tv [untitled] October 4, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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and you can see him very tall and we are taking the photo with the kids, and courtney does a great job in the schools. >> we have a district attorney, she is working with us, and our neighborhood prosecutors and sthes actually at the station, and we share with northern and mission, and really, that is practices in terms of having the officers in the da all in the same place, talking about crime. >> we are using social media and so i am working on this and
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we were working on the facebook page and we have a website, and we just started twitter and we have about 180 followers and i learned how to use it and now i am sending these tweets out but we are working to connect with the community. and steve pat is doing a lot and these are all of the individuals that are part of the ctab and we are doing a lot, national night out and we are working on the crime prevention flier and we are going to start working on a petty theft, project, and we have many projects that are lined up and they are helping us with the social media, but to the community, advisory board meets once a week and it is all about projects and how to improve safety. well there was a lot of public, private partnerships too many to name, many are here tonight and we are very grateful and that is the good thing about the central district is that we are able to partner with a lot of organizations. and i would like to conclude my
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presentation by saying, that not only has it been a wonderful and very fortunate to be at central station, in the last four months and we have a lot of work to do, but it is not about me, tonight, i am presenting but it is really about, the officers at central station that make a difference. and been here every day and they want to be here, and they work well with the community and they care about everyone. and they truly make a difference, and you know, sometimes we don't know what they do, in terms of how they help people. and but they help the people every day. and they solve the crimes, and they really are our hero and so i really want to dedicate tonight, to the men and women of central station, and with that, that concludes my presentation. [ applause ] >> and thank you, students, for being so patient and nice, and quiet and good.
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>> it is good. >> hey guys, i could not wait to put on my sweat shirt. so it is fabulous. okay. it is okay, i switch one sweater for a nicer one, thank you. >> okay, so normally, we would go to questions, for the good captain, but, my colleagues usually like doing is hearing your questions first, and so if we could go into public comment, if you could call the next item. >> you can turn the lates on and make it more hot for those who are at home. it is hot in here. >> line item four, public comment, the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda, but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of
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the commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither police or occ personnel, nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may have provide a brief response. vinl commissioners and police and occ personnel shaod refrain, however, from entering into debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. >> please, limit your comments to three minutes. >> so ladies and gentlemen, you have taken the time to be here tonight, and i encourage you if there is something that you would like to tell us about what is happening in the neighborhood a comment that you have, we are only as good as the information we have and we appreciate the time that you have taken to be here tonight if there is something on your mind, share it and i see that
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we have the folks lined up and so welcome. >> my mame is rita lark andism a resident of north beach place and i would like to thank the captain of the north beach has also been very helpful and the problems that i started having down there and i have been living there for five months and there are three dope houses around me and two maintenance persons that stole the key on lie bore day and opened up my house and then a key was made off of the new one and so like i said it is not getting any better, the management down there is in denial about her main nens workers and she does not want to follow through on what she really needs to do to these two people, one is named manny and the other is raymond, their houses are bay street,, (inaudible) 15111 the one that opened up my house telling me that they are going to try to
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force me into the drug ring which i have been out for 25 years, i have no intentions of smoking, selling or storing anybody's product in my house and i really do need this help. thank you. >> i see that the captain is going to make sure that you get to talk to someone. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners, chief, fellow residents, my name is sherry (inaudible) and i have been a long time activist throughout the city and i am really happy and i want to say thank you to chief suhr and it just warms my heart that homicides are going down. and i wanted to come mend the young people that were involved, i am going to be really quick for the remainder of the audience i would like to leave you with something to consider and it is the capitol letter a. a is for awesome, a is for
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amazing, a for adoptable model, a for america. and that is what we have in front of us. and so i would like to share with you i am a little out of context because i want to talk not only about our wonderful captain, but he is part of an amazing team, not only of his team, but of other law enforcement entities across the city and of a particular concern i would like to bring to your attention is that it was a very prestigious award to one of his colleagues and brothers on september 18th and i would like it read that and young people were here, because young people are really our future and it is really what it is about and we are setting extraordinary model and it says, dear mr. captain, thank you very much for working so hard to make my block safe. and this is on behave of rodrequiz who is nine years old and so it was important and so
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given that award, that captain jason turnas received we like to present this to the commission as official document and then we would like to give it to the chief and would ask that this be part of any value to our reactivity that subsequently happened. and i want to say that san francisco has a police chief and policemen and police women and leadership that rocks. thank you. >> thank you. >> come on up. >> good evening, my name is troy campbell and i am the executive director of the
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fisherman's wharf district and i normally get nervous, but tonight i am going to channel grace o, and i will be fine. i just want to take a moment to thank the chief for selecting the captain david lazar to be our captain in the four months that he has been there we have seen an amazing amount of work get done, and he has made me look better, to the community, because this summer, i have had the least amount of complaints if my four years in the district about the police presence and how he has done that with some of the lowest amount of earn elin the district, and it blows my mind. and he is also helped to make our (inaudible) program better, and he has helped us with putting together the game plans for our chronic problem citizens in our district. and it has been available when the issues flare up in the neighborhood and also available, and always ready to take the call and so i want to thank his family and i am probably one of those people
