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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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look at our affordable housing stock and how people can apply to that in making sure that that process is as easy as possible. >> great. as someone who has spent a lot of time focusing on how our city's it can be better used to get data out to folks, i certainly support the efforts that you are doing and are there challenges that you are facing in being able to implement this? i know it's been a long standing issue and challenge that many departments have had, but in particular, like now, given the affordability crisis, are there things that we can help with? are there budget constraints? what do we need to do to make this system as seamless and as accessible to the public as possible? >> we are funded for the work that we're currently doing. i think that one of the questions is once we get this work done, to test it? to see how does this solve the problems or create new problems? if it doesn't solve the problems, let's figure out what they are and try to fix it
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and we may come back to the budget process in order to make further improvements on the system. our goal is to be the best, the best in everything. so if our portal is not the best, we want to be the best. so we will continue to try to make improvements and we're very, very open to whatever criticisms people may have about trying to work their way through our process. i know it's a very cumbersome process and there are a lot of requirements in terms of eligibility and some of those are programmatic requirements related to funding, but we'll endeavor to make that process as easy as possible. >> great, i'm happy if there are ways for my office to work with you on that. i want to understand what are you doing to help resident who english may not be their first language for access to your site? >> we are in the process of
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making sure that all the short-form applications -- >> feel free, if you like -- >> we're looking at translating the short form application and marketing materials, the core marketing materials in multiple languages, so it makes the process for potential applicants easier. the other thing that we do is that we fund housing counseling groups, who are language proficient and we rely in part op those groups to help with interpreting and describing some of the housing opportunities and guiding people, who may need some assistance in interpreting forms. so that they can complete those forms. >> great. and do you have a time frame for when all of this work will be done? >> we're hoping much of the
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website work -- we're hoping to get done by the end of this calendar year. is that right? and then a lot of base work that feeds into the website, like the short form is also been the end of the calendar year. >> i >> thank you. i wanted to mention as i mentioned to supervisor breed i have an event in my district at 12:00 and i will jet over there and get back as quick as i can and thank you for answering those questions. >> thank you. we'll continue with the hearing. the next section is marketing effectiveness of materials. this is where us as supervisor chiu asked about, we're translating the materials and
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incorporating the core marketing packet by january of 2015 and redesigning the materials and both training materials for the developer and their marketing partners so there is consistent marketing procedures that all the bmr developers and all of the affordable housing developers will follow. then we'll endeavor to continue to evaluate the effectiveness of those new procedures and the new materials. recommendation 10b, moh should remove barriers to bmr rental and ownership program. in terms of bmr we have increased our dalp requirements and increased the access to those programs. for the rentals we have
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collaborated with the human rights commission on the ordinance on implementation of the fair chance ordinance. and we have begun to update again the eligibility standards and the marketing procedures, so that there is consistency in the marketing procedures overall and the selection procedures overall. recommendation 10a, we should provide statistics regarding ethnic diversity in the bmr program, so that we can improve the ethnic diversity of bmr applicants. in order to provide that transparence, moh will collect data and report this beginning 2015 in our annual report. the last section in terms of recommendation are
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data-collection and dissemination of the data and moh should provide and annual report and quarterly affordable housing pipeline report. i have reviewed a draft final draft of the annual report. so i can assure the supervisors that we will indeed have an annual report by the end of the year. and it will cover two fiscal years. we will be working with the city's data officer about housing data and the housing portal that is going to be holding that data. and again, we will be highlighting our affordable housing projects within that housing portal. recommendation 6a and 6c, moh should be publishing metrics about our individual projects. that will be part of our both
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our annual report, as well as our housing portal in terms of our data. because what we'll be describing base upon the boston sort of template, the individual projects and the sources and uses for the individual projects. and the last recommendation is just about the increased coordination and accuracy of the information that is exchanged through the -- between and among planning dbi and moh as it relates to affordable housing. and we will be working with both departments to make sure that we don't, you know, we don't miss anything. but there is a new permit and project tracking system that is scheduled to go live by the end of 2014; which moh will have access to, to ensure that all of the information and all of the projects have accurate
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information and the appropriate affordable housing fees are paid at the appropriate time. so that ends our presentation. i want to thank my staff, who spent a lot of time preparing the responses to the civil grand jury and to my fellow departments for their work on helping us prepare this response. our goal is to be the best. our goal is to address these recommendations of the civil grand jury and to increase our level of transparency. you know, the ken civil grand jury did not fault us for not being innovative in trying to build as much affordable housing as possible and one of our great concerns is improving the process for applying for affordable housing, but what we need to continue to do is continue to build more affordable housing. i would like to thank the civil
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grand jury and the board. >> thank you, mr. lee, are there any questions? mr. agie, would you like to make a response to the report that you have heard from the mayor's office on housing? >> well, i think it pretty much speaks for itself. moh agrees globally with the report. there were some minor technical issues that they disagreed upon, such as for instance the exact mechanics of setting up information exchange and reporting and our view on that is as along as the end result is achieved, there are different ways of getting there. so we're encourages by the response. >> thank you. at this time, we are going to open this item up for public testimony.
