tv [untitled] October 1, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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>> madam president, may i call roll? >> please. >> president loftus? >> here. >> vice president turman? >> marshall? >> here. >> mazzucco. >> present. >> commissioner dejesus excused. >> commissioner melara? >> here. >> madam president, you have a quorum and also with us is the chief of police, gregory p.
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suhr and the director of citizen complaints joyce hicks. >> welcome to the commission meeting and i appreciate that everyone recognizes that we delayed the start of this meeting in honor of this being the first day of domestic violence awareness month of october and we just left the steps of city hall where the chief gave a rousing speech because we all believe, now more than ever, there are plenty of examples of how much work that we have to do to explain, what domestic violence is and what it looks like, and how systems can be held accountable for serving victims and really understanding what is a very difficult crime. so, thank you everyone for your accommodation, and i also know that the giants are playing right now, for those of you watching at home you are committed to the police commission and aappreciate that. >> could you call the first line item. >> general public comment.
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the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither police or occ personnel, nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but, may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. >> please limit your comments to 3 minutes. >> do we have any general public comment? >> all right. >> welcome. >> good evening, commissioners, it is a pleasure to be here.
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my name is jackie bryson and the reason that i am here is that i wanted to sing the praises of lieutenant joseph nanary of the ten dir loin police station and he is in charge of investigations. and lieutenant manery and i and ada marissa had the opportunity to work on a matter which was of importance to me. and lieutenant nanery was quite the trooper. and you know me. i am always me. and some people say that i am opinionated and i say that i am well informed. some people say that i am subborn and i say that i am determined and i will not back down, and why and, especially in the law says that i am. and lieutenant nanary showed an incredible amount of patience and he has been a police
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officer for very, very, very long time, and in fact i understand that he is due to retire soon and i am going to be sorry to miss him. and against incredible odds, me and marissa, he was able to get his job done, very well documented, and everything, and tabulated and a lot of notes in the margins, and although the out come was not what i wanted, i did not shed a tear, i was not upset, because he did his job and he did it in the best tradition of what i consider a law enforcement person should do. i am one of these kids who was lucky enough to grow up down the street from a uc berkeley cop. and so you can't convince me that police officers, especially white police officers are bad people. i have spent more time at the
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(inaudible) house than i did my own and we had a slide and you slide down and you get licked to death by the kissing daxon and they had the worst shows on the planet on saturday mornings and the best cartoons. and so, that was really important to me. and so that is what i grew up with. and nanary has reinforced that, even though it is across the bay, that is probably being able to work with you. and that, this is a good thing so i wanted to say thank you. my only regret is that he did not have an opportunity to have all of the information that he needed in march or april of this year. that is being looked into in a different arena. but, thank you, lieutenant, and keep up the good work for as long as you are here and you are going to be missed in advance, thank you. >> five seconds to spare.
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>> hi, president, loftus, and honorable commissioners. chief suhr, my name is rueben good man, and recently the homicide hit way too close to home. and a young man who shares the same sur name as i do ronnie goodman was stabbed to death just outside of 889 cap street i would certainly hope that the public will come forward so
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that we can identify the perpetrators of this crime. from what i understand, a couple of the friends of the victim he was not a gang member but he was in standing among the bad company. when his group was chased. and his friends managed to run and escape, but ronnie goodman was unable to escape and was killed by a cowardly assay lent and whatever we can do to get the public to respond with information would be greatly appreciated. thank you. >> and we can also give, i don't,... do we have the tip line handy, anyone know what the tip line is. >> yeah, i do. >> okay. >> 575-4444. so, thank you. >> hearing no further public
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comment, and sergeant, please call the next line item. >> line item two, reports and announcements. 2 a, chief's report, discussion. review of recent activities, presentation of the third quarter 2014 fdrb findings and recommendations and ois investigative summary. >> good evening, commissioners, public, and we did have two pretty significant indents of note we have the officer shooting cha will be developed more later on tonight. but essentially there was a carjacking in the east bay, and at gun point that traveled through three counties into san francisco. and it ended in a three-vehicle commission where the suspect vehicle ended up on his side, and when good samaritans went to assist the person in the suspect vehicle, not knowing that he was the carjacking suspect, the suspect actually fired upon the good samaritan,
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and narrowly missing him, and then, and the others coming in and so there was about a two-minute, pleading from the officers for him to drop the gun, which he did not, at one point and about the end of that two minutes he turns the guns on the officers and they fired upon them and he did not survive his injuries and we had a town hall that has been our practice and i appreciate the members of the commission that attended and on monday at noontime, there were some members of the community that had attended and members of the press and some are present today that attended, and you will hear more about that later on. an event that happened, and was ended without the use of lethal force occurred on saturday night. where there was a person who was threatening to harm himself with a knife to his throat, in a car on park procidio and the officers were able to stop the
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car and then, over the course of a couple of hours, and some pleadings from hostage neglect a tores and intervention, and ended up actually using the less lethal device and a destruction flash, bang to basically save the person from killing himself. no guns were fired, no one has happened and that person was taken for a psych evaluation and so where they could end that way. and so on the lighter side, we have had a very busy week and we will have a very busy weekend and we graduated or we started the 43rd, recruit academy class on monday, and 53 recruits and so, we can use them. and they are all, you know, bright eyed and happy to be there and you know, the next class that i believe, graduates in january. and then, on and on and so it is all on the up swing now and i appreciate the support for the hiring plan and it is really important to stay on
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track and on calendar so that we don't lose track of that. this weekend, very busy. saturday, morning, saint anthony's dining room will have at 121 golden gate at 9:30 we will have a ribbon cutting and we will be reopening at 10:30, there is a public health walk and then all week long, it will northbound the golden gate park and the fair, going into the castro in and about china town and all of which it is busy as it soupeds, a precursor to what comes next weekend, which is the blue angels fleet, week, the commissioning of the uss america, and if the good nights can hold the four to nothing lead that they have right now.
