staff about the need to make it quicker.
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somehow they made it happen. and i think that's a plus for us. >> right. >> just to piggyback on what timothy was saying. the engineer subcommittee has been conveneing and in the process of developing or drafted our two-year action strategy. among that is the engineering section, which will provide greater clarity on what we are considering is a vision zero project. and exactly what you said, something that may have been in the works already but maybe expedited and could fall under something vision zero. all of our projects really do go through that safety lens. so we would like to say that all of our projects really do support vision zero. and we will be working with our communications group to define it for the public when we promote certain projects. that everything would support vision zero, but maybe something
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is branded vision zero, we hope to clarify that. >> thank you, and for the sake of my colleagues, i have this project detail, are you able to showcase that on the screen? i think it's hard to follow all the projects. so that all of my colleagues have an opportunity to look at the 40 projects identified. >> project detail page 11.
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>> we have extra copies if -- >> if you could share the extra copies. >> thanks. >> and there is urban street (inaudible). >> i have one. and london for sure. you have this? >> okay. >> so page 4 of what i just handed you, i am not sure within your packet what page number it is. second project is in the design phase, and scheduled for completion in december of 2015. it's a conversion of ellis and eddie into two-way streets.
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project no. 4, calls for a road (inaudible) between polk and jones, and the date is beyond the period. we have a list of 40 projects, in the event that something has to shift, we can accelerate the project. project 5-a and 5-b are on howard street. both in predevelopment, scheduled to be done first one restriping the bike lane buffer from sixth to 11th. and temporary corner balls, scheduled to complete this november, and next year a road diet from fourth to sixth.
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and we have a safer market street anticipating this summer, june, 2015, that includes turning restrictions for taxis and para-transit will still be allowed on market street, commercial vehicles, as well as extending the turning only lanes for northbound traffic. and then we have polk street for day-lighting and colored curbs, scheduled in april of 2015. >> explain what you mean by signal retiming. what does that do specifically? >> for signal retiming and i apologize, i am not entirely
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certain on this particular project, but it could include ensuring we have proper crossing times for pedestrians. or to make sure that speeds are more appropriate. let's see here -- potrero avenue with striping and buffers for the existing bike lanes. this project is slated to be completed after our january, 2016 deadline. moving on to page 5 in your packet. you will see a series of projects all numbered 10-a, b and c, along webster street. the first one, first item to be complete is addition of a buffer
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to the existing bike lane. preconstruction that should be completed in august, 2015. and two projects in predevelopment again and we expect that completion on october 2015, and that includes turns and additional pedestrian treatment at mcallister and post. and no. 12, and the first one is in predevelopment, scheduled to be complete -- excuse me, september of 2015. those are bike intersection treatments as well as temporary bulbs and narrowing traffic lanes and daylighting. and the second part of that project we identified in legislation to be complete in june, 2015.
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and those are bicycle and pedestrian treatments. such as a buffered cycle track and temporary bulbs and new traffic controls. project no. 13, signal timing changes for pedestrian safety along 19th avenue from slope to juna-parasara, in the design phase scheduled at the completion of this year. >> that's to extend the signals so that pedestrians have time to cross that wide boulevard? >> project 15, along geary boulevard will be pedestrian intersection treatments including temporary slating and bulbs, and that slated for june,
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2016. >> through the chair. >> i have commissioner wiener first. my apologies for not looking. >> thank you for providing this, and i want to preface this by saying that i am not one of those people who thinks that when you have a pot of money, for transportation projects that you divide it by 11, in 11 districts. i believe in merit based, and need-based investments. so i do not fall in that, chop it up by 11, it's a bad way to do transit funding. that opinion doesn't prevail on the board of supervisors. but it's important. and i believe that the two districts that should get their share of investment, first district 6 and district 3. because it's on the merits, it seems that those districts that
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we have the most significant problems. and district 6 in particular, south of market where you have freeway s crisscrossing this neighborhood. with all of that said, i am looking at this and one thing that strikes me. so it's a $21 million so of investment. so district 8 receives a whopping 1% of that investment. so again i am not in any suggesting it should be each of the 11 districts gets its percent. i want to district 6 and 3 to get their proportionate amount, and they should. and that strikes me extreme. and in district 4, the sunset has challenges, and district 4 is in the same boat as district 8, gets 1% of the total
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