tv [untitled] October 3, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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design and work right we go back to the 16 inch vent. >> whatever functions but either or and then there's no space as pilot no space taken from any of the tenants to therefore they're still in place. >> we'll have control over the tenant agreement their contingent about the space being taken downstairs. >> that may or may not happen but their noted losing space. >> correct. >> that's the only point otherwise to approve. >> so add a clarification that requires a variance so it is contingent upon the grant. >> deputy city attorney merlin i would recommend you just briefing articulate the reasons
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why you're choosing to approve that project now pursue briefing describe the proposal and the current one and why that has changed our decision i have in front of a motion to disapprove. >> i'm happy to do that first of all, there are a number of reasons to disapprove one the adverse effect on the rail businesses which is no longer there that has been taking care of and the position of aesthetics we've greatly improved the aesthetics by the changes that was suggested by staff those are the two issues that i think have improved and hatred made it different that's why i'm moving to approve sxhoifksz. >> so the wrap around is still in the vent pipe.
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>> yes. but a similar routinely pipe. >> do those pass the historic preservation review. >> yes. okay. mr. frying they do did the design go through the historic design. >> tim frye department staff we work with the staff and we feel it is appropriate treatment. >> okay. thank you and. >> i'd like to second commissioner antonini's motion. >> commissioner moore. >> i believe that the summary made what we observed to last time is not reel in concurrence with the way i one side to speak against it it summarizes the violation which commissioner antonini's disagreement with the motion as it is brought forward i believe in the analysis which was sent to us the emphasis
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often the tenants space while it's an important one from october from the authentic and other neighborhoods concerns i believe that the currency kind of proposal greatly fails to capture broadly combresz expressed aesthetics in the neighborhood by supporting the motion as it is spoken read into the record i believe that doesn't reflect my understanding of what is in front of us why we sent it back and how it is come back and i also like to say the aesthetic of the historic preempt that is a historic neighborhood, however, the historic preservation per say has not reviewed this as a project they did review those projects they might have reviewed in the abdomen track that a fuel windpipe is a better
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looking and more comparable thing with older buildings that this pipe is a historically acceptable solution as i consider the corner incriminating equipment to be if this equipment was placed differently i'd support in project this project leaves the equipment in the same spots and in the same unreduced numbers as before i think actually no offense but i don't think at&t is on top of good spiritual design i want to be clear the equipment is not designed to where industrial design produces electrical and antenna equipment around the world so i'm holding the challenge to you, you can do better i've said that about a
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year or two and he still getting the same vent pipes no one will approve them and that's the issue you, your shaking our head i'm talking about the design of this particular pipe as comparable that the historic premise i want to be clear about the aesthetic impacts of the that is my understanding on this historic setting i'm not getting into technical discussions staying in the aesthetics that's my concern i believe the motion as proposed misses the point of what we're asked to do today. >> commissioner hillis. >> yeah. i want to echo many of the concerns i don't support f 24 it goes too far and one set
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of the vent pipes would be different i appreciate the changes to the railway space but we're adding more to the front of the facade that i'm voting he against. >> commissioner richards. >> besides the vent on the roof is there another site mid block would you be open to that is there another site. >> i can answer so that the first portion other than vent pipes this is a traditional approach by the historic preservation has been either put the antenna back or the penthouse the choosing of penalty houses the planning code didn't protect the views that's changing but if they have 9 vent pipes on a larger building we didn't want the factory effect
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but we may have having the combination of upgrading the rear facade and the combination of the rear. >> is there another mid block those antennas will be better. >> it is higher-up so this is a signal block. >> sure in the 27 alternative sites is there one as suited. >> i can't see with certainty but it overwhelming has changes with regard to fire escapes or other things. >> ms. hayes. >> there is no commissioner we've gone through the analysis thoroughly between the time we submitted in application and september 11th and today, this was part of the request and i feel between a rock and hard
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place here. >> i understand that the other option to not will screen the antennas and the ac and c supports that if you want to place the antennas with no screening whatsoever we can do that but we think this is a better option. >> thank you one other quick question 6 antennas is the smallest type of sited. >> we have i think those are pretty few and far between i know in our network i don't even know we proposed one for 17 hundred union and went to 18 union this was a little bit of a situation we can't i think we'd rather not build a 3 panel sites site then yeah. >> thank you thank you please call the question.