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>> you can watch it and be up to date. >> they expect me to multitask and have a handol what is going on in the city. >> i have a follow up question, you referenced the incident where the gentleman was only a threat to himself and there was a approach by the officers and because we have new commissioners since you issued the bull tonight about the approach that the department will take. >> again, we are hoping for the smartest most houptful department for children and we never want to harm anybody. and that is in crisis, and unless there are..., and we never want to harm anybody in crisis period, but enfortunately, sometimes if there is a danger to someone else, and officers have to do what they have to do. since this came out in may, it tells officers, that if you know somebody that is in
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crisis, and they are in danger for themselves and you are to stand down, and you are now over, 200 members, that are trained in cid, and more are trained all of the time and called for the hostage negotiaters that are one level above in training of cit and take as long as it takes to resolve it peacefully. and get that person the help that they need. if they are in danger, the police department will not be one that harms them. >> okay. >> thank you. >> and call the next line item. >> and the both the director's report and the discussion or the review of the recent activities. >> i think that we are still on a. >> i am sorry. >> sorry, two a. presentation of the third
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one of the things since at the wei have changes in the organization, this is the report that you have in front of you, and there are a couple of document and one is a memo that gives you a quick status update on the status of investigations that are open, still with the internal affairs division and most of you know is sort of the last stage of the officer involved shooting investigation and it is still with us and still open. and through the five year, ois investigation summary list which gives you the recap of the last four years and plus the current year of what the cases were or, are, and what the finding was if there is a finding yet, and if there is not what the status is. and then, the last attachment is a memo, that summarizes the officer involved shootings, incidents since 2000, and gives you a recap of the specific
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incidents as well as the finding where a finding has been arrived at and one thing that i will tell you is that on this report, will not include, the last ois, because it was prepared and submitted before the last ois occurred, and so we will get into that a little bit in the summary report. >> the arm discharge review board convened, october first of... and that is creblgt, a poll guys, and the farm review board ravined the following oi,s and the oo7, and 12, 12-005, and 002, and 006, those were the four shooting investigations that were completed and closed and presented to the fdrb and it was comprised of the chair and the deputy chief of the administrative bureau. and deputy chief shines and
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submit and orkes. >> and commissioner hwang sat in as one of the advisory members from the commission and also, composed of acting director marion from the occ, padrini from risk management and acting captain, dorantes from the taining division and sergeant ting from the range. >> and brief summary. 1107, 1107 occurred on december 14th, 2011, in the 11 block of larkin street and on that date, day at 1:30, three uniformed officers conducted a registration check of a vehicle, and findings that the registrations have and did not match the results and conducted a traffic stop. and the driver pulled over and ran from the vehicle and the officers ran afterer them.
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and there were passengers in the vehicle and they stay with them and they continued to chase the driver and at some point turned and fired at them and the officers shoot up and one officer fired and the suspect was hit and mortally wounded and that was found to be in policy. and the officer involved shooting, and may 13th, 2013, on the 300 block of mission. and 11:40, two sergeants that were conducting a investigation on treasure island and a follow up. and on the back back to the tender loin station, and the intersection of mission street and freemont, they observed a robbery in progress and they stopped, and the suspect and victim separated and the victim ran away, and the suspect ran toward the officers and the suspect ran towards the officers and pulled a weapon from his waste and one of the ar intelligents fired one round and defense from the partner
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and the suspect dropped a weapon and was arrested without further incident. and that was found in policy. and officer involved shooting 12-005, occurred, august 27th, 2012. and i had approximately 6:53 that morning, an officer assigned to the station was in the area of church and 29th street, this is part of the follow up investigation on a robbery that occurred that morning. the officers saw two men that matched the descriptions and attempted to stop and ran from the officer who followed them and chased them to a patio on the 200 block of the valley street. >> and one officer vaulted a fence and one suspect vaulted a fence and the other suspect croufped down and drew a weapon and the fire fired once and missed the suspect who fled and later was captured, the officer did suffer an injury in that
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incident. that ois woulds found to be impressive. and it occurred, on september, 2012 and on this occasion, and in summary, and approximately, two plain closed sergeants encountered a parolee who had known for the officers and conducted a case and he was on probation for the violent crimes and the officers approached the suspect appeared to be holding a weapon under his oversized clothing and the suspect was focused on two probation officers that were with the two police officers and when he noticed them, he ran toward mission street and as he ran, the officers in pursuit, he drew a tech nine, semi, automatic pistol with an extended clip. and turned back to the officers and that officer fired three times and wounding the suspect who was taken into custody and he was found to be in policy.