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[ inaudible ] >> sir you have to stick to the subject-matter. [speaker not understood] ? >> the last time i spoke --
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thank you next speaker. >> larry bush, member of civil grand jury that worked on the report. also i had 15 years' as senior executive at the department of
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house and urban development. two points to underscore what you have already heard. the first is the issue of family-size housing which is important in san francisco. the lack of a third bedroom, as you know? the planning department their description of a family housing is two bedrooms. and that really misses what happens in san francisco, where we force familis to relocate out of the city if they have more children than can be accommodated by two bedrooms or if you have intergenerational families. when i was at hud ten years ago we signed a memorandum of understanding between hud and department of building inspection to share information on housing quality standards. because we do annual inspections at hud, for not only public housing, but also section 8 housing and housing that we support. and dbi also has its inspections. so the idea was if we shared information, we
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could see where the gaps existed. what needs to be done? but while that mou is signed by both the city and by hud, in all of this time it has never been implemented. so i would suggest that you take a look at whether or not that could be implemented to improve the livability of housing for san francisco residents? >> thank you. are there any other members of the public who would like to give public testimony on this item at this time? okay. seeing none, public testimony is closed. [ gavel ] supervisor tang. >> thank you. again just want to thank the civil grand jury for this really relevant report right you now, as well as all of the departments who are working on this. to me, i think that coming out of the report really highlights four main issues for me. really one that we just san francisco needs to continue building and as our public commenter mentioned really accommodating family-sized housing which is really important especially for a lot of residents that i represent.
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two, really streamlining our city's processes and making it easy for people to build in san francisco. three, making it easy for people to access information and apply and all all of that. i'm eager to see the ability to submit one application through moh's website and to be able to have that account for all of the different potential housing that you may apply for and not have to submit additional applications and last, but certainly not least, what supervisor breed mentioned earlier, which is really trying to support our middle/moderate level income folks. again a lot of constituents that i represent don't qualify for the programs out there and trying to stretch it for 150% ami is really important. glad to see that the income lipts -- limits have been raised already because so many of the residents that we talk to simply cannot find housing in san francisco. so again, those are the four points and
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look forward to working with all of you and all of the progress that you will be making by the end of this year even. >> thank you, supervisor tang. i whole-heartedly agree with everything that supervisor tang has said, but i also want to add one thing, that i really appreciate that that was addressed in the report and that is public housing and the use of the city's housing trust fund to support public housing. i appreciate the fact that the civil grand jury has outlined how important public housing and the preservation of public housing stock and the support from the city necessary to maintain public housing is truly really important. and also one of the other issues that mr. lee mentioned was preservation of existing affordable housing, and mr. bush mentioned hud and just the agreements between hud and the city and how those mous work themselves out. one of the things that we don't
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talk about much in preservation of existing affordable housing is how vulnerable existing affordable housing is to hud and its policies and the difficulties of many of our properties co-ops in particular, to meet the obligations of their agreement under hud, which requires a lot of city support, which requires time, attention, money, resources, and often times our goal is to make sure that we don't lose that affordable housing stock in the bigger picture. yes, we need to build more. it's clear we need to build more and build faster and i think the city has done a great job at making sure that we meet our obligations with some of the commitments made from the former redevelopment agency. but we all know that sadly it isn't going to be enough, unless we do it faster. and it's been a real challenge, i think, mr. lee and his team are up to that challenge.
