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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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(clapping.) >> so what a glories day (clapping) renee dunn martin who is responsible for today's event promised we she's never, ever had rain on a day like today
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whatever between her and the guys those let's give her an applause (clapping.) it's incredible to see all of you here today, it's amazing some of you know today is an important jewish holiday i got into a lot of truly for having this event so many people wanted to be here today thank you all but this is as much yourselves as ours we couldn't do it without you so it's my 3r0u7b8d privilege on behalf of the port of san francisco well, to the new james r cruise terminal. >> (clapping) and you are our community
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you are our policymakers and our staff, you are our maritime's and dock workers and friends and families and our tenants all of you are the communicated that made this day the moment it is and it's a grand moment a moment that celebrates the ports and the cities task as well as the cities future but it is really, really an important day we couldn't have been here without each and every one of you so i'd like to ask those who who touched this project in in any way, shape, or form to raise your hand hundreds of you thank you all very, very much (clapping) really thank you very, very much i want to take a quick minute and talk about who is sharing the stage with me first and
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foremost the honorable mayor ed lee (clapping) president of the board of supervisors david chiu (clapping.) it's really interesting they've seed it so you'll be doing this and form board of education president leslie cats (clapping) >> and treasurer of the isle willie adams (clapping) president of the international longer shire or shore union robert (clapping) director of the san francisco public works mumd 92 restraining order are you
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turner construction calvin sing (clapping) metro services steve 0 barry zone penya (clapping) vice chair shore provisions princess cruise carr mine (clapping.) port commissioner kimberly brandon who has been - (clapping) your clapping four yourselves commissioner branding done has been with the port as a tireless volunteer and kept us on the path for too. years to mention and i want to say commissioner thank you for your support, your commitment and our trust in getting us here and
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most of all for your leadership (clapping) commissioners doris republican. >> (clapping) >> and form port commission (calling names) all of whom had something to do with the project being here and the honorable first lady anita lee (clapping) i knew this wasn't going to work commissioner mary had a little lamb murphy thank you very much (clapping) >> all right. so today, we celebrate our collective communist we're celebrating a very long san francisco heritage and making the beginning of a new day in the kruger's tradition no way better than with a song this is a song that
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evokes the history of our country the traditions and a struggle our very own national anthem to sing it for us we have brianna oakley a citizen stabilize teenage singer and has the wonderful hair he and with a soulful voiced she's been on american i would like and augs at at&t park so ladies and gentlemen, singing the star 1257kd banner please rise and welcome ann oakl welcome ann oakley you see by the dawn's early light
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what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? and the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
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oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? (clapping) and yeah.
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(clapping.) the mature society was that great brianna that was a perfect note for a perfect day and may our talents telephone call take you with fair winds and following speed so ladies and gentlemen, another round of applause (clapping) so i would love to tell you there are a couple of dignitaries to introduce and do it quick our all dignitaries making take a bow i want to quickly recognize a couple of our city supervisors london breed and katie tang and others we're blessed to be joined by 3
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of our consul generals jen in a from nord and from canada and the gentleman i can't read my notes the gentleman from japan i screwed up on that we have great cruise libs executives and, of course, princess cruise we're blessed to be sponsored by 9 of the san francisco company princess a cruise and sour dough and our resources group and pier 39 and turner construction i saw the sign and got it right so thank you to all our sponsors (clapping) and as i mentioned
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cruising has a very, very long history in san francisco it really is part of our heritage cruising going back to the early 1800s that was the day when that was you're only way of transport and many get-togethers came to here on ships and they got to sleep next to the cargo bags and then the steamships we paid attention to the cruz and there was competition for making the cruise more of a luscious event so entertainment was brought on board and one very initiative company brought on a life cow to have fresh milk we've come a long way in 1967 mark twain before the accident the first anti bound cruise ship and came
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back and pushed a book calledness. >> board and cruising start to take off and black ties added a romantic term and the world posh is rumored to be an acronym i know what that means pour out starboard homes and cruising start to do take off and the 19 hundred was the entitled age and san francisco was not about to be left out stop talking randy so (laughter) so in the 19 hundreds pier 35 was on the docket by the port of commissioners it was ahead of its time built a handle category you all remember category was very man powder and came over the lines and shoulder and meant to handle passengers it was
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built criminally because it has lots of of 96 long years imagine the vision and crafted manship we're blessed our for fathers thought of that but it's time to have an r another republican is an we've built this magnificent facility 9 james r herman facility and we hope it will be a symbol of all we staples for historically and prospectively i want to thank you all for coming here and it is a huge task but we've done it and glad to do celebrate to get everything going i'd like to introduce a man who was dedicated his life to public certify and made it
