tv [untitled] September 30, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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want to thank the coalition the staff from the legal position and jobs for justice and many on that have been part of the coalition and colleagues i look forward to discussing this with you i want to mention supervisor wiener will be discussing one topic it will be trees and in particular, the trees that have not been kept up in our city in my district this past week a giant tree krachd and we know that our cities relinquishment policy with trees is not working earlier this year i asked the colleagues to include an expenditure in the budget for trees in the district i know that supervisor wiener has had serious challenges in his district we need to do better and because of that i call for the hearing he'll be describing
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in a few minutes. >> thank you president chiu supervisor cohen thank you, very much. i'm delighted to hear that supervisor wiener is going to be calling a hearing 0 on trees i'd like to add my name to that request it's a significant problem an ill conceived idea to transfer those sick trees to resident i'd like to close today's meeting in memory of a great man under johnson he was the only african-american elected to the sacramento board of supervisors and later appoint to the u.s. health and human services and also served as a cabinet secretary he was widely praised
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with a keen political insticks out a a passion to help people he was a strong voice in the 71 and a champion of the social justice work to protect the interests of the working class and uses emphasis position to better those lives and the lives that are around him that were around him tested survived by his wife ms. lee turning and daughter patricia and katherine and others he'll be solely missed i want to recognize it's legacy lives on not only inspires me but there are organizers here in san francisco that have known mr. johnson for a long time the rest i submit mr. clerk. >> thank you supervisor cohen supervisor farrell. >> supervisor kim
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>> thank you first of all, i want to wish any colleague supervisor campos a very happy birthday it happenings happened two days ago i want to introduce a modification for the transbay plan that allows the city to receive more money for affordable housing by allowing a developer to pay a significant fee i know this issue with in the august around the concerns of the protecting vs. the 34r5ur9 housing this deal is a huge precedent in the city around a discussion we've had about charging varying rates of oversight rates depending on the types of buildings like the condo or an 18 unit building you're asked to pay by the city the same amount but some units
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are more valuable than others this negotiation was a huge success on the part of our city to set a preept on the types of dollars when we allow luxury condo developers to oversight their units generally as a policy i prefer inclusionary units to be on site but this is a case we're allowing the developer to pay a fee in a significant number of affordability units in the transbay area plan we've committed to 35 percent of affordable housing thanks to redevelopment and the state we have one other affordable housing project that's been completed in the transbay area the renee parent and on fremont and fulsome the original proposal on fremont was for 11
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ooutsz units to be on site of a mixed use office building under the current structure the developer would pay $5.5 million toward affordable housing if they off sited those units oozing they negotiated a $13.85 million annual fee towards the affordable housing in this area almost 3 times the amount that a developer would have paid in the current program it's significantly higher than what is lout on the market rate vs. the pure rate amount the - we know with the homeowner association fees would have been in the thousands of dollars thereby preexcluding folks will build 69 affordable homes now
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we're building 69 affordable rental oozed uses so the net between 54 and 58 new units since they will be subscribed by the city it has a cap that is negotiated by ocii it could subsidy 5892 housing unit they will be built on the transbay area not 12k3wr5ig9 them and block 8 is located open fulsome between 1 and fremont street ocii has xuftd awning agreement with companies and tenderloin development corpse to build the project and transbay block 8 designed by obamacare m a this
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proposal will include more affordable housing than proposed with 67 hundred and six 3 unit in which one hundred and 77 are affordable to hourldz between 40 and 5060 percent of the area medium income it's low on the superdome the items being introduced will be heard alters ocii and planning i want to express my strong support and come back to the board of supervisors as we see sit on the proportion of the area plan this proposal will allows us to get more affordable housing and thus set an important precedent of setting a higher off site fee and demonstrates that the developer can and will pay higher fees to do off site with had it develops for affordable housing the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor kim
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supervisor mar. >> thank you embarcadero i want to join supervisor cohen in honor of brent from sacramento as a child growing up in sacramento and a student activist i had respect for him and had an ability to meet with him a number of times he was so down to earth whether working in the administration or the gray davis administration took time with grassroots individuals like myself i think that technology was only 65 years old he passed away on dikes and heart failure i'm thinking will how diabetes is in people's liking life but 23 we do nothing about diabetes one half of the african-american population will develop diabetes