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that call at night and i want to share a comment, we have four ambassadors that work in the district that help us with clean and safe, and had just started and he was talking about working with one of our beat officers, and he said, you know, he was just blown away, he said, well, i am just so surprised he gave me his cell phone number and always available, and he is always there, and i have never had that before, i never known that before and i said welcome to central station and so thank you, captain. >> welcome malcom. >> good evening, commissioners thank you, the level of personal service on public comment is astounding, i never actually had my microphone adjusted before. >> we are getting good audio. >> good evening, welcome to
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china town and my name is malcom young and i am the deputy director at the development center a 37-year-old organization that has been serving the china town community and low income tenants city wide and a couple of remarks tonight, and first of all, i wanted to just welcome the new commissioners, and in particular, welcome my long time friend and mentor, victor wo ng and back to china town and glad to see you back here man. >> and so you know, and looking forward to working with you. and before i go into my praise for captain lazar i want to say things to give it context, it has been a rough couple of months for china towns and i think that a lot of the residents here know that. there have been a string of armed robberies and home invasions in china town buildings. seniors in particular have been
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targeted. and you have had these strange schemes where people are coning their ways into buildings. this is really scared the community. and i think that a lot of folks are frightened and a lot of residents that we work with are frightened and i think that we were heading in a wrong direction for a while because that fear was starting to spread. i want to really, thank and commend the captain for the proactive approach that he has taken to addressing these issues. and you know in the four short months that he has been here, i know that he was able to arrest one of the perps of these crimes and i know that he is working actively on the others and i think that equally important, i was really impressed at his effort in spear heading a conversation and a campaign with property owners to secure the buildings and that kind of proactive is
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something that i am grateful for and this is something that was really turned around and i think that it is really helped the community, and gain a sense of confidence. and the second issue that i just want to mention is security at the public housing projects and this is one of the largest housing projects in san francisco and probably one of the last high-rise, public housing projects west of the mississippi. and it is a difficult place, and to keep safe. there have been security concerns there which have also put a lot of the residents in fear. and you know, i really commend the captain for again, sort of grabbing a bull by the horns and he walked through the pains the other day with the staff and the security guard company and with the property managers there and you know, and something has happened. while we were there, usually you know, when the doctor comes
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the symptoms go away, this time they all kind of hung out there and we really appreciate your proactive approach and i have been telling my staff here kind of like action jackson and i will not describe the specifics. lately, this weekend, we had a pedestrian death on saturday morning at sacramento. >> excuse me sir. >> i am sorry your time is up. >> really? >> i know that you are proactive addressing that as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. my name is mike madrid and i am with the central police advisory board representing tell graph hill and it is great for the last couple of months working with the captain and we have been working on developing better relations or growing the
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relations between central station and the community. and as members of looking at the sort of bigger issues that we can address and so what i have to talk about is nothing specific in central. but, we are looking at sort of things that help the community, and because we are always advising our community or our context in the community to develop a good relationship with central and specifically to report any incidents that happened to them, the challenge that we found really is with, i don't know if any of you have ever called that non-emergency number, but where i said that we have been encouraging people to report incidents that they see in the neighborhood. and i call that number on a rec basis and it really is a challenge because i am not even going to get into the wait times, but the number itself, you go through a reporting, and it is in english and it is in spanish and chinese and then
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there is that tty thing and then this really annoying like a fax tone. that you hear, and then it repeats over and over and over. for the time that you are on hold. and it is almost feels to a lot of people like they are trying to get to you hang up the phone. i have talked to so many members of the community that said that they don't call any more or gave up because the whole experience was so frustrating. there is so many services and businesses now that use phone lines because they are trying to cut down the staff so there are a number of and more sophisticated phone lines that we should look into for the san francisco police, because in an effort to continue to build a better relationship with the community, and i think that we have to provide the better services to the community that we can report on an incidents that are happening and i just
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advice that you look into improving that system because it is not going to be working right now. >> thank you. >> and if we could just take a moment supervisor and president of the board of board david chiu is here and do you want to jump in line? >> great. >> good evening, and i am (inaudible) i live i china town and i work for the (inaudible) and (inaudible) he can improve the
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for many years and that safety, and as caused each year and this year, we have two houseworkers in our derailment due to this many of residents are worried about the safety. >> [ speaking in a foreign language ] behold the captain, sorry, can assign more of the patrol of the officers to ensure that the safety of our residents, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> good evening. i may be (inaudible) told me that i have one minute, (inaudible) i am the community leader for walgreens in union square and i just want to say thank you to every officer and on the street and i mean, you know, i will cover the union square, and the (inaudible) street and the market street, and one part of the tender loin, and so, very busy and it was cold and what is amazing that we do the phone call and the support that we get and i want to take a moment for every one of you and also i will be asking for support last year, around to support or to provide the supply of the police department with the cars for the (inaudible) and i love that project and i will try to run it again. so, hopefully it will repeat again to (inaudible) for it.