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his job to stairway the connective stability which our city to make sure it is viability for both our neighborhoods and waterfront and our communities and has made jobs a very, very big emphasis please welcome mayor ed lee (clapping). >> thank you, monique thank you for your hair as well (laughter) well, first of all, monique thank you for your leadership along with the port commissioners and staff and with the incredible collaboration like public works and the mischievous let me say a few words about history because al car is here for a reason he thinks the history of the city and you've got to read his books and many of you were with anita
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and i last year vicinity when we heard about the things about america's cup wasn't that a great time and brianna said it reminded me we're going to get you on a concert tour somewhere it is more than just a cruise ship place i know there recent incredible claps for our prince sister cruise terminal leaders it's about entertainment and enjoyment and a celebration we did that with america's cup but we also made some promises that the event when we host events whether the super bowl or the world series with our giants who are here today as well and in the playoffs; right? jack; right? (clapping)
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or improving the wafer these are legacies to produce for the rest of the city that will last for generations ambassador, if any, this particular cruise ship willy adams understand the piece of the city how he we are we were founded and how we struggled and what they did to make san francisco the gold mountain for many of the immigrants the port incredible industry for the entire west coast so this that is why there is such incredible support for naming this james r herman cruise ship torrential how shall the workers class families that don't get nephew credit they helped me build and rebuild this city so when we announced this also have an incredible support
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for it been noticing known as the jay russ johnson example herman cruise terminal so we have historians here and the chamber of commerce people here and sports leaders all over the place but is also see ordinary citizens that serve on commissions past and present but folks that step forward and want to be a part of the city with this incredible step you should have been need is minute ago we talked to the custom broad preschool they're excited they've not seen from the entire west coast the full fledged bored service facility like this for over 20 years it's incredible their staff is 45e7
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working with the facility from bottom-up to top down the workforce here i want to thank turner construction for on time and on budget i love contractors to do that on time and on budget (clapping) but also thank you to the ownerships 34 trust us to think about legacies that we would create out of great events that's in the morning the single events that are the start and end but we as a city to create for value this is port part of our our history not only great individuals but we they leave behind to allow us to do more this is wore mere celebrating so what are the legacies well, in the building and design of this we have a lot of local
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companies that mrarntd, in fact, the local workforce is at an all-time high of 26 percent of the entire labor force right here building and designing and making this work (clapping) and in addition what i'm particularly proud you have you'll see another 26 percent of our loophole businesses operating in this facility from the stores from merchandise not only a cruise ship i terminal landing but a party center (laughter) i've got my reservation in i get to brag to other thirty mayors what have you got that compares to this (clapping) it's worth it that's why i say we're proud to
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represent our labor history in the city and proud to say that the port has done it right we're also proud to say that the citizens individual like lucy jew and 0 others who step forward later on we're going to celebrate this 3 acre appropriately with the loucy if you have time go by there by the way, by we're going to give it the specific recognition this is in the city we'll match this up with all the things that historically tricked people along our waterfront pier 39 and photographing all the way to the giant people will come through and they'll participate so that anita and i one of those days
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will do something we've not done take a cruise (clapping) i still got to try to find time to do that why not take it from pier 37 but all those things in celebration we've done this right and well and this is for generations to come i'm very proud of everybody who was responsible who put this on to build and design it but also going to say i'm proud of city and county because the residents and neighbors got together and said this is what we want like the events like america's cup it's like america's cup it is a gift it keeps on giving i had mammogram potentially put the video on up inside so when people come off the ship they'll see the excitement of the
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america's cup 34 this is a representation of our city thank you to everyone involved for lending our support to this and make this a special place for san francisco let's celebrate for that the entire city this is ours and we greeting get to share 24 with our kids for generations to come thank you (clapping). >> thank you very much mr. mayor for being here and for all you are leadership and all of the work that's gone on next it's my pleasure to introduce the man who has stakeholder the public and private sectors a civil activists a criminal rights activist and 80 who is serving an unprecedented third term as the president of the
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board of supervisors please join me in welcoming the president of the board of supervisors president david chiu (clapping.) good afternoon san francisco it is my honor to welcome you to our northeast neighborhood and because none of my colleagues are here yet i want to welcome you to the best city and county of san francisco right here and thank you for being here for another amazing chapter of the city and county of san francisco we bring millions of people around the world to those neighbors, in fact, it's our city that brought a young man from seattle mayor ed lee with who became our mayor a woman from washington, d.c. president of our port commission it brought another young man, if
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missouri our vice president mr. alzheimer's and when i was 22 i came to those neighbors and like you all we envelope in love with our waterfront i'll actual 6 years ago when i ran for office i had hundreds of constituents many of r whom are here saying what is the city going to do to fix up our piers our piers were pa fatally into the sea we had had pier 35 and the neighborhood associations came together with w working with the develops developers and the city staff and the board of supervisors we brought the best science perfume museum on the west coast piers 17 chp we brought the best sailing race last year with the