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>> commissioners there is a we have a motion and a second to approve this matter with conditions and modified finding of the original motion that was provided to you conditioning that the equipment move and that the equipment be painted to match the existing building that the with regard antenna or full wraps be at staffs discretionary discretion and the antennas will be moved away from the buildings edge and a caesarean on that motion. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis no arrest commissioner johnson commissioner moore no commissioner richards no arrest commissioner fong and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 4 to 3 with commissioner johnck commissioner moore and other
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commissioner against that is the pine street mixed use for the final environmental impact report the draft public comment is closed the draft eir end on june 30th, 2014, and public comment will be received when this item is called, however, the comments may not be put in the final eir. >> good afternoon, everyone. with tplanning staff that is a financial environmental impact report or eir for the proposed 1527 to pine project case which entails domination of 5 xoifts buildings on the south side even if pine between van
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ness on the west and austin to the south and a construction of one hundred and 37 square feet at all story building with retailer space soon the ground floor and one hundred 37 housing in the upper levels a copy of the eir draft is in front of the commission and published on may 14th and the public hearing was held and the public comment closed comments and responds were published on september 27th no public comments on the draft eir nor did any member of the public speak before the commission in june the elevation contained in the eir found that the implementation of the proposed project will result in significant unavailable impacts
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that can't be litigate below a significant level the demolition of the pine street building for the purposes of environmental review and it was identified as one of the temporary constructions after the 1906 san francisco earthquake fire in the sequa's mandate it was the american building certification and interpretation the artifacts the alternates to the impact due to the unavailable significant impact on the resources the commission will need to adapt this over oppositions to approve this project at this point the motion to adapt it it certifies the eir as
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accurate and adequate and the procedures to which it complies with sequa the sequa's guidelines in chapter three 1 that concludes my presentation. on this matter unless the commissioners members have questions for me. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so, sir we open for public comment. >> for the certification of the eir yes. >> any public comment on the certification of the eir? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners commissioner antonini >> i think the eir is adequate and accurate and i would move to certify. >> second commissioner moore. >> just so far completeness questions raised by the commissioner were answered and inaccurately addressed i'm in support.
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>> thank you commissioners there is a we have a motion and a second to certify the final eir. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore sxhifksz commissioner johns and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously which e 7 to zero and places you on abc and for the e, c and v for 1527 through 45 pine street sequa and for conditional use authorization and the consideration for variances. >> good afternoon sharpening with the planning staff abc constitute the demolition for the projects on 1527 through 45 pine street the project is on 3 lots with a combined site area
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of 15 thousand square feet within the van ness and van ness afghan special use district within the polk street district to demolish all commercial structures mudding over two levels of subterranean parking the eastern part of the discriminate is limited to 6 facilities which also provide a transition from the higher van ness to the moderate polk street a tip to on page 4 where the proposal is incorrect seeps so a 5 foot story it is approximately 96 square feet of residential of ex-1112 an affordable housing 27 hundred square feet ever number one residential use for commercial spaces on pine street
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and a commercial constitutional use on austin street the two who levels of parking constitute will contain 84 parking spaces that are dedicated car spaces and bicycle spaces will be provided and two secure rooms with access from identifying street and a total of 8 bicycle parking spaces to date the department has not received option and the sponsor submitted 18 additional levels of support i believe copies were just handed out and in addition the staff want to say acknowledge they forward right a letter on september 17th outside of the draft eir encouraging the approval that contains the pine
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street proposal this letter was included in part of the packet the lower polk neighborhood confirms the support question before i includes conditional use authorization for the development of new buildings over 50 needed in height and an acceptance of ground floor requirement as well as a parking reduction on van ness project requires a rear endorse variance from the street frontage for the deems and active use and the blow space from the zoning administrator the department has reviewed the expectations being sought and buildings the request to be warned the project will allow the mixed use under a current underutilized site foreman it
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has been sculpted at the ground floor and been reconciled between the two zoning district and the bulk and height rirmsdz it is okay. and will include the housing stock concluding the permanently affordable onsite and with the polk street corridor as such the city finds the proposal it be acceptable and lastly the commission worries about to approve the project the adaptation of the sequa finding included as part of our report first prior to the action on the conditional use authorization thank you. >> thank you project sponsor. >> good afternoon commissioners
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my name is kim diamond an opportunity to speak today as always we're happy to be here and appreciate the hard work for the mixed use development at 1545 pine street i'd like to spend a few minutes describing our outreach to the public and i'm going to turn it over to bernard 0 with the architect to subscribe our designs. for the past 3 years we've been working with the local residents and merchant in the area with a clear goal of booufg and strengthening the community early on their desires our proposed in particular lp m ask to pay attention to the alley to hey of help improve the safety the thoughtful design on and on