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50 percent b will likely develop alzheimer's and diabetes should be seen as a crisis within our communities i also wanted to add that mr. johnson came out of the movement whether students and the antiapartheid to owner turn issues in the 70 that united people of color challenging the government to be fair to an equal opportunity programs throughout this country and whether the dell heights or sacramento he is stood strong whether the activist to when b b became a nationwide leader he'll be missed also i'm proud to stand with our wanting david chiu in introducing and supporting the second formula retail rights it is significant
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it's taken years for many of the workers advocates and the policies folks and the grassroots coalition lead by jobs for justice that are coming together with the part one that was introduced too months ago and this piece part two that will hopefully insure that 0 san francisco supports our apartment formula retail workers and raising the minimum wage is not enough as president chiu said we must promote full-time employment and stable work steldz e schedules but to uplift the low wage people in the city the vast majority or people of color and women 0 they're not only living paycheck to paycheck but suffering from erratic schedules san francisco needs
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the formula retail bill of rights to restore a fair workweek and this is for tens of thousands of low income workers the coalition of project sponsors in addition to those president chiu mentioned are leading this for jobs for justice for community empowerment and the south of market network and young workers united and united food and commercial workers and the local 2 and the san francisco labor council thanks to mike to make sure we have the strongest possible mile-an-hour going forward i'm intruding freud proud to be working with president chiu with the floug historic new laws that will promote stability for restaurant
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and workers in san francisco also this coming weekend on friday saturday and sunday october 3rd through the fifth is the support the bluegrass festival in golden gate park i know that supervisor farrell mentioned he's planning on going to the family friendly event 7 stages over one hundred performers and but on friday from 8:30 a.m. a great program for the middle school students it's exclusive for them they don't let others into the area and mchammer and this year's is the disciplinarian yell patrol music festival as well an educational event for our middle school kids. >> thank you to some folks for
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this generous gift and i'm looking forward to my usual steve earl and the dukes great bands this might exist you bryan adams and roxanne and t bone and i love the local bands get down and stay down this is performing on friday and what an amazing line up of different performers i'm reading on my script they're expecting to draw upwards of 7 thousand people around the park so i know that concerns about issues from traffic to noise and disruptions may come from our communities so there's a neighborhood hotel line 414 that 5
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3868584 i've circled all the biking areas i go to the usually spot and there's also the heavy i didn't parking area near presidio avenue and there's 30th after a big bike parking and jfk and there's plenty of parking and public transit is encourage if you drive and park on the streets please respect our neighborhoods whether the richmond and don't bloke driveways and it is on a first come, first serve basis george washington in the richmond and argon elementary school they have a lot of parents mann and
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womening the parking lot address lafayette on saturday and sunday on 36 oath and presidio middle school on 29 and geary and lastly jefferson elementary school at 1725 e.r. i go and a cough of the performances are going to be streamed live for are wwwhardly strikingly the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor mar supervisor wiener. >> thank you mr. clerk as president chiu mentioned today, i'm introducing a hearing request and want to 245i7k president chiu and supervisor cohen for covering it is for the misguided tree relinquishment
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policy there's not high public awareness around this we have basically diced what i think it probably the one of the worse possible policies that you can have in order to promote a flushing healthy urban effort the policy is that if you own a home adjacent to a street tree the city is basically going to dump maintenance responsibility of that tree into you this is the case whether or not you planted the tree or own the tree whether or not you want the tree, whether you have the physical or financial robot and whatever the size the tree in supervisor chiu's district that are trees that are to 50 feet tall that is absorb to ask
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someone to take care of that and expensive to bring arborist out in my district a woman had the good fortunate but having the gull to own is a home with a street next to 50 trees and the city said it was her responsibility to maintain the 50 trees, however, did city backed up the industry is unfair to property owners and think the property owners want the the trees and know how to take care of those trees it's a receipt for an urban effort of the 20 large streets san francisco is number 17 in terms of the canopy coverage that's because we had
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investment in our urban forest and the investment is one of the issues 4 percent of our trees die because of natural attrition and a lot of property owners don't want new trees next to their homes abused of the responsibility of taking care of them we need to shift our urban forest tree policy so expand the number of trees in san francisco so that we increase our canopy cover and have a healthy way rather than relying on homeowners some people will do a fantastic job others do a poor job or hire a arborist the