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i know that in this current fiscal year's budget, there have been additional staff to help facilitate these needs. and i am looking forward to the hearing that i'm going to be submitting a request to, from the task force, to really understand exactly what is being done to get us to a point of achieving these goals? many of these things have been outlined in the civil grand jury report and i do think it's important that we demonstrate to the public that we have a real plan in place to implement those things. so i just wanted to start with that. but we have one item before us, where we as a member of the board of supervisors, we have to provide an official response to the civil grand jury. so on finding one, i want to go over that finding and go over the recommended response for the record. so the finding is housing development in last decade has fallen -- oh, and
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actually, there are some copies for the civil grand jury members in the front, if you want to grab a copy and follow along. the housing development in the last decade has fallen short of regional need targets. new production overwhelmingly delivered market-rate units despite housing need targets for broader income spectrum. this has reduced the number of housing opportunities affordable to the majority of citizens and our response from the board -- my recommended response is that we do agree. and that is the finding. the recommendation from the grand jury is that the board of supervisors convene a hearing this calendar year to review the final report from the mayor's housing task force, and ensure that policy recommendations improve the relationship between market rate and affordable housing to reflect the economic diversity
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of the city, and include annual monitoring of regional housing, achievement numbers as defined by the regional housing needs allocation and housing element. and i want to submit this hearing request to the clerk of the board. and you our response as a result of that would be this has been implemented -- has not been implemented but will be implemented by the end of 2014. supervisor london breed submitted a hearing request for the clerk of the board of supervisors for the mayor's office on housing and community development -- the office of economic and workforce development and planning department to evaluate how they will improve the relationship between market rate and affordable housing and track regional housing achievements? so with that, supervisor tang,
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do you have any other additions or any comments to that response? >> no, i think you covered it and i would be happy to support a motion to amend our resolution to include what you just read into the record. >> okay. so before i do that, i would entertain a motion to table the hearing. >> so moved. >> without objection, the hearing is tabled. [ gavel ] and i will entertain a motion to amend the current resolution to reflect the input of what i have just record into the record. >> so moved. >> without objection this is read into the record and amended as proposed. [ gavel ] and finally, is there a motion to recommend this to the full board as amended? >> so moved. >> okay. >> yes? >> as a committee report? >> as a committee report. >> i keep forgeting that part. as a committee report. okay, with that, without objection, it's recommended. [ gavel ]
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again, thank you for your work on this. actually, i'm very excited about what is to come with housing in san francisco, and this definitely gives us a roadmap to begin working in a specific direction and hopefully the results will be realized in the city sooner than later. so thank you all. madame clerk, can you please call items 3 and 4. >> item and 4 is hearing and resolution responding to the presiding judge of superior court civil grand jury report entitled "inquirie into the operation and programs of the san francisco jails." >> mike will be presenting on behalf of the civil grand jury. >> good afternoon. chairperson breed, supervisor tang, my name is michael
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skahill. i was a member of 2013-2014 civil grand jury for the city and county of san francisco. today i'm pleased to present the jury's report on the operation and programs of the san francisco jails. this report is a product of cooperation and agreement. this report would not have been possible without the cooperation of people in the san francisco sheriff's department, the five charter schools and adult education programs, the jailhouse services division of the department of public health as well as the staff of the san francisco general hospital, and members of the san francisco police department, as well as jail inmates. this report presented findings through discussion and through numerous site visits, many interviews and comprehensive literature review and evaluation of pages and pages
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of documentation. there is no requirement that a report be generated by the jury. however, the 2013-2014 civil grand jury has generated a report that contains four findings and 13 recommendations. regarding the fourth finding and corresponding recommendation &%fos from the jails reports, the jury reports the five key charter schools and adult education programs and the community partnerships established by the sheriff's department to provide for these programs. we applaud that educational and community programs offered inside the jails are also available to inmates post-release, providing a path of continuity to completion and graduation and potential job