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of retail space on you austin the project will tremendous improve the site as questioned we've presented our project numerous times and have received unanimously support as a matter of the steering committee we're part of the successful lower polk it will provide a number of services to help improve the quality of life and creating a safe and secure community in an effort to support n this true mark will donate long term ground floor space at the proposed project at the cb d headquarters it will provide a space for police artists to decide place and sell their artwork and provide now gallery space for the alley in addition
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to our involvement that lp in we've been walking the streets and talking to our merchants and neighbors to lemon them know and have had numerous one-on-one meetings resulting in overwhelming support including 37 letters of support and 80 signatures in support our proposed plan to provide one hundred and 3 new for sale homes including 12 inclusionary units on site and provides construction jobs over a 9 months period of time and to one of the participants in the program ems this is a partnership with the unit playgrounds to help what the education and employment opportunities in the construction industry we've been telegraph hill involved with a
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community and with the services true mark staff has attended ceremonies and have been involved with their friends at the larkin group that raise fundraising to provide a safe heaven for at risks i want to say that's been a great pleasure to work with after all you and we look forward to more partnership with the staff i'd like to introduce bernard who will present. >> good afternoon in stein this project we had the challenge that the site is straddling two different zoning
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territories in one case the building is lower and has certain density and the other portion of the project the building is allowed to be taller so the density is over the two zones this fact of the site led to a profiling in the building that created a lower and higher building and that gives an opportunity to actually a candidate a massing of components that case can't take down from the sky and slowly went symbol a smaller scale of the volumes as they reached the street it is a composition of two buildings coming together as one i mentioned that the descent to
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the ground because what is unique about what we're providing here in this design is that the ground floor is trying to set some positive preens for the neighborhood as a whole there's a series of valleys that have an opportunity to be more active instead of a rear surface street even though the street has a primary fronl front we've given equal importance to the backside and decided to have two footages it is this is defines this project along the street there's a lower portion of the building which then there's other one point recesses retreats but on the
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alley side i call an alley and hopefully soon will be a street we actually set back further in order to widen a sense of the space along the street it's our hope that there is a cat lyric for changes of use along that new street we're proposing you can see in the imagines what we're doing with the ground floor of the building on arrival and i think there are other imagines that show you proposed community space on the new street that we are attempting to create frontage there are a series the existing buildings being replaced with a
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new series of gateways into what is new retail that will happen along the footage but following the scale of the components that existed open the sites you'll see the garage building on the right side side and within that happens on the ground floor that designs the same scale at the because of the building we've worked with staff to deal with some of the issues of set backs and massing of the building also notice there is sunset building that relates to the height that allows for light and air to the neighbors as a gesture noted required we decided to do that and discussed
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it and cooperated that with the neighbors here's a view of what will be the alley and the proposed community space that you've heard being explained earlier in this presentation where you see what's called the art spot we've got that happening along the ground floor of the secondary frontage this is what makes it different and special and i think from the urban design point of view hopefully it is a contribution that the people see benefit and will also reciprocate this there are 4 alleys of this kind in this neighborhood that could be safer
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and friendlyer places if this happens along the side of those proposals as well you see here what happens today and hoping to create in the location the same exact location thank you very much thank you. >> thank you we'll open this up for public comment if i call our name, please line up on the screen side of the room public comment is two minutes (calling names). >> my name is andrew chandler i'm the chairman the department at the college
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true mark urban gave us an inaccurate overview it was not normal interaction it was very involved and very cooperative it was exemplar from my point of view there are a couple of things to note about the project number one no resident was displaced this is something we've encouraged in the development of the neighborhood and two the bmr units are on site and in part of their full engagement of the neighborhood they were fully engaged as well as lp n was assisting the formation of the lower polk benefits district it was not peripheral involvements that was indirect it was impactful and tricked to the
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formations of that district probably the most significant component of the project which we're very, very supportive of and excited about is how they dealt with the basic urban fabric element of our neighborhood the alley and the fact you've heard the architect speak to that the fact they've taken the risk and listened to us we're committed to changing the nature of the additionally this is the first project of the neighborhood that has taken this on as a challenge we're obviously just designing something we'll follow-up and work with the city as the city looked at redesigning what we bring to the city. >> thank you. >> tnk
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