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>> thank you. >> so good evening, everybody, i want to thank the board for giving me a few minutes to talk about something. and my name is delon nie and i am a community leader to walgreens and i am a san francisco native and i am alumni of this. and it brings back a lot of memories. because it is..., quite a long time ago.
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we want to thank you, to and walgreens is super excited in being a part of the petty theft program and we are excited to work on that one. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. good evening. my name is shirley and i am a youth leader from the china town community, cdc and the pedestrian safety is an issue that we should all be concerned about. we also hear on the news on tv or on the radio there are (inaudible) that are struck by the car. they can lead to deaths like the two cases that just
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>> good evening, everyone. my name is (inaudible) and i am a resident in china town, and like, from last money went to (inaudible) which is of the single building, and then i heard from a senior that she lives like in that building for over 20 years and she is and she heard a lot of (inaudible) and caught and instruct like on the street. and like throughout the china town and like that is the only like the response, and i was like shocked when i heard about that, like, two cars,... or what happened on the same spot and in on the same street and it was shocked about that (inaudible) and told me that, you know, like she i know that the police do effort, and you to do more enforcement for the
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pedestrian safety and to make the pedestrian safe to walk across the street and also like me as a pedestrian i feel unsafe because the cars are speeding and i want you to do more enforcement thank you. >> thank you. >> and i just want to say since we had the two comments, she can correct me we had a 40 percent of increase in the number of traffic citations that we have given out city wide because of folks like you, and it is over 50 percent, that is a good correction. you are right we need to step up enforcement because people need to realize there are so many cars on the road and more bikes and more pedestrians, and what we do know is that young people and seniors are particularly vulnerable and sometimes it takes us longer to get across the street and little people and smaller and more difficult, so pass on the word that we are in the middle of it but definitely have stepped up enforcement efforts so people need to follow the traffic rules and so thank you for coming tonight.
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>> my name is (inaudible) and i am (inaudible) for you, and (inaudible) and impressed by the (inaudible) and the other police officers (inaudible) increase of the number of mentally ill and homeless and i don't know if (inaudible) and it is also, a possibility that we need to the health center opening and (inaudible) for the community. and so just wanted to bring that up. and things are changing a lot. and they are not getting better they are getting worse thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening commissioners.
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good evening captain and chief and supervisor chiu and fellow community members, i serve on the community (inaudible) advisory board, and (inaudible) 2009 when they were formed, can you hear me? and i live in the lower knob hill, which is roughly between mason and larkin. and geary and pine streets. and very important historic part of town. and primarily residential but also commercial. and i want to talk about the foot patrol but what we had discussed at numerous meetings. that and everybody please to hear that the foot patrol officers have been added to union square and we have heard over and over the wonderful things about the foot patrol and the bike patrol and meeting with the merchants and the residents, and the daytime and night, so that they know who to live there and the stake holers are and who are working hard to
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plant industries and sweeping the sidewalks and getting involved in the community affairs. we have very unique district in central, and in that we have the boarders around the water front. and there we have officers, and in the lower beach and the financial district and the union square, and zero, in knob hill. and that is i think that a case could be made to study having a foot patrol. i know that and i want the resources are scarce right now because i think that a case could be made because of the boarders around larkin, and a tender loin, and are imp erm iabl and thes challenging for the officers and for the neighbors because of the way
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that the criminals just jump acrs the boarders and so it is hard to chase them down, but more importantly, we need that human touch that we have foot patrol, bike patrol officers with the residents and with each other. with the bike officers and say that a case could be made because it is one of the highest crime areas in town. and just like for you to think about. and give it, and we are all trying to think outside of the box as to how we can make this a safer place, and certainly an area where a lot of elderly people live. and we need and we talked about pedestrian safety, bike safety, make the sidewalk safe for the blind, and hearing impaired and the elderly and the children. and safe from the drug dealers, and safe from pimps and prostitutes and just make it a more warm and friendly place. we need all of the help that we can
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