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opportunities. because completion and graduation from these programs is positively correlated to reducing recidivism, to continue these opportunities. i wish to take advantagest public present on the jury's report to encourage business and community leaders to embrace these partnerships as opportunity for positive change and hope for productive life post-incarceration and as an investment in our community. jury members looked forward to reviewing a revised inmate happened book and this resource for inmates is required under the california code of regulations title 15, minimum standards for local detention facilities. the jury was concerned that the current orientation materials may be too sophisticated for many inmates. to assure that inmates have the necessary information to
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understand expected behaviors, daily routines and procedures within jails, the jury associates with its third finding recommendation that inmate hand book be revised to reflect the literacy levels of the jail population. and into the operation of the san francisco jails including a review and update of policy and procedure documents, particularly related to the instances of interdepartmental cooperation with san francisco police department, and associated -- as associated with the station transfer unit operations and with jailhouse services and provision of medical and psychiatric services to inmates. our review of policy and procedure documents found some of these documents were due for regulary scheduled review and others provide answers to questions that arose during our inquiry and others would benefit from experience
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developed during implementation of new programs. the last finding and associated recommendation that i will discuss is actually the first finding and recommendation in the written report. this finding requests action on the part of the board of supervisors. during review of financial documents, we saw overtime expenditures of $10.7 million, and an in additional $3.5 million associated with job-related injury and illness. we understand that there are many complex variables that work on these issues, but believe that we see a circular flow relationship where absent from work and staffing levels described by the state board of corrections resulting in mandatory overtime and excessive overtime, where 15 [tko*-pt/]s are deputis are
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working over 50% full-time equivalent under civil ordinance. that this overtime contributes to fatigue, increasing the instance of job-related injury and illness and again and again, like that. and where the administration of disability claims is a complicated and costly endeavor, not just for the sheriff's department but for the departments citywide. because it is difficult to establish these causal relationships and we're concerned about employees and deputies suffering job-related injuries and the costs to the sheriff's department and the city official, we recommend that the board of supervisors address this issue through an audit by the budget and legislative analyst. that the board of supervisors take up the issue for advocacy
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and reform. thank you, chairperson breed and supervisor tang. this concludes our report on the operations "ip quirie into the operations and programs of the san francisco jails." >> thank you. no questions at this time. so we have representative from the sheriff's department who will be presenting on this item today . >> chair breed, vice-chair tang i'm the cfo of the sheriff's department and joined
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by chief deputy and others. the sheriff was unable to attend today due to illness and he sends his regrets. i would like to begin by thanking the members of civil grand jury for all of their hard work and their focus on the sheriff's department. they brought up a lot of great recommendations that we think will move all of us forward in our shared goal of protecting the safety of the public. also, i would like to note that while the civil grand jury's only required to look at the custody function and prior audits have focused solely on the custody function, we are a full-service law enforcement agency and we provide penalopy of services that fall under the rubric. for example, we provide public security at a number of city departments, in addition, we have staff out in the field, who are looking for people who have outstanding
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warrants and a k-9 unit that conducts bomb and drug sniffing activities. so we take a look at those functions and provide their insight in those areas as well. the civil grand jury focused -- findings focused on four areas and i will respond to each of those areas one at a time. the first one -- the first finding and recommendations related to disability. the first recommendation was that the sheriff's department should follow city policy for limited time temporary disability attainments and we found this requires further amion analysis. i think the challenge is that interdepartmental collaboration and interjurisdictional