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purpose to explore the relinquishment program whether the city sees the program in the future and when the city aupz anticipates all the trees are having if you trees under their responsibility and having a flooifr upper forest given this policy this is an important issue colleagues, i building that the people of san francisco care passionately about trees and having a flushing urban effort the rest i submit. >> seeing no other names that community colleges roll call. >> why not go to public comment. >> at this point the public my may comment and including items that are considered by a board
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committee pursuant to the board please direct our comments to the board as a whole and not the board if you like a document to be displaced on the overlay please let us know. >> let's hear from the first speaker. >> good afternoon, president and supervisors i was reading the paper they're looking for fresh air in the city we need a city that is fresher than fresh district exciting in the city thaivengz thanks to mayor ed lee it's fresher than fresh
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and about the fire chief chief joanne you can't start a fire without a fire chief for hire even if the city chief joanne hayes-white was just distancing in the dark you're the joke our the wine we're stay in this town the streets will be carving you up all right. want to this city district play and city the city that the laughs on you stay on the streets of this city town and be carving you up all right. can't start a fire without a stark this chief joanne hayes-white fire chief for hire in this city and we're going to
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have where you left our city heart and see hope you had a nice city september hope you had a nice city great month and i'll see you in october and i'm going to wish you city luck. >> thanks boss next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors that event of technology has enhanced our quality of life in many ways that is unthinkable as early as 20 years ago i want to take advantage to claim the san francisco police department and vehicles with surveillance
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cameras its much needed and long overdue san francisco is not the windshield wield west the police officers risk their lives while enforcing and exuding laws in the line of duty and often become the targets of lawsuits and abuse of force as cause of action by fitting the police officers with cameras they can leave little 2k0ub9 of whether or not misconduct or misuse of force was yes, ma'am innocent cameras will be helpful for all police officers to remain board minded but evenhanded i believe this is a powerful tool to be added to the san francisco
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police department i urge you to make room in our budget for general fund to facilitate this thank you very much. >> next speaker >> thank you, mr. president, victims of ca bottle i'm christopher and live at 6th and howard 14 meters and blocks from seawall and i rise today to recapitulate my reasons for presenting those little talks that's politics entertainment design we all must expect that seawall rise will rise up to two hundred feet within the next 2 hundred years we must understand that we need a carbon counting regime to
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facilitate charging the economic intits entities that create those causes with the request of sgrairth it and the distribution over the desert will allow mother and a half to capture the carbon and store it i apologize for the confusion here i've a new feedback page called cash balance you're welcome to review it to find out how we deal that this issue thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please good afternoon from san
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francisco i'm john this is sdiementd let clean up our act years ago when we studied how to build the subway system called muni under market street with two rooms and one for men and one for women we separated the men and women because many men tend to spray all over the place no way those restrooms are nonetheless in operation but if you look carefully you can still find their remains it is because we have evolved to the point we no longer need restrooms no that's not that men and women have stopped doing it they're
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doing it all over the place on escalators against walls in the gutters and on the swauktdz now we have not evolved we've deevolved and today, we're going to be a first class city a great tourist attraction with ample funds to maintain some locations and don't give me that bull that tourist will plant bombs in the restrooms they can do that in my train station and forget - so let's clean up our act and make that a classy city once again
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thank you for listening. >> next speaker >> i'm john a member of the local 34 bridge pillar from local 22 what's the problem with the transbay terminal it's supposed to be a frequenting federal job it looks like there's a problem with black workers they work one day or a week and he's been replaced by a hispanic that didn't live in san francisco when i take my time and go it down to mission hall and question them they tell me that they can't pressure the contractors to hire anyone why do we be jeopardize another issue i have i used to live in
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san francisco housing and at robert i was told because i was behind in my rent one of the managers by the name of carla some money came up missing and a lot of people were still in the drawer she is protected by the union to go to the drug rehab to keep her job i want to know what will happen to the ones that are behind in their rent and why are they behind in their rent someone is holdings a meeting to let them know someone is stolen our money if it's true i want it
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investigated. >> next speaker. >> i'd like to put this up on the tv and read a letter i sent to bobby hamlin on the 17 i'm american people long time listener of tv and still listened to folks in the night when i hear charley charley doesn't bless my soul but next to my soul i didn't agree that all the churches have fallen away just google john mccart but i believe the 6 to 10:00 a.m. is the best and continues to have the bump sticker and not mention leaving the churches when mr. camp died i cried a lot but
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