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>> and it is currently schedule for january, 13, 2015. it is tentative, january, 13, 2015. >> okay. >> okay. >> just a recap of the open investigations. currently, as of september 25th, there are now 16 open ois cases. and in summary, this does not include the four that were closed with the last fdrb. and so of these many open, we have received one completed homicide report, and summary report and so that is prepared now for the next fdrb, and the homicide has four letters for
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which they correspond the closer reports and those are in progress. and we will be completed by homicide for the delivery to the iad. and there are nine investigations that are currently under review with the district attorney office. and we are waiting the subsequent sergeant decision of the da. one is an active investigation ois 1404 and one was new as of the 25th oi4-%bac--005 and so i will not have that in this report here but i added it to the powerpoint. 14-005. and so again, just to look at them, and year by year, and with the last fdrb, 1107 closes all cases from 1011, and with the closure of 12-005, 002, 006 and half of the cases for 2012
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are now closed and we have three open from 2012. remaining cases, 001-3, and nine are open, and the charging decision letter has been received on two of those homicides. and the remaining were still waiting a charging decision, and that is also true for 14-002. and 001. and 14-002 and 3, and then, 14-004, and 005 are opened for the investigation. and so. >> great, sergeant, you have made incredible, incredible progress over the years moving these through. and so, colleagues? questions? for the sergeant? >> i would just, yeah, i know, you thought that you were going to go, i know. i just wanted to say this is incredible and sort of like with the backlog on sexual assault kits we got to clear the backlog and make sure that
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we continue to move these and it is great that the oldest cases ii 012. i encourage you to let us know if there are issues that are slowing the process down in ways that we can support in moving them forward because i think that we can see that it is in to everyone's best interest, and justice and the folks involved that we move these through. >> yes, commissioner? >> i just want to echo what i said the last police commissioner hearing when the sergeant was no tlt and having participated in this last round of ois investigations and having previously served on the da, ois team, i just thought that the presentations were very thorough and i enjoyed the process and i thought that he were thorough and detailed and i am satisfied that each of these cases appear to be in policy, and i want to thank the ia team to having done such a thoughtful job on these cases. >> thank you, sir, i appreciate it. >> commissioner turman? >> basically, i want to say the
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same thing, that commissioner sorry your last night went out of my head. >> that the commissioner just said, and it is always a thorough presentation and both here at the commission and during the ois presentation and i will congratulate you as well and the captain and lieutenant and everyone involved on the case and thank you so much. >> thank you, sir. >> captain, that was a hand. >> yeah. >> commissioner mazzucco? >> yeah, and i would also like to thank you and your group and i say this being dr. marshall and i that are two old timers tonight and when we first got on the commission there were years and years of back logs of these cases that had not been cleared yet because of you know the work and i want to thank the chief for giving you more bodies in your unit and this is great and the numbers are great and these are very sensitive situations where we are looking at it in numbers, and i could say first hand from watching your teamwork thursday morning, in the financial district, they
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are professionals and watch them go about their business thursday morning at that officer involved shooting and do what they did with complete class, and that is the other side and i want to congratulate the officers and thanks them. >> dr. marshall, it is a question and i think that i know the answer that the four letters that we have. >> all documentation will be including the summary letters, thank you. >> thank you, sergeant. >> thank you. >> item 2 b, occ direct's report, discussion and review of recent activities. >> pushp director hicks? >> yes, good evening, president
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loftus, and commissioner and chief suhr and members of the audience, this evening i will briefly describe the naco conference that occ staff and i attended, and kansas city, missouri two weeks ago. and this is the annual training conference that naco has. and it is three and a half days of courses including investigation techniques, civilian oversight role in police training, mediation, and body cameras, and language access, and lgbtq persons and police interactions. and constitutional issues and recent development in the law. this conference is attended by civilian oversight staff, board and commission members, attorneys, community members and law enforcement. it is the only